
Thursday 2 August 2018

Stampin for all TicTacToe Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the one I made yesterday for the 'Stampin For All' FB group TicTacToe Challenge.
I used a 4 1/8 X 5 3/4 Very Vanilla card base, to which I added a mat of Copper Foil card and then a piece of Blackberry Bliss, I then fussy cut a piece of the Delightfully Detailed Laser Cut paper and arranged it on top of the Blackberry Bliss card. To create the topper I stamped the decorative Circle from the Bouquet Blooms Stamp set (see below) in Blackberry Bliss ink...
onto Very Vanilla card and die cut with a circle die, I added a Copper Foil mat behind it and raised it up with foam pads.  I then stamped the circular 'Thank You' Sentiment from 'Stitched All Round'' stamp set onto Very Vanilla card using the same ink, then die cut a scallop circle mat in Blackberry Bliss and the onto Copper Foil circle. I added foam pads and popped it into the centre of the larger circle. To embellish I stamped and die cut a selection of flowers from the stamp set in the same colours as I made the card in, I added some copper foil foliage too. A few Blackberry Bliss faceted gems finish my card. What do you think?

Pat and I had a lovely day, Pat was very productive, using Distress Oxide Inks to make a selection of background papers for her Groovi pieces, she managed to put a card together and add some gems that she coloured with Stampin Blends.  We managed a fair amount of chat too, oh and lunch and Cream cakes of course! Thanks for coming to visit Pat xxx

Lilian this rain has made our grass spring to life too, so it will need cutting this weekend, the higher temperature seem to have returned today and it does seem to directly affect the AF, it just makes everything so much more of an effort, I honestly feel like I need to have an afternoon nap, mind you I had a couple of episodes when I first went to bed on Tuesday night so it took me a while to settle down, in some ways it was a good thing as I suddenly remembered that I had to write a DT post with the Tictactoe challenge, for the Fb group for Wednesday morning, that was at 1am, I couldn't rest then until I had done it, I didn't make the card until yesterday afternoon though.
I guess like you I am going to have to learn to pace myself.  Although I am sorry you suffer with this condition I am grateful to have you for guidance and support.  So thank you my lovely. xxx

I am hoping to see Sue today, I'm not sure if it will be before the Village coffee morning has finished, it would be nice to go if we can, I don't mind either way though, I am just happy to have the company.

Lynda I hope you have recovered from your very long day on Tuesday, hospitals drain you even on the shortest of appointments, so you and Terry must have been totally exhausted.  I hope that the injections give you some relief from your pain my lovely and that you enjoyed your Kentucky Chicken bucket, I don't mind it, but I have to take the skin off, which my lot think is crazy, I am just too fussy though, my favourite thing from there is their Chicken Gravy!  Sending you huge hugs my lovely, some for Terry too. xxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Sending love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card. The colour is gorgeous, so vibrant.

    Busy day yesterday at work, out for a meal last night with colleagues to meet up with an ex colleague. We met at 6:30 and I didn’t get home until 10pm , didn’t sleep very well so now I’m shattered! Good evening though.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you had a nice time with your colleagues. Hope work isn’t to frantic today.

  2. Hi everyone.
    Lovely the rich colour of your card Sandra. Hope Sue can make it and you have a lovely day.x

    LYNDA what a long day you had at the hospital. So hope the injection works and you get some relief.x

    Slimming club this morning then out for lunch. Indian today - my favourite.

    Yesterday I actually finished all the cards I had planned to
    make so must send my cc to you Sandra.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. It was just one of those days where everything got on top of each other.

    I really liked Danni's card yesterday.

    SANDRA- Oh I love that colour. It's so opulent and regal isn't it.

    Not sure what I have to do today other than get my CC ready to send off.

    The CAFE doors are open for all to pop in and enjoy.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Stay safe and have a good day.xxxx

  4. Love the card SANDRA It’s a bit different and that’s what I like about it
    I hope SUE can make it Pleased you had a lovely day with PAT
    I watch Poldark too BRENDA I didn’t see that one coming at all
    Off to work in a mo I am so grateful and appreciate that I am very lucky to be able to work part time
    Have a good day all Lots of hugs xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love this card especially as I watched it being constructed. As Sandra said it was quite a productive day for me. I managed to finish the card I started the week before. Carole Waechtler designed the cards which I made. Mind you we did plenty of chatting as well.
    Pete is still unwell. He decided he’d like to go and see how his friend John was getting on building a house in his garden. Didn’t manage to even get a quarter of the way as he had no energy. He had to wait, turn round and come back. Craig and ypthe children were off to the Cotswold water park today and would walk around the lake. They asked if we’d like to go, but Pete said no as he didn’t have the energy to do any walking. Oh no 🤦‍♀️ why won’t this publish, I’ll just have to keep trying.

  6. Margaret Palmer2 August 2018 at 13:12

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely vibrant colour you have used for your card today, it is lovely. Pleased to hear you & Pat had a good crafting day, hope you have a good day with
    Lynda sorry you had such along day at hospital, hope injection begins to work soon, hugs to you &
    Maria good that your sunburn looks better & hope Mum & Dad continue to improve, hugs on
    Val well done on doing your cards yesterday, I will have a lot to catch up on, just beginning to feel I could do some stamping. I must admit it has taken a lot out of me & still get very
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies visiting the cafe' today.
    Lovely card today Sandra, I do love purple colours.
    I hope you all have nice day whatever you are doing. Here is not much happening, after not much sleep last night I had a nap for two hours and still feel shattered and it's gone so hot and no breeze so just going to read my book while having some lunch. Take care everyone, hugs xxx

  8. Hello All, cloudy and misty here today, one of those days, when I’m chilly one minute then too hot.

    Sandra lovely card, very different, love the colour.

    I have been watching Poldark, they film some of it very near here, I have also read the books, I much prefer this series to the earlier one.

    Still have to do my c card, seem to have no enthusiasm to do much these days.

    Hope you all have a good evening. Hugs Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I started to leave a comment after lunch, as usual I fell asleep (no surprise there) when I came to my comment had disappeared. So here goes let’s see if I can complete this time.

    WOW Sandra the colour is beautiful, I can see why you love it. Yesterday sound quite a productive day for you and Pat - and you managed lunch and cakes,. Hope Sue can get over today and you have an equally enjoyable day xx

    LYNDA I hope you have rested today after the traumatic day you had yesterday.xx

    Will say good night, sweet dreams, love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café. This is a gorgeous card, it looks even better"in the flesh". The Blackberry bliss and cooper foil work beautifully together. Thank you for a lovely day today my lovely. Next Thursday morning, all being well, we will go to the village hall for a cuppa in the pop up cafe and maybe show some of your cards.I hope you manage to get some sleep and no more palpitations xx
    It is really hot again here, both Sandra and I felt the heat while we each managed to get a card finished....yay 😊.
    Here's hoping that you all have had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Me again!!!
    Lynda. You did have a long day at the hospital didn't you! Fingers tightly crossed that the injections help you. Hugs to you and CU xx

  12. Sandra I love your project with all the die cuts on it - it looks quite retro to me. TFS :O) xx

  13. Good evening Sandra & Ladies
    Well not sure what happened to my comment this morning. I did a long post after Val I pushed publish & then my iPad needed charging so plugged it in then forgot to check if published but it's not there so probably didn't .
    After my shower this morning I asked Terry to try & get the new skin the doctor sprayed on my back after he finished the operation. He rubbed some of it off & said there was 5puncher holes on my back so I must have had five injections.not one.
    So no wonder it's tender. Went Tesco this morning so by time we got home & put shopping away then had lunch. I was nodding off.dont think I was over such a long day Tuesday. Thank you all for your kind words.
    SANDRA your card today is amazing & not your usual style but love it. Glad you had a good day with Pat yesterday & you had good day with Sue today hopefully.
    Can't beleave how quickly this year is going. I must start doing some Christmas cards soon. I did a few more pages in my journal today it's getting quite Think so not sure how many more I can do but I'm really enjoying doing it.
    Anyway I'm going to turn in now so I will say good night Big Hug's
    Love Lynda xx
