
Friday 3 August 2018

Something Festive For Friday (My Christmas Challenge card)


Good Morning Ladies

Today's card is my One Colour Challenge 'Christmas' card, I am trying my hardest to stick to my decision to make two cards for every Challenge.
I went 'Old School' for this card, using simple stamping techniques.  I masked off a rectangle in the centre of my card and added a light blend of 'Old Olive' ink, I then stamped my group of trees from the 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set, I then placed the card in the Stamparatus Stamping tool and stamped my large Christmas tree (from the same stamp set), I re-stamped the tree several times to give a darker image.  I then added my sentiment which is from the new 'Colour Your Season' Stamp set.
I added a piece of narrow Old Olive ribbon and tied a simple knot, I mounted the decorative layer onto a piece of Old olive card and then onto a Very Vanilla card base.

Sue and I had a lovely day yesterday, it started with lunch and gorgeous Strawberry Meringue Fresh Cream cakes, omg they were so delicious!  We then went into my very warm craft room, where Sue made a her Challenge card, which was a beautiful birthday card for her Aunt, you will all get to see it on Sunday. (its worth the wait)!
I made today's challenge card, it looks simple but still took a couple of hours to complete, it was way too warm to rush.
I had a lovely day Sue, thank you for driving over to spend time with me, I really do appreciate it xxx

It's Lucy's turn to have a shopping trip with Mum today, I think that we will wait until Paul comes home at lunch time and go then, I struggled last week when it was just Sophie and I.  Lucy wants to look for clothes etc for holiday but sadly I don't think we will much luck as there was hardly anything last week, the stores all have all got their Autumn Winter stock in, which seems ridiculous in this heat.  The Bikinis online are all so expensive and you really do need to try them on as depending on the style the sizes can vary hugely, making buying over the internet more difficult.  I am looking forward to a couple of hours of shopping with her though.  I might ask Paul to stop at The Range on the way home, well it would be rude not too!

I hope that you ladies all have a lovely day and are looking forward to another warm weekend,

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-absolutely love your card, it’s so classy & elegant.

    Yesterday started off damp & drizzling then by the time I got out of work it was very hot & sunny. I hadn’t taken a top to change into so I had to do the shopping with my cardigan on over my work tunic as we’re not allowed to have our work clothes on “display “! I was melting by the time I reached the Car with all the shopping.
    Hubby has gone on a golfing day out-he was crashing & banging about at 6:15 so I got up & asked what the problem was? He couldn’t find his sports bag...!! He’s known he needed it days ago but hadn’t looked for it. Well we searched everywhere & no sports bag so I offered my hold-all which he clearly didn’t want to use but as there was no alternative, he had to accept!
    I’m hoping to get into my craft room this evening as I’ve actually decided what I’m making for my challenge card!

    Sandra-good luck shopping. I really need to look for holiday clothes but think I’m going to be too late.


    1. Hi Michele
      I bet you were hot shopping if you had to wear a cardigan over your work top.
      Is it a man thing that they wait until they nearly need to be out of the door before they decide they need to look for something. Pete’s the same. Mind you he hasn’t any energy to do anything at the moment.

  2. Boy! It is so hot here already
    Lovely lovely card SANDRA Enjoy your shopping trip I hope you are lucky in finding bits
    Work will feel so hot I’m OK but feeling a bit tearful and I don’t know why Unless it’s after trying to be “brave” last weekend my body is allowing me to be emotional
    I’ll be fine in a couple of minutes
    Glad you had a lovely day with SUE I’m looking forward to seeing your card SUE
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a very simple but truly elegant Seasonal Card.

    It was a very very warm day here yesterday and I really struggled to settle down to anything. I did manage to get my CC off so at least I achieved one task.

    Well it's that horrible 'swear' word day again today. Why do they come round so quickly. I cannot believe that we're heading towards Autumn and that the night's are pulling in quite quickly now. We are having to turn the lights on around 21.00hrs whereas a few week's ago we were going to bed without lights.

    The CAFE doors are open as usual and waiting for you all to pop in when y

  4. sorry pressed a wrong button.

    you all can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Friday and stay safe xxxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. So elegant. I love the Lovely As A Tree stamp set.Enjoy shopping today. Hope you manage to find some summer things.x

    Craft Club today yeh! At least the room we hold the club in has air con. In fact its a bit too chilly at times but I thing we'll be glad of it today. As usual I've left packing my bag til the last minute.

    PAT sorry to read Pete's not feeling so good. I'm sure the hot weather doesn't help his tiredness. Its very draining. Take care hugs x

    Enjoy your day ladies whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoyed your craft day today. Pete is still very much under the weather. His SIL once again is telling him what could be wrong with him. She’s sent him a list of what the Drs need to do blood tests for. She can’t get it into her head that he always has extensive blood tests for everything under the sun every month. Not just things relating to his cancer.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Another lovely card today. Hopefully you’ll have a stash of Christmas cards when you finish. Those cakes sound like the ones I get from Sainsbury’s. Sadly I couldn’t get any again this week so we had to have Strawberry eclairs again. The meringues really are delicious and are very popular.

  7. I forgot to say Sandra enjoy your shopping trip with Lucy and Paul.
    I know this time last year Sophie came with us to Yarnton and Peacocks had there sale on. She bought some lovely bikinis all at less than half price. She was off to Portugal and needed some new clothes. Mind you a lot of the shops have there sales on at the moment, so hopefully you’ll be able to get some. It seems that last minute shopping never pays.
    Poor Olivia is away at Hill End on a schools thing that’s run every year. Something like NSC or NCS which is run through schools. She went to Devon last week, Hill End camping this week and 2 weeks volunteering. Apparently she started her period early. She’d taken a couple of towels but thought she might need another one. They have about 200 teenagers there and they’re not allowed to give them a sanitary towel although they have some apparently. It’s not to far from us about a 20 min drive so her dad might have to go and pick her up earlier.

  8. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Struggling to make any cards this week.
    Can't do much as it is soooo hot but we popped over to Ikea for brekkie and bought some food. I'm back to the nurse this afternoon, which it had been this morning so not having to put more clothes on. Hopefully you will have a good shopping trip , still plenty for a young,slim girl.
    Have a nice day ladies whatever you do, many hugs xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope it wasn’t to hot for you on your trip to the nurse today.

  9. Hi All, hot here, but at least it’s sunny, not misty like yesterday.

    Sandra lovely card, I love this stamp set as well, but have used it for the last two years, so will have to find something different for this year.

    Too hot to do much , so I’ll jusr read my book, have a good trip shopping Sandra, and hope Lucy finds something to wear. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It’s been very hot here today as well. I hope it’s a bit cooler now in Cornwall.

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Gosh it's hot I've been in craft room for quite a while as CU is shampooing the carpets so I'm better off out the way. I have made a challenge card for Stamping for all Wednesday tictactoe challenge so will put that on in a minuet.
    Also done some backgrounds been trying blending I'm getting better I think.
    Yesterday I commented in the morning but when I finished pressed publish & I pad wanted charging & didn't check if it published. Anyway after getting out shower yesterday morning I asked Terry to rub the new skin spray doctor sprayed on my back after operation he got some off but not all of it which & said I had 5 puncher holes in my back so I had 5 needles not one. So that's why my back is quite painful as the doctor said it would be.
    SANDRA your card is lovely today as always. Love how you have masked the middle off. Good luck getting some summer cloths with Lucy hopefully they might have some in the sale.when I worked in BHS years ago we had the winter coats jumpers extra in July & boots & no saddles in sight. Then Jan/Feb the summer things came back out onto the shop floor. Crazy or what. Hope you get a bargain in the range.X
    Well going to tidy up my mess I've left in craft room while had lunch.
    Hug's for all xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      No wonder your back was painful, having one jab is bad enough let alone five. Fancy a trip to Witney to help me tidy up my craftroom.

  11. Beautiful card Sandra, love lovely as a tree. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a great card Sandra, I think we all agree this set of stamps is brilliant - they just works for every occasion.

    Hope your shopping trip is a success, I know most of the stores have sales on. But when I was looking last week for Crops in M&S the stock they had out was mostly all winter wear. I decided I probably had enoug pairs anyway and gave up!

    This morning to help me John went off to do the weekly shopping, leaving me to get on with jobs at home. Well he returned after about an hour and a half saying can you stop what you are doing and come back with me to the supermarket? Apparently his Debit card had expired in July he hadn’t even realised. The bank think it must have got lost in the post. When we shop together he never takes bank cards or cash. His excuse is they bulge in his pockets and anyway I have a bag so it’s much easier for me. MEN...I’m sure he must be related to royalty somewhere down the line!
    Hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      That sounds just like Pete. He never carry’s his debit card with him and rarely has cash. Mind you I do hold his credit card as we get cash back on food and petrol, and clothes.

  13. A beautiful Christmas card Sandra, I really should invest in the "Lovely as a Tree" stamp set as it is so versatile. The Stamparatus is becoming more and more in our vocabulary now as demonstrators and card crafters use it more and more in their projects. I hope you did stop at the Range and we would love to see your haul that you got there - I love the Range. xx
