
Wednesday 1 August 2018

Danni's GDP#149 Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is Danielle's entry to the SU Global Design Project, the Challenge was to make a card featuring the colours:

Night Of Navy
Lovely Lipstick
Bermuda Bay

Danielle has recently started experimenting with Blended Backgrounds, can you actually believe that she used a Dish washing sponge to do her blending?!   When you want to start something new you have to use what you have to hand, it just proves that you don't always need expensive blending tools.
Danielle started this card by stamping the gorgeous 'Very Vintage' stamp set in Versamark ink and then added White embossing powder and heat set, she then used the three colours to create a blended background, you then buff over the top to expose the white embossed images, the sentiment is from the 'Dandelion Wishes' stamp set, Danni then die cut it with Layering Oval die and added a scalloped Oval die cut in Bermuda Bay.  This was mounted onto a Bermuda Bay base card with a tiny white mat.
Such a gorgeous card Danielle, I'm glad I nagged you into making it, I promise to make mine today!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card xxx

Val it was lovely to read about your trip to Gaudalest, it sounds as beautiful as I remember, such a shame that the lake is as low as it is and it surprises me that it is still that beautiful colour despite being so low.  Your day sounded lovely and I have no doubt that you walked off the calories from that Ice cream Sundae with all the steps and climbing.  As you say its so worth the effort!  I hope that Paul can fix your camera.  Paul's are very handy to have around aren't they xxx

Pat is coming over today, so lots of chatting and crafting on the agenda, I wish I could get to craft with all of you xxx

Maria I hope your Dad is making a speedy recovery, it must be tough being so far away, sending you love and hugs xxx

Janet, how did the ladies and K & N enjoy your card??  I'm sure they loved it, did you get a new member? xxx

Michele, I hope that your Sciatica has passed, mine has eased off quite a lot thankfully, it's miserable isn't it, It must be so hard to work when you are suffering, sending huge hugs xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

sending love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-what s beautiful card, the colours have blended really well.

    Didn’t get in to see Mama Mia last night as the 7:35 and 8:10 showing we’re fully booked. I had suggested booking but my friend was insistent that we’d get in if we just turned up...!! We’re going to try again next Tuesday.

    My sciatica is still a niggling pain, not helped that to enter the Aseptic Unit we have to take our shoes off & put on clogs-something I do at least 20 times a day. I’ve bought new work shoes that have Velcro fasteners to make it easier (& quicker)!


  2. Lovely card from DANNI You wouldn’t expect the colours to work but they so do
    YES, SANDRA You must make yours today
    Enjoy your day with PAT and your sciatica eases - yours too MICHELE
    Are you going to the village Hall Post Office tomorrow?
    I hope to finish cc’s later I have an order from OH - now that is surprising and another order from the same lady at work for another 10 cards! 3 are for Christmas though So not too much of a rush!
    Hope to pop in later Hope your parents are OK MARIA

  3. Hi everyone.

    Stunning card Danielle. Beautiful blending. Never thought of using dish washing sponges. What a good idea.x

    Sandra hope you and Pat have a lovely day today chatting and crafting. Also hope your sciatica is easing and yours too MICHELE.x
    By the way our courier on Monday told us that its the sand underneath that makes Guadalest lake that turquoise blue. Didn't know that.

    MARIA hope mum and dad are both OK. Sending hugs.x

    Going in the craft room today seeing as how there's no crib. I have my cc to do also a cc for craft club and a couple of birthday cards to make.
    I made my personal Christmas card list night. Sadly every year there are fewer names. I have to make 59 and I've only done 12 up to now so I want to get them made this month.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  4. Thank you sandra for sharing my card. Ladies- I loved making this card thank you for your kind words.
    Sadra- I am so glad you nagged me into it, looking forward to seeing yours. Have a lovely day with pat. Have a lovely day to you all. xxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    WOW! what a vibrant card from Danni. Love it.

    Before I could afford all the gadgets that the shows and demonstrators told us were necessary for professional crafting results, I used everything that I had to hand in the kitchen or bathroom. Baby bath sponges are so much finer/softer to use and give excellent results.

    I would like a favour please, I am making my Christmas card for the Village Flower Show and have found out I have no olive green in my green stash box. If any of you have a spare piece (either light or mid olive) for my leaves as I am trying to use Victorian colours where possible, please you could you send me some? One sheet will suffice and I will gladly pay the postage.

    Gentle healing hugs to all that need one or two today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sorry Cheryl I don’t think I have the colour you’d like If you really struggle I can probably print you a piece using Serif but it’ll only be one sided

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Danielle, your card is beautiful, I love the colour combination and the stamp is really pretty. I hadn't thought of using dish sponges so thanks for that handy tip as your blending is lovely. Thank you for sharing x
    Sandra, I'm glad to hear that your sciatica is improving. Its good to hear that Paul's bleed wasn't anything bad but at least he has finally had an eye test. As you said yesterday hopefully he will get on ok with bifocals as he hasn't ever worn glasses before. Shame he won't have his prescription sun glasses until after your holiday though. Have a lovely day with Pat and I will see you tomorrow my lovely xx
    Yesterday's comment was sat waiting for me to press publish when I looked this morning! Guess who fell asleep whilst commenting last night 😙
    Maria, Im glad Dad's op went well on Monday and I hope your sunburn infection is clearing up nicely now X
    Cheryl, I will have a look at my greens to see if I have any olive shades X
    Val, the pics look stunning that Sandra shared on Monday. I'm sorry that your camera was jammed but hope Paul can fix it for you x
    Mum sorry we didn't get to see you and Pop yesterday, blooming headaches!!!!
    Love you xx
    I hope you all have a good day. We have some blue skies and sunshine again 😊 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Margaret Palmer1 August 2018 at 12:58

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showibg us the beautiful card of Dannie's, well done to Danni, looking forward to seeing your entry. Hope you have a good day with
    Mara pleased to hear Dad's op went well, hope they both continue to improve, hugs to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sorry I didn't get back in yesterday Sandra I was really shattered being in hospital for so many hours. Everyone has the Same 10am appointment at about 12 noon I was called to see the doctor he explained the injection was L3- S1 Facet joint injection on left side he drew on my back ( Which ment nothing ) then back to the waiting room. Another wait then called to have blood pressure ext then back to waiting room again then at 1.30 I was shown to my bed & another doctor came & explained about the sedation procedure. Then the nurse came with The Gown wow the pressed studs went all the way down the back & she said I could keep my knickers on. YAAY I was so happy. I went down to theatre at 2.30pm I still had to climb on the bed on my front. I got back on the ward at 4pm & i was given a drink & Sandwitch I was grasping as from 6.00am I hadn't had a drink. I was discharged at 6.30pm home at 730pm Terry was also shattered so on way home we got a Kentucky bucket to save him cooking dinner. SORRY that was long winded wasn't it
    DANNII stunning card from you today thank you for sharing.I'm defently giving my washing up sponges a go later Xx
    MARGART you did make me laugh about the paramedic pulling down your trousers off.
    MICHELE PLEASED your sciatica has eased up a little.xx
    SANDRA have a nice day with Pat & Pleased your sciatica has also eased up. Hope Paul's eye is feeling better I have worn varifocal glasses for years.i started with bifocal but couldn't get on with them at all.
    MARIA glad your Dad's operation went ok & Mums too sending you some big Hug's xx
    VAL glad you had a good outing yesterday but sorry about your camera hope Paul can fix it. Good luck with the card making.xx
    Terry has just made my lunch so going to eat it. Have a good day & Hugs for all
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, a bit warmer today, yesterday was down to 13deg C. Feel sorry for the holiday makers down this week.

    Dannii love your card, Sheena Douglas always used to use kitchen sponges.

    Sandra hope you are a bit better, have you managed to see your GP yet, also hope your sciatica will clear up soon.

    R had to cut the grass today, first time for quite a while, I just potter and look busy doing nothing, very breathless again this week, so nothing too strenuous.

    Hope you all have a good evening, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I don’t know where the time has gone today. I have been busy all day and it was only when I sat down this evening I realised I hadn’t left a message on the blog. Then John said let’s watch Poldark on catchup. We missed the last episode on Sunday as we were at our daughters. Don’t know if anyone has been following it , this last episode was a real tearjerker.

    DANIELLE I love your card, the colours are gorgeous. Definitely one to have a go at!
    MARIA really pleased Dads operation went well, also hope Mum is feeling a lot better. xx
    Sandra hope you and Pat had a productive day xx

    Sorry ladies time to say night night - hope I didn’t disturb anyone!
    Sweet Dreams Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi everyone.
    Sorry in so late but someone defiantly have stolen my day and I have thought it was Tuesday all day until OH asked if we had anything for the rubbish collection in the morning,
    they are coming Thursdays here.
    Gorgeous cards Danni, lovely colours.
    Sandra and Michele- hope you both feel better, awful thing to have sciatica.
    Lynda, sending you gentle hugs and hoping CU is looking after you.
    Pat, hope Pete will be alright to start his chemo. Sending you both big hugs.
    Dad is doing ok, mum is waiting for blood results and me I had the dressing changed yesterday and it looking a lot better.
    Val. sorry you dropped the camera, just glad you ok and had a nice trip. Lovely photos Sandra posted from the area.
    It's late but feeling to awake for bed so shall read for a bit and see if that can put me to sleep. hugs to you all xxx

  12. Dannii's card is stunning! I have entered the Global Design Project card colour challenge this week too but my project is nothing like Dannii's - I hope they appreciate what she has done. TFS :O) xxx
