
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Cheryl's Christmas Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and that your week got off to a good start, it was a quiet day in our house, I had a very slow start as my Sciatica came back to haunt me on Sunday, it was bearable on Sunday but I knew it was going to be worse yesterday as it was impossible for me to move in bed, its the first time I have had a bout of Sciatica since we moved in here, which is good going for me.

I did manage to get into the craft room in the afternoon, after about half hour I heard the door go and had a panic moment, thinking we had intruders, luckily it was Paul, he looked like someone had punched him in the eye, on closer inspection it was a blood vessel that had burst in his eye, now Paul's Dad has quite bad Glaucoma, which worried me as Paul has never had a 'proper' sight test.  Luckily the opticians in Swindon had an appointment and would see us as soon as we arrived.
The Optometrist was happy about the pressure in Paul's eyes, so they ruled out Glaucoma, he does need glasses, he is Longsighted in one eye and shortsighted in the other, so they have recommended that he has Varifocals, good luck to him is all I can say, a lot of people struggle with Varifocals though, but as he has never, ever had an eye test his eyes might adapt better than someone that has worm a certain type for years and then changes to varifocals.
It was hilarious watching him try and choose frames, but we got there in the end, he chose some free sunglasses too but they won't be ready until after our holiday, whish is a shame, apparently they wait to see if your eyes can adapt to varifocals ok before making up the sunglasses.

Today's card is Cheryl's Christmas version of last weeks challenge, it uses Categories:  Scallop/One Layer/Rectangle.
How amazingly organised are you Cheryl, getting your Mum & Dads Christmas card made already?!
I love this card, such a lovely verse and that flower display in the corner is fantastic.
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely xxx

Sue is coming Thursday this week so today I will be home alone and crafting, fingers crossed, its the getting up and down that I am struggling with, so hopefully just sitting on my craft chair should be fine.

I am looking forward to hearing all about Val's trip to Guadalest, I imagine she will be exhausted as it is super hilly, but the views are worth the effort. xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-What a beautiful Christmas card, I love the Poinsettia swirl in the corner.

    Sandra-hope your sciatica is easing. I feel your pain as my sciatica started again yesterday morning, not as painful as the last episode thank goodness.

    I’m off to see Mama Mia (the new one) at the cinema tonight with my crazy friend, we’re planning on going to the 7;35 showing so we’re not back too late as I seem to be permanently tired these days.


    1. Thank you Michele, the background of my card is made from dabs of old almost empty inkpads just randomly stamped all over. Enjoy the film, my daughter has been and says you need hankies x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      What a good idea for using up nearly spent inkpads. I’ll try and remember that when mine are seemingly on there last legs.

  2. Morning ladies,

    After three days of much needed rain to soak the gardens, I have awoken to bright sunshine and clear skies.

    I have started my entries for this years Village Flower Show, I've not entered before so this will be interesting. I am upcycling a box I especially ordered (to the dimensions I need for my wreaths) from Fernli and I'm having some fun with Mod Podge. Since I found it to be easier to use on bare MDF items than the Cosmic glue, everything is getting covered with a variety of papers. I'm also following the Mod Podge blog that the MP demonstrator spoke about on Sunday, it's full of interesting tips, advice and projects (

    I have tow more birthday cards to make inserts for as they need to be posted before my sister and Bil arrives. Then a clear up of my craft room to blow up my EZ bed.
    Haven't seen my sister since February so looking forward to some fantastic time with them.

    Gentle to all who are under the weather and their families & hubbies.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Gentle HUGS... I really despair of this new spellcheck download that does not recognise some words so leaves them out altogether. argh!

    2. Hi Cheryl
      A lovely card from you today, I might have that poinsettia corner somewhere in my stash. Enjoy your visit with your sister and BIL.

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop into the CAFE today.

    CHERYL- a beautiful seasonal card and I love the verse.

    We had a cooler day and no rain yesterday so it was much better. Mr Tesco was on the spot of 09.00 so by 09.30 everything was sorted and put away so I could have a thought and a play with a CC not as though anything useful came out.

    It's K&N today so another busy day for me as it's my turn to 'take and make'. I just hope that everyone turns up.

    HUGS- are winging their way to you all with many extras for dear Friends in need. Take care everyone and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Just a quick post today as I have Hospital this morning on the day ward for my other spine injection. I have to be their at 10am if it's like last time everyone has the same arrival time then just wait untill they get your bed ready & the lovely hospital gown that doesn't do Up wast of time they are especially when climbing onto the operation table & having to lay on your front exposing everything not a pretty sight.
    CHERYL a very pretty card from you today. I love the verse on the front.
    It's poring rain at the moment so no chance getting washing on the line will have to put clothes Horse.up first time in a while.
    Better get in shower & get my bag packed. Hopefully pop back this eavening when I get home.
    Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your spinal injection wasn’t to bad and that you didn’t have to much trouble with your gown.

  5. Morning everyone.
    Very pretty card Cheryl. I love the corner design.x

    SANDRA so hope your sciatica feels easier today. Such a painful complaint. I really feel for you.
    Glad Paul got sorted out with his specs. I must admit I've worn varifocals for a few years now and I haven't had a problem with them although at first going up and down stairs took some getting used to.
    Many thanks for showing the photos of Guadalest yesterday. I have actually been many times before as when we first moved to Spain we lived quite near there and it was a favourite place to take all of our visitors. However its over 10 years since I last visited and I'm pleased to report it still looks exactly the same. Same shops, same restaurants, same museums. Quite a climb up as you said and I had to use my inhaler a couple of times but once you're at the top, well-the view took my breath away. Miles and miles of lush vegetation rolling down to the sea. So beautiful, how it stays so green in such heat I don't know.
    The turquoise reservoir is still as vibrant as ever but sadly is only 23% full at the moment so our courier told us. It was more of a giant puddle than a lake.
    After all the climbing we were glad to have a sit down outside a cafe and watch the world go by whilst eating giant ice cream sundaes!!!
    Wed left at half 8 in the morning and I got home at 8pm so a long day. After making a fuss of Gracie, who had been clipped that morning and looked very cute, I had a welcome shower and was in bed fast asleep by 10.30.
    Sadly I have no photos. Whilst I was maneuvering the steps off the coach -I'm only 5foot2 and the steps are so steep - I dropped my bag and when I went to take a photo my camera had jammed. Typical eh! Hopefully Paul can use his magic on it.

    Well I've waffled enough. Great challenge by the way Sandra. I haven't read yesterdays comments yet but will catch up later.
    Hugs to all. Love Val

    1. Hi Val
      What a shame that you dropped your camera getting off the coach. I’m 5ft 2” as well, and I also find the bottom step is a long way from the ground. Hopefully Paul can fix it for you.

  6. Margaret Palmer31 July 2018 at 13:29

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope your sciatica is a lot better today it allows you to sit & craft. I have been wearing varifocals for years & never had problems with them, hope Paul gets on with
    Cheryl your Christmas card is beautiful, love the spray of flowers verse, well
    Maria hope your Dad is ok after his op. & Mum is recovering well. Hope your sunburn has healed, hugs on
    Lynda thinking of you & hope it is the last one you will need, I will make you laugh when they put me in the ambulance the paramedic said would it be alright if he took my trousers off, otherwise they would cut them off, well as he was pulling them down my knickers were coming off with them, so don't worry about your gown they have seen it all before. Good luck & hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Oh Margaret that did make me laugh re the paramedics and your trousers.
      Hope your able to get around more and more each day.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Hopefully your sciatica is a bit better today Sandra.
    I’ve also worn varifocals for a long time and never had any trouble. I had bifocals beforehand and the changeover was painless. So hopefully Paul shouldn’t have any trouble. I usually get free sunglasses with mine as well. My eye lest is next due at the end of August.
    Cheryl I love your Christmas card. I might have that corner, I suppose I ought to get my Christmas stuff out and see what I have. Must also look for my Groovi Christmas robins. I bought it last year and as usual I’ve never seen it again. Didn’t even get to take it out of the packet.
    Look forward to seeing you tomorrow Sandra.
    Have been finishing off cards as Pete is still unwell. Hopefully after his scan next week they might have a clue as to what’s causing it.

  8. Hi ladies.
    Lovely card Cheryl for your mum and dad, they will love it.You are so organised. Have a fab time with your sister when she coming over.
    paul will be fine Sandra, I have worn varifocals for some years now and the only problem for about a week or so was going up and down stairs and to see where the curb on the pavement was. I have also got mine tinted against the sun in my glasses so need for extra sunglasses, maybe something Paul could get.
    I wrote a comment ealy this morning, 3.40, couldn't sleep if you want to look. Dad's op went well. He have to stay in for about a week. Mum have to wait for BIL to be free to take her in to visit as she doesn't drive and it is 60 odd miles from where they live.
    Have been shopping this morning, and had brunch out. Now going to have a cold drink ,read my take a break and do the crosswords. hugs xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I’m glad your Mum and Dads operations went well. Hope your feeling good as well.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Cheryl what a lovely card you’ve created your mum and dad, I’m impressed you really are so organised. Enjoy your sisters visit, it sounds as if you’re going to have some nice trips out. XX

    Sandra I hope your sciatica has been less painful today and you’ve been able to move about. Take care my lovely XX

    We had an early start today went to my hairdresser friends. Close to her house she has a lovely garden centre, so after I’d had my hair done John and I took a trip up there. I could have spent a lot, but was very good, just bought a few plants to refresh some of the tubs in the garden and a stephanotis plant for indoors. Very good for me - really it is!

    I hope Paul gets on with his varifocals, I manage fine and just like others when I first had them steps were an issue, but I very soon got over that. As he hasn’t got glasses already I’m sure he will be fine. Best of luck Paul xx

    I have been having problems trying to get onto Facebook. I had an email with a redirect attached and Facebook is telling me too many redirects occurred. I have tried various things but just can’t open Facebook up. Anyone else ever had this problem?

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  10. Sorry I’m late It’s just been one of those days
    Pretty card CHERYL and a great way of using nearly dry ink pads
    It was a shame you broke your camera VAL I hope Paul can fix it
    Pleased to hear that your dad’s op went OK MARIA
    I hope the injection went OK LYNDA
    Is the sciatica easing SANDRA
    My first pair of varifocals we’re fine My second prescription was awful But this third prescription is OK I have reactalite lenses or whatever they’re called They darken in the sun and so I don’t need a pair of sunglasses It used to be a pain swapping between the two as I cannot see without wearing any glasses Have a pleasant evening everyone xx

  11. Sandra I am sorry to hear that you are not 100% - and that hubby Paul is not either! Great Christmas card, I really must get myself sorted out and make a start on mine. I did manage to get out today, I went to see Mamma Mia Here We Go Again with my daughter Beckii - I loved it - It is well worth a go see. :O) xx
