
Monday 30 July 2018

Your Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

This week's Challenge, if you choose to accept it is a ……………..

One Colour Challenge

So I would like you to make a card or cards using only one colour, you CAN use different Shades of the same colour, like I have, most colours have a huge range of tones and shades that you can use together.  You can of course mix your chosen colour with White or Black or even Kraft card, otherwise it would be too difficult.
I will continue with the extra challenge of making a Christmas card as well as an everyday/birthday card. That part is entirely up to you, it's not compulsory, it is good to get them started though.
Most of all enjoy making your challenge card.

Well most of us got the rain that our gardens were crying out for, its just a shame we had the high winds too, the played havoc with the taller plants in the garden, I was surprised at the amount of branches and leaves that were brought down, it must have been torrential rain through the night.  It has rained on and off all day, quite heavy at times too, I was praying that we weren't over run with frogs like Lynda was, I don't think my heart could cope with that right now.

Val, I hope you have a lovely day out with Pippa, Guadalest, Paul and I were lucky enough to go a few years ago when we stayed in a friends Villa in Torrevieja.  It is a long way up but has some breath taking views. I will share a couple of photos below.....

The water is the most amazing Blue and the gardens are stunning!  Take lots of photos Val and maybe we could share a couple. I hope the Sun shines for you too. xxx

We have a quiet house this week and a lonely Lucy, as Sophie is in the South of France with Lewis's family, she has sent us some photos and it looks an amazing Villa.  Lucy has put her name down to work lots of shifts this week to help make the week go quicker. She is also hoping to have a shopping trip with me, although there isn't  much point as the shops have Autumn Winter clothes in now, which seems so daft to me.

What have you all got planned for this week?

Have a lovely day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & a great challenge , perfect for Christmas cards .

    I did manage to get into my craft room yesterday afternoon, once I’d done all the housework. I didn’t tidy up or make anything, just played with odds & ends but it was fun and relaxing.

    Can’t believe it’s Monday morning already-another fun filled working week ahead of me!


  2. Morning ladies,

    Hmmm, must think about this week's challenge. Do you mean use one colour on white Sandra or a block colour?
    So many rainbow colours to choose from, I think I'll be spoilt for choice.

    Yesterday's rain was a welcome bonus to my parched garden, even my willow tree is starting to shed it's leaves earlier and they are quite hardy. The winds did stir up a lot of debris from the flower beds but as it formed into mounds in odd corners it will be easier to scoop up for the compost bin.

    Busy, busy week, clearing up unused items and finishing off last week's projects. My sister and BIL are coming on Friday for a week's holiday for her birthday and his retirement. Plans are afoot to go to the Folk Festival in Sidmouth next week and a day trip to Trago Mills. I haven't been there for a couple of years now and I love their bedding department so will be mooching around for a new duvet set and some replacement Egyptian cotton bedsheets. My original bed sheets were 'cooked' in a tumble dryer (by my daughter) so much that they creased and no matter how much I iron them , the creases won't come out.

    Enjoy Guadalest Val, it is simply a stunning place to experience. I loved the conception of the graves in walls and have often thought it would be a good idea to start them over here. With land now at a premium in some areas and graveyards almost at full capacity, each family could start it's own wall so they could all be together. They wouldn't be that much different to a memorial. I believe landed gentry had crypts years ago.

    However you plan to spend your week...enjoy it to the fullest.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in for a drink and a chat.

    We had torrential rain again all morning yesterday and high winds but the garden looks so much better for it.
    Fine and quiet this morning.

    SANDRA- a very interesting CC this week. It will really test my little grey cell but we'll see what happens.

    It's K&N tomorrow and it's my turn to take and make. I've already cut all the sets out some weeks ago but have to do another today as I think another lady will join us. It's also Mr Tesco morning so it's going to be a busy day for me.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe everyone. PAT I hope PETE feels a little brighter today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your day. Pete is feeling a bit better today. It was lovely to see him smiling yesterday. His very bad days seem to come in waves. Although his bad days are usually more than good during a week. It’s quite odd really. He’s been back on his painkillers for the last few days as his back and left shoulder are really painful. He doesn’t really like taking tablets ( apart from the ones he has to take j , so they must be painful.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a lovely card, and you show just how good using a single colour can be. I hope you and Lucy manage to find whatever you are looking for in town. It is ridiculous how the shops put the next season's clothes out so early. The only bonus is that you will hopefully find some end of season bargains. With a day together and lots of shifts at work the week should pass by quickly for Lucy X
    Maria, thinking of you and your parents today and hoping your Dads op goes well. Sending you big hugs X
    I hope you all have a good day whatever you have planned. As soon as I have finished breakfast I am spending the the day crafting. Fingers crossed the planned card I have in mind for Pop turns out ok!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Margaret Palmer30 July 2018 at 13:18

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great challenge this, Sue reorganised some of my craft stuff the other day so at least I can do some stamping, thank you. Hope you & Lucy enjoy your one to one
    I actually managed to prepare & cook dinner yesterday so at least that is progress, mind you I felt knackered afterwards.☺☺
    Have a card for Pop to do today, Sue cut it & stamped it for meme, I coloured it yesterday & hopefully put it together without Pop seeing not easy.
    Maria hope all goes well with Dad today thinking of you, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Great idea SANDRA and a lovely card showcasing the challenge I do have to make a New Baby card this week So I think my colour choice will be pink!
    I hope you have a successful shopping trip
    Enjoy your trip VAL
    I hope PETE carries on feeling brighter
    Am thinking of you today MARIA xxx
    Out dancing tonight Thank goodness it’s cooler

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday we were at our eldest daughters it was her birthday, and I have to say it was a lovely lovely day, we didn’t get home until after 11 PM and so I did look in on the blog I was too exhausted to leave a comment at that late hour. I have to say I loved all of your cards they were all so beautiful. XX Another interesting challenge this week, I have definitely got my thinking cap on.

    I hope you and Lucy get to go on your shopping trip this week, it will be different for both of you it’s not often you have this one-to-one time, enjoy your day together.

    PAT I hope Pete is still feeling bright, just make the most of each day together XX
    MARIA Thinking of you hope all goes well XX
    VAL your trip sounds breathtaking. XX
    MARGARET I bet your Sunday dinner was really appreciated yesterday, now don’t go rushing around and throwing yourself into all the things you’ve not been able to do for awhile. XX

    Think it’s time for a cup of tea, anyone care to join us?

    Love and Hugs Brenda XXX

  8. Morning all, well it is Tuesday morning and I have been to bed but woke up and can't go back to sleep so here am I at last reading the blog, looking at some wonderful photos from Spain and loving the card and challenge for this week Sandra. Went in to town yesterday to keep my mind on other things then my dada's op so had a haircut and did some therapy shopping some clothes. I hope you and Lucy manage to do better than me anyhow. The sale was an awful mess with nothing to have so ended up with full price items and even after trying it on in store getting hot and bothered and bought more then I could afford really I now going to try it on again at home and probably take half back. As you know I'm a big hippo and to be in these smalish changing rooms with mirrors to all sides did not help so need to stop eating bread and to big portions. Thought if I tell you My brain will get into gear and do the right thing so I feel happier when we sees in Sept.Dad's op seem to have gone fine, thanks for all the hugs, I will speak to mum later today. Back to doctors this morning. Oh have two app. at the hospital this week. Think it will be another warm week ahead, we did get rain in the end and had some strong winds,it helped to bring down the temp. which is nice.
    I hope you all have a nice Tuesday whatever you are up to and I'm sending many,many hugs to you all for being such a wonderful bunch of ladies who have become good friends because of our lovely, amazing Sandra starting this blog some years ago now. Love Maria xxx

  9. Thank you for sharing your plans for this week Sandra, mine are today Hospice, tomorrow cinema with my daughter Beckii to see Mamma Mia Here We Go Again; Grandson Wednesday, Rest Day Thursday and Chemo Friday! Weekend collapse! LOL :O) xx
