
Wednesday 8 August 2018

Pretty Floral Birthday

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was a bit a last minute rush, as I had been just to hot and bothered to concentrate on card making all day, then the girls all came home with their other halves, meaning we had eight for dinner, good job Paul bought extra the shop! I helped prepare tea and then it was 9pm! I went to sit down and then remembered that I didn't get a card made, so I ventured into the craft room that was at a comfortable temperature by then and decided to play with the 'Blended Seasons' stamp set, I coloured the flowers with new Watercolour Pencils and a Waterbrush, using Gorgeous Grape Ink and card for the base and that accent piece on the card. I cut some foliage from the matching 'Stitched Seasons' Thinlits and arranged around the flowers that I had fussy cut.
The background of the card is a piece of Whisper White card that I added a swish of watercolour pencil to and then loaded the water brush with first Gorgeous Grape and then Old Olive ink and tapped it on my hand to disperse the little droplets.
The sentiment is from the 'Varied Vases'stamp set, I thought it worked well for this card too.
I arranged my fussy cut flowers around one end of the accent piece and popped the die cut sentiment on the top.
I finished the card with two pieces of Gorgeous Grape Mini striped ribbon.
Something a little different, I hope you like it.

Pat and I decided that we are not meeting up today, I feel just too washed out to be good company to any one, I am just not sleeping at all, I don't sleep well at the best of times but a mixture of the heat, the fan and this bloomin AF have taken their toll on my body.  Pete is really feeling poorly too so it's probably best that Pat stays with him, I think that they are hoping to get a GP appointment today, fingers crossed that Pete gets seen and they can get to the root of the problem, fingers crossed for a positive outcome Pat xxx

I hope to try and make some progress in my craft room today, I am supposed to be making extra cards for scheduling while I am away!  I will be asking you all to donate too!

Have a lovely day, hopefully we are on the countdown to a bit of a break from the heat.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it’s really pretty. Hopefully you will have a restful & relaxing day pottering about today.

    Yesterday was really busy at work then it was such s rush to get ready to go out. My crazy friend booked us VIP seats for the 7:10 showing of Mama Mia -she wanted to pick me up at 6:30 which I said wasn’t possible. Anyway we made it, clothe screening we were at was fully booked. Enjoyed the film despite the odd start to it. Finally got home just before 10pm!
    Hubby has decided we should try to visit his Dad tonight so I’m going to try to finish early as it’s such a rush otherwise.


    1. Glad you liked the film It has had some very mixed reviews
      I hope you’re able to see FIL this evening and he’s awake If you’re visiting during “day” time and not “bed” time I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you waking him for a little chat

    2. Congratulations MICHELE Just seen you’re a winner on Christine’s blog

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a very pretty card today.

    It was another useless day yesterday re crafting. I had the aim of starting my CC but got distracted by picking up a piece of lace so CC wasn't even thought about.

    Must try and get one done today. According to the weather forecast today should be a little cooler so hopefully I will be able to concentrate more.

    The CAFE doors are open. HUGS are on their way with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are in need.xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I need to make cards similar to this, instead of trying to make totally personalised cards - long story I’ll send you the results of what I mean !
    I hope you have a relaxing day It does feel a bit cooler here I think all of us those with medical issues or not are now struggling with the heat because it’s been for such a long time now
    I am going to try a cc later
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning everyone,
    Lovely card Sandra. The flowers are so pretty.x

    PAT so sorry Pete isn't so good. So hope you manage to get him a GP appointment today. Sending hugs.x

    I managed to get my cc done yesterday and also half a dozen batch Christmas cards.

    Apart from a trip to Iceland, the shop, there's not much going on today. I hope to have an hour crafting later.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Judging by the weather a trip to Iceland the place wouldn’t be a bad move if it’s cooler over there.
      Wow, you did loads of cards yesterday. No appointment for Pete as yet as I let him sleep in. I’ll try later today. Thanks for the hugs. Grrrr wish this would publish first time. 10 mins later and it still won’t publish.

    2. Hi Pat,a trip to Iceland, the place, would be very welcome right now!
      Hope you managed to get Pete an

  5. Morning ladies.
    Lovely card Sandra.
    I feel like many of us now that the heat and not sleeping have taken its toll and I'm exhausted all the time so hopefully the temp today should help. Hope to make the cc but have real problems with my machine I told you about the other day and yesterday the sandwich got totally stuck,had to get hubby to help me get it through, and black bits and some oil coming out through the bottom, Help anyone ? or is it time for a new machine ?
    Have a nice day all, hugs xxx

    1. Maria. My reply to you published under Lynda’s name for some reason. Now this won’t publish at all. But I’ll keep trying. So frustrating,

    2. Hello Maria, Mine used to do this it was such a mess also had marks on my card. Used it as excuse to get my Gemini ! Sending you big HUGS xx

    3. Hi Maria. Like Brenda, mine started playing up, jamming and leaking oil so that was when I bought my Gemini.
      Hope mum and dad and you are doing OK.x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA beautiful card from you today so pretty love the image & how you've coloured it perfectly.
    Sorry your not seeing Pat today but understand your suffering with the heat it's slightly cooler today the sun is trying to come out though. We had a small downpour last night with a couple of thunder rumbled only lasted about 10 minutes though.
    PAT hope you manage to get a doctor's appointment for Pete today sorry he's not feeling well. Sending you both Hug's
    MARIA what have you done to your machine it sounds very poorly especially with the oil leaking out the bottom. Hope Rick can sort it for you. Big Hug's.
    MICHELE hope you find your FIL awake when you visit him later & is feeling ok.
    Glad you got to see Mama Mia last night. Have a good day at work.
    VAL wow so many cards you made yesterday well done. Good luck with your card making today. Hug's xx
    Hope you all have a good day .h
    Have to get ready as OH has his blood test at 11oclock.
    Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sounds like you need a new machine. I managed to get them to send me new plates when mine played up. But getting a new machine from them might just be pushing it.

    2. Hi Lynda, I managed another 6 cards today. I'm trying to get all my own personal Christmas cards made before I figure out how many to do the shop.
      Hope Terry got on OK with his bloom test and that 8 paws aren't too frazzled in the

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Couldn’t remember if I was able to blog yesterday or not. But loved the Christmas card yesterday if I couldn’t. This heat is playing havoc with my brain. I know the day before I was answering something that Val wrote about more being into handbags than shoes 👞. I pressed publish, it said publishing and it promptly disappeared.
    I let Pete sleep in this morning so by the time he woke up it was to late to get an appointment, so I’ll try and get an appointment for this afternoon. I’ll have to ring the surgery to see what time they release them.
    Spent the afternoon at Evesham having a Groovi lesson with Maria Moorhouse. What a wonderful teacher.

  8. Margaret Palmer8 August 2018 at 11:51

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & love the blue, the watercolour pencils are brilliant I love them. Sorry you are not seeing Pat but a quiet day will do you
    Pat hope you manage to get appointment for Pete & get some
    Maria sounds as if you need a new machine tell Rick you need a early Christmas Present & go for a Gemini, you would find it soo
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a beautiful card you manage to make in such a small space of time I really am impressed.
    I hope everyone is feeling a little better today with the temperature being a little lower, well it certainly is here, it’s down to 22° yesterday at this time it was 31°
    VAL I hope you are coping with your extreme heat you’re also having, sounds as if yesterday was spent mostly in the shower !
    PAT, I hope you can get an appointment for Pete with his doctor this afternoon, he sounds quite poorly and I’m sure the heat hasn’t helped anyway. Glad you had the opportunity to go for your Groovi lesson yesterday, I’m sure it was a lovely distraction from everything else that is going on in your life. Sending both you and Pete gentle caring hugs XX
    Sandra you must take it as a compliment that your girls feel they can bring their other halves to come and eat with the family, I’m sure you make them feel very welcome and comfortable. Good forward planning on Paul part making sure there was enough to go around. - what a STAR xx
    We are going to order some new curtains for the small lounge. I have always made our curtains, but John said to save me the bother we would get ready made ones. I did say they would have to be made because of the high ceilings, (also I like them down to the carpet) well at last we have made a decision. The shop owner even lent us a hanging shop sample to see if the one we liked was suitable and didn’t want a deposit! We are off to the shop to place an order, also offering 20% off at the moment. Can’t be bad. I could have made them cheaper but hay ho it’s only the kids inheritance we are spending!!
    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda hope you managed to order your curtains. It sounds like a really good offer on and I don't blame you taking advantage of it rather than making your own. Its only money ha ha.x

  10. Hi All, thick cloud, and some rain, first day the washing hasn’t dried.

    Weather has left me just like you all, very tired.

    Sandra lovely card today, love those flowers.

    Pat hope you get Dr appointment today, healing hugs going your way.

    Finished sewing my three fairies, need to make the wings, have found a big bag of fantasy film and fibre that I must have bought at least 10yrs ago, used to be the “thing”, going to use for wings hopefully.

    Have a lovely rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I think the weather is making everyone tired. It sounds maybe its going to be a bit cooler for a whilst.
      I remember the fantasy film and fibre from years ago and it will make great wings. Looking forward to seeing your fairies when they're finished.x

  11. I really need to get an order into SU with this new stamp set on it before August ends (the days/months are flying by). I love Sandra what you have done with the image, at present Highland Heather is my favourite colour. I am going out with my boys tomorrow (my hubby, son and grandson) to Eureka. I can't wait to see Brooklyn enjoying all the interactive things available to him. :O) xx
