
Tuesday 7 August 2018

My Christmas Sketch Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is my Christmas version of this weeks Sketch, I turned the sketch on it's side for this card.  I absolutely love the colours, Old Olive and Real Red, they work so well together.
The papers are new this year, it's called 'Under the Mistletoe', I have used two different patterns on a Real Red card base, with a mat of Old Olive.  I then uses a stitched border die to add detail to the border of Old Olive card, I then added a strip of Silver Edged Whisper White ribbon.
The centre piece I made using the 'Labels to Love ' stamp set, I punched this out with the 'Everyday Label' punch and placed that on the larger 'Stitched Seasons' thinlits die cut and added some Real Red ribbon.  I finished the card with some clear stones that I coloured a Red Stampin' Blend pen.

The girls and I had quite a chilled out day, we ordered the last few bits of clothes they need for holiday and I was looking at hotels for the Sunday night, initially we were going to drive down to Folkestone for a lunchtime ferry crossing but while I was laid awake pondering things as do most nights, it dawned on me that we would have to leave ridiculously early on Monday morning as we have to drive around the M25 passed Heathrow and Gatwick airports, which always have huge delays, probably worse with Monday morning rush hour traffic, we just didn't think about it before we booked it, probably because we usually go on a Sunday.
So I finally convinced Paul that we would be better staying at a hotel near to Folkestone on the Sunday night, rather than getting up at 4am to leave by 5am, the journey usually takes us about 4 hours, and you have to arrive an hour before you leave usually.  If we stayed locally we could just get up and have breakfast and make our way to the Eurotunnel in plenty of time.
We planned to make it a more relaxed journey this year as it is just the two of us in the car, as Soph, Lucy and Lewis are flying down and back.  We usually have to book two hotel rooms for 1 stop on the way down and 2 stops on the way back.
This year as we only have to have 1 room we have booked a nicer hotel and we are doing 2 overnight stops both ways.  We should hit Paris late afternoon on Monday and stay at Orleans just the other side of Paris on Monday night, then spend the day driving down to our usual stop at Millau on Tuesday and then leave for Spain on Wednesday morning. It should hopefully be more relaxed with the extra day travel time.  Paul would usually start driving at 5pm on Sunday and drive through till our stop at Millau Monday teatime, the only sleep being an hour or so on the ferry.  I also like to stay awake to keep him talking and alert! This time the journey can hopefully be a part of the holiday.
We might even get a quick meet up with our Lynda on the Sunday, that would be a lovely start to our holiday.

Well I am off to get some cards made for while I am away, I will try and schedule some posts as I won't be making them while I'm away but I will still be calling in and writing posts most days. The Challenge will still be set as usual. Michele has kindly agreed to 'Challenge you all' like she did last year.

Have a lovely day everyone,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful Christmas challenge card Sandra-it’s so lovely.

    I think your plans for the overnight stops are a good idea & how lovely round it be if you could meet up with Lynda.

    I actually made s card last night-I suddenly remembered I’d offered to make a pop up card for a friend. Asked her if I’d missed the date-luckily I hadn’t so it set about making it & I had fun!
    I’m meant to be going to the cinema (again) tonight with my crazy friend who probably hasn’t booked seats!


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA a very pretty Seasonal card.

    MICHELLE- good luck with the cinema tonight.

    Well I had another one of those useless days yesterday where I started something; left it; started something else.
    Fingers crossed that I have a better day today. We'll see.

    The CAFE doors are open for all to pop in.
    Have a good day whatever is planned and stay safe out of the sun. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    SANDRA such a pretty Christmas card. Just love the vibrant red. Sounds a good idea taking more time to get to your holiday destination, that way its a lovely part of your holiday.x
    I didn't do a thing yesterday, not even a card. My only exercise was having 4 showers. I hate complaining about the heat, after all that was part of the reason I moved to Spain but there's heat and heat and this is just silly temperatures. Right I promise not to mention it again!!!
    I really want to get into my craft room later as I have a few cards need making.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val, it's not just you, we have all been complaining about the heat, it's the extremely high temperature that has got us all moaning we seem to have one extreme or the other, also there is no steady build up, allowing us to acclimatise.
      Its nice if you have nothing to do and you can just lay out in it and relax, or maybe dip in the sea to cool off, sadly the hoovering, ironing, cooking and cleaning still need to be done.
      I think the thing that has us all so frustrated is the total lack of energy you suffer with because of the heat, I have never experienced anything like it, I know it's made worse for me this time because of this AF thing, but doing the simplest of tasks like getting up and going to the bathroom leaves me exhausted, you don't sleep as well either. Paul was tossing and turning for hours last night and I could see he was exhausted this morning, I don't think it helps having the noisy fan running all night, but its impossible to sleep with out it.
      Even the cats are suffering, they don't know what to do with themselves.
      I hope you manage to get some cards made my lovely.

  4. Hello All, my posts seem to have decided to go fly, sorry hope this one works.

    Loved all the crafts over the past few days.

    Sandra you card today is lovely, really Christmasy. Your arrangement for your holiday sounds good, takes all the worry away about timing. I could no way do a journey like that any more. Lovely to have a real family holiday.

    Not doing much these days, the heat has been too much, it’s supposed to be cooler soon with rain at the weekend, fingers crossed.

    Now let’s see if mr Google will keep this one. Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love this week's challenge sketch and both of your inspirational cards. You know I still love the traditional red and green for Christmas cards and today's card is beautiful. Your holiday travel plans should make a much nicer drive for you both won't it and if you can get to see Lynda and CU on your way to the ferry that will be an extra treat 😊 xx
    I didn't end up doing much yesterday as lack of sleep because of the heat leaves us all drained doesn't it! I will try to get a challenge card at least started today though.
    Maria, what a relief that your Mums results are clear and I hope your Dad's infection clears up quickly so he can get home very soon x
    Try and keep cool ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Forgot to send extra love to you Mum. I hope the wasp sting hasn't caused too much of a reaction! Love you xxxx

    1. Margaret Palmer7 August 2018 at 12:42

      Thanks Sue not to bad finger is rather red but taking antihistamine so should help it. I always seem to follow you with comment. Love you xxx

  7. Margaret Palmer7 August 2018 at 12:53

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card & colours from you today. I am pleased you are going to have a more relaxed start to your holiday & hopefully meeting up with Lynda & CU a
    Maria good to hear Mum results are good, hope Dad is home now. Take care love xxx
    Brenda hope you are ok missing you, hugs on
    I think this weather is draining all of us, Val your temps sound terrible, sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. I’ve just seen your comment MARGARET on SUE’s post So pleased to see that the wasp sting isn’t too sore
    Your travel arrangements sound so much better and more relaxing - you don’t fancy flying?
    Today’s card is lovely SANDRA I love the traditional colours
    Work was hot but at least it is slightly cooler than yesterday
    Take care all xx

    1. HHmm, I haven't flown since being disabled and to be honest the thought of it panics me, I absolutely hate bringing attention upon myself, I tried once to go on a Santa Flight with the children while Paul was on Tristar Squadron, they had confirmed that the wheelchair and not being able to manage steps wouldn't be an issue. When we got there they had bought over some kind of 'Cherry picker' raised platform thing that they use for aircraft maintenance, it caused such a scene that I just wanted to runaway and die in the corner, I was so humiliated, since then I haven't even thought about flying, although I know thousands of people do. I guess it would be ok if they have the walkway thing to the aircraft doors, but most of the flights we have taken you actually walked up the aircraft steps, which would be impossible.
      The other huge factor is the amount of stuff we take, as you know we usually camp, this year we are going in a Air-conditioned mobile home (thank goodness)! So we don't have to take as much, but we still take bedding, pillows (my OCD), towels, reclining sun chairs, parasols, clothes, food, toiletries etc, believe me the car will be filled to roof, we also have the roof box, thankfully we don't have to take the trailer this year.
      Its also nice to have our car while we are there and not have to pay through the nose for a hire car big enough for the wheelchair and kids of course.
      Paul makes the journey as relaxed as possible, not like the 4 hour dash to my mums and back in one day, we take plenty of stops, get out and move around, stop for meals etc.

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card Sandra I love the papers you have used the colour's are lovely.
    It will be lovely meeting up with Sandra & Paul for a few hour's at the holiday inn.
    Before they travel on Monday.
    We both had blood test this morning well I had mine but Terry lost his blood form so they wouldn't do his. I said to him yesterday to get his form ready & he said it was in the car. So this morning I said make sure it's in the car he came back & said it's not in there. Baring in mind we had to leave in 10 minutes he starts rummaging in the draws still couldn't find it so they wouldn't do his so we had to go to the doctors & get another form & have 💉Tomorrow I swear he is getting worse.HELP is anyone's OH the same.
    MARIA Pleased your mum has good results,I hope your dad will be fine too. Has his infection cleared up now. Sending them both Hug's & you too.
    BRENDA I hope your ok missing you. Take care big Hug's on the way.
    MICHELE hope you get to see Mumma Mia tonight.
    MARGARET hope the wasp sting is clearing up Ouch!!! Hug's xx
    Sending everyone Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I have been missing for a few days. The weekend was manic, Saturday I desperately tried to complete a CC we had family over on Sunday to celebrate Johns and SILs birthday. Yesterday was John and SILs actually birthday and my sister who was unable to com on Sunday came spent the day with us. I don’t know if its the heat but I been so tired. Today I was doing some work on the computer and fell asleep over the keyboard! I think my life for a few days will be ‘normal’. Celebrating starts again next Monday when it will be my Sisters 80th birthday we will be traveling to Loughborough to celebrate with her religious community.

    Sandra I love today’s card it’s a real eye catcher.

    I hope to be in at an earlier time tomorrow.
    Hope you are all able to sleep in this heat.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx
