
Thursday 9 August 2018

Karen's amazing 'Pop-Up Box!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is the card that Karen was talking about on yesterday's blog. it's an amazing Wedding card Pop Up Box, it really has the 'WOW' factor and as usual Karen has put so many personal touches to the card, like the panel under the heart at the front, if you look closely it has the date of the wedding and the Happy Couple's names.  The other personal touch is the feint outline of the drum on the front panel, this is because the couple met at Drumming classes.  I think Paul and I would have a shopping basket as we met in Sainsburys, that doesn't sound nearly as exciting as Drumming Glasses, but 30 years on we are still going strong!

I Will add Karen's description below:

"The pop up box is a free ScanNCut file by John Bloodsworth cut in Centura Pearl white - don’t like the TL one it’s small and don’t like the perforation lines
Hearts cut 1” on ScanNCut in red Lidl card
The LOVE die is X-cut from Hobbycraft
I printed the text from Google onto Centura Pearl changing the date and names which were then cut on ScanNCut And the large Heart I again printed with a faded image of drum in background They met at a drumming class
Hope that’s ok"

Thank you so much Karen, 'Lynn and Mike' will be blown away by your card, particularly all the effort you have made with the personal touches. xxx

I did get a card made yesterday afternoon and coloured the main part of another three, I found the colouring really quite relaxing, in fact I had realised how much time had past as I sat in my own little world, the girls have added me to their 'Spotify' list, (a music app) so that I can download and listen to music when I am home alone, it really does help, I was colouring in singing full belt to Bat out of hell, I hadn't realised that the neighbours were weeding their front garden, oops 😳!!
Before I knew it Paul and the girls were home.
The house was a bit like the 'Waltons' the night before and yesterday morning, with all the extra house guests, everyone saying goodnight took forever.  It was the same yesterday morning, there seemed to be constant stream of people filtering out through the kitchen from 7:00am onwards, the last ones leaving at 10.15am.  I have always enjoyed having my family home, but I must be getting old because I kind of like the peace and quiet when they have all gone and it's just Paul and I, which sadly happens rarely these days, that was the extra bonus of working shifts!

I must go and get organised, I have a list of phone calls and things to organise today!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your Pop up Card is absolutely stunning, that’s a reel keepsake.

    Sandra-sounds like you’ve had a busy time. Hope your neighbours like Meatloaf!!

    Went to see my F in L last night-stayed for quite a while as Wendy was there so we chatted with her for ages. Finally got home about 8:45 which was too late to start cooking so we both had a bowl of cereal! Early night as hubby was up crazy early this morning-he’s driving to the East Coast-back tonight which is a lot of driving & a very long day. I’ve got the Tesco shopping to do after work then hopefully a relaxing evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you found your F in L well yesterday. Congratulations on winning on Christine Emberson blog.

  2. Hi Everyone.
    KAREN I'm in love with your pop up box card. Its really beautiful. I love all the hearts and the personalised drum. I'm sure Lyn and Mike will adore it.x

    SANDRA your house sounds extra busy at the moment with all the family and friends around but its also lovely when they've gone and there's peace and quiet.x

    Slimming club this morning then off out for lunch. I'm having to force myself to get ready to do anything at the moment but I know I'll enjoy myself once I'm out.

    PAT I hope Pete managed to see the doctor yesterday and they're sorting him out.x

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your lunch out. Hope slimming club goes well. I did manage to persuade Pete to go to the Drs. As per usual I went in with him. You can’t trust him to tell it exactly as it is.

  3. Morning Everyone

    KAREN- Ohhhhhhhh what a beautiful pop up card. It seems wrong to call it a 'card' as it's more a work of art. You must spend hours and hours creating and I'm sure it will go into a memory box to keep forever.

    Well I actually managed to get a CC made yesterday and made a start on a new box. It was so much cooler here and we actually had rain about 16.00hrs rather a heavy downpour too so the gardens will definitely feel better.

    I have to get myself sorted this morning as I had a late request last night for a birthday card for a lady so that's my project for this morning.

    Doors are OPEN for you all to pop in for a chat and a drink. HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.

    MARIA- a new machine sounds as the order of the day. A Gemini is definitely the best buy. It was the best buy I have made since starting paper crafting.

    1. I agree Janet the Gemini is a very good buy. We’ve only had a few spots of rain here.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies
    WW Karen this card absolutely fabulous, definitely a keepsake.
    I’m sure everyone is pleased to see the rain, well we have had some and it is forecast to last the rest of the day. Our youngest daughter and family are returning today from a holiday in Cyprus. Don’t think they’ll be happy to see the rain as SIL is working on an extension to their house, he was rushing to make it watertight before they left.

    PAT hope you managed to get pPete to the doctor. xx

    OH waiting to go shopping better get a wiggle on.

    Be back later, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes, I did manage to get Pete to the Drs yesterday afternoon. After he’d told the receptionist why he wanted to see the dr, she remarked. You do look ill, so did the Dr and the Nurse who took some bloods. The Dr wants an urgent scan done as Pete’s liver doesn’t feel quite right. So he’s contacted His consultant with his concerns, and he’d be able to get a scan done quicker than him. Mind you I was surprised Pete didn’t have a CT scan along with his bone scan which usually happens. He also might need a blood transfusion.

    2. Hello Pat, The last thing Pete needs to be told is he doesn’t look well, not what I would call a tactful remark. But my thoughts aside, I’m pleased he was seen and the doctor has been in touch with Peter consultant. Hope you are alright . Sending gentle caring hugs xx

    3. Thanks for the hugs Brenda.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well this is the third time I’ve tried to publish after replying to Brenda.
    Great pop up box Karen. I’m sure the happy couple will love it.
    I’m glad you managed to have a fruitful afternoon Sandra. I’m not to sure about singing 🎤 Bat out of Hell to the neighbours though. I have Spotify on my iPad which I can play when I’m crafting. I’m trying to do a tidy up of my room just in case our visitors on Sunday want to have a look at my glory hole as Pete calls it.
    Jill ( Toms daughter ) and her husband are coming down for the weekend. They were going to stay with us but decided against it as Oeteis feeling so poorly. Pete said it would be ok, but they said you really don’t need people around where you have to make small talk when your feeling so there coming to us on Sunday.

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    KAREN your card is amazing lovely keep sake.
    SANDRA thank you for making me laugh so much last night it was a real tonic.
    The doctors rang me last night regarding my blood test she said my white blood cells where showing high & was told to phone the Rheumatology clinic then asked if I had a infection I said I didn't know if I have one or not then she said to do a water sample. Any way I rang Rheumatology & she said my white blood cell weren't that bad so she is making me appointment to go over everything but won't be till September. Couldn't sleep last night as kept thinking if I had a infection or not. Oh well see what if anything shows up in my water sample.
    Just waiting for Terry to get ready. It's raining very hard & temperature has dropped quite a lot.
    I'm off to doctors now so Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Margaret Palmer9 August 2018 at 13:09

      Hi Lynda,
      Sorry you have something else to worry about, this growing older is no fun is it, hugs on

    2. Hi Lynda
      My word you are going through the mill at the moment. Hope the hosp manage to get you sorted.

  7. Margaret Palmer9 August 2018 at 13:22

    Hi Sandra all in café,
    Sandra how lovely that the girls have downloaded music for you to craft by, I wouldn't worry about the neighbours, we had a similar thing when we first moved here, we had moved from a semi to a detached, & Alan decided to put a Queen tape on with the sound well up & windows & doors open, I told him to turn it down abit as the neighbours were in their garden, well when we saw them next they asked why we had turned it down as they were enjoying it!!! So sing while you
    Karen what a beautiful card must have taken you ages, hope they appreciate
    I have been for a little walk this morning so progressing slowly & loving the temperature today.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I’m glad to hear your progressing well.

  8. Sorry I didn’t get in earlier I overslept a little and before I knew it the taxi was here
    Thank you you ladies for your lovely comments I was pleased with the result Centura Pearl made a lovely sturdy ‘box” but this new printer will not print onto it very easily Hence my comment on here yesterday
    I hope PETE feels better soon
    I hope things get sorted for you to LYNDA
    Take care all xx

  9. Hi, sunny and windy here, still no rain.

    Karen what a fabulous card, I’m sure the couple will love it, a complete one off.

    Not done much, planted a few plants, hopefully it will rain tomorrow. Have ordered an album kit from Hochanda today, thought it might spur me into crafting again.

    Hope you all have had a good day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      It’s been a funny day here. Windy, dull and sunny. Had a few spots of rain early evening as well.

  10. Beautiful card, I have made a couple of box cards and they are not as easy as they look - so well done Karen. i have been to EUREKA with the boys today after taking the furry baby to the vets this morning for his booster. He has to go in for his teeth cleaning (old man's breath) but he is quite an old man any way. i am quite tired at present and i am resting as much as possible before chemo tomorrow. :O) xxx

    1. Hi Lorraine, glad you had a good day out today and hope chemo goes OK for you tomorrow.x

    2. Hi Lorraine
      I hope the chemo goes ok tomorrow for you.

    3. Hope you be ok tomorrow, sending you a little hug x

  11. Evening ladies, hope you all had a nice day. At last we got some rain here and I was so glad not to have to water the plants today.
    Karen, what a fantastic pop up box you made here, it looks great. The happy couple will love it !
    Pat- sending hugs for you and Pete, hope he feel a bit better over the weekend.
    Lynda- take care, hope you get some help from doc.
    Thanks everyone for telling me it sound like my machine is on it's last legs hihi. Son have taken it apart to see if he can do anything with it.but also have been looking into buy himself a digital cutting machine and if I'm continue to do his washing and cooking some of his meals I might be allowed to use it sometimes if he goes ahead The Gemini sound good otherwise Lol.
    See you tomorrow. Have a good night all xxx
