
Friday 10 August 2018

A really 'Groovi' Friday!!!!!

Good Friday Morning Lovely Ladies,

Pat sent me some of her 'Groovi' cards to share with you while I am on holiday, I have to be honest, I just couldn't wait to share them, so I thought I would give you a little sneak peek today.
I particularly love the beautiful, bright cheerful colours that Pat has used on this card, the Distress Oxide background virtually glows through the parchment, it looks amazing.  at first glance it looks as though the blue around the outside is ribbon, but oh no, that is a border that Pat has coloured Blue and pricked a pattern into, and the little brads match perfectly. You really have found your 'niche' Pat and it shows, your cards are now 'works of art' gone are the days of getting the lettering back to front.
It's so nice to see you enjoying creating your pieces each week, there are so many different styles too.
The pieces have really come to life since you have bought your Derwent Coloursoft Pencils, they work so well, the colours are so vibrant even through the parchment.  I knew they were good pencils as Sophie has pretty much worn most of mine down by half on her Exam pieces, she loved how well they blended together so smooth and seamlessly. I have noticed that you really relax, something that you really need right now, just a little bit of an escape.
I can't wait to share more of your work Pat, there are some stunning pieces to come.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your work. xxx

Sue came over super early (well for me and Sue it was early) to take me to the local Post Office Coffee Morning, I was going to pull out but these things don't get easier the longer you put them off.
We arrived and I posted a parcel and then we went in for a cuppa, but although it was more than 45 minutes before they finished they were making moves to pack up, we had a cup of tea and sat down regardless, I took a big selection of my cards and gave them to Sue to ''look through'' but nobody was really interested.  I think we are still at the stage of awkward looks, we are still strangers in the grand scheme of things, ''Cribbage & Canape Jan'' was there and very much likes the sound of her own voice and it's quite a loud one, we were polite, tried to join in the conversation, after about five minutes they started packing up around us, in fact another couple came in and asked for a coffee only to be told that they were too late, the chap said ''but its only 10 past 11'' but nobody paid any attention.  It's a shame as it could be quite a nice meeting place.  Not sure how I feel about it to be honest, do I persevere and hope to make my mark or just not bother.  I certainly wouldn't be able to go on my own, I was having a panicking before we left and my heart was beating a fair rhythm while we were there.
Thank you so much Sue, for turning out so early to help me out, what do you think that we should do? (I value your opinion) xx

We have a weekend of organising and sorting things for our holiday, I can hardly believe its, next weekend, this year has gone so fast,

I am grateful of the cooler weather, there is no way I could have physically managed that trip out yesterday, in the recent temperatures.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Please could you have a poke about in your craft room for anything for Mixed Craft Saturday, I  love this feature of the blog but I think we might have to start something new, any suggestions would be welcomed.



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-your Groovi Card is absolutely stunning! It’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-I’d suggest going to the Post Office Coffee Morning a couple more times to see if you’ve made an impression on the locals.

    Yesterday was yet another busy day at work, Tesco was busy & lots of items missing off the shelves -very annoying. I did manage to get in my craft room to have a play last night which was nice & relaxing.


  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT WOW WOW WOW- what a beautiful piece of ART. Your patience knows no bounds. Can I ask how many hours it takes you to complete a piece of work. This should be framed and displayed on a wall.

    SANDRA- you should go to the Coffee Mornings. The first visit really doesn't count as you're not known yet in the village and won't get to know people if you stay away.

    I cannot believe that it's Friday again and of course here it's that 'swear' word day. At least the temps are much lower so I can get jobs done properly.

    The CAFE doors are open so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good Friday.xxxx

  3. Hi everyone.
    PAT such a pretty Groovi card. Its such a stunning effect. Hope Pete is feeling a bit better. I don't think its nice to be told you look ill. I'm sure it would make you feel worse. Sending hugs to you both.x

    SANDRA, I think I'd go again. Maybe it was just a bad day there. I think anyway I'd give it another chance.x

    LYNDA sending you hugs. Sorry things aren't so good for you at the moment x

    Off to Craft Club this morning. Were all playing with Pixie Powders today which should be fun.

    Have a good Friday everyone.
    Love Valx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Wow Pat, what a master piece of Groovi. Love how you framed it all and got the colours down so beautifully.
    Joining Janet in the swear words and have some work to do this morning, step-son is coming for a few days so need space in the living room for the blow up bed. Hope to make some crafting if time allows.
    Think I would go again Sandra for the coffee morning, it might just have been a bad day.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever happening. Hugs to you all and extras for you who need some. Maria xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Wow wow Pat I just love your groovi card it's beautiful. Every time you look at it you see something different to look at it's amazing. I hope Pete is feeling a bit better today sending you both some Hug's xx
    VAL thank you I'm ok just through me a bit having the doctor call & asking if I had a infection I then start thinking Have I got one or not. I've done my wee sample & dropping that into doctors so will see. I do feel like I haven't any energy but put that down to the hot weather.
    I'm really looking forward to seeing Sandra & Paul next Sunday for a few hours chatting & having a good laugh that's a good tonic in it's self. Then on Monday we are meeting up with my cousin in Broadstairs which will be lovely as haven't seen her for ages. We are also looking after Hendrix the Scottie dog for a week. He is coming early on Monday he is no trouble.
    Terry is out soon doing some gardening & has two rubbish runs. So after some house work I'm going in craft room. To have a play.
    Have a good day everyone Hug's for all xx
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    WOW Pat your Groovi card is certainly a work of art. How many hours of concentration did this gorgeous creation take you? I’m sure as Sandra said it must help you relax and get away from all that is happening just now. xx

    Sandra I think you should give the coffee morning a few more goes. Forgive me for saying you are still relatively ‘new comers‘ You could make a sign saying - Please feel free to look at my cards, or something like that. Also try leaving the box on another table, it might just help people feel more relaxed. Its worth a try. xx
    Good Luck 🤞🏻 Enjoy your weekend getting ready for your holiday, it will seem strange just the two of you traveling together. Wonder if the girls will be saying “Dad can you take this for us? To save room in our suitcase “
    Have a good day everyone Love and hugs Brenda xxx


  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I am glad you made the effort to go to the coffee morning, next time will be easier, you are still very much a "new resident". Enjoy your weekend preparing for
    Pat you have really mastered groovi, it is really beautiful, you should be so proud of your achievement, well done. Hope Pete is feeling
    We have had quite a lot of rain this morning, stopped now though.
    Sending hugs to all who need them in particular Sue who is very achy today, & they say that the weather doesn't have anything to do with aches & pains, love

  8. Hi All, cold and wet today, back in long sleeves.

    Pat, what a stunning card, colouring is beautiful, and the borders are so pretty.

    Lynda do hope you start to feel better soon, infections really bring you down.

    Not much going on here, might do some sewing this afternoon after some ironing.

    Hope you all have a good day, Lilian

  9. Thanks ladies for your kind words on my pop up box yest I think because I used a very heavy card it was easier to construct
    A beautiful card PAT I’d love to have a go at Grooybut. I just know I’d love it but really can’t jusithe expense
    I totally agree with BRENDA on the VilltPost Office etc It’s like going to a new dancing venue You’re not a familiar face yet and people can feel shy
    I would do a sign and if possible leave them on another table People like to browse
    Take care all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thank you for showing one of my cards today Sandra,
    And thank you everyone for your kind comments. I must say I do enjoy doing Groovi.
    Perhaps you just need for everyone to get to know you first at the coffee morning, before you try to get them interested in your cards. I don’t mind coming over early on a Thurs morning for you. But I’ll have to leave early as well as we meet friends in the afternoon.
    The Dr rung Pete this morning. His red blood levels were 80. Lower that that he would definitely need a blood transfusion. So he’s going to talk to Pete’s Dr on Monday to see what she thinks. She doesn’t work on a Friday. But he thinks a transfusion is more that likely, given how ill he is. He has to be very careful when he stands up or changes directions while walking as he’s liable to lose his balance and fall.
    We have had rain this morning but the sun is out now.

  11. Hi Sandra & all,
    Quick message from Sue, she has been trying to comment but cannot publish. Just to let you know she is thinking of you all, love

  12. Thinking of you all especially Pete and his wife Pat. Thank you Sandra for such a wonderful blog where we can talk about like-minded things e.g. crafting and also have a 'rant' when necessary and get support also. Love to all my new crafting pals. :O) xxx
