
Thursday 23 August 2018

Michele's Card Tutorial

Michele's original card

Good Morning Ladies,

I know how much you all loved this amazing card that Michele shared with us for Mixed Craft Saturday a couple of weeks ago, I am so pleased to share with you the Tutorial for this card that Michele has done in step by step fashion.

Hi Ladies,

Here’s how I made the fancy fold card from 12x12 thin card.

Use a plain piece of 12 x 12 thin card for the base & some patterned papers

I used the papers below for the inside of the card as they’re patterned on both sides.

Score the plain card at 6 inches as shown for the base card.

Cut one square out & keep it to use later.

On the reverse side of a piece of 6 x6 paper, mark as shown and use a craft knife to cut the X in the centre.

When you turn your paper over you need to fold back the 4 triangular flaps.

Fold the points on the flaps back in, towards the centre of the square.

This is the piece glued down. I glued the tiny points down but used 1mm foam pads on the larger part-as shown to give a bit of interest so it’s not all flat.

On the 2nd square I cut a piece out in the centre to make room for a tag. Using double sided tape I stuck down the 3 edges & added a decorative trim. The tag is a piece of embossed Kraft card from my stash.

The 3rd  Square has 2 panels of paper-one full size and one trimmed to allow the base paper to be seen. The corner was folded & glued.

I trimmed the 6x 6 paper I used on all the panels slightly to allow room for folding.

This is the card assembled & I’ve added some Diecut Poinsettias. …….

I Hope this makes sense to everyone, if you get stuck then just ask me to explain it again.


Thank you so much Michele for an fantastic tutorial, I can't wait to have a go when I get home, I look
forward to seeing everyone's version of this card.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-wasn’t expecting to see my tutorial this morning when I logged in! Hope my instructions are clear enough, if anyone does try to make it & gets stuck please just leave a question or email me.

    I’m hoping today doesn’t turn out as crazy as yesterday (at work)!


  2. Hi everyone.
    MICHELE great tutorial today. Have read the instructions which are very clear so hope to have a go. Thank you. Hope work is a bit calmer today.x

    SANDRA I don't know if you're at your destination yet but hope the journey has gone well and you're all set for a lovely relaxing holiday.x

    PAT sorry to read Pete's not so good. Hope altering his medication makes him feel a lot better.x

    LILIAN so hope you're in less pain today.x

    Off to slimming club today then Wendy and I are off to a bottle decorating class later. I don't know what to expect but should be fun.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  3. Grey tutorial MOCHELE I don’t have any 12x12 papers but will have a go at reducing the size
    I must must must do cc this afternoon I made 3 cards last night None if which could be used for cc
    One of the cards took me three attempts to get right!
    Take care with extra special hugs to LILIAN PETE and PAT

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow, Michele thank you for the tutorial on your lovely card.
    Look forward to having a go.
    Doreen was moved to our local Community Hospital to recuperate late yesterdayI. was so glad as when she had her hips done she was just sent home. Well thankfully we had her here as there was no way she could have coped at home on her own. She had each hip done 3 weeks apart.
    Thankfully Pete is feeling a bit better today. Thanks for the hugs ladies very much appreciated.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are settled at your holiday abode & can now have some well earned rest,
    Michele thank you for tutorial, when my head will let me follow it will have a
    Pat glad Doreen is back in Witney makes life easier for you, hope Pete continues to feel
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi All, very dull but quite hot still.

    Michele great cards, will definitely have a try, in a little while, eyes still very puffy and a lovely purple tinged with yellow at the moment.

    Pat hope Pete continues to feel better, and his future treatment can continue.

    Not much else happening, R away for a couple of days, home again on Saturday, hope to get in my craft room.

    Have a good day all. Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele what a great card and very different from anything else I certainly have made, instructions are really clear, Thank you so much. XX

    PAT so pleased Pete is a lot better today. Great Doreen has been moved closer to you, I really feel from what you said that she really does need carers, I know you do so much for her, but you’ve got more than enough to cope with looking after Pete. XX

    Sandra are you nearly there yet? The schoolchildren used to say that when going on a school trip soon after the coach had departed from school, followed by the line Miss can I have my lunch now? .... sorry I just couldn’t resist that. I hope you are there almost anyway and you can relax and start to enjoy your holidays. Sending big hugs to both you and Paul. XX

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I quite agree that at the moment she needs carers. But generally speaking she can cope on her own. Apart from her wobbly legs. We’ll take her to the Drs when she’s back home. I’ve just sat down and looked at the blog. Ive have the decorator in painting my kitchen units today So technically the kitchen is out of bounds. We had dinner out in between visiting friends and Doreen.

  8. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Day has disappeared quickly went foot clinic this morning Then onto Tesco then CU took me round Margaret's took her mail stayed till 5pm when Terry picked me home. Then time to prepare diner so here I am.
    MICHELE thank you for great tutorial will give it a try.
    PAT glad Pete is feeling a bit better. Hope Doreen is more comfortable.& it's easier for you to visit.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx
