
Friday 24 August 2018

Something shiny for friday!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, what do you all have planned for the Bank holiday?

It's our eldest Matt's Birthday today, he has travelled down to stay for the weekend at Dorset Steam Fair, it's his tradition, he has gone every year for goodness knows how many years, it works perfectly for his birthday this year though, I think its a big anniversary one too so will be extra special.  Matt was delighted when he found out that the 'Wurzels' are performing tonight, he loves them, so the fact that he will see them live for his birthday is an extra special treat. I hope he has an amazing weekend.

Today's card is one of Our Lynda's, don't you just love that shimmery background?! it looks like a Mermaid's tail !
Lynda made this card by die cutting a Clarity Die in Black card and layering it over a piece of Green Shimmery paper, she has then made a frame to finish the card.
It looks so dramatic Lynda, I love that die,  you could use it with so many different backgrounds.
Thank you so much for making the card for me to share with everyone while I was on holiday. xxx

We picked up Lucy, Sophie & Lewis from the airport and then took them food shopping with us, costly experience that was, we had a fair amount of 'unhealthy' shopping too, hopefully they will balance it out with all of the lovely local fresh fruit, we buy so much as its so inexpensive and tastes so good, I could eat their peaches and greengages all day long.  We usually take lots of fruit in the coolbag to the beach as its quite refreshing to eat, Watermelon is a particular favourite, we take a huge plastic tub full. I think its always a bit harder when you take somebody else on holiday with you, I have tried to bring all of Lewis's favourite food, so fingers crossed he won't go hungry, there is always the bakery on site that has everything from baguette to doughnuts and everything in between.
Well I had better go and get breakfast organised,

I hope that you all have a lovely holiday weekend and that the weather is good.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-sounds like Matt is going to have the perfect birthday. The fruit & pastries sound lovely, I’m not jealous about the beach part though as it’s my least favourite place.


  2. Morning Everyone

    LYNDA- oh a beautiful card and I love the colour you have used.

    Busy day ahead for me as it's that 'swear' word day and the washer is already churning well. I also have to get my CC sorted and sent off this morning.

    I cannot believe we are at the end of the summer bank holiday. Where has this year gone.

    The CAFE is OPEn all week-end including the bank hol so pop in when you can.

    PAT- I hope Pete is feeling a little better.
    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day xxxx

  3. Sounds idyllic SANDRA I’m a bit jealous (yeah not much!) but I prefer a a pool a bar and hotel room (for the the air con to cool down by) than the beach
    I hope PETE continues to feel better and that DOREEN is on the mend
    I hope the bruising is fading LILIAN and that you’re feeling better and in less pain

    Today’s card is gorgeous LYNDA I am so tempted to get those Clarity dies I think they are fabulous

    Well off to work in a mo Out dancing later and it’s really an ordinary weekend for me as OH has to work all through it
    Two cc done Will photograph them later and send in
    Take care all xxx

    1. PS I hope MATT enjoys his weekend Happy Borthday MATT

  4. Morning everyone.

    Beautiful card LYNDA just love that colour x.

    SANDRA have a fun time with the girls and Lewis. Happy birthday MATT. It sounds like his perfect day.x

    Really enjoyed the bottle decorating class yesterday afternoon. I'll send Sandra a photo.

    Craft Club today and one of or ladies, Jen, makes beautiful crochet handbags with can ring pulls so she demoing for a few of us. I have my crocheting hook at the ready.

    Hugs to all but special squeezy ones for Pat, Pete, Lilian and anyone not feeling so good today.

    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so pleased the girls & Lewis arrived safely now you can really enjoy yourselves. Wishing Matt a very Happy Birthday & lovely
    Lynda love your card, beautiful colour, well done. Hope feet are easier hugs on
    Lilian hope you are feeling easier today, hugs on
    I agree with Janet where has this year gone, well I know where last 3 months went, will be glad to get back to normal, what ever normal is.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card Lynda, thank you for sharing.
    Great to hear you’ve arrived safely at your destination, and the two girls and Lewis arrived safely.
    It’s quite warm here today but quite blustery at the moment. Jane the painter arrived and is giving our cupboard doors their 3rd coat of paint.

  7. Hi and morning everyone.
    Love the card from our Lynda. Hope your feet feel better.
    Pat-thinking of you and wish you have a nice weekend.
    Wishing Matt a very Happy Birthday. Have a lovely time with all.
    Lilian- hope you ok, just take things easy.
    Spent the morning "swearing" away, do like to have a tidy-ier downstairs for the weekend and we have some friends over for coffee this afternoon. I had hoped to make a cc, might have some time this evening or tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone and many hugs winging it's way to you all. Love Maria xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR MATT hope you enjoy your trip to Dorset steam fair.
    SANDRA thank you for showing my card. Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card.
    Margaret brought the whole collection so she cut me some out in black & some in white for me they are lovely as you don't need to do a lot to make them look beautiful. I have done quite a few. Think all the Dies were quite expensive Margaret hasn't made any cards with them herself yet.!!!
    I'm home alone as CU is doing some rubbish runs also gardening.
    LILIAN hope your feeling better & your bruises are disappearing.
    PAT hope Pete continues to feel better. Also Hope Doreen is in less pain & her hospital change went well.
    VAL nice seeing you back.glad craft club went well. Love to see picture of your bottle decorating & the crochet bag your doing. Xx
    Hendrix 4 🐾🐾is going home today at 3pm yay He is very vocal barks a lot witch sets my two off headache. Shush he's asleep 😁 Not for long I don't suppose.
    Well I better feed the hounds now & then craft room. I have sent Sandra my challange cards. I have some more cards to photograph I made yesterday & send them off to Sandra.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Thanks for the great tutorial MICHELE. I will have a go when I next go to Sandra's in a few weeks time X
    SANDRA, I'm glad that you are all settled. Now you can really start to relax and enjoy some quality family time. I'm not envious of you at the beach eating wonderful fresh fruit and veg.....much 😋
    Please wish MATT a very Happy Birthday from me. I hope he has a great time at the steam fair. We must go one of these years, it would make a great day out.
    Thinking of you my lovely xx
    LILIAN, sorry your eyes are still puffy, I hope it's not as painful X
    LYNDA, today's card s gorgeous. I love the shimmery background and the die cut front too, a simple but very effective card X
    MARIA, I hope you have a nice afternoon with friends. Thinking of your Dad and hoping he is starting to improve x
    PAT, I hope Doreen's is settled in well at Witney hospital now and Pete is feeling a bit better now X
    Have a good day whatever you are up to.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for LILIAN and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Afternoon all
    You’re making me feel very guilty swearing MARIA!
    Instead I have made some blueberry muffins - so help yourselves ladies AND watching some fabulous videos by Jennifer McGuire Talk about fabulous So watch this space as they say!
    Off out dancing Daughter is teaching Rueda and beginners Salsa later So I must sort out dinner and fit in a shower
    Take care all

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT Hope you are enjoying the steam fair.

    Pleased Sophie, Lucy and Lewis arrived safely. Sandra sounds like you had a very expensive shopping trip. Next time just ask them if they fancy anything, then you and Paul go to the supermarket. Much safer on the purse. xx

    Lynda I love your card, that shimmery background is perfect for the die cuts.

    Like others I’ve had a swearing day, did three loads of washing, John pegged it out for me and I got on with the swearing, by mid afternoon washing was dry, John was busy in the garden (he usually does the ironing - he says it’s his job, who am I to argue! ) So I set to and got the ironing out of the way. Now we can take whatever the weekend throws at us. I do have to pick up my new glasses tomorrow but apart from that we have a free weekend.

    I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, Love and hugs Brenda xxx
