
Wednesday 22 August 2018

Pat's Stunning Groovi Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am writing today's post from our hotel in Orleans (not far from Paris), I was very glad to get here as we went into Paris a different way and it totally threw us, it must have been different because we went a different route from the Eurotunnel exit than we usually take from the ferry port. 
We usually go past Charles De Gaulle airport and round towards another airport called Orly, this time we didn't go in part Charles De Gaulle, all was going well until satnav directed us through to a toll that had a height limit of 2m, which we exceed with the roofbox, we followed an alternative route for lorries etc but that threw the bloomin sat nav and it sent us round in a circle, after about a 40 min detour we finally were heading in the right direction, ooh my anxiety!! 
We were so pleased when we finally got to the hotel and relaxed!

Janet we have used the toll tag for the past 4 years, we just had to order a new one as ours played up  a bit last year, probably the battery I would imagine.  I agree with you though, they are a a great invention and save so much time and effort, no more trying to get the car close enough to the machine so that us vertically challenged people can reach the ticket is just one benefit! 😄😄

Today's card is one that Pat made at one of her Groovi sessions over in Abingdon, I think that this card is absolutely stunning Pat, so intricate and detailed, it looks like it has taken you hours and hours.  The lady that runs the group cuts these lovely frames on her Silhouette Cutting machine and then designs the groovi patterns to fit the frame, such a clever idea.
I love those 4 small frames with the flowers in the centre, the little gemstones bring the card to life.
the flower that you have finished the card with in the centre is so lovely Pat, you must be absolutely thrilled with this card.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us. xxxx

Well I must go and get a shower, I will catch up with all of you in a few hours,

Love and hugs to all

Ps Cheryl the amount you raised for Cardiomyopathy is amazing, you should be so proud! xxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what an absolutely beautiful card, it’s gorgeous. If I made another lovely, I wouldn’t want to give it away!

    Sandra-your travels around Paris sounds stressful. Glad you made it to your hotel ok.

    Another crazy day at work yesterday-3rd person handed in their notice! Spent 40 minutes with the big boss being quizzed about our Audit only for him to say we’ll meet up tomorrow hgo through the Audit! Meeting was ok but we have a few things to sort out first thing this morning.

    Hubby just got an email from his brother (the one in Florida) to say he’s arriving tomorrow morning & staying for a week. It’s their Dads birthday on Tuesday & his wife’s on Saturday. We’re planning on visiting on Saturday, probably a short visit if everyone is going to be at the Nursing Home!


    1. Thank you Michele.
      Hope the Audit goes ok, and hope they manage to get replacements soon. We’re you lucky enough that the two not very nice ladies were the ones to hand in their notice.

  2. A stunning card PAT I certainly wouldn’t want to part with it
    Relieved you got to the hotel safely SANDRA
    My department is going through the same thing MICHELE My two bosses are leaving, lots of PR’s and bigwigs I’m so looking forward to retirement
    Anyway home alone tonight So I need to finish a few cards and try and do the cc
    Take care all
    I hope you’re feeling Ok LILIAN after your fall

  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT- Oh what a beautiful work of art. I too wouldn't want to give it away after all that work you put in. It really deserves to be framed and hung on a wall.

    SANDRA- we once found ourselves going round Paris in circles on one occasion when the roads were blocked because of road repairs. It was also midnight so we couldn't see road signs properly and I only had a torch to read the map (before satnav time). We managed to ride on both sides of the river and still haven't found out how we managed that and of course in true French Tradition there was only one Diversion Sign after that you're on your own!! All good fun or so they say lol

    The CAFE doors are open and waiting for you all. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Hi everyone.

    Well finally I'm back on line. My old tablet, which wasn't very old actually, doesn't work at all and I've had to buy a new one. I really felt lost without the internet. Its such a big part of life nowadays. Anyway normal service has resumed and I've a week worth of catching up to do.

    SANDRA what a nightmare journey around Paris. Bet you were so relieved to get to your hotel last night. Have a safe journey today.x

    PAT such a beautiful Groovi card. It definitely deserves to be framed. Hope Pete is feeling better after his transfusion and also that Doreen is getting on OK.x

    LILIAN so sorry to read about your fall. Hope you're not too badly bruised and shaken.x

    KAREN I really want to try this caught in crystal technique. Can you let me know what inks etc I have to buy. Thanks.x

    Hope everyone is OK and have a lovely day.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      No, Pete was no better after his transfusion. But thehospital have put him on anti sickness tablets and steroids. He’s not well enough to start chemo. They’ve also taken him off one of his blood pressure tablets.
      Glad you like the card.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry to hear you had a nightmare journey from the Eurotunnel, I can well imagine how you felt, hope the final journey is painless. You will soon be able to relax in the
    Pat once again you have produced a brilliant groovi, it is lovely. Hope Pete is beginning to feel
    Lilian sorry you had a fall hope the bruises & aches & pains are going, hugs on
    Val good to see you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello All, misty here today, seems as though summer has gone for the time being.

    Pat what beautiful work of art, must have taken you ages, needs framing.

    Sandra glad you managed to find your hotel, hope the onward journey is straightforward.

    I tried caught in crystal a few years ago, used glue and mica powder plus some glitter, with tissue over the top, had a problem getting it dry, might have another go if I can find my acetate.

    Hope you all have a good day, I’ve just come back from the dentist, no fillings, but been told I am not cleaning teeth properly. £100 for check up and hygienist, some special toothpaste @£8.5 a small tube !!! Hugs to all.

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope your feeling better today. My word what a price to pay for a checkup. People do say having an electric toothbrush is better than a normal one. I still use a normal one though.

    2. So sorry to see you fell over yesterday Lilian, it can really shock you when it happens. Hope you not too badly bruised and sore. Sending gentle hugs your way and a cup of tea ( the English way for anything ) take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Not sure what happened to my comment I was typing. But it completely disappeared while I was typing it.
    I was surprised to see my card this morning Sandra. But I must admit Carole does make some lovely frames.
    Pete had an urgent hospital appointment yesterday. As Pete is feeling so poorly the Dr won’t start him on chemo, as that will make him feel rubbish as well. She gave Pete some anti sickness tablets as he keeps being sick. Plus she started him on some steroid tablets. She also suggested that as his BP is so low he stops one of his BP tablets if his Dr agreed. We didn’t realise the tablets he was given after his pacemaker was fitted were blood pressure tablets. So the three could be causing his unsteadiness on his feet, his own Dr agreed so he’s not taking his Amalopidine any more.
    I hope the next leg of your journey is uneventful Sandra.

    1. Stunning card Pat, absolutely gorgeous !
      Sorry to hear Pete is no better and keep being sick, hope the tablets will help him with that. Sending you both hugs (((0))) xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Today's card is even prettier"in the flesh", I think you really have made the most of the panels by separating them into singles. I'm sorry to hear that you and Paul had trouble yesterday but I hope the hotel was good and you have an easier run the rest of the way my lovely xx
    Lilian, I'm so sorry to hear you had a fall and I hope you aren't in too much pain. Please get lots of rest if you can. Sending healing hugs x
    We had a lovely few days with the older grandchildren with lots of fun and laughter. They all get on so well, it's lovely just sitting back and watching them play sometimes (usually when my joints start to complain too much 😊)
    I am having a quite day today, no swimming lessons for Phoebe and Paige as they are at Warwick castle as Phoebes 9th birthday treat. Where did those years go??? Both girls were told last week that they are now ready for the next swimming stage so now it's a case of Roz trying to get them into classes that run at least on the same day if not at the same time. We have been very lucky up untl now with their lessons swimming starting at the same time so fingers crossed it can continue.
    I'm off to have some lunch. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Cheryl, sorry that I forgot to say congratulations on another successful fundraiser. Its good to hear positive feed back from your customers, well done x

  10. Hi all,
    It's lovely to see the Groovi works from Pat, they are real art work.
    Val, lovely see you back, hope you alright.
    Michele- short notice from BIL or, hope you can all visit your FIL and it all goes well. Take care
    Hopefully the rest of your trip Sandra won't be so stressed and you found yourself on the right route down to the next stop.
    I hope you all had a good day as possible and saw some sunshine today. It was +29 this afternoon and rather humid.
    Popped this morning to Nero for croissant and coffee and then M & S quickly before continue to Stamford to see OH step-mum. Very hard visit and pretty draining. Also had a message from mum that Dad is on intensive ward for blood poisoning, he got high fever last Saturday and got taken back to hospital and they will keep him for another week. They checked his heart today and that look fine but he might need to have his pacemaker changed and unfortunately the hospital he is in right now don't do the electrodes so then it's back to Gothenburg. Mum having her kidneys checked on Tuesday because of her pain in her back. I can just say (screeeeam) Once again sorry for moaning, soapbox way and truly put away for now.
    Many hugs to all and extras for you who need some. Nighty night xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I opened the iPad today only to see the comment I had written yesterday was sitting in the box looking at me. I hadn’t pressed publish. !!!!

    Sandra your card yesterday was lovely, I love the vellum panel, It all coordinates beautifully xx Pleased your journey is progressing well and hope you have got over the Paris nightmare.

    PAT what a lovely card as Lillian said it really is a work of art. This is definitelyy a beautiful keepsake. xx

    Had a busy day mostly working in the garden. Lodger (granddaughter) has gone to a friends house, they are off to Reading in the morning, camping until Monday. This will be the third year they’ve been. They know the campsite, the area they want to pitch tents and meet up with friends. Hope the weather holds out!!!

    PAT sorry to hear Pete is not doing so well, hope the BP pill reduction will make a difference xx

    Time for bed, sleep well everyone, Big Hugs Brenda xxx
