
Tuesday 14 August 2018

Lorraine's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Lorraine was a little too late for me to get her card posted in time for the Sunday showcase of all of your cards, so as I always promise to share any cards that you have gone to the trouble of making, here is Lorraine's beautiful Sketch challenge card.

Lorraine has used the Delightful Daisy Dsp for her background, she has then added a pretty scalloped border, the part that really catches your eye is the beautiful daisy, Lorraine has stamped the Daisy twice with the Daisy Delight Stamp set and the punched them with the matching Daisy Punch and off set them on top of each other to give a fuller looking flower.  Lorraine's finishing touches are those pretty buttons placed along the border and the 'Best Wishes' peel Off.
The best thing about Stampin'Up! Products is that everything is made to coordinate, their decorative papers, stamps, ink, cardstock, ribbon and embellishments, all work perfectly together.
Thank you so much Lorraine for taking part in this week's challenge, I was so pleased to hear the good news about your Chemo, I will leave it for you to share with the Ladies...XXX

I think the next few days will be spent waiting for those last minute things to arrive, we have had to replace a couple of things that seem to have got lost in the move, like the bag of holiday shoes, well basically about 15 pairs of flipflops!  I am sure that they got put into a bigger box and will turn up eventually, so for now its easier to buy a few more pairs, it's nice to have some new ones anyway.
Yesterday I was waiting for Paul's birthday present, that turned up late afternoon, the box was really battered though so I hope everything is still inside.  He chose a Rotating Composter, of all things, apparently it makes Composting faster, this thing looks huge though, I am sure it will work fine, Paul is really tricky to buy for as he never 'wants' anything, it's unusual for us to be home for his birthday so I think that everyone is looking forward to having a nice meal out together.

I will leave you with a laugh though, after Paul left yesterday morning he left our Bedroom window open for the cats to go out, I nodded back off to sleep for about 20 mins, then I got up and went to the bathroom just as Matt came down, Matt commented on how excited Milo seemed with his new (still empty) automatic feeder, I came out of the bathroom to see a little tail stuck out the side of the feeder, at which point I screamed for Matt, who spent the next hour moving every piece of furniture in the hall trying to catch this very fast, mouse, every time he got it cornered the bloody thing escaped,
which he thought was amusing, I was sat on my bed, eyes closed, humming a song to distract myself.
It seemed to take forever but he eventually caught it in his hands and took it out to the garden.
The most disturbing part for me is that Milo walked over my legs, across the bed to bring it in, it just doesn't bare thinking about!

Have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lorraine-what a beautiful card, I really love the stamped daisy on it.

    Work was ok yesterday, no ther Managers in so I was being asked many questions & ended up sorting out a couple of problems which kept me busy. Didn’t get into my craft room yesterday evening so fingers crossed I’ll get thinking of a card tonight.


  2. Lorraine - Beautiful card.
    Sandra hope the missing flip flops and sandals turn up what a nightmare having to buy more, not long now for your holiday. Bet your all excited.
    The Milo story has made me giggle, hope you all have a lovely day. xxx

  3. I love your card LORRAINE The simple elegant daisy really sets it off beautifully
    I hope PETE feels a lot better after his blood transfusion
    I hope to craft later after work I have a few things that need to be finished
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lorraine just love your card. Love the daisy.
    Wow, your cats certainly love the mice in your garden. Made me giggle though.
    Isn’t it funny how people love to give you advice when they don’t know the full facts.
    I’m glad you would take your husband straight to A& E MRS ANANOMYOUS, but A & E wouldn’t be able to help mine as it’s part of his condition. I actually feel sorry for yours.

    1. Glad you managed to get the transfusion for Pete.

      People are very fond of telling you to go to A&E, little do they know what A&E is like, makes you more ill than before you go.

    2. Glad to be of help no thank you necessary.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Lorraine lovely card from you today, I love the daisy stamp/punch & paper such delicate colours, well
    Sandra you did make me giggle with the story about Milo, he is a real case. Sorry I did not get in yesterday, we were out a lot yesterday & by the time I had cooked tea I was tired. Good challenge this week, thank you Karen for suggestion, I hope to have a go maybe tomorrow. Have a good day with
    Karen very good suggestion such a wide choice, thank
    Pat good to hear Pete has blood test & transfusion arranged, hope he feels the benefit soon, hugs on
    Val hope you got your cat to the vet it is such a worry when they are ill, hugs on
    I am going out for afternoon tea with the ladies from embroidery group this afternoon, which will be nice as I haven't seen some since my accident which believe it or not was on 23rd May!!!! where has time gone.
    Maria sorry to hear Dad had to return to hospital hope all well now, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret.
      Enjoy your afternoon tea. Can't believe its almost three month since your accident. Doesn't time pass by so quickly?
      Olive was given 2 injections and we have to take her back on Saturday for a check. As you say its horrible when your animals are ill. Bye for now x

    2. I hope you enjoy your outing I can’t believe it was May when you fall

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lorraine, very pretty challenge card. Love the flower.x

    SANDRA your cats sound real characters. Did give me a laugh though.x

    Thinking of the people involved in the latest terror attack in London. Thank goodness it doesn't sound as though any one is too seriously injured.
    My heart also goes out to the people of Genoa. What a terrible tragedy. Such frightening photos coming through on Sky news.

    I've been to get my nails done but before I left at 8am this morning, I realised that I had no charge on my phone so plugged it in in the kitchen and rested it on the plancha. Fifteen minutes later instead of my phone I found a mound of melted plastic. I switched the plancha on instead of the phone and I've no phone left, even the SIM card has melted and my lovely Radley phone holder is burnt to a crisp. Nothing else to say about it really.

    PAT hope Pete was sorted yesterday.x

    Bye for now
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Oh my word, what an expensive mistake for you. Are you able to replace your phone 📱 through your insurance?.

    2. Oh VAL What a shame I hope you’re not without a phone for too long

    3. Hi I'm hoping its covered on the home insurance policy. Fingers crossed. X

  7. Hi All , very damp and muggy here today.

    Lorraine, lovely card, love florals.

    My album kit came today, basic instructions, but nothing to show how to make pockets and flaps, so going to look on utube to find some inspiration. Quite expensive for the kit, should have looked closer, think Hochanda is a bit pricey.

    Have a great day all, hugs Lilian

    1. I think HOCHANDA can be very expensive despite their ODS prices
      The company selling the albums must have a website and as you say YouTube will have tutorials

  8. Thank you Sandra for showing my project for the sketch challenge this week. I am so pleased that it is being shown but I am more pleased about not having to have to go to chemotherapy for 3 weeks. I am fairly stable I was told by the Oncologist even though I am still terminal so because I have been on chemotherapy since last June that she has offered me a break. My hubby (Simon) and I are hoping to get away somewhere; not sure where but anywhere is better than nowhere. I hopefully will get my entry in quicker this week. Sandra your story of your cat and the mouse is so funny (sorry I know it is not funny to you) but I am sure Milo was only trying to be nice to you. How many pairs of flip-flops do you need as a family as well? LOL xxx

    1. Hi Lorraine
      I’m glad to hear your having a break from chemo. Great idea to go away if you can for a few days. Will do you both a world of good. Fab card by the way.

    2. Oh LILIAN that is such good news Enjoy your time away whether it’s near or far xx

    3. Hi Lorraine, so glad you're having a break from your chemo and hope you manage to get away for a few days.x

    4. I’ve just realised I spelt your name wrong I am so sorry Predictive text is a pain Sorry LORRAINE

  9. Hullo ladies
    Well as predicted Pete’s problems are caused by his condition. His Bone Marrow isn’t working as it should. Went for crossmatching today. He’ll spend all day at the hospital tomorrow. Then as and when required he’ll go back for top ups.
    Thank you ladies for your good wishes.

    1. I hope feels so much better after his transfusion
      It’s at times like this that reminds me I wish I could donate blood but the diabetes prevents me from doing so Take care xx

    2. Hi Pat, I'm sure Pete's day at the hospital tomorrow will make him feel much better. Sending you both hugs.xx

    3. Hi Pat, Hope Pete feels better after his treatment tomorrow.🤞
      Take care, Love Brenda xxx

  10. I should have said earlier but as usual I was rushing around getting ready for work MILO really has a skill at bringing you presents! Not funny but it did make me smile
    I bet you’ll find the flip flops on the day after you get back from your hols!

  11. Hi Sandra and all.
    A lovely card Lorraine, do like the flower. Hope you can get away for a few days and have some real R & R,take care.
    Pat- hope the blood transfusion for Pete will make him feel better. Lovely photo of you on facebook/ many hugs.
    Val- what a thing to happen for you. Hope you can get a new phone somehow.
    Margaret- can't believe it is three month since the accident, hope now you feel better each day, hugs
    Oh Sandra you did make me giggle, your cat is so funny. I wonder what she brings next ?..... I was meant to finish something today and get to the post office but didn't feel right so have to see what tomorrow brings and oh yes my dad was taken back to hospital this afternoon. My poor mum don't know what to do with herself. Sorry everyone, you don't want to hear all my gloom. I do looking forward to this coming Sunday when I will see Karen and maybe some of you other ladies.
    Have a good night all, love and hugs xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lorraine I love your challenge card. I’m sure you will appreciate a break from chemotherapy. Enjoy your holiday it will be good for you both to get away and relax. xx

    Sandra I like the idea of Paul’s birthday present. Will be interested to hear his opinion on its performance. Sorry I did have to smile at Milo’s attempt to bring you another ‘gift’ He has certainly got used to country living!!!

    Yesterday was such a lovely day, unfortunately John didn’t feel up to going, he had a ‘funny tummy ‘ it started early yesterday morning and carried on through the day. I’m pleased to say he is now feeling better.
    We had arranged a 16 seater coach, the company is only a few miles from us and they said they would pick us up from home. I had Terney for company as she is still living here. We then made two pickups in the Holborn area. And we were on our way - I have to say everyone has a great day.

    Time to say night night, love and hugs Brenda xxx
