
Wednesday 15 August 2018

Margaret's sending Hedgehugs

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is very special as it marks Our Margaret's return to cardmaking after her accident, operation and recuperation, I was so happy to see this card, I really hate when one of you is missing from the group, you are all my family and I love you all dearly
Margaret's card has been made with the ' Hedgehugs' stamp set to create this super cute card,  Margaret has stamped both the Hedgehogs and the Squirrel twice and placed the sentiment ''Today is Special, just like you! '' in the centre of the card , Margaret has then added a Mat of matching card before matting onto a white card base.
Thank you so much Margaret for sharing your card with all of us.

Sue came over yesterday and bought some lunch, we had a lovely afternoon chatting and catching up, we even got some crafting done, well Sue did, I was faffin about and didn't get a card finished, Sue did manage to get her card stamped, she is going to finish it at home,
It was a bit of a rush as Paul got in, he had a quick change and we were off to the Opticians, he picked up his glasses last night, although they lady told him to wear them as much as possible, Paul
was only wanting to wear them for working on the Computer at work, luckily the Dispenser explained  everything very clearly and I was relieved, although he came in from our the appoinmemt, putting his glassed on the dresser in the hall and thats where they stayed!

Well were are midway through  the week, its going way too fast and I Don't feel organised yet. I am sure it will all be fine though.

Sadly I won't get to see Pat today as Pete is having his Blood Transfusion. I hope all goes well Pat, I will be thinking of you all day.  I also pray that it will have a long last effect.
Sending you both huge hugs Pat xx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a really lovely card, it’s so cute. Great to see you back to Card Making.

    Busy day yesterday at work, went on the computer last night. Sorted out another challenge for you all when Sandra is away.

    I’m off out for my tea tonight-meeting an ex colleague but not until 19:30 so I think it’s going to be a late night.


    1. Have a nice evening Michele. Hope your FIL is doing better. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria

      My F in L has had yet another chest infection (last week) & went to their local hospital by ambulance for a bladder scan-no idea why, unless we visit him, we don’t get any updates on his health. He’s very frustrated that he can’t “just go home “ but he doesn’t seem to realise the extent of his paralysis & other major health problems which would make it physically impossible for him to return home.


    3. Sorry to hear that, must be so hard for you all. Sending you all some hugs. My dad had to go back to hospital because of infection which didn't get sorted before they sent him home from the other after his op so he is now in intensive care, only wish I could help him. You take care and try to have a lovely evening xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday as it was just manic.

    MARGARET- what a cute card. I love your Hedgepigs and it's so lovely to see you back to crafting.

    PAT- I have everything crossed that Pete's transfusion does the trick of making him feel more like himself. Huge HUGS to you both.

    LILIAN- I'm waiting for my kit to arrive (the album). Can you look back at the programe where the lady was demonstrating how to make pages re flaps and pockets. I watched the programe and was quite impressed. I shall be looking back when mine arrives.

    SANDRA- I hope you have a 'gift free' day Sorry I have to smile at Milo's tricks.

    The Doors are open as usual for you all to pop in when you're ready. HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you have a less of a manic day today and can have a sit down at times, hugs back x

  3. Good morning all
    I hope PETE gets on OK today PAT and I was sorry to see that your dad is back in hospital MARIA It must be such a worry for you and your family I hope you can still make Sunday at STAMPERAMA I’m really looking forward to seeing you and maybe do a bit of shopping.... It would be lovely to see any of you others too
    I am so sorry ladies that I kept getting your names muddled LORRAINE and LILIAN
    Off to work in a mo I have my Appraisal today which (sorry MICHELE) I haven’t done a lot of prep for It’s a part time job which I do well without complaint I don’t have any aspirations to achieve promotion etc The only thing I’m looking forward to is retirement
    Have a good day all xxx

    1. Hi Karen, Hope the appraisal goes well- I’m sure it will. Just say what you have shared with us (sorry I did do a little chuckle when I read it!) Seriously I’m sure you will give it your best. xx

    2. Hi Karen, hope the appraisal went well even if you don't want to become the "bozz" hihi
      I'll see you Sunday :>) xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Margaret I love your hedgehogs and squirrels, this is a lovely card that could be made to fit any occasion. Please you feel up to crafting again, I know you did miss it when you were out of action. I’m sure you are now one happy bunny. xx

    Sandra I’m pleased you had a lovely time with Sue, I’m sure you sorted out the world as well as crafting. xx. Hope Paul gets used to his glasses soon, we are all very self conscious when we first get them. Our youngest daughter is supposed to ware hers for reading and when she uses the computer, her work is computer based so she should have then on most of the time ..... wrong. Even at 50 years old I still have to tell her off for not wearing them!

    Pat hope all goes well with Pete today, he will feel a new man after the transfusion (hopefully) you try and take things easy today, you must be exhausted after the last few weeks.xx

    Maria, sorry to hear dad is back in hospital I hope things improve soon.xx

    Sending big hugs for everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, glad you had a nice day. Good John is feeling better, Take care, hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card, I was surprised to see it this morning, it is nice to be crafting again but I can only do a little at a time, it has really taken it out of me, joys of getting older. Paul will soon realise it is better to wear his glasses, I know somebody else who suddenly says I must get my glasses, remind you of anybody Sandra. I am sure Paul will have well organised by Saturday if I know
    Thank you all for your lovely comments on my card, it is nice to join in again. I enjoyed seeing the ladies from embroidery yesterday it was nice to go out, but was I tired afterwards, so quiet day on cards
    Pat thinking of you & Pete today, hope all goes well, hugs on
    Maria sorry Dad is back in hospital, very difficult for Mum & you not being there, sending hugs to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret. Glad you had a nice catch up with the embroidery group, always nice to go for meet ups but boy do you get tired afterwards and so I hope you take it easy today. Love your cards, the hedgehogs and squirrels are so cute. Many hugs xx

    2. Who can you be talking about Mum....haha. Love your card, so good to see you are getting back to usual. You have done incredibly well with your recovery. Make the most of the enforced rest as once you are 100% you won't be sitting down much will you 😘 Love you xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card our Margaret made, so cute.
    Have you found all the flip-flops yet or ? I'm sure you soon be ready and all packed up for the holiday. Think it is better if Paul could wear his glasses all the time for he will soon be used to them and so easy otherwise to lay them down somewhere and forget them. I have forgot many times at home, very annoying but the worse one was leaving them in a restaurant and I was in the car before remembering,luckily the staff had taken care of them so got them back,huuu
    Had a walk with OH this morning and hoping to get to the post office later and making some cards for cc and other but feeling very tired, think the late Sunday and not much sleep lately is the culprit.
    Lynda- hope you alright and you had a nice day home alone.
    Cheryl- how many items have you made so far for the fair ? Have you been on any hikes lately ?
    Pat- thinking of you today, hope it goes well
    Hugs winging it's way to you all, have a nice day, hugs xxx

    1. Hi Maria yes had a god day yesterday made three Challange cards. My comment yesterday seems to have been eaten by the cyber monsters hope they get indigestion.
      Sorry to read your dad's back in hospital it must be frustrating being far away. Sending you love & Hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Just a quick hi as all of the grandchildren are due here any minute then we are all off for a swim before the girls swimming lessons so grabbing a sit down before the chaos begins 😀
    Im glad Paul has got his glasses, no doubt he will start to wear them more and more without thinking about it soon
    I hope you are all having a good day, it's warm but very grey here 😖
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need xx

  8. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Pat hope Pete feels better after his transfusion sending Hugs
    So late been busy day did my ironing this morning started at 7am finished at 9.30am takes me so long as I have to sit down to do it can't stand up to do it any more. Then had breakfast followed by shower while Terry washed up & hoovered.
    Then went to see Margaret Terry picked me up at 4.30pm home at 6pm then had dinner to do. So day just vanished.
    MARGARET I love your card so cute. Glad to see you making cards again xx
    Now I have just been given my builders tea so I'm off to drink it.
    Hug's for all Love Lynda xx
