
Monday 13 August 2018

Karen's Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

This week's challenge has been organised by our Karen, it's something super fun and very different to anything we have done before.
The Challenge is to think of a Film or Song Title and make a card that represents that Film or Song, for example...…

Karen's inspiration cards ….
1. We're All going on a Summer Holiday

2. Somewhere over the rainbow

To be honest I think if we look at most of our cards we can think of a song that would work...…

There is a song for just about anything these days, I will list some ideas below...….

Angels  (great for Christmas cards) Robbie Williams plus many others
Birds..... lots of songs for those
Butterflies, Mariah Carey has a song called 'Butterfly' plus many others
Daisy..... Daisy, Daisy
Fall (autumn)
Seasons of the Sun
Teddy Bear

I have just scratched the surface, however if you get stuck, just make a card and I will think up something, it's just for fun and a totally different idea from Karen.
You can pick up all most any card and it think of a song title to fit it.
Most of all have fun with it.
Thank you Karen for a unique and fun challenge. xxx

We had a very productive day yesterday, getting lots of different holiday things sorted, buying Euros, ordering automatic feeders for cats as they will be left alone for one night, although I will be worried sick the whole night! There are lots of little things that you don't think about for instance you need to have Alcohol Breathalysers in your car when driving in France, if you get stopped by police they expect to use yours. We got some shopping done too, its  hard to find sensibly priced Sun cream at the moment, because of the  Heatwave!

Next up, A rant!!!!
I called my mum to see how she was, she has had terrible back pain since being in hospital again a few weeks back, she had a water infection that had caused her to be really poorly, anyway they treated her with intravenous antibiotics and sent her home with oral ones, which she took, but has been complaining ever since with a terrible back pain, so her GP kept giving her more antibiotics, well about ten days ago I kind of lost patience and told my sister to insist that Mum had either an Xray or a scan, so she did, they reluctantly sent her off for one.  Well last week she got a call from the hospital to tell her that she has a Fracture in her back, (although she wasn't sure where), she is waiting for an appointment to go and have a Brace fitted.  To say I was angry, frustrated and shocked was an understatement.  I am going to call her GP today and ask them to explain I think, she has clearly had 4 lots of antibiotics that she didn't need.  They think that the fracture happened when she collapsed in the kitchen when she had the water infection last time.
I am hoping that it hasn't been left too long to treat with just a Brace.

That's all from me today, I have a few blog posts to prepare, so I will be in my craft room if you need me.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-interesting challenge for us this week. I’m going to really have to think about my Card this week!

    Sandra-ask your Mums GP to review he scan pictures & contact the hospital for an explanation. If the GP doesn’t want to go snyt, casually mention that you’re going to contact the CQC about the hospital & the GP practice. All hospitals have a Complaints Manager & they are obliged to respond to any complaint within 28 days of receiving a written(email included) complaint.

    Right-thank goodness I’m only in work 3 days this week as I already feel shattered!


  2. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Karen you really have set is an interesting challenge this week I’m sure everybody will be putting in thinking caps on.
    Sandra hope Mum Is going to be alright. And I hope you get some satisfaction when you speak to someone at her GP practice. Great advice from Michele though well worth following up.
    Up early this morning we going off to Loughborough to celebrate my sisters 80th birthday with religious community up there.
    Have a good day everyone sending love and hugs Brenda XXX

  3. Hi ladies,
    Great challenge this week KAREN. My mind is a blank at the moment so thinking cap on. Two really lovely cards to give us inspiration as well.x

    SANDRA really good advice from Michele. Somebody has to be made accountable.x

    My window cleaner is due first thing then I'm off to the vets. I suddenly remembered about 5 minutes ago that I'm supposed to be watering my friends plants whilst she's in UK for a month. She's been gone for two weeks. Eek I hope they're OK!!!

    Have a good day everyone.

    PAT Hope your GP arranges urgent attention for PETE.X

    Love Valx

  4. Morning Everyone
    OH KAREN what an interesting and challenging subject you have chosen for us this week. My little grey cell is clearly(or not) going to have to work overtime hehe

    PAT- I really do hope PETE gets the scan and some treatment urgently. From what you have said re his blood count he really needs a transfusion. Sending loads and loads of gentle HUGS to you both.

    I too have quite a few dies which never see the light of day and I just don't know what to do about them. I'm not confident about putting them on the net for sale but it is such a shame that they aren't used. The other thing is that I wouldn't know what to charge for them.

    Super busy week for me. Mr Tesco this morning; hospital appointment tomorrow morning and then K&N in the afternoon and it's my turn for 'take and make'. There was a mix up last time and that's just the beginning of the week.

    The CAFE is open as usual for you all. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care xxxx

    1. Hi Janet I have sold some of my old Dies on EBay what I do is put the name of Die in the search box then that gives an idea what to charge.
      Then you can decide on a price. Hope that helps
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Oh I hope you like this challenge ladies I think any and every card we make could be named after a song or film
    A great song for ideas is “Doe a deer” .....
    Think Beatles Bee Gees Take That Vera Lynn Elvia Presley - anyone Films could include My Fair Lady (elegant ladies - Ascot) Star Wars Disney You name it you’ll find something
    So I hope you enjoy it and will take part Think Christmas carols too
    We had a lovely weekend Out dancing yesterday afternoon which meant seeing OSCAR
    Got two of my cards finished Couldn’t do the others as my “caught in crystal” hadn’t dried but the pieces are all cut out and ready to put together
    Have a great day ladies
    I hope you get some help for your mum SANDRA and I hope you’re able to get PETE sorted too PAT
    I Am off to work in a mo
    Take care all xx

  6. Morning everyone.
    A very interesting challenge Karen and so many ideas are stumbling around in my brain already Lol
    Sandra ,I hope your mum be ok and she get the help that she need. My dad had to go back to Gothenburg for a few days after he had some problem, came back home yesterday. Difficult when are parents get older and we our self have things going on in life.
    Pat- hope Pete also get the help he need to start feeling better soon.
    Janet- like you I have dies and stamps never to be used again and have thought of selling them on. Perhaps ask Lynda or Michele how to do it. Hope the K & N goes fine for you.
    Brenda- have a lovely day and wishing your sister a happy birthday !
    Val- oh dear, hope the plants are still looking alive. I believe you have it very hot at the moment. Here we at last got some well deserved rain and the temp is around 20. We sat out to midnight last night with candles as the only light, it was so nice. had a fabulous bbq and ate well to much as usual so today I just have to calm down, right down.
    Taking step-son to the station later and going out for a coffee afterwards then hope to make some cards this afternoon. Have a nice day ladies, hugs xxx

  7. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    Ooo KAREN a interesting challenge from you this week I'm home alone today so will see what I come up with if anything.
    SANDRA I hope your mum gets some treatment ASAP & not good giving her so many antibiotics & you get to talk to her doctor today.sending some Hug's
    MARIA Hope your dad be ok thinking of you all Hug's on the way.xx
    PAT hope Pete gets some help today have you got some appointments he needs gets some help.sending Hug's xx
    Better get tided up & have my shower.
    Sending everyone Hug's to everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Pete is supposed to have an appointment with the hospital next Tuesday. However, we haven’t as yet received an appointment, so I will chase them up again. I had to do that last month as well. Im not to sure what’s going on just lately. His own Dr is supposed to ring him today re a blood transfusion. If he hasn’t heard by this afternoon I’ll be ringing them as well to see what’s going on. The Dr on Wed also contacted Prof Prothero to see about an urgent scan so that will need sorting as well if we don’t hear anything.

    2. Oh Pat these doctors don't realise how frustrating it is waiting to get them to ring you back & get appointments sorted especially when Pete is so poorly. I hope he gets some positive help ASAP PAT .Sending you both Big Hug's .

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a carry on with your Mum Sandra. I hope she doesn’t have to wait to long to have a brace fitted and you manage to talk to her Dr.
    Karen what a great challenge this could keep that theme going for quite a few weeks couldn’t you.
    Need to get Pete sorted out ASAP. I hate waiting around for Drs to ring you back. I wish they’d sorted him out on Friday when they rang.

    1. I hope the GP rings you and that you don’t have to keep doing all of this chasing around xx

    2. Hope by now your GP has rung Pat and Pete's getting the treatment he needs.x

    3. If that was my husband I would have him at A& E straight away. He is obviously seriously ill and needs immediate treatment!!!!

    4. What a funny name you have.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I hope you have managed to speak to your Mum's GP by now and I hope she gets her brace fitted very quickly and it gives her some pain relief!
    Karen, what a great challenge for this week. I love both of your cards. All I have got in my head at the moment is Bat out of hell( another thing that Sandra and I share is out love of the same music😊) but I don't do Halloween cards so will have to try and think of something else. I couldn't comment on Saturday but thank you for sharing that wonderful picture of Gary and his beloved animals. What a fantastic legacy to leave behind, playing such an important role in the world's conservation....he clearly was a lovely man, it's no surprise that you are such a proud Mum and Dad X
    Janet, what beautiful baubles, lovely little works of art X
    Enjoy all of the new stamps etc ladies that you shared on Saturday
    Yesterday's challenge cards were at the usual wonderful standard. Lilian please keep on making your gorgeous cards, they are always so beautiful so dont go changing x
    I realise when I saw mine that I hadn't finished it as the sentiment is still sat on my desk waiting to be put on. Aagghh, yet another reminder note needed!!!
    Maria, I hope Dad is able to stay at home now. Thinking of you. Its times like these that are hard when you are so far away isn't it. Big hugs to youx
    It is certainly a lot cooler here and we had a lot of rain especially late afternoon yesterday. Isn't it amazing how quickly the grass, and weeds, grows back after being so brown and shriveled for so many weeks. It is nice to be cooler but I must admit that I would like it to be less windy and just a couple of degrees warmer with some sun. Chris is loving this weather though and has willingly stepped out of the house today to go fishing with his brother and nephew that live locally. They have been going most weeks but Chris wouldn't go with them due to the hot weather so at least he is having an enjoyable day. Me? I've been doing some of that rude word that Janet does on a Friday morning and some sorting out of household bits and pieces so nothing exciting today.
    I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Istherea line in Bat Out of Hell that you could twist into a theme for a card?

  10. Hi All, lovely sunny day here.

    Karen great cards, and a real challenge for us this week, thinking cap on.

    Sandra hope you get to talk to your Mums Dr, ours would not do that unless they have written permission from patient. Hope they get her sorted soon.

    Pat do hope you managed to get treatment sorted soon, such a worry for you both.

    Haven’t done much today, finished fairies and the bag they go in, so that’s ready for Mimi’s birthday at the weekend, she will be five on Sunday, don’t know where the time goes.

    Hugs to you all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I’m glad you managed to get the fairies and bag finished. Managed to get the blood transfusion sorted. Being done Tues and Wed.

    2. Hi Lilian
      Glad you got the fairies made. Please can you take a picture of them & the bag I would love to see them.
      Thank you Love Lynda xx

  11. Wow what a fantastic card challenge this week Sandra I only hope that I can get it done on time for once. I am sorry to hear about your poor mum she must of been in so much pain but hopefully now things will improve. :O) xxx
