
Thursday 30 August 2018

Cheryl's Prize Winning Christmas Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and those of you that are under the weather are on the mend.

Today's card is the one that our Cheryl entered into her local village Fete Craft Competition, 
it's no surprise that it Won 2nd Prize!! It's stunning!
The card has an embossed background, then a pretty red Octagonal Frame that has beautiful decorative paper behind, it looks like heart shaped wreaths, the prize winning touch is that Gorgeous floral spray, OMG Cheryl it is so stunning, beautiful rich red flowers with tiny pine cones and berries, Sue Wilson Swirly Spray and Trailing Ivy, finishing with those lovely Stick Pins.
You must have been so thrilled with your prizes Cheryl, they were so well deserved, thank you so much for allowing me to share them with everyone. xxx

Val, I hope that your leg starts to heal fast, I remember you saying about a similar thing before.  I hope that the nurse is gentle with you, it must be so sore. Hugs on their way xxx

Maria, I hope you managed to get some decent sleep, I will say that your magazine will probably still keep coming after you cancel it, I paid £5 for 3 issues back in November last year, they have never taken another penny and I am still getting the magazine, I have even called them to let them know.
I hope that your poor Dad gets sorted soon and on the road to recovery, it must be hard on your mum too.  sending huge hugs xxx

Janet, I am pleased to hear your dilemma was solved, I can 100% recommend Fernli Designs, their products are top quality and their prices so reasonable, they are local to us and we went out to their unit to collect an order, we stayed and Chatted with Lou and her lovely husband for a couple of hours, you couldn't meet nicer people and makes you want to support their little business.  I am excited to see what you buy, they will also try and help you with anything they don't sell, if you ask.
I just know you will upcycle your storage when you get it. sending hugs xxx

Pat, I am so pleased to read that Pete has made a little bit of a recovery, fingers crossed it continues, how's Doreen doing, I guess you are still visiting?  Sending hugs to you both my lovely xxx

Lilian, I do hope that you are starting to feel better my lovely, huge hugs on their way. xxx

Well I must go and get ready the day, not sure what's planned as yet, I will update you all tomorrow, yesterday was a bit of a mixed day, we had glorious sunshine up until about 3/4pm then the clouds rolled in and the heavens eventually opened, accompanied by some thunder.  We needed though as it was so muggy, making it hard to breathe (not helped by my AF).  So we ended the day with board games and lots of laughter.

Sending love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-your Card is absolutely gorgeous, it’s so beautiful. I’m not surprised it was a prize winner.

    We had yet another crazy day yesterday-finally went fir my lunch st 2pm! Quick shopping trip after work then I did absolutely nothing as I was shattered.

    Hopefully today will be much quieter, assuming the workmen turn up to work on the sink. I’m going straight to the hairdressers tonight as she’s away this weekend & it was the only time she could fit me in.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope it’s not to frantic and work today.

  2. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL- what a beautiful Seasonal Card and fully deserved to win a prize.

    I managed to get my CC finished yesterday and got a washer full dried outside so a very good day. Today I have to send off my CC and then it's a 'whatever turns up' day.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in when you can. All are welcome.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good. Take care everyone.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I also have a line full of washing out.

  3. Morning everyone.

    Very pretty card Cheryl. Love the background.

    Off to get my hair done shortly. Don't these 5 weeks fly by.

    SANDRA hope it's a dryer day for you today although I'm a bit jealous that you've had rain and we haven't. It's still very humid here and we could do with some relief.
    To answer your question. I've always got a bandage on an arm or leg as my skin is paper thin and tears at the slightest excuse. I carry faux stitches a bandage and scissors around in my bag all the time just in case. Usually I deal with the cuts myself but sometimes they're so nasty I need to see the nurse. This latest one has become infected hence my visits every other day to the sadistic nurse. Apparently apart from age my skin is so thin due to prolonged use of inhalers. Still there's worse things in the world aren't there?

    PAT glad Pete's feeling a bit better. It must be such a relief for you.Sending you both hugsx

    MARIA Hope mum and dad improve soon. Hugsx

    LILIAN hope you feel up to some crafting today. Have the bruises disappeared yet? XX

    Have a good day everyone. Love to all. Valx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful card Cheryl and Congrats for raising more money at Monday's fete'.
    Brenda, your Anniversary card for Daughter and Son in Law is lovely.
    Val, take care and so hope your skin will heal soon. Do you have to be extra careful with your pets and when gardening ?
    Lilian, hope you feeling a bit better each day.
    Sandra, so glad you had a lovely birthday and managed to get out on the pedalo with the 'gang', you braver then me. The ice cream sound real yummy and a perfect ending to a perfect day.
    Not going to do much today, had a bit of a turn yesterday so OH called out the paramedic. WE were nearly back home from a walk around the lake, took them a while to find us. I'm alright, think worries and stuff it's getting to me in funny ways.
    Seem like a nice day so I wish you all have the same and enjoy the day whatever you are doing. Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria, hope you're ok. Stress can have such a bad effect on our bodies and it's easy to say don't worry but if that's your nature you can't help it. Take care and sending lots of hugs.x

    2. Oh MARIA poor you Please take care xx

    3. Oh Dear Maria sorry to hear Ric had to call paramedics out to you, I hope have good news on your Dad & Mum soon. Sending lots of Momma hugs love

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. CHERYL, what a beautiful card, no wonder that it is s prize winner. I love the heart wreath paper and your floral bits and bobs looks gorgeous. Congratulations X
    SANDRA, I hope the storm yesterday has cleared the air somewhat. I can just imagine you all having a great games night. No doubt there was lots of laughter xx
    MARIA, I'm sorry to hear you weren't well yesterday and hope it is just all of the stress you are under at the moment taking it's toll. Ric must have been so worried. Take it easy dear friend X
    VAL, sorry that you have to see the sadistic nurse at the moment. Do you have to see the same one or is it just bad luck that you get her. I hope your legs starts to improve quickly X
    LILIAN, I hope you are feeling a little better each day x
    I have got to get some Scouting paperwork out of the way so we are ready for the new term. Where has the school summer holiday gone! Hopefully then I will make a star on my cc.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Val, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue hope you got your scouting paperwork done. This year is flying past more quickly than ever. It's September on Saturday!!!
      There's only one nurse at our practice sadly. She's only young but oh so heavy handed.
      Enjoy the rest of your day. X

    2. Hi Sue, this year really is going faster then norm. Hope you got all the paper work done and the season will be a good one for all the scouts. How many groups do you have ? hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I hope after yesterday‘s rain and thunderstorm you are all feeling a lot more comfortable and able to get on enjoying your holiday. Evening spent playing games sounds great fun, even though the weather was not good you were still able to enjoy yourselves. XX

    CHERYL what beautiful card, your prize is so well deserved. Thank you for allowing Sandra to show it to us. XX

    PAT I hope Pete continues to feel better LOL. Also Doreen is comfortable with she is.

    MARIA Sorry to hear you had a ‘funny turn’ and the paramedics had to be called. You really seem to have a lot to cope with just now, also if you’re not getting enough sleep your body isn’t healing and giving you the strength to get through this very stressful time. I hope your Mum and Dad will soon be showing signs of improvement soon. Sending you lots and lots of big squidgy hugs XX

    VAL I really feel for you having such fine skin, my mother although hers was down to old-age, had skin was like tissue paper. XX

    Have a good day everyone, Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. OOPS..... Sorry PAT that should say Doreen is comfortable WHERE she is!!! XX

    2. Hi Brenda.
      Doreen is doing very well. Isn’t able to weight beat on her right leg. So uses a frame and has to hop to toilet. She’s in Witney Community Hospital, just down the road from us. So it’s great for visiting. We’re going to pick up a coat for her and take her out in a wheelchair this afternoon, just for a change of scenery.

    3. Hi Brenda, Lynn says she's going to make me a bubble wrap suit. It sure would solve the problems ha ha.
      Hope you're having a good day.x

    4. Hi Brenda, thanks for the squidgy hugs. They make me feel loads better to have friends like you and ladies on this blog. Hope to see you soon at Ally Pally. Big hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a fantastic card today Cheryl. It’s no wonder it won a prize. Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, and the rain didn’t stop your enjoyment. Hope the weather is better for you today.
    The Dr rang and spoke to Pete yesterday and she’s asked him to stop another BP tablet. He was given the extra 2 after his pacemaker was fitted. I dropped him off at our local Community Hospital to see Doreen, then went to park the car. He turned quickly and fell over. He’s ok just a bit bruised. He has to monitor his blood pressure for a few weeks.

    1. Oh Pat, that poor man. He's another one who needs a bubble wrap suit! So hope he's not too badly bruised. Enjoy your walk with Doreen.x

    2. Hi Pat, hope Pete is alright after his fall. Did you have a nice walk with Doreen in the end ? Take care, hugs xx

  8. Stunning card CHERYL I’m glad you won a prize It is so well deserved

    VAL I hope your leg soon heals - that’s interesting to know about the long term use of inhalers

    MARIA I hope you’re OK now Not easy to relax when you’re so worried about your parents

    Your day sounded like great fun SANDRA It’s lovely to play board games When CHARLOTTE was at home we used to play most Sunday evenings at their request Hopefully the rain has cleared the air and that you AF has eased

    Not a lot happening here We do Have lovely sunshine and a gentle breeze I have hoovered the house from top to bottom including my craft room Now to mop the kitchen and bathroom I’ll then be crafting Yay!

    1. I thought I’d said about PETE It was in my head but obviously my fingers didn’t react! I hope by reducing his BP tablets helps even more and he’s OK after his fall

      I agree SUE I can’t believe the school hols are nearly over The two girls next door are so excited and can’t wait to go back to school but I will miss their incessant chatter and laughter when they’re playing in the garden

    2. Had a nice walk and suddenly started to feel real bad and I guess I frighted OH so much so be on the safe side as he said he called the ambo. Today I have not done more then sleep and read a book so feeling better tonight. Meeting up with some of the ladies tomorrow from the pain clinic so that be a nice change. take care and hugs xx

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    CHERYL your card is gorgeous congratulations on winning second prize so deserved.
    PAT sorry to hear Pete had a fall hope he's bruises aren't too black & blue. Glad Doreen is doing ok. Sending Hug's.
    MARIA now what are you like having funny turns you have had a lot of stress & worry. Ric must have been worried calling the paramedics. Please take care my friend. Hope your mum &dad are improving. Sending you Big Hug's xx
    SANDRA hope your having a good day & the sun is shining again. I must say your braver than me going in the sea.
    VAL sorry you have a sadistic nurse I think they must get a kick out of being on the other end of a patient sending Hug's.
    I woke up yesterday with a very sore mouth I've been gargling with salt water ( yuk)
    Think I might be a bit run down as my feet are really painful hard to explain it's like they have electric currents running through them & Feel like they are burning inside they are so sensitive so not sleeping very well. I have Actually got a RA appointment next month its been so long since they took me off methotrexate so i rang them for a appointment so I'm going to mention it to them. I went on google to look up neuropathy as the first doctor I saw for my back he said he thought it could be that either RA or Diabetic. It mentioned both on google Not sure if it's treatable.
    Sorry soap box back in the corner.
    Just going to wake CU up as need to go Tesco.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda sorry to hear you have a sore mouth, I think salt is the best thing as well, hope they can sort your feet out for you at the clinic, it sounds most uncomfortable. Sending you hugs love

    2. Hi Lynda, just noticed how late I am but I so wish you can get some relief for your feet, it doesn't sound nice at all to have this feeling in them. Take care my friend and hugs xx

  10. Hello All, very grey here, luckily O/H managed to get the grass cut, as we have rain tomorrow.
    Cheryl absolutely beautiful card, well deserved prize winner.

    Sandra hope weather is better today.

    Pat hope Pete is alright after his fall.

    Maria sorry you are not feeling well, difficult not to worry about parents.

    Lynda feel so sorry you are having trouble with your mouth and feet. My feet swell and burn at night , told side effects of the drugs I take, hope you get it sorted.

    Well better get some dinner tonight, easy pizza tonight, by the simple base then add bacon and mushroom. See you all tomorrow, Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope today has been easier for your AF, it sounded as if you had a good
    Cheryl what a lovely Christmas card & a well deserved prize. Congratulations on another good amount raised on your latest
    Lilian hope you have felt up to crafting
    Val bubble wrap sounds a good idea, how about starting a new fashion!! Seriously though hope it heals soon. xxx
    I have physio in the morning at 8.30, so will have to be up early, next Friday I see surgeon again hope he tells me I can drive again then.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
