
Friday 31 August 2018

Something Nautical For Friday!!

Good Morning Ladies,

As a change to something 'Floral' for Friday I thought we would have something different.  

Karen sent me this amazing pop up card a few days ago and I fell in love as soon as I saw it and couldn't wait to share it with all of you.  Karen's Nautical version is stunning but just think of the possibilities with this style of Card, you could make it for in just about any style for any Occasion.

I will add what Karen wrote below and I will try and find the link to the Jenny Maguire Tutorial that Karen got her inspiration from and leave you the link.

"I made this yesterday Not too bad for a first attempt
Jenny McGuire has a YouTube channel and to say I’m a little addicted is an understatement
It’s a shadow box card that providing you keep the embellishments flat fold completely flat for posting I need to make a card for somebody that loves boats and thought this would be a little different"

The first photo (above is the front cover, you then open it up to reveal this ………..

Such an amazing nautical scene Karen, those boat sails look real, so does all of the rope that we can see, is it a Serif image made to look 3D or have you hand made that darling little boat?

This picture shows just how flat the card folds, so depending on your embellishments you can get away with a normal stamp cost, no large letter fees!

 This shot gives you an idea of the dimension of the finished card, it just pops in to shape as you pull it from the envelope.

I can hardly believe this is your first attempt Karen, it is absolutely stunning!

Thank you so much for allowing me to share your New Card with our friends on the blog, please ladies if you do get chance to make one I would love to see them.

Thanks again Karen xxxx

Have a lovely weekend Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a fantastic card! I love it & May just have to watch the YouTube video myself.

    Guess what/-the sink drama wasn’t sorted out yesterday! All that planning and we may have to do the same again soon.

    I’m very glad it’s Friday. I got a card from the Post Office saying they’d tried to deliver a parcel so I’m off out early this morning to collect it before work as I have a GP appointment at 4:35 tonight.


    1. These days that sounds typical of the NHS and Estates etc doesn’t it Especially in your case as they can’t just roll up any time
      Thank you for liking my card x

  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN- a very pretty and different card for us today. I love it and the theme you have.
    You must have been watching the same blog/tutorial as the lady who did the 'take and make' on Tuesday at my K&N. We had the same format to make but our theme was 'flowers and butterflies'. I hadn't seen this shape before and loved it.
    I will definitely be trying to make one again.

    We had a reasonable day yesterday weatherwise and even managed to get a little dead heading done on the roses. Today of course is that 'swear' word day again. Don't they come round quickly and I cannot believe that I've just crossed of the last day of August!

    The CAFE doors are open and just waiting for you all to walk in. MARIA can you have a look at Herman please as his coat looks a though he's been rummaging in the hedges again lol.

    HUGS should be reaching you all very shortly. Have a good day everyone.xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet The possibilities are endless I love that it folds flat

  3. Hi everyone.
    Wow Karen what a lovely card. I must take a look at her you tube channel. I really like the nautical look and great that it folds flat.x

    I have to go to see the nurse again this morning then straight to Craft Club. Wendy is showing us how to make a lovely, different box today but I think I'll be getting there too late to join in so better head upstairs and find something crafty to take.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Thanks Val I hope the nurse isn’t too sadistic today

  4. Thank you SANDRA for showing my card I will try and send you the link to share I’m not very tech with this sharing mullarkey
    The boat background pebbles are from Serif The boat is completely flat Serif has shadowed it
    Not thinking properly I Perhaps should have made the boat smaller to allow the aperture to be smaller.., It is so easy to make and Jenny McGuire explains how to do it brilliantly
    Off to work now Funny but it hasn’t felt like a short week at work
    Looking after Oscar later - can’t wait!
    LYNDA and LILIAN I hope you’re feeling better
    Hugs to you both and to MARIA PAT and PETE

  5. Hi everyone
    Karen - wow amazing card you would never no this was your first card.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. x

    1. Thank you Danii It was the first of this type of fold

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow Karen. Your box card is lovely. How clever are you to be able to produce such work a a Serif machine. I’m afraid it would be beyond me.
    Took Doreen out for the afternoon yesterday around Witney. Had a look round the shape then sat out outside Huffkins and had a Latte. It took them about 20 mins to make it ( they weren’t busy either ), plus it wasn’t hot either.
    Hope the weather is still nice and warm where you are Sandra. It’s getting a bit chilly here in the evenings. Hopefully the weather is due to be a bit warmer over the next week.

    1. Thank you PAT I do rely a bit too much on my Serif digikits to craft But then my family and friends look forward to seeing a truly personalised card
      On this occasion the card was for a friend’s ex-father in law as when all’s said and done her daughters are still his grandchildren So she didn’t want anything personal

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for sharing Karen's beautiful card with us. Well done
    Maria hope you feel better
    Lilian sorry to hear you still have your black eyes, hope they clear up
    Lynda hope your mouth is not so sore
    Physio put me through the paces this morning so feel rather tired now.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra thank you for the sharing this great card with us. I hope you are all having a great time and you are still able to go to the beach and have a swim. xx

    KAREN - WOW what great card. I did look on You Tube and found Jenny McGuires video for making a shadow box card, her instructions are very clear.
    This is definitely on my to do list......well I’ll give it a try!!! xx

    MARGARET it sounds as though the physio made you work hard, hope you were able to have a rest when you got back home, just look on these secession as getting your independence back, you will be driving before you know it 🤞xx

    Have a good evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

    1. She explains things brilliantly If you want to be green with envy take a look at her craft room tour WOWSER!

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    KAREN your card is amazing well done.
    PAT glad you & Doreen had a nice trip out yesterday. Hope Pete is feeling better today after his fall. Sending you all Hug's.
    MARIA hope your feeling better after your funny turn yesterday take care big Hug's.
    VAL hope the sadistic nurse was more gental today & you enjoyed craft club.
    MARGARET physio sounded like hard work hope you had a good rest after. It will be worth itHUG'S
    SANDRA hope you all had a good day & were able to go in the sea again.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow sunny Hug's.
    Darren Sam & Harry came to say good buy as they went home today after week's holiday. Harry starts his new school Tuesday they break them in for first week he's doing 9 till 1pm then longer during the week then full time he looks lovely in his school uniform bless him ❤️ we had a busy day had to have car mot done.
    Had to leave it for a hour so got the bus into Ramsgate had walk round the market then back to collect the car which glad to say it past but had to get a tyre for the front so not too bad. Then up to Tesco post office for road tax.
    Mouth still sore rang doctor early this morning & said they don't treat mouths & have to go dentist so see how it goes.over weekend..
    LILIAN sorry your still suffering sending Hug's.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Ladies,
    oh wow Karen what a fabulous card/ box card.Great it folds so flat for posting. I must have a look on her site.
    I hope you all had a good day, swearing,crafting or perhaps shopping. Well after hearing from Janet I have spent nearly 2 hours with Herman (thought we had got rid of him) Think the only solution will be to shave it all off! Remember Lynda once put me in that hedge ones Lol I also had some hours meeting with some ladies from the pain clinic for a catch up and the main topic was how bad and memory loss we all suffering with because of curtain meds. Good to know it is not only I who are going crazy.
    Sending hugs to you all, have a good night xxx
