
Wednesday 29 August 2018

Brenda's Beautiful Anniversary Card

Good Morning Ladies

I have been dying to share this card with all of you for so long, I think it is so, so beautiful.
Brenda made this stunning card for her Daughter and Son in law's Wedding Anniversary.
It has been made using Stampin Up! 'Springtime Impressions' thinlit dies, Brenda had die cut them in both white and Periwinkle Blue and very slightly offset them, which has given a stunning effect.  The finishing touches that Brenda has added are some tiny flowers down the body of the Butterfly and a pretty delicate pink rose and blue bow with a little foliage in the bottom corner.  I just know that this card will be treasured forever.
Thank you so much Brenda for allowing me to share this stunning card with everyone xxxx.

We had a lovely day yesterday, we were so lucky with the weather, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, so we set off to a local beach to go out on a Pedalo with a slide (not my choice) but I would go along with anything that made the family laugh as thats what gives me the greatest pleasure! I have to say the two gentlemen that ran the Pedalo business were so kind and helpful, I also have a bit of anxiety about how I will get on things like this but I shouldn't have worried, that held onto the  thing and both held my hand to help me on, making it almost effortless.  It was worth it to hear the laughing and giggling, Paul went first, he is always the Guinea Pig, closely followed by the girls.  Lewis played it safe and stayed on deck with me, I think he got a bit sea sick though as it was quite choppy because of the speedboats etc, (there is a very posh Marina there).  We dried off and went for a stroll into the town to have a browse around the 'Looky Looky' shops (as the girls call them), I tell you you can buy just about anything down that road from a Samurai Sword to a Wooden (mens bits) bottle opener!
We had some amazing chips, from a little Dutch place that we found last year, he hand cuts the chips himself and will only use 'Agria' Potatoes (Pat ), as he was telling us that in Holland they are considered the perfect potato for chips! So I will be getting some when we come home, Pat buys them in a sack from a local garden centre but we had never heard of them.
We walked a bit more and them found ourselves at an Ice Cream Parlour, Omg, so many different flavours and they all looked yummy, I had a double coconut/lime as it was my birthday, but I did share it with Paul as he finished his quickly. Lewis and the girls mooched about and bought some gifts for friends and family.
We then headed home for a cuppa and a lie down, it was soon time to get ready to go out for dinner, Paul me and the girls had a lovely steak, Lewis had a freshly made Pizza., the girls and I shared a jug of Sangria too.
All in all a lovely day.
Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes and your amazing cards, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful cards I received.
I feel truly blessed.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-your Card is absolutely beautiful, I’m sure your daughter will treasure it.

    Sandra-sounds like you had a perfect birthday yesterday. So glad to hear that the weather was good & everyone enjoyed the day.

    As I walked into work yesterday, I was greeted by a plumber who had come to fix our sink. Unfortunately it was booked for Thursday so we allowed him to look at the sink but he couldn’t do anything as we have a planned shutdown on Thursday (to be on the safe side as sinks & pipe work is notoriously “unclean “). We’re busy preparing treatments ahead of schedule and today will be the same then we’ll have to clear the lobby area so the workmen can’t contaminate anything. I’ll be glad when the work is done to be honest.


    1. What a lot of preparation you have to do just to get a plumber to fix a sink

  2. A stunning card BRENDA It is gorgeous
    Your day sounded like lots of fun and to end it with a fabulous sounding ice cream
    Very dismal and grey it is here today For the first time in a long time I am wearing “proper” shoes (no Toms) and a “proper” coat!
    I have done one cc I hope to make another today
    Take care all xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    BRENDA- Ohhh what a beautiful card and I just know how much it will be treasured. I love just the hint of blue too.

    SANDRA- pleased to see you had a good day yesterday. You had better be prepared for winter clothes when you return lol.

    K&N was a lovely afternoon and we had a full house which was nice to see.

    Unpacking my K&N bag and CCs for me today.

    The CAFE is oPEN so pop in when you can. I've put fresh scones and jam behind thoe counter this morning so help yourselves.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.xxxx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Oooooh Brenda, what an adorable card for your daughter and Son-in-law's Anniversary. They will treasure it for many years.

    Monday's fete was fantastic although a tad cold with keen gusts of wind blowing through the stalls. Another £60 raised which will be sent to Cardiomyopathy Uk at end of the year with one more stall at Cannington Christmas in beginning of Dec.

    Many happy returns for yesterday Sandra xx

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise when I open the blog this morning to see the card I had made for our daughter and son-in-law‘s anniversary, Sandra I had forgotten that I had sent a picture of it to you. I absolutely love this die set and have used it so many times in the few weeks, to be honest I haven’t given it a home yet, its been sitting on my work area in the craft room, I just can’t leave it alone, I have cut it out in so many colours and played with it, using it at different angles, I think you will guess it’s my go to die at the moment.

    Sandra yesterday it sounds as if it was a great fun day for everyone, it’s so lovely to relax and just enjoy the time you have together even more special as it was your birthday. XX

    Thank you ladies for your lovely comments on the card I made. XXX

    Cheryl WELL DONE in spite of the weather that’s another fantastic amount to add you Cardiomyopathy fund.

    Time to start lunch, OH is outside, he’s in our next door neighbors garden sorting out some paint tins he wants to get rid of, another trip to the tip coming up!

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just love your Anniversary card Brenda. A keepsake for you Daughter and SIL.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday for your birthday. How funny that the chippy used Agria potatoes. They also make great Jackets and roast potatoes. So all in all a great all rounder. As you say we get them in the winter from our local garden centre.
    A bit warmer hear today, but I’m glad your having good weather.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely day you had yesterday rounded off with a lovely meal, well done hope it
    Brenda what a stunning card, I love it, must be
    Late today we had dentist then have been doing paperwork this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi All,
    Brenda, what a lovely card, so very pretty .
    Sandra glad you had a lovely day yesterday.

    Rs computer decided to give up the ghost yesterday, it’s about 10yrs old, so has done good service, very stress making as he hadn’t backed up to his external drive for a while, and he’s lost without it.

    Hoping to do a bit of crafting tomorrow if my knees up to it, managed to do my ironing sitting down, took an age but got it done.

    I will see you tomorrow, sleep well, Lilian

  9. Hi everyone,
    Brenda such a pretty card. Just love that die.x

    Sandra it sounds as though you had a lovely birthday. Those Pedalos are such fun.x

    I had my dressing changed by the sadistic nurse this morning and then Lynn took me for lunch which was a surprise and lovely. I've been messing about in my craft room for the last few hours but no cards made, just backgrounds.

    Have a good night everyone.
    Love Valx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    BRENDA, your card is so pretty, I love it and it will be treasured by your daughter and son in law. Its easy to understand why it's a "go to" die X
    SANDRA, I do love the Stampin up" storage, it may well be what I go for hut you know me, have to look at everything first 😊 It is good to hear that you had a lovely day yesterday. Your ice-cream sounds delicious. I wonder what knick knacks the girls and Lewis bought for people back home? I hope you aren't too sunburned my lovely and can get lots more time in the sea Xx
    The "in" souvenir in Corfu this year seemed to be mens bits made out of just about anything from sweets to a sunglasses case! No doubt all of the "grockle shop" (Devonshire word for touristy shops) items are made in the same factories printed with various holiday destinations.
    VAL, I hope you get an appointment soon to sort out your sore leg. Re my stamp storage, it's annoying when you can't remember the name of your stash isn't it! Is it the 4 hole type with plastic pockets? This seems to be the most popular type online but would like to know what the insert is made of and how rigid it is? I think I will have to have a look in Hobbycraft but will probably end up going for the Stampin up system X
    KAREN, I will let you know when I have decided what storage to go for X
    CHERYL, congratulations on another fantastic sale. Petes Cardiomyopathy charity will be delighted with another great check from you at the end of the year. Thank goodness you had good weather as it poured on and off all day here X
    Lilian how are feeling now. I hope you are feeling a bit better X
    MARIA, I'm sorry to hear that your Dad is going to be in hospital for r weeks. Mum has coped incredible well with her enforced "house arrest". I know she just wants to be back to "normal (!) 😜" now though. Bless you Mum, love you xxxx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Val and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    WOW WOW BRENDA a beautiful card you have made for your daughter & SIL.
    SANDRA glad you had a lovely birthday yesterday & hope today is just as lovely.
    We have been busy or Terry has we sold our trailer tent today & he had to go out & wash it all Down it was raining cats & dogs he got soaked twice. I advertised it on EBay as it's been stood on the drive for two years we thought we would have a week or so to clean it up but I had so many people messaging about it then someone put a bid on yesterday & wanted to see it today so big rush. Anyway he bought it he said it was a bargain.
    CHERYL well done raising a good amount for your charity
    I did start this comment at 4pm then my son Sam & Harry came round they have just left.
    Hug's for you all
    Love Lynda xx
