
Wednesday 25 July 2018

Val's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is Val's Challenge card, unfortunately I didn't get it in time (probably because I was a Danni's). So I am showing it today.
A lovely pet themed card, in gorgeous colours, everything works so well together, I love the small details like the paw print embossing folder.
Thank you so much Val for taking part in the Challenge and I'm sorry I didn't receive it in time to add to Sunday's post. XXX

Sue came over yesterday which was lovely, it makes such a positive difference to my week, she bought yummy cakes too! I will be getting even fatter with these mid week treats, worth it though, we had a lovely day, lots of chat and crafting too, actually I was sat writing this blog post as I just couldn't concentrate to craft.

Thank you for all of your kind messages regarding my heart issue yesterday, I did a bit of research on line and ended up more worried.  I guess it's the not knowing why I have the problem that's worrying me and what the long term effects are.  It looks as though I have to learn to live with it.
I will make an appointment with Doctor to talk the different things through, in the letter the Diagnosis's are AF (Atrial Flutter) this is when your heart beats so fast your heart is shuddering rather than beating, the other thing is Frequent Supraventricular Ectopic Beats.  All I can tell you is that they leave you feeling totally exhausted, while you are having them its extremely hard to breathe and you feel dizzy.
I am a little confused as to why I got a forwarded copy of the Consultants letter rather than being called in for an appointment.  I will look into it today.

Pat is coming over today I hope I feel more up to crafting than I did yesterday, it will be lovely to chat either way.

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Hi everyone,
    Wow Sandra I wasn't expecting to see my card today. I didn't think it had actually got through to you and had asked Paul to give my tablet the once over as I thought Gremlins had gotten into it so thank you.x I'm so pleased you've made an appointment with your GP. You really need to sit face to face with him to explain exactly what's going on and also to ask questions I'm sure you have. Hope you get an early appointment.x Glad you and Sue had a good time together yesterday crafting and eating cream cakes!

    I didn't make it in yesterday as I'd been to get my nails done first thing and came back with a banging headache. I even went to bed for a few hours but felt rough all day. Fortunaley its cleared up now.

    Its the last crib afternoon until September. People go back to UK or have visitors so not many of us are available.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Love Valx

    1. Wish you better Val and have a nice time at crib without anymore headaches, hugs xx

    2. oops sorry, forgot to say how much I love your card. I love your card :) x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Val-I love your card, it’s brilliant.

    Sandra-glad you had a relaxing day with Sue yesterday, hopefully more if the same today.

    Busy day yesterday at work then I went out with my friend for a meal. I picked her up at 6:30 and finally got home at 10:30!! Im absolutely shattered so I’m definitely not doing much tonight.


    1. Thanks Michele. Hope you have a quiet day at work.x

    2. Hope your day is easier. Had my SIL here all day yesterday so won't be doing much today Lol
      Hope your FIL get settled soon at the home, tough time for you all, hugs xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    VAL- what a cute card. I love that efolder. Can you please tell me the Company who makes it please.

    It was a better day yesterday but still very draining as I'm sure a lot of us are experiencing. The one good thing is that at last we are having a proper 'Summer' this year.

    I want to get my CC finished today and then sent off after that who knows it all depends on how I feel after lunch time.

    The CAFE doors are open as usual and everything is just waiting for you all to pop in when you can.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe everyone.xxxx

    1. Thanks Janet. I borrowed the EF off someone at the Craft Group but I'll find out whose make it is and let you know.x

    2. Saying all the time,at last we got a proper Summer, unfortunately we are not used to have no rain for weeks on end and these high temps so not sure what to do with ourselves. I wish we had a pool in the back right now, just think, it won't last and then we complaining again how cold we are Lol you take care, hugs xx

  4. Morning ladies,

    Love your card Val, so cute for dog loving people.
    Cloudy day yesterday so spent it clearing up all unfinished projects also good chance to add more items for the Pre School boxes. Played with almost spent ink pads and now have some interesting background cardstock.
    Made my parents Christmas card out of one and quite pleased with the result, I aimed for something a bit more modern, not sure if I got it quite right but I like it anyway.

    Sunshine this morning, a dip in the hot tub will set me up for the rest of the day making candles for my next stall.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thanks Cheryl. WOW, aren't you organised making your parents Christmas card?
      Enjoy your dip and the candle making.x

    2. You are always such a busy bee, where do you get you energy from ? Well done for making your parents x-mas card, as I have to send mine I have to think slim which is not always easy when you starting to put on decorations Lol have a nice day, hugs xx

    3. Hi Maria, I try to do a short 10 min dance keep-fit most days before I do anything else. With my COPD sometimes not possible...then I can only 5 minutes but it such fun you don't realise the time is up until you are marching on the spot again. I will re post the page on Facebook for yo to see.

  5. A very cute card VAL I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better today too
    I hope you get an appointment today SANDRA As others have said you need to write down any questions you come up with however daft you may think it seems
    Have a great day with SUE Are you going to the village P.O. tomorrow?
    Nothing much planned today I know work will be busy so I’d better get a wriggle on xx

    1. You take care and make sure the blood sugar is ok. Try to stay cool, you not have any aircon at work ? If this continues we all might need it, just don't like those ugly boxes on the outside. sending hugs xx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Sorry sandra to see you have such horrid itch, have to taken a antihistamine to see if that works ? OH has got AF and he feel like you very often. It seem to happen when he doesn't know when it occurs other then he gets very dizzy, breathlessness and tired. Not sure what he takes for meds but so far so good. Please see the doctor and do Not look any more up on the Net, you just going to feel worse by doing that.
    Love the card Val made for the cc and great for any dog lovers.
    Lynda- glad you complained about your meal. Wish we had done that on the day when we went out for a special meal. Did that afterwards and can just say ,we never going back there.
    Had a long day yesterday and with SIL up and the heat I feel exhausted today so won't be doing much other then seeing a doc. once again for the burn I got now 4 weeks ago and I think with the hot weather it doesn't heal very good. Already been on one week of antibiotics, seeing someone else today so will see, OH is worried I might lose a boobie, it wouldn't worry me.
    Pat- thinking of you. Many hugs coming your way.
    Take care everyone and stay cool, love xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Just a quick note as I’m just on my way. Pete also gets a copy of the letter that’s sent to his Dr. Although that’s after he’s been seen by the consultant. I’m assuming that the Dr thinks you know all about it as I would have thought the hospital would have made an appointment for you to give you the results. Definitely a visit to them is required I think.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies

    VAL your card is lovely and what a great embossing folder. XX

    Sandra my lovely don’t put off making the appointment to see your doctor, as I’m sure your list of questions will grow minute by minute. I have AF ( atrial fibrillation) it can make you very tired at times and keeping up with anyone when out walking is really difficult. Last time I was admitted to hospital I had left Ventricle failure. So this poor heart of mine is delicate. BUT it doesn’t rule my life (well not all of the time!) There is a life to be lead even with all these problems. I’m sure you will get some answers when you see your doctor and hopefully medication even if it’s by trial and error, to give you a better quality of life. XX

    No just to prove a point I’m going out for lunch, I’m doing the driving this time so better get a wiggle on as I have two ladies to pick up in different areas on the way to the lovely pub we are going to in Tandridge Surrey.

    Have a lovely day everyone I will pop back in later just to check what you’ve all been up to. Whatever it is you’re having fun.
    Hugs Brenda XXX

  9. Margaret Palmer25 July 2018 at 13:25

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you manage to book appointment today. I am glad you & Sue had a good time yesterday hope you enjoy your time with Pat today. Thank you for showing Val's lovely card today, it is such an unusual EF, well done
    Still hot here, I would love it to drop to lower 20s, why are we never happy with the weather!!!
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Val, I love your card, perfect for any animal lover. I hope your bad head has completely gone by now X
    Sandra, it was lovely as always to spend some time with you. I hope you have managed to get an appointment to see your GP or hospital doc to go over everything. I do think you have fallen through the net re. clinic appointment to review the monitor findings. We only get a copy of the letter sent to your GP after being seen in clinic! Please try not to stress too much my lovely, as I said yesterday it may be that you are going to be given the meds to prevent problems in the future, similar to BP tablets and even if not they should help control the palpitations. Take care my lovely.
    I didn't even get into the Café on Monday, it wasn't until Sandra showed me the gorgeous card that was shown that I realised I had missed it!!!
    Yesterday's card is another beauty. Good luck to you and Danielle xx
    I hope you are all keeping as cool as possible. Low twenties is a lovely heat I think, but this is still better than the long dark days of winter for me xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello All, sorry thought I’d written this earlier, must not have published.

    Very lovely card Val, hope head ache is better.

    I have done very little today, just too hot.

    Hope you had a lovely day with Pat. Hugs to all Lilian
