
Thursday 26 July 2018

Christmas challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is my Christmas version of this weeks Tictactoe Challenge, I am going to try and do this every week from now on, where challenges allow.
This card was made using Old Olive and Real Red card and ink, one of the new Christmas paper collections called 'Under the Mistletoe' it has some lovely patterns, it was one of those sets where both sides of the paper are really lovely, so you don't know which side to use.
The Label die that I have stamped my sentiment on is from a Limited edition die set called ''Stitched Seasons Framelits''
I used the Scallop Die from 'Seasonal Layers' thinlits to cut my Real Red card, I adhered this to my Old Olive card base, I then cut a piece of the 'Under The Mistletoe' paper to fit down the centre of my real red panel, I also inked the edge of the paper with Real Red ink, I then layered up the focul point of my card beginning with the pretty label from 'Stitched Label' Framelits, I they stamped my sentiment (from Snowflake Sentiments) in Real Red and die cut with the middle sized label from the ''Stitched Season'' Framelits, popped some foam dots on the back and layered them together.  I used the 'Pop Of Petals' stamp set and matching Punch to cut my festive flowers in the same colours as the rest of the card, the little bits of foliage are also from the Stitched Seasons framelits.
I finished the card with a Real Red Ribbon bow and some Faceted Gems that I coloured with a Stampin Blend Marker.

I would like to take a minute to thank each and every one of you for your love, support and kindness over the past couple of days, to be totally honest with you I have been so worried over the last couple of days to the point of making myself feel unwell, reading your emails and messages of support and advice has been such a blessing and has put my mind a little more at rest.  I will contact the Gp and make an appointment but I think that I am going to wait until after our holiday to start taking any new medication, mainly because from what I have heard and read online the Bisoprolol can make you feel exhausted and generally under the weather and I don't want to go away being only 2 weeks into taking a new medication that could have horrible side effects while we are in Spain, I hope that makes sense, this holiday will be the first break from work that Paul has taken this year and I don't want to spoil it by being unwell.  I will still go to GP and seek her advice, plus I have a list of questions as long as my arm.

Pat came over yesterday, which brightened my day, we spent a good hour trying to remember the name of a place that Pat visited and enjoyed, after a bit of online research and head scratching we came to the conclusion that it was Brixham, (the place we mentioned right at the start of the conversation). Pat did some more to her beautiful 'Groovi' piece that she has been working on for a couple of weeks, although I am not surprised it takes a while as it is so very detailed, I can't wait to see it finished.  Thanks Pat for your company & Hugs. xxx

Today I am helping our Sophie pack her bags for her first holiday with Lewis's family, they are off to the French Riviera, she is a little apprehensive, which is to be expected, I am sure she will have an amazing time, Lewis's Mum will be glad of the Girlie company, as she has 3 boys. I have been telling her to get prepared for weeks but what do I know? I think we will end up doing a panic shopping trip!

I hope that you all have a good day too, try and stay cool,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it’s a great idea to produce a Christmas variation each week.

    Busy day yesterday & so very hot. I managed to do some washing last night & get it dry . More items to be ironed at the weekend!


    1. Hi Michele
      I also have ironing to do sometime or another.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-a beautiful Seasonal card in every aspect.

    I have to confess that I didn't do much yesterday. Everything I tried to do turned out wrong and I didn't have the patience or will to correct. If today is a hot then I shall be taking it easy.

    The CAFE doors are open and waiting for you all to drop in.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Please take care in the heat and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Morning everyone.
    What a beautiful Christmas card Sandra. Love the colours you've used. Hope you're successful getting a GP appointment today.x

    I have Slimming Club then hairdressers then out to lunch today so a lovely busy day. I shall probably flop later in front of the tv. I still haven't finished rearranging my craft room in fact it looks worse than ever. Its much better with the door shut then I can't see it!!

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Mine to Val. Looks much better with the door shut.

  4. Another extremely hot day forecast for us So I definitely won’t be up to much after work today But I do have craft club tonight so I will have to sort out something to take
    I finished another Kerry Lord animal to take to Harefield in September but not too happy with it It’s supposed to be a cheetah I’m sure somebody will fall in love with it We can be super critical of our own work can’t we?
    I finished my son’s birthday card too It has to be “flat” so that I can laminate it SANDRA should have received it yesterday as a cc
    Please please chat to your doctor soon and definitely before you go away I can understand about waiting until you come back from your holiday before you start new meds
    Take care all Is there room in that hot tub CHERYL I’m melting here!

  5. Morning ladies,

    Very vibrant green Sandra, I've just used a similar colour on my parents Christmas card, I had to sort all the way through my green cardstock box to find the exact colour to match the background I had made yesterday.

    We had a bit of a mixed day weather wise yesterday, sometimes cloudy then brilliant sunshine then it got hotter and hotter and quite draining, I had lovely snooze for an hour or so in the afternoon.
    Jamie came home early and warned me that it would be over 30C today and to stay inside. Good job I drenched all the pot plants earlier. I'll have to take Pete's flowers down this evening as I don't think they would last long in that heat. His resting place is in full sun most of the day.

    Sorry I forgot to repost the dance exercise for you Maria, I couldn't find it as I had added it to my favourites. You don't have to stand to do them, most can be done sitting down and moving your legs.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I wouldn’t mind the link if you find it please.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA gorgeous Christmas card using the Tic-Tac - tow challange as I said last night on messenger I made a CC & was going to try a Christmas card today.
    Not sure what happened to my comment yesterday gremlins again.
    It's very hot already windows open & fan on. This hot weather is making me very tired as I keep nodding off as soon as I sit down so draining.
    We are going to wonder round a boot sale this morning OH loves a rummage 😀Not much else going on will try & make a Christmas CC I have already made a non Christmas one. Also still got to finish tidying up craft room & re arranging my Dies.
    Best get shoes on as Terry is waiting. Will look in later & share our bargains
    Hug's all round xx
    Lynda xx

  7. I meant to say earlier (thought I had - brain and fingers not co-ordinating again) that I love your Christmas card I attempted a Christmas card for last week’s challenge Maybe I can adapt it to fit this week’s
    It is far too hot to do anything The housework will still be here tomorrow and this weather won’t be lasting forever
    Take care xx

  8. Hello All, wow it’s hot, at least we have a little sea breeze.

    Seen the pharmacist again today, told my treatment is as good as it gets, so will see me again in October.

    Sandra a really great c card, love the papers, very Christmasy.

    Too hot to do much, been playing making fairy dolls on my new machine.

    Hope you are all keeping cool, hugs Lilian

    1. Intrigued to see your fairy dolls Lilian.

  9. Hi everyone.
    Lovely x-mas card Sandra, like the papers used.
    It's ok Cheryl, I won't be doing any kind of dancing either standing or sitting until it is cooler. You know we are standing in a queue here for a dip in the hot tub, any ice available ? hihihi
    Lynda, your mad going to a carboot in this heat, did he find anything he wanted at least ? Ordered from wish yesterday, very dangerous site and I blaming you for telling me about it hihihi
    Lilian- intrigued what your fairy dolls are. Hope you sending a photo to Sandra.
    Michele and Karen- hope work was not too bad. Thinking of you.
    No sleep last night and during the day I have been nodding on and off. No air and still no rain only loads of thunderflies, I hate the little buggers.
    Stay cool my friends, hugs xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A fantastic card today. Love the papers, and colours you’ve used.
    Great to hear that your waiting until your back from holidays to start taking your new medication. But a good job to get an appointment with the Dr to clarify your long list of questions.
    Well, I got home yesterday Sandra, and Pete was back to how he was on Saturday feeling ill. He’s the same today so he’s back on his medication. He doesn’t really feel like eating as everything tastes awful. So does drink 🥤 but I make sure he drinks plenty. So he was only feeling ok ish for 3 days. His Bone Scan is booked for the 6th Aug and we see the consultant 2 weeks after. Then sometime after that I’m assuming he will start chemo. They want him to have it while he’s well enough.
    I asked Pete where we liked in Devon and it was Brixham.
    I was talking about going away for a few days, but don’t think I can for the moment.

  11. A great Christmas card for the Tic Tac Toe card challenge Sandra, I wish I could get as prepared as yourself with Christmas cards (I am sure that you are going to have enough made before the 1.12.2018). I hope that you have a great time in Spain and I think you are right in leaving to see the GP until your return. Love to everyone :O) xx
