
Friday 27 July 2018

Something Forest For Friday by Danielle

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe that it's Friday already? Phew, what a week!! I will be glad when this week is over.
Is it really going to be hotter today?  I went into Swindon shopping with Sophie yesterday afternoon and I have to say that I felt so sorry for some of the shop assistants, places like Debenhams, that are really dated buildings don't have Air Conditioning and have absolutely no windows, the poor lady in the fitting room was about fit to drop, they had one desk fan on one of the tills, I'm not sure if they have guidelines the same as there is for working in a building that's too cold, I think that there should be, or the company should provide some relief from the heat, it was particularly bad in that store, it was so oppressive, I imagine that the staff were exhausted.

Today's 'Something Forest for Friday' cards have been made by Danielle, using Stampin'Up 'Lovely as a Tree', which I think is their longest running stamp set.
Danielle masked off a rectangle on a piece of white card and Blended a lovely blue and green background upon which she had stamped the 'group of trees' from the stamp set, after removing the tape Danielle stamped the larger tree in the foreground and added the sentiment in a postcard style, the card was finished by being mounted onto Old Olive card and then onto a Mint Macaron card base. A absolutely fabulous card. xxx

Danielle's second card is so sparkly, a perfect Christmas card, this card also features the 'Lovely as a Tree' stamp set, using the main 'Fir' tree that was stamped three times in shades of brown and each tree has been given a touch of sparkle too with 'Dazzling Diamonds' fine glitter.  To finish the card and make a 'Scene' Danielle has added some of the housed from the 'Hearts Come Home' Stampin' Up! Bundle.
Such a lovely Christmas card Danielle, thank you so much for sharing them with us. xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely cool, staying cool and comfortable,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-two absolutely fantastic cards, both really lovely.

    The entire hospital was like an oven yesterday-this is when I truly appreciate our Air Conditioning in the Aseptic Unit. It was a requirement stipulated by our governing body when we had our refurbishment.

    Hoping today isn’t too busy or there’s not too many problems as I’m feeling worn out-it’s been “one of those weeks “ between work & problems with my F in L.


    1. Morning my lovely, I hope you have a quiet day, I bet the heat hits you when you walk out of the Aseptic Unit, I have everything crossed for a relaxing weekend, well, after visiting FIL, I can't help but worry about the Nursing home as he was barely there a week before getting another infection and a blocked feeding tube. Choosing these places must be so difficult, as a lot of the time unless you 'pop in unannounced' you don't get a true picture.
      There was a care home beside our children primary school, when you walked past and looked in the big posh conservatory that had tables covered with expensive linen tablecloths and laid with posh china a cutlery, it also had a real luxurious reception area. My friend worked there and I asked how often they ate in the conservatory, was it just for dinner/supper etc, her reply "I have worked there 18 month and have never been inside that room, it's only used for families visiting' (potential new residents)!! It actually sickens me to think about going to visit a place to hand over the care of a loved one too and they deceive you into thinking that they care.
      It must be so hard for Phil to see his father like this and you too of course. X

  2. Morning Everyone
    Lovely cards this morning Danielle.

    I too cannot believe that we're at the end of another week and it's that 'swear' word day. At last we had a short thunderstorm last evening around 19.30hrs with torrential rain but it really was 'short'. It didn't make any difference to the temps then but it's cooler for the start of today.

    It has just started thundering here.

    The CAFE doors are open and ready for you all. HUGS should be arriving very shortly.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Great cards from DANNII It’s lovely to see completely different cards made from the same stamp set
    I am sure I heard rumbles of thunder in the distance at about 4am OH said he heard trains - didn’t like to tell that I don’t think our trains start that early!
    I feel quite rough today and struggling to eat a piece of toast So I hope work is quiet today I should really go shopping this afternoon but I think I’ll give it a miss
    Take care all xx

  4. Good morning from a very sunny Somerset,

    Stunning cards Dannielle.

    Pat & Maria, the YouTube page for the exercises I have been doing is http:/ (fat burning dance workout)(I find it so easy and you stop when you feel like it and then start again when you feel like it. If you carry on with the next but one video there is a 7 minute exercise which is designed to lose inches and strengthen your core muscles. Not that I have found mine's still early days for me lol

    Must finish my challenge card today and not forget to send it this time. The candles are coming on fine, the first pouring has set so time for top up then smooth out the dips with my heat gun. Good job the kitchen is at the back of the house and out of full sun til 12ish, which makes it cooler to work in

    However you plan to spend your day, enjoy and take care if out and about in the sun.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi
    Oh stupid me, I've just typed my comment and pressed the wrong button and instead of sending it, I deleted it!!!
    Just off to Craft Club will call in later.
    Love Valx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Danielle I love both of your cards. Those gorgeous tree stamps are such a useful set and you have shown perfectly how they can be used for totally different cards. Thank you for sharing them with us all X
    Sandra, I hope you manage to get to talk to your doctor soon, at least you should be able to get some answers then you will hopefully be able to enjoy your holiday before starting the meds once you get home. I certainly wouldn't want to start them just before you go away either. I hope Sophie managed to get what she needed yesterday. Some shops are ridiculously hot, surely there must be some guidelines for working in this heat? I know how hot it was in The Range on Monday, the poor staff all looked like lobsters! Please wish Sophie a happy holiday from me. It's understandable that she is feeling nervous but no doubt she will have a lovely time. It will be strange for Lucy and the rest of you being apart from Sophie for so long though. Thinking of you my lovely xx
    Karen. I hope work today goes as quickly and easily as possible for you today. Please share your Cheetah with us. It's a shame we are so critical of our own work as I bet it is lovely x
    Michele, I hope you find FIL feeling better tomorrow. Is he still in hospital? I hope work isnt too stressful today x
    Janet, we had a brief shower of rain mid evening, it did bring the temperature down a little but within 5 minutes of stopping the ground etc was bone dry again! I wonder if your thunder storm has cleared the air for you? X
    Maria, I'm sorry you are still not feeling so good. How are your Mum and Dad getting on? X
    Lynda, did Terry manage to find any bargains at the boot sale? We don't have any around here during the week, most of them are on Sundays. We haven't been to any for a couple of months as it's been so hot X
    Val, I bet you are enjoying your early morning dips in the pool. Do you get a lot of holiday makers staying in your complex? X
    Cheryl, I will have a look at your link as it sounds good as I really should do some sort of exercise! Well done to you for doing it regularly X
    Brenda, I hope you're not too busy at the moment in this heat. Will you be on "baby sitting" duties over the holidays? X
    Mum, see you in a while. I bet we will see a big difference in your walking. Love you xx
    Pat, sorry to hear Pete's not too good again. Brixham is a lovely part of Devon isn't it, but it does get so busy at this time of year X
    Lilian, I hope you have some cooling sea breezes again today. Have you had any thunder storms recently? X
    I am sorry if I have missed anyone out, memory is getting worse than ever! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi again. I forgot to give you a message from Mum. She asked me to tell you that their internet is down so she can't come into the Cafe herself but sends love and hugs to you all xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Nice cards from Danielle. I do like the stamp set.
    Thanks for info Cheryl, will have a look.
    Pat- hope things get some better when temp drops.
    Sue- big hugs for "mamma" and Pops when you see them today.
    My dad having his op on Monday and mum had hers last Thursday, they have sent some samples off. Me , I'm back to doctors in an hour. Annoyed tho ,got iodine on my sheet so another wash on the go. Looking after pets on our street this week, Cat,bunnies and guinea pigs, just glad see them still alive in the morning and evening when going around
    Hope you all can keep cool somehow today. hugs xxx

    1. Hope mum is OK and dad gets on well on Monday. Also wishing you well at the docs today.
      Good luck with the animal sitting.x

  9. Hi everyone,
    Back again after a lovely craft meeting and a short siesta.

    Lovely cards Danielle. That stamp set is such a lovely one..x

    Just been catching up on John Lockwood's shows on Hochanda. So tempted by the poinsettia stamps and dies as although I do have Sue Wilson's dies I love the idea of being able to cut out 6 as a time.

    A relaxing evening tonight. I really need to get the energy to finish off sorting out my craft room but I'll see what tomorrow brings.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  10. Hi All, a bit cooler here today, with a cooling breeze, had a little shower, but more tomorrow.

    Danielle, lovely cards, great shading, might try something similar.

    Been weeding the patio, doing a few bits at a time not good at bending down, so feeling whacked tonight, early night I think.

    Will try and do c card tomorrow All bing well. Hugs to all. Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    At the moment we have a massive storm the thunder is so loud & lighting very bright heavy rain. Best thing is it's caller it's been sooooo hot today.
    The funny thing is we have loads of 🐸🐸🐸frogs jumping around the back garden Bailey freaked out he sniffed one & it jumped in the air it frightened him & run in jump on Terry's lap.don't know were they have come from.
    DANNII I love your cards I have that stamp set its lovely. You have made great cards with it.
    SUE we didn't get to the boot sale yesterday it was far to hot to go out.
    MARIA hope mum is ok after her operation & doing well. Good luck & Hug's for your dad on Monday. How did you get on at doctors today hope your ok Big Hug's
    MICHELE hope FIL is feeling better when you visit not a good sign getting an infection after only a week of being in the nursing home must be such a worry for Phil & you too.
    Well storm is getting worse so better go before internet goes off.
    Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Thank you ladies for your lovely comments. Sandra its so nice of you to share my cards there getting better the more I try. xxx

  13. I haven't got this stamp set yet, I really should get it because it is beautiful and it make fabulous card projects as Dannii has demonstrated here. Thank you for letting us see her design Sandra. :O) xx
