
Tuesday 24 July 2018

A 'cased' card made for a challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was one I a made at Danielle's on Saturday, we both decided to take part in a Challenge on a Facebook Group.
The Challenge was to 'CASE' which stands for 'Copy and Selectively Edit' or in other words find a card you like and make it your own, naming the original Designer (mine didn't have one) and we then had to explain what we changed and why.

I changed the colour scheme to Blackberry Bliss and Gold, stamped the sentiment the same and embossed with gold Embossing folder, the original card had a tiny sentiment in the bottom corner, I wanted mine to stand out more so I stamped my sentiment on to Blackberry Bliss, then die cut it with a Label die and then I added embossing powder around the outside to make it stand out from the background, I die cut another label but kept all the die cut pieces in place to create a gold mat.
I wrapped some gold ribbon around the card twice, then placed the sentiment on top, I then added a few gold pearls .
We could win £25 if we get picked !! I will share Danielle's card tomorrow.

I did get in the craft room for a few hours to prepare for my next video, all ready to film tomorrow, fingers crossed,  it was just too hot though, I had so many episodes of Palpitations throughout the day, I'm not sure if they are linked to tiredness, I got very little sleep on Sunday night, partly due to pain and fidgety legs from travelling and partly down to the heat, we have a fan running all night but its just to noisy, Paul can sleep through it, no problem luckily.

I am suffering with the back of my hands being so terribly itchy at the moment, its been a week or so, I have scratched so much that  I have bruised my right hand, they swelled up too yesterday afternoon, so much that my fingers were stiff.  There is nothing to see, just the worst itchiness you can imagine, I keep plastering them with Anthisan, which is a bite and sting relief cream, but its not really doing much.
I got the results of my Heart Monitor  Study, the Cardiologist has prescribed me with a Beta Blocker 'Bisoprolol' and an Anticoagulant called 'Apaxiban', the Monitor recorded several episodes of Palpitations some lasting more than 3 hours, I am not keen on taking more tablets, do any of you know of them? if so how did you get on with them?

Hoping to see Sue today, all being well, she has had a busy few days though, I have my fingers crossed though!

I hope you have a lovely day too,

love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card today. Great colours. Have you tried using Menthol in Aqueous cream for itching-it’s commonly prescribed for pregnant ladies, most pharmacies should stock it. Apixiban is a new catagory of Anticoagulant drug with much fewer side effects. My Dad took it when he had both hips replaced & I’ll bet Margaret is taking it.
    My F in L is not happy in the Nursing home as he keeps saying “it’s ok here but I’d like to go home”! I had a message from my M in L saying he’d been taken to Preston Hospital yesterday as he has a chest infection & his feeding tube is blocked! I haven’t heard how things went so I’m not sure if he’s been kept in overnight.


    1. Sorry to hear FIL is unhappy and is back in hospital Sending hugs xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I’m sorry to hear your FIL isn’t happy at the home and that he’s having problems that mean he’s back in hospital.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a lovely card and I love the colour you used.

    I take bisoprolol (1.25mg)which was prescribed for me after I had my heart attack 8yrs this year. I take the smallest amount as I had problems with a higher amount in that I lost feeling in my fingers when first prescribed but don't have any problems at all with the amount I now take.

    I want to try and get my CC done possibly today but we'll see but if it's as hot as yesterday..........I just could not cope yesterday as it seemed as though there wasn't any air to breathe at all but I'm sure I'm not the only one having problems.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the cool cabinet and fridge are stocked for you all. HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe.xxxx

  3. A lovely card SANDRA I can see why you keep reaching for that berry burst paper
    Interesting challenge you’ve entered ( especially after the cc I sent yesterday lol!)
    It is far too hot to do anything much Last night my daughter was surprised to hear that our offices apart from a couple of meeting rooms do NOT have air conditioning It is soooo stuffy
    All I want to do when ai get home is sleep
    I need to make my son’s birthday card for Saturday OH has already written a poem Daft I know I will be taking flowers for his grave and a balloon to tie onto his plaque
    It makes my blood boil when I read horrendous stories about acid being sprayed at a three year old Those b’s don’t deserve to be on this planet My son does!
    Sorry soapbox put away
    Take care all xxx

    1. I totally agree with your comment Karen, it sickens me to think about it. X

    2. Hi Karen I also agree. It's despicable what they did to that incessant little 3year old boy. It makes me sick x

    3. Hi Karen.
      I agree with your sentiments as well. Makes me wonder what this world is coming to. The same with these ISIS men. These people don’t deserve any sympathy from our country at all.
      Sorry my soapbox borrowed and put away as well.

  4. Hello All, cloudy again today, still very hot and no rain.

    Sandra I take apixiban 5mg which is great, as the previous ones were terrible, I take two a day with no side effects, BUT I found When I was taking Bisoprolol, it made me very breathless so much so I couldn’t even walk around the garden, I didn’t get on with any of the beta blockers, I expect they told you about the risk of stroke when you have EF, hope you feel better soon.

    Your card is lovely, I’m afraid this weather is sapping all my energy at the moment.

    Michele sorry to hear your father in law is in hospital again.

    Karen hugs to you, agree with your sentiments over the acid attack on the little boy, what sort of world are we living in.

    Enough of my rambles, hugs to you all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, thanks for your reply, I haven't seen a dr yet, i got my diagnosis via the letter the consultant sent to my GP, i would have preferred being told face to face to be honest.
      Yesterday was a bad day, I had continuous episodes all day, they leave me totally exhausted.
      I was totally unaware of the increaaed risk of stroke, in fact i know absolutely nothing about my diagnosis.
      Hoping for a better day today

    2. Sandra you should make appointment with your doctor. To find out about your diagnosis before you start any medication. Please take care my lovely.❤️Xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Thanks for all your comments yesterday about our terrible meal.
    We are haveing a lazy morning this hot weather is making ms so tired I keep nodding off. We went Tesco yesterday after our blood 💉tests 💉 To pick up my prescription & we bought a fan on a stand oh its lovely. I have a bruise on my arm as usual but can't even see a mark on CU arm & saying he should have a sling 🤣
    Really want to go in craft room today think I will take the fan with me as stifling in there as no window because it's half of the garage.
    Hope you get to see Sue today Sandra have a good day.
    Must get motivated.Hugs for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra you really need to make an appointment to see your doctor, don’t accept an appointment 3 weeks down the line, you need to be seen before you go on holiday. Make a list of all the questions that come to mind ..... and ask them. Make sure he explains everything very clearly to you. If it helps get Paul to sit in on the appointment with you, or one of the girls, an extra pair of ears is always very useful. Sorry I couldn’t help with these drugs, I have never been prescribed either. I was put on beta-blockers once, they were given to me when I was admitted into hospital. I was glad when my prescription changed.

    Lovely card today, it would be great if you or Danni managed to win the £25. Good luck. xxx

    Take care everyone. Hope you don’t melt in this heat. Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer24 July 2018 at 16:46

      Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
      Sandra lovely card, thanks for explanation of CASE. I taketake a beta blocker & get on well with it, they were giving me blood thinning injections in hospital & said that I would need to carry on when I got home but they decided I didnot need too, it was not apixaban though. I think you need to see Dr. ASAP as Brenda says. Take
      I have had friends visit this morning which was lovely as Pop had gone shopping.
      Hope you are all coping in the heat, I have not been outside at all.
      Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Gorgeous CASEd card Sandra, can't wait to see what Dannii did too. I know how you feel about the heat I am feeling it too! Its a shame that you are feeling it from the drive up to Yorkshire and back though and you have itchy hands too. Hope these all clear up soon. :O) xx
