
Monday 23 July 2018

Monday TicTacToe Challenge

Good Monday morning Ladies

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, ours was so relaxed, Danielle & Simon made us so welcome in their lovely home, it was an absolute pleasure from start to finish, we got some fun crafting time in too, Danielle has a lovely spacious and cry well organised Craft Room, with not a thing out of place! 

I thought we would go for a TicTacToe challenge this week, they are great for making just about any card, I am hoping to do the same as last week and make a Christmas card as well as today's challenge card. If you want that 'Extra' challenge you can join me, but please don't feel like you have to.
I will remind you that there are 22 weeks and 3days to Christmas 2018, so take four weeks off if you send your cards on December 1st, that leaves 18 weeks to finish your cards, so it's worth thinking about making at least 1 a week but 2 would be better, saving you that last minute panic.

Today's card is made using the lovely Balmy Blue card and Whisper White, I used the Delicate Lace Edgelits for that fancy die cut top and bottom of my card, scallop and Plain Oval dies, and the Butterflies are from the 'Pop of Petals' stamp set and matching punch.
I finished the card with a few sparkles and Whisper White & Silver Bakers Twine.
I used Categories: Blue/Rectangle/Twine.

I am hoping to get in the caft room later today but I will have a very slow start to the day as the travelling takes it toll on my body, it was worth it though.

Have a lovey day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card for the weeks challenge Sandra. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas version tomorrow.

    Goodness-the weekend went quickly. I popped into Southport first thing on Saturday then called at a friends house. She’s giving up Card Making so is slowly clearing out her stash. I was given a couple of bags of goodies & bought her (virtually new) Big Shot off her. Went to visit F in L on Saturday afternoon -he’s accepted bring in the Nursing Home but he honestly thinks it’s temporary. It was the Summer Fair so it was really busy. Got home late as we stayed chatting to M inL (must have caught her on a good day).
    Sunday morning was housework then I spent a couple of hours in the afternoon sorting out the stash my friend gave me-not that much I’ll keep but it’s interesting to look through everything.


  2. Morning Everyone
    It's going to be another hot hot day so hopefully I can get all I want to do early this morning.

    SANDRA- thank you for this week's Challenge. I love the tic tac toe ones as they give so much space.

    We had a lovely day yesterday spent outside with the family.

    Off now to get ready for Mr Tesco delivery and then on with the day.
    The CAFE doors are open as usual so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

  3. So pleased you had a lovely weekend
    I nearly messaged you to say a company called Festival of Japan was on HOCHANDA and thought KARLIE May have been interested to see their origami and paper folding I think the papers are extortionate though
    Great challenge Would you like us to keep in a straight line as per “usual” TIC TAC TOE?
    Thanks for the reminder of how close Christmas actually is - help!
    My weekend was a bit up and down - literally My blood sugars were all over the place Sometimes very high and sometimes very low So I didn’t achieve much
    So pleased to hear you’re able to go up and down stairs MARGARET and that your FIL is settling So what if he thinks it’s temporary As long as he’s happy it doesn’t matter
    Off to work soon Take care and I’ll pop back later xx

    1. Margaret Palmer23 July 2018 at 12:36

      Karen sorry you blood sugars are messing you about, hope you feel better soon, hugs on way love

  4. Morning everyone,
    Pretty card Sandra and a great challenge this week. Thanks for reminding us how close we are to Christmas!!!
    So pleased you had such a lovely weekend with Danii. Its nice to meet new friends.

    Spent most of yesterday tidying my craft room and honestly it looks worse than ever so its another day sorting. I got 3 black bags full of things I don't want or need. It doesn't bare thinking of the money I've spent but I think were all the same!!!

    MARGARET so pleased you're getting on well, can get upstairs to sleep in your own bed and can enjoy you're showering again. X

    MICHELE glad Phil's dad is settling in well and as Karen said as long as he's happy.x

    KAREN Sorry you're having a bad time health wise at the moment. I'm sure its the heat and hopefully when the weather eventually gets a bit cooler, things will get back to normal.x

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. Margaret Palmer23 July 2018 at 12:42

      Thanks Val it is good, each day I feel stronger. I would love to sit in garden but it is too hot. Love

    2. Thanks VAL Yes It is the heat It’s playing havoc at mo

  5. Morning ladies.
    Lovely card and always like doing the tic,tac,toe so if any oomph around I will do my best .
    Karen- take care of yourself and feel better soon.
    Pat- thinking of you and Pete this week. Finding it a bit hard to breath, summer cold, so taking it very slowly today. SIL and her husband up to see us tomorrow so thinking of hovering about 10pm, should be a bit cooler by then yes.
    Sending hugs to you all, xxx

    1. Hi Maria, those summer colds really drag you down don't they especially when you have problems getting your breath. So hope your cold clears up quickly and you feel better soon.xx

    2. Margaret Palmer23 July 2018 at 12:33

      Sorry you have a cold hope you feel better soon, hugs on way love

  6. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA so pleased you had a lovely weekend with Dannii & family.
    Your card is gorgeous love the colour's Great Tic Tac tow challange.
    Our Sunday turned out better than thought Margaret came round to pick her parcel up & gave me a set of Chameleon pens she has never used them.
    Then had a call from Darren saying they were going to come down when they arrived I said shale we go out for lunch. So we went to the Hungry Horse just up the road. Well Terry & I ordered the steak well we couldn't even eat it it was so tuff so told the waitress & she said would change them but came back & said the Chef said it would be the same. So ordered something else & refunded the differan terry had fish I had double cheese burger well my burger came up it was burnt black round the edge & cold in the middle so I sent that back & just asked for refund so I just had apple crumble & custard luckily Darren Sam & Harry's was fine.just my luck. Won't be going back there again.
    Sorry soap box away.
    It's so hot today I'm melting. We have both got blood tests 💉💉this afternoon Terry's is for kidney function mine is RA clinic.
    Well better get ready Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Margaret Palmer23 July 2018 at 12:49

      Hi Lynda sorry to hear about your lunch yesterday, you would have expected at least your burger to be fine after complaining about your steak. Hope your blood tests go ok, hugs on way love

    2. First Lucky you getting the Chameleon pens They take a bit of getting used to but I love them even though I don’t use them very often
      And secondly what is it with restaurants these days I keep hearing of stories about bad food and/or service PAT and SANDRA being a couple of cases too

    3. Oh Lynda how disappointing the Hungry Hippo sounds. Surely any chef can cook a burger especially when you've complained about the steak.
      Hope you both get on OK today with your blood tests.
      Are 8 paws managing to keep cool in the hot weather? X

    4. Hi Lynda
      Sounds like you had a horror at the Hungry Horse with your food. We don’t like going to a weather spoons nor the Harvester anymore, as the plates are cold and the chips just lukewarm. I’m glad you complained anyway, but you’d have though they’d have made sure they got it right the second time around.

    5. Oops did I write Hungry Hippo instead of Horse.ha ha.x

  7. Margaret Palmer23 July 2018 at 13:07

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I am so pleased you had a lovely weekend with Danni. I love the card & challenge this week, love the blue. I hope to join in later this
    Pop is trying to get everything back in place now I can go upstairs, he, Sue & Chris had to move everything about to get bed in, Star will be pleased as she will have her sofa back which had to be put in conservatory, they don't like change of any sort.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Lovely to see that you’re more mobile
      It’s one of those things The heat just messes with having to change about with my insulin doses Most of the time I can cope but this weekend was just one of those ones that it wasn’t easy xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I’m glad you had a nice time at Danni’s over the weekend, I hope you didn’t come home to an untidy house and lots of washing up. Sort of defeats the object of having a lovely time away if you then have to come home and do lots of work.
    Well, not quite sure what’s happened to Pete. Apart from 1 week when he felt okayish he’s really been ill, has had chronic fatigue and has no tastes. His taste buds seem to be coming back and he’s feeling okayish once more. On Sat he looked like he was at deaths door. Yesterday he wasn’t to bad nor today.
    So I hope he doesn’t waltz into the Drs tomorrow saying he’s fine.
    I’m glad he’s feeling much better, but part of me wished he was still feeling bad so the hospital see how he’s been. Let’s hope he stays like that.

    1. So pleased Pete's feeling better Pat but annoying that the hospital won't see how he was last week. Hope he tells them how he's been.x

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’m so pleased you had a lovely weekend with Danielle and family, I’m sure you all have got many happy memories of your time together.

    Sandra your Tick, Tack, Toe card is beautiful, I love the colours and dies you have used, you really have set the bar high with this gorgeous card.

    Hope everyone is coping in this heat, I’m ok in the day but the hot muggy nights are a bit to much. Must not moan it could all change - then we would have something else to moan about!!!

    Sleep well dear friends, love Brenda xxx

  10. Oh my you really have put the frighteners on me Sandra to how many days left before the big "C"! I will have to start doing one or two of this type of card per week - definitely! :O) xx
