
Friday 6 July 2018

Two Floral Friday Treats

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's post will be rather brief ascI had a little 'incident' last night as we were getting ready to go to Cinema,  I tripped over thin air and landed with huge force, it took me quite a while to get up as my wrists and elbows were really hurting and because I have a full length metal stemr that goes from my knee joint into my hip, consequently when you land with force onto your knees the force travels up to your hips and pelvis.  I still struggled out to cinema though, but wished I hadn't as I was so uncomfortable.
So I am sat writing this post at 00:32am, there is no chance of sleep tonight!
Today's cards are from Janet and Pat.

Janet's gorgeous cardi is made from two different Tonic Dies, 'You Brighten My Day' and 'Hey Blossom'.  They work perfectly together Janet and your flowers are so pretty. Both dies you have used work so perfectly together, giving such a feminine shape to the topper. Those blossoms are just gorgeous Janet, thank you for allowing me to share your photos. XXX

Pat has designed and crafted an Exquisite piece of Groovi work for her card, layering the design over Hand coloured background really lifts your image.
You really are the Master of all things Groovi! Thank you so much for allowing me to share your amazing Artwork.

A very quiet day planned as I know I am am going to struggle to move about a lot!
I hope you all have a lovely Cray.

Lovel and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull/grey and damp Marigny.

    Well we have been requesting rain all week and boy oh boy did we get it yesterday. I think I mentioned that it had started to rain Wednesday evening and it was still doing it yesterday morning well it carried on throughout the rain in heavy bursts and then slowing down and then back to heavy bursts. It has stopped this morning but what a change we have.

    SANDRA- I hope that you're not too bad this morning and that you will be having a restful day. I must say that you really don't have to meet your floors so close up Dear Friend lol. I know you are in pain but please keep moving today -slowly- or you will cease up.

    PAT- Ohhhhhhhh what a Groovy creations are always so beautiful.

    The Tonic dies I used for my card are from a set (I cannot remember whether it's 3 or 4) but all are the same size and can be mixed and matched. I only bought these 2 out of the set.

    We're off to Corbigny this morning as yes it's FRIDAY MARKET AND SO CAKE DAY! I'm not sure how much of the market we'll get round it all depends on the weather but of course it will be calling in the coffee shop which is a must and then the supermarket for some food shopping.

    Have a good day everyone. Take care whatever you're all up to. HUGS are on their way to you all with extras for SANDRA today.xxxx

    1. Enjoy your trip out and those delicious cakes Janet.x

    2. Great card Janet.
      I made a Groovi card for Lynda but once again it didn’t arrive.
      Enjoy your excursion into town and those delicious cakes.
      Hope the rain stays away for awhile.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet & Pat-what beautiful Cards, they’re both gorgeous.

    Sandra-hope you’re not too stiff today, nice easy day sounds like a good plan.

    I’m hoping today will be fairly quiet at work so I can catch up with emails & paperwork then I can put my Out of Office message on telling them I’m not in work for a whole week!!!!


    1. Bet you're so looking forward to that week off Michele.x

    2. Hi Michele
      Wow a whole week off work. Lucky you. Oh dear what am I like, not bragging or anything but I’m off work permanently. Doing a bit of Groovi work. Haven’t done any cutting yet though.

  3. Morning Everyone.

    Janet what a beautiful card. Now I look at your card closer, I think I have those tonic dies. Beautiful flower arrangement.

    Pat your card is so pretty. I love the Groovi effect. A few ladies at Craft Club are into Groovi parchment and the cards , like yours are really lovely. Sadly I haven't got the patience or the time to do it. Hope Pete's OK after your trip to the theatre last night x

    Well its Friday and that only means one thing- its Craft Class day yeah. Haven't got anything ready yet as usual so off upstairs to pack my bag.

    SANDRA hope you're not too stiff today. Try and have an easy day. Hope you're not too bruised and sore.x

    Have a good day ladies. Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your craft day. I’m glad you liked my Groovi card.
      We all enjoyed the Theatre. We saw the Carpenters story. The singer was fantastic. Really did the Carpenters music proud. Pete stayed awake yea. We’ve booked to see Islands in the Sun ( Dolly Parton and kenny Rogers ) so should be a good show.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful cards on show today, They truly are works of art Janet & Pat.

    Everything is ready now for the Fete tomorrow, I will be loading up the car late this afternoon. I have to be there for 9.30am set up and as per normal for me, I shall probably just be dozing all night just in case I miss the alarm. Why I don't have a heavy sleep is anyone's guess.

    Giorgina and Justin are bringing Milly-May out to me later in the day after the Fete has finished for our sleepover. Looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone is all ok as can be, and if you are not then I hope your day will be kind to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I hope the fete goes well tomorrow I keep toying with the idea of having a stall at some point like you and MICHELE Perhaps one day I will ... and have fun with Milly May

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your fete goes well tomorrow. Mind you your offerings are gorgeous so hopefully you’ll have a sellout.
      Enjoy having Milly May over for a sleepover.

  5. Oh SANDRA I do feel for you (I hope it wasn’t us chatting that caused you to trip) Take it easy and keep moving gently
    Two very pretty cards and so completely different I keep looking at Groovi and am really trying to sit on my hands I like how you can get project books for inspiration with the new plates now
    OSCAR has a physio appointment today and then hopefully he’s coming over to play
    My dad should be being discharged from hospital today now that the care package is in place At long last I think his wife has realised that it’s not all about her (but I won’t hold my breath)
    Take care all Hope the new freezer is working OK BRENDA What a time of year for it to break down

  6. Margaret Palmer6 July 2018 at 09:24

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you can move a little this morning & are not too sore, sending lots of gentle
    Janet that is a lovely card, look forward to description of your cakes tomorrow, can you please send some rain across the Channel, everywhere is baked
    Pat you have so much patience, your card is beautiful, well
    Michele enjoy your week off hope you get some
    Karen emjoy Oscar this
    Cheryl hope fete goes well & enjoy Milly-Mae's sleep
    Maria thinking of you & sending
    Lynda belated congratulations to you &
    Cafe open looks like we will need tables in the shade again, freezer stocked up well.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Hope your feeling a bit better today Sandra. You sure don’t do things by half. Tried to publish earlier but it wouldn’t.

  8. Great card Janet. Love the Lacy design you’ve used on the front.

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA I hope your not too sore this morning,& take it slowly today ❤️
    JANET your card is beautiful love the Dies you've used. Enjoy the market & your delouse cakes. Xx
    PAT your card is gorgeous you've defently mastered the groovi. I'm sad my birthday card didn't arrive on Monday I would have loved it.Xx
    It's very hot already not sure what we will be doing today. I have to take pictures of my shopping I bought with my birthday vouchers & send them to Sandra. I've already sent my CC off. I hope to get in craft room at some point & carry on with my craft journal. It's defently to hot to take 8🐾 Out for a walk.
    CHERYL good luck packing your car up for tomorrow's stall. Enjoy looking after Milly May. Xx
    My internet is going to turn off in 5 minutes so.
    Hope you all have a good day Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Oh Sandra I feel for you, what pain you must have been in and probably still are, please take care today and don’t push yourself to hard. I’ve just thought - it’s Friday so Paul will be home early. He will make sure you don’t go charging around. You were very brave to still go to the cinema.
    Sending gentle (((((hugs))))) xxx

    Thank you for the two lovely offerings today -
    JANET what a lovely card. My mouth is watering just thinking about the pastries you will choose today. xx
    PAT Such a beautiful card you made for Lynda. I hadn’t realised you still had issues with the local post collection xx

    Will pop in later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Yes I still have issues with the post. I’m just wondering how much post goes awol in Witney. I posted a 50th card but in the main postbox in Witney. Hope it arrives ok.

    2. Meant to say Brenda I have problems publishing with blogger as well. I sat and waited for it to publish last night but gave up after 5 mins.

    3. Hi Brenda
      The card shown here wasn’t for Lynda. It was for Amy my Grandaughter. I sent Sandra a picture of 4 cards I’d made. The pink one was the one I sent to Lynda, which sadly didn’t arrive.

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  15. SORRY I don’t know what happened there. I kept pressing publish and nothing was happening, then all of a sudden my comment published FIVE times. Oh the wonders of the Web!!!

  16. Hi Sandra and all.
    Oh Sandra I really hope today is a very gentle day and you are not in too much pain.
    Janet- love your card. I really got to get some flowers but I tried to look into the company and they are closed for take over, opens again in August. Where do you ladies buy your flowers from ?
    Pat- a gorgeous work of art, love to see your progress.
    Glad you enjoyed the theatre. Which one are you going to ?
    Cheryl- good luck for tomorrow and have fun with little Milly-May.
    Karen- hope everything went well with Oscars physio. Hope your dad got home today and is better.
    Lilian- sending you 'warm' hugs, well no chance for any cold ones for it is another very warm day.
    Margaret- sending you hugs too and to Pop. Hopefully we could make a meet up when you are better, it seem such a long time ago and it is long to September.
    Michele- have a fabulous week off and enjoy !
    Sue- hope no more migraine for you this year, take care.
    Lynda- hope you alright and you got to go for a small walk. We are going to water the garden soon, no hoseban yet and then a ham and salad dinner, way to hot for cooking.
    Have a lovely evening everyone, xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I agree way to hot for cooking. We went to see The Carpenters Story. The band were great and the singer was fantastic. They took photos of the audience. Would you believe I looked on their Facebook page and found us, we were upstairs on the right.
      Hope your feeling better and you’ve had some good news from your Mum and Dad.

  17. Hello All, another scorcher here today.

    Two lovely cards today, both very beautiful.

    Sandra hope you haven’t had any ramifications from your fall yesterday.

    Cheryl hope your stall does well and you make loads of money.

    I think tomorrow is going to be hotter so a day inside for me. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Yes, it was a day indoors for us today as well. Need to go and pay the balance of our new sofas and pick up my new cushions.
