
Saturday 7 July 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Goodness me I have a lot of lovely crafts and shopping to share with you today, so I will get straight on with the show........

Cheryl (photos above) has been busy as a Bee making some amazing Bags and Gift Boxes for her stall this weekend, I have had these photos a couple of weeks so I know Cheryl there will be atleast double this amount ready and waiting to be sold!
I love both your gift bags that I think you said you are using for a 'Lucky Dip' and your lovely little fabric bags, I particularly like the green ones, so if you have any left over I will glad;y buy one from you as I think that they will make great toiletry bag for holiday.  
I hope your sale today is a HUGE success Cheryl and that you sell out!!
Thank you so much for sharing your crafts with us.


Janet has made two absolutely gorgeous Gift Boxes, I love how Lacey the pattern is, Janet suggested that having these die cut in Festive colours would give you some stunning Dinner table gifts with something small or chocolate inside.
The die is called: Tonic Dimensions Decorative Gift Bag - Crochet Lace
I have shared the image of the die in case anyone fancies having a go at making one. 
Thank you so much Janet for another inspirational project.


Karen popped to Hobbycraft this week to pick up this fantastic Cupcake storage box, that has two tiers, the carry handle is such a good idea too, especially if you are taking your cakes to work or to a Bake Sale, the Cupcakes stay safely in their little ring to stop them moving about and spoiling. The trays can be flipped so that they have a flat surface for Tray bakes and Loaf cakes etc.  It was only £10 too which I think is a fantastic price, I have seen similar boxes with only one layer for a lot more!
I am so excited to be able to share these gorgeous photos of Karen's Grandson Oscar, he is so adorable and looks such a happy little chap. I bet he kept you on your toes now his toddling around. Thank you and Charlotte so much for sharing these photos with us. 
Thank you so much for sharing your crafty bargain and Oscar photos Karen.


Lynda received another lovely Voucher from Lisa for her Birthday for Joanna Sheen's shop, so Lynda treated herself to some lovely new dies, mostly John Lockwood dies but I see one of Sue's new Festive dies in there as well, I love all of the dies and stamps that you have bought Lynda and I am excited to see what you create with them.
The CD Roms were free, one Lisa got with the voucher and one Lynda got with her purchase. Even if you don't use the main images they usually have some lovely papers and verses on them.

Lynda is making herself a Journal and she has sent us some of the pages to look at.....

the envelopes open to store photos or keepsakes inside

this page features some lovely die cuts, which are glued at one side to give you a 
place to tuck things in.

A beautiful Peacock themed page, with one of Lynda's stunning backgrounds 
tucked into that pocket.

The Front cover of the Journal, OMG Lynda, you have achieved so much
depth and dimension and I  love the combination of the grungy/dark shades of blue and
that pretty white lace, you have an amazing eye for altered art.

 Thank you so much Lynda for so much inspiration and for sharing your birthday gifts.


Michele made this amazing card for her Brother In Law, I really like the font of the 'King of the Grill ' Sentiment!  There is so much detail in this card Michele, I am sure Phil's Brother will love it.

These two purchases were Bargains, just as we'd expect from our resident Thrifty Crafter!
The stamp set was an offer from Craft Stash, I think Michele paid about £3 for it.
The Die set was from the Craft show Michele went to, as you can see the price was slashed!
I love the cute dies Michele, especially the puppy, kitten and Lamb.
Thank you so much for sharing your card and bargains with us.


These are the cards that Pat made at her Groovi classes recently, I love them Pat, the frames really finish the cards beautifully.
Pat has shared some photos of Amber's goats, they look very cute Pat but full of mischief!! 
Thanks for sharing the cards and goats !! 


Val has been using Scrabble tiles to make these amazing 'Milestone Age' birthday cards.
I love them Val, particularly as they have a funny sentiment too.
I bet these fly off the shelves, they are great to batch card make too.
I may use your idea for Paul's dad and Brothers as he likes a funny card.
Thanks for the inspiration Val.

How about that for a busy Mixed Craft Saturday!! Thank you to all of you that sent in photos for today's post.  
It is so nice to see what you are all buying and making each week.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    So lovely to see my bags on show. Yes Sandra, the final total for the bags is cloth....52 (+ 2 I made for little Evie and Milly-May), and card/paper.....40 (each one contains a small gift of either toiletries, a small reed scented bottle or item of make-up). These will all be added to the cloth bags along with other items for my lucky dips. I didn't have time to make ones for the children so they will have a decorated Docraft carrier filled with goodies too.
    Lovely hauls from everybody else, have fun with your purchases ladies.
    Car is already packed so I am taking some 'me time' out to relax before I set off for the Fete.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Wow Wow we really do have a bumper bundle of gorgeous art work, in every crafting way possible and so many interesting purchases.

    CHERYL- GOOD LUCK with your stand and I just know that everything will fly in no time so you will make a really good contribution to your special charity.

    We had a good morning in Corbigny but didn't walk through the market as we wanted to stay a little longer at the Bar Tabac (café) as we won't be there for a while. It was lovely seeing all the residents and watching what everyone was doing. We then had to go and buy a new post box because 'someone' has lost the keys to the present one (I will not mention any names)lol so that job has to be done today and of course we had to visit the cake shop before the supermarket.

    Talking of cakes our choices this week are/were very simple:-

    Jim always has to have at least one piece of 'fruit flam' (this is very much like our custard tart) so his choice was flan pastry base with thick patisserie cream filling. It also had Mirabelle (small pieces of Plums) in it.

    I had Fruit Boat made of Pastry filled with patisserie cream and on top of this were Strawberries/Kiwi fruit/Apricot/Nectarine/and finish off with black grapes.

    Both cakes very plain really but oh so delicious!!!

    Off now to have my breakfast and then for me a little of that 'swear' word before it gets too hot. Yes we have the sunshine and heat back.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and have a good day. xxxx

  3. My oh my what a bumper bundle of makes and buy this week. I think everyone has had their creative head on.
    Karen, little Oscar looks a real cutie pie.x

    Cleaning upstairs this morning before it gets too hot and then spending time in my craft room before the match starts.

    SANDRA hope you're feeling OK and not to sore after your nasty fall.x

    JANET your cakes sound ultra delicious as usual.x

    CHERYL good luck with your stall.x

    Hugs to all Valx

    1. I love your cards and coincidentally OH (get him!) picked up some Scrabble letters when we were in Hobbycraft and put in my basket I sort of thought when am I going to use them? But you’v Inspired me and may I borrow you idea?

    2. Thanks Karen. Those cards have been already sold. Annoyingly I've run out of 'y's' x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic display of crafts & shopping.

    Cheryl-good luck today.

    I’ve got some shopping to do then the hairdressers at 11:15. I’ll probably sit outside in the shade or retreat to my craft room when the football is on as I can’t stand watching it.

    The relief at have a “whole week off” is wonderful. We had considered having a few days away but as we’re both exhausted we thought it was nicer to stay home & just potter about. This last 12 months (work problems-still not totally resolved, Phil being ill & now his Dad being really ill) have really taken it out of me.


    1. Pottering about sounds just what you need Michele. Turn your phones off and just have some R+R time.x

    2. I have done exactly that on my week off and thoroughly enjoyed it

  5. Some real bargains on show and some lovely pieces of art/craft too
    I do hope you’re stall is successful CHERYL after all of your hard work It’s not easy gauging what will sell and what won’t
    OSCAR is my world and whenever ai speak of him I tear up He is so so special But I think we’re all a bit like that with our children and grandchildren He loves his hat and will even wear it indoors
    I was going to say a lot asking after people but my mind has gone blank
    I have made 8 cards over the past few days - none of which are suitable for cc this week but I have enjoyed my time off work and just be able to “play” I’ve been doing Sharpie backgrounds with surgical spirit technique - great fun
    Have a safe day ladies as today is going to be extremely hot xx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW great items on show today
    CHERYL I love your cloth bags & gift bags they will defently fly off your stall. Good luck xx
    JANET your gift bag's are gorgeous love the lacy look very pretty. Your cakes sounded yummy. Have a good day.xx
    MICHELE love your bargain shopping. Enjoy your week off work.xx
    KAREN Oscar is adorable he's coming on leaps & bounds. Wow 8 cards made too well done.
    VAL I love your cards & sentiment on them. Have a good day.
    PAT your cards are gorgeous so so pretty love them all. You are defently the Groovi queen. Xx
    I'm really enjoying doing my journal pages I have finished 9 pages & yesterday I made some pretty tags for the pockets I wrote the products I used on the back as a reference. I wish I would remember to put the surgical gloves on as I have multi coloured fingers 😂😂🤣. Hopefully I can play with some of my new product's. My Gemini cutting pate has warped so badly I'm not putting it through anymore just in case it gets stuck or breaks the machine. I have ordered a new one off EBay a comparable one which is half the price £5.99 the crafters companion one's are £11.99 + & they last just as long. This last half priced one lasted longer than the original one. So was a bargain. Well I have some more ironing to do so better get that out the way before it gets hotter.
    SANDRA please stay up right & stop kissing the floor. How are you feeling Hug's
    Hug's all round xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I always forget to love k on eBay for crafty bits

  7. Margaret Palmer7 July 2018 at 11:12

    Hi Sandra & all in the café,
    Sandra hope you are feeling less sore today. What a lovely lot things on show today. Enjoy your
    Cheryl hope you have a successful day today, all your bags are
    Janet love your bags they are very pretty. Your cakes sound scrumptious, sorry you will not have any more this
    Karen your box looks very useful, good price as well & what can I say about Oscar he is gorgeous & looks so
    Michele very good buys, enjoy your time off, you need
    Val lovely idea for male cards, they will fly of the
    Pat lovely groovi cards, you are so clever. Love the photos of the
    Lynda you have some lovely dies there & your journal is
    Café is open, plenty of iced drinks in freezer & cake on menu for this afternoon, date & walnut & fresh scones with fresh strawberry & cream, so enjoy.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thanks MARGARET I liked the look of this box because a) it’ll hold decorated cup cakes, scones and muffins b) the tray flips over for tray bakes and c) it’s in two parts that clip together

  8. Darn it! I have just finished sewing up another Kerry Lord animal and sewn the head on the wrong way up! That’ll teach me to not read the instructions It’s supposed to be GEORGINA the Hippo OH has called it an OPPOPITAMUS So the name has stuck (it looks like a cross between a mouse and a bear really now I’ve added the facial features!)

  9. Hi Sandra and Ladies.
    A stunning array of cards, bags, Dies and stamps on show today.
    The pink card I sent to Lynda for her birthday. Which I must add didn’t arrive.
    Cheryl your bags are stunning and I hope you have a sellout today, and raise lots of money for your charity.
    Love you bags as well Janet.
    Still very warm here today.
    We went and paid the bal for our sofas. Went to pink up my cushions and they’d only delivered 4 not 6 as ordered. Pete was not amused.

    1. How frustrating!
      Amber’s goats are gorgeous Do they have a lovely temperament I was feeding goats at Paradise Wildlife Park yesterday (where my son was a zookeeper)

    2. Hope your missing cushions are ordered priority Pat.
      Love the goats, they seem such friendly animals.x

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a fabulous selection for us today, a real mixed bag (no pin intended).
    Sandra I hope you are not feeling too bruised and battered now my lovely xx
    Cheryl I hope you sold lots of your beautiful bags and that you and Milly- May enjoy the sleepover X
    Karen, your cake carrier is really useful, I have looked at them several times. I had to laugh about the cause of the hippos name change, annoying for you though. It was lovely to see our little Oscars pictures. He has such
    a cheeky smile, bless him 😊 x
    Brenda, I hope you have managed to get rid of the old freezer. They always manage to break down when it's hot don't they! X
    Lynda, enjoy all of your lovely dies etc. I love your book, so many pretty pages and I love how you have used such pretty dies as envelopes X
    Maria, I'm sorry that you are still in pain. Im thinking of you and your parents. Such a worrying time for you all X
    Lilian, I bet it has been another scorcher by the sea or have you had some cooling breezes? X
    Janet, the die set is on my wish list after seeing your beautiful bags. Has the new post box been installed. I bet the "lost" key will turn up now you have got a new one X
    Pat, Amber's card and the others are gorgeous, you have mastered the colouring haven't you X
    Michele, love your BIL card and your bargains too. I hope you enjoy your week off x
    Mum, sorry I didn't get to see you today X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    WOW what a fantastic display of goodies, as always ladies you have excelled yourselves.xx
    We have had a few internet problems today. When it was up and running OH ‘needed’ the iPad!!! He is now snoozing I should tell him to go to bed, but think I will leave him for awhile. He has been very busy, he thought that he may have to cut a cupboard down to allow the new freezer to fit in. But in the end it all fitted in as before. The old freezer will be put out in front of the house at the edge of the drive. Anything left ther seems to disappeared within a few hours. Saves us taking it to the tip.!
    Hope everyone has had a good day,
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  12. Thank you Sandra for sharing all these different projects and crafty products that your blog followers have made or received. Lots of inspiration to take from this, thank you. :O)
