
Thursday 5 July 2018

Sending wishes your away....

Good Morning Ladies,

I am happy to report we had a 'critter free' day yesterday, no gifts from our beloved cats, I guess I should have been grateful bless them, Bella prefers to bring dead spiders as gifts, we were picking them up constantly and when we moved house there were loads under Lucy's bed, (Lucy is Bella's mummy), she sleeps on her pillow, where as Milo sleeps with us, usually curled around Paul's legs, we are convinced that he knew Paul wasn't really a cat lover before we adopted them, since we have had them Milo has been Paul's constant companion, if Paul would allow him he would sleep on Paul's chest, he gets relocated to further down the bed, as he has the loudest purr!!
They seem to be loving their new found freedom, at first they wouldn't leave the patio, then they ventured the full length of the garden, now the are off over the 6ft fences to neighboring gardens, they also like sitting on the fence watching the pesky pigeons and magpies as they guard their nests.  Of all the birds why did we have to have the noisiest and most aggressive two!

Now onto today's card, I really love this new Stampin'Up! stamp set, 'Dandelion Wishes', the font is stunning!
I used a torn piece of paper to create a 'Mountain/valley' effect on the background of my card, using Coastal Cabana ink, I then  stamped the Dandelions in Night Of Navy. 
I masked off a circle for a Sun/moon and brushed more ink around it, I used this to stamp my sentiment in.
I added some little crystal gemstones to the centre of the Dandelions and added a piece of Night Of Navy ribbon and tied a knot in it. I mounted this onto a mat of Night Of Navy and onto a Coastal Cabana card base.
I hope you like my card.

After the tension in the house during the England /Columbia match on Tuesday night I dread to think what Saturday's match will be like, we can only hope that Sweden play a good, clean game.  Columbia behaved disgracefully on the pitch on Tuesday, what a terrible example to set to our youngsters!

Happy 75th Birthday to our NHS !!! We have all benefitted from this amazing service over the years!

I hope that you all have a lovely day and hopefully get some crafting done!

Val, so pleased to read you got your Air Con fixed, I can't imagine how unbearable it would be for you without it!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a much cooler Marigny
    Yesterday morning started off in the usual warm full on sunshine and very warm and then mid morning as we were sat in the shade having our morning coffee the rolling thunder started and continued until well after tea when it started to rain and it is still raining this morning. At least all 6 of the large water butts will be full and the garden has benefitted from it.

    SANDRA- oh a very pretty card today. I love that colour palette.

    I have finished my CC so my first job for today is to photograph and then get them sent off. Once that's done the day is mine. Now what shall I do? Ohhhhh decisions decisions I KNOW HOW ABOUT SOME CRAFTING!!!

    Have a good day everyone including all who pop into the CAFE for a visit and a nice drink either hot or cold. I'm sure MARGARET is keeping you all sorted and satisfied.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all and should be arriving very soon. Take care everyone.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone,

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my card.

    Wonderful card Sandra, I love this set of stamps.
    In my Card Factory programme I have a dandelion background which I fade down and use for the inserts of my Sympathy cards.

    Almost at the end of my marathon bag making (54 in 2 and half weeks), I decided to put away the sewing machine and buy the Docrafts' bags from the Range. I cut out some squares out of all the freebie and not so nice (shiny thinner) papers in my stash and wet glued them to the fronts. Result? 50 bags decorated in 2+ hours and left them open to dry so no bubbles or wrinkles. They can now be folded flat again this morning and they all fit inside a small Sainsburys' reusable shopper. It will make it easier for me to use all my shoppers (as they fold flat afterwards ) which will give me extra room when I re-fill the car with the boxes and tables and gazebo after the event.

    We had quite a bit of rain yesterday and today looks the same cloudiness, maybe more to come. The lower temperature certainly made it easier for me to breathe and I had a good night's rest.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, it’s really lovely.

    Audit went ok-ish, their main concern is the staffing levels as this was raised as a major concern last year! The two Auditors finally left at 17:15-me & my boss we’re exhausted!


  4. Me again

    The NHS is only 70 today!!


    1. Wow Michele, I was born before the NHS started. Now that does make me feel old! Hope something positive happens re your staffing levels. Do the Auditors have any influence?
      Hope today is a lot less hectic for you.x

  5. Yes a big happy birthday to the nhs In all honesty where would we be without it
    That’s s very pretty card SANDRA Like CHERYL I have a dandelion image in Serif that I have used for Sympathy cards
    I managed to break a back tooth yesterday so off to the dentist this afternoon Hey Ho!
    I am pleased the air con man arrived VAL My daughter has an air con unit and boy! It’s so good When looking after Oscar I felt so much better, less lethargic
    I am really enjoying being off work this week and just relaxing
    Take care all xx

    1. Glad you're having a lovely week off but awful you've broken your tooth. Good luck this afternoon at the dentist.
      The AC is really invaluable over here. We managed a few years with a lot of fans but the AC is much more efficient. Lynn and Paul leave theirs on in the bedroom all night but the noise annoys me so I put it on an hour before I go to bed then turn it off and put the ceiling fan on. Touch wood I'm managing to sleep OK.
      Sorry Karen, I'm rabbiting again. Apart from the dentist, enjoy your day. Xxx

  6. Morning everyone.
    Such a pretty card Sandra. Love the dandelions and the way you've used the torn paper to shade.
    Thank you. We have a much more pleasant cool house now.x

    Off to Slimming Club this morning then out for lunch. Lynn and Paul are back home after their spell of dog and cat sitting. Although I quite enjoy being on my own,its nice to have some noise in the house again and I'm glad and happy they're back.

    Must go and have a quick shower.
    Love to all.Valx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great card Sandra. Not to sure why but I thought you’d bought a Valley and mountain stencil from the inkyliclious stand.
    Thanks for pointing out the NHS is 70 Michele. As I thought they were 70 not 75.
    We once again had hot weather again yesterday. Looks like it’s set again for today.
    Off to the Theatre again this evening to see the Carpenters Story. Hope Pete manages to stay awake.
    Petegad to have blood tests again yesterday at the surgery. So as the hospital wanted him to have some medication he asked at reception if they’d been informed. Only to be told, there waiting at the chemist to be picked up. Now why the Drs hadn’t rung to say the subscription hadn’t been filled I don’t know.

  8. Margaret Palmer5 July 2018 at 11:16

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card again this morning, love how you have done it. Pleased to hear you didn't have any unwelcome visitors
    Karen hope you get on ok at dentist, not how you want to spend your time
    Café open, tables set outside with umbrellas, lets hope it will not get too hot, plenty of cold drinks & ice creams in the
    Brenda I am still the same, 2 weeks to go until I can put weight on my left leg. At least I have been able to sit & make some roses from Sandra's video so that is something. Hope you & John are not too
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Bit of a dull start this morning the sun is just coming through. Without any breeze.
    It's our 49th wedding anniversary today not sure who needs a meddle me or CU 😂🤣. Not doing anything special. It just finished the ironing & we have Tesco shopping later.
    SANDRA your card this morning is stunning I love the colour's & the stamp set is lovely like how you have done the background gorgeous.
    VAL enjoy your lunch. Will be nice having Lynn & Paul home. Enjoy your day.
    KAREN hope dentist goes ok today & it doesn't costalotter
    SANDRA hope you don't get any more surprises from Bella & Milloxx
    Well better get showered & dressed.
    Hope you all have a good day. Hug's for you all.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Happy Anniversary Lynda and CU. Have a lovely day however you spend it. Hugs xxx

    2. Happy anniversary to you both, such a great achievement in these days. Hope you have a good day

    3. Happy Anniversary to you both. Have a nice day, hope you do more than ironing and shopping together tonight xx

    4. Happy Anniversary LYNDA and CU xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I thought I had been onto the blog yesterday but obviously I didn't so enjoyed your card from LYNDA. It is lovely.
    SANDRA, I love today's card, the dandelion stamps are so pretty aren't they. I hope Milo hasn't brought you any more "gifts"!!! You certainly made me jump when you screamed 😊xx
    I'm having a quite day, so hoping to get my CC finished, after a busy one yesterday. We did have just a few spots of rain in the evening but it's still very hot and humid with lots of cloud's at the moment. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Can’t answer your post Lynda. So I’m wishing both you and CU a very Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a lovely day.

  12. Doesn’t look like I can comment under anyone’s posts today. Not to sure what the iPad is up to. Seems to have a mind of its own since I updated it.

  13. Hello All, well after a much cooler day yesterday,it’s a real scorcher today.28C already.

    Lovely card Sandra, I have a similar one somewhere, use it for condolence cards.

    Still not made my card for this week I’m always late, don’t know why when I have very little else to do.

    Well have a lovely day try and keep cool, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, it's too warm to do much so just take it easy. Hopefully you get a cooler night so you can sleep alright, hugs xx

  14. Hi ladies.
    Very nice card Sandra, like the Dandelion stamp set.
    Good luck Karen at the dentist. Hope he can help you.
    Cheryl- remember to take some photos from the fair, we love to see your craft and the tables. Hope you have a sellout on the day.
    Val- I prefer in hotels the AC better too then fans but like you I have to turn it off for the night because of the noise and sometimes smell.
    Janet- hope your day been nicer and you managed some Crafting.
    I got a couple of cards together but my brain is not working like it should, must be the heat, it's 30 here today. Got hold of my M & D yesterday, showed them our new lounge and the garden through facetime , luckily they liked it all. They both waiting for appointment dates, my Dad will have to get a stoma bag at the next op. He is diabetic, on blood thinners and got a thingy to kick start his heart so one more problem to take care of. Mum had a camera down her throat the other day and waiting for having a camera up the other way. She got such a pain and can hardly walk,she is using a walker when going out. The move have taken its toll as well in the heat and other factors with giving up one dog and the one they got left, she is 13 years old so might only have a a few more years with her. Sorry rambling on but I know you understand....
    Many hugs to you all, love Maria xxxx

    1. Take care MARIA Thinking if you

    2. Sending you special thoughts and hugs Maria.x

    3. Thank you, my friends ! xx

  15. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely card Sandra. This stamp set is my favourite one in the catalogue. It’s on my wish list when I get my order sorted out.

    It’s been a busy day here today, our freezer went wrong, it’s had a temporary fix, a new one was ordered, it arrived yesterday, the deliver time slot was between 3 and 7pm it arrived at 7.15! Today has been spent juggling freezes around. Not a lot of fun as space is limited. But we got there. we also went shopping, then time spent watering the garden. Where has the day gone?

    Hope you have all had a good day, love to everyone, Brenda xxx

  16. Sandra a beautiful card using the Dandelion Delight by SU; I have had a dandelion stamp set for quite a while now and was pleased to see that SU brought out one too. Mine has tiny little fairies that you can stamp around the dandelion heads. I might CASE your design Sandra using my stamp set and see what differences there are. :O)
