
Wednesday 4 July 2018

A lovely Thank you from Lynda

Good Morning Friends,

I hope that you are all well, it was a little cooler here yesterday with the wind being a little stronger, with windows open on both sides of the house there was a lovely refreshing breeze thankfully, I really struggle with the humidity, I find it so much harder to walk and move about, as it takes too much effort, which starts my heart racing and then i'm done but I guess a lot of you are in the same position, we shouldn't complain really, I do love the sunshine as long as it comes with a bit of a breeze, its not so bad if you are by the coast.  We have a lot higher temperatures than this on holiday but by the sea its so much more bearable, having said that you don't 'have' to do anything on holiday so it's not so bad.
Luckily we have Air Conditioning this time, which will be very welcome.

Today's card is a Thank You card that I received from Lynda last week, it came with an absolutely stunning altered Frame that I had featured on my Blog 2 weeks ago.  The card is amazing, with a lovely distressed background and a red and blue colour theme. Butterflies just make you smile whenever you see them and this card certainly did this, I will turn that sentiment back to you Lynda, this card made me very happy, as do our late night conversations! 
Receiving cards like this really make you realise how blessed we are to have such an amazing group of friends here is out little cafe!
Thank you Lynda for both the Stunning Frame that has pride of place in my Craft Room and the fab card with the lovely, touching message inside. xxx

It was so lovely to See Sue yesterday, it feels like forever since we crafted together, after a lovely catch up and lunch we did what we like to do and tackled a tricky fold Card, this time it was a Never Ending Card, it was like de ja vue as we were following some really poorly illustrated instructions, but our joint experience had the job solved on no time!  Watch this space for the results....!

I have to say Sue was my Saviour yesterday, we were having a discussion about Apps and I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of the one we were both talking about, so I went to get my phone to get the answer, as I walked through the hallway to the lounge I noticed Milo sitting by the lounge door, I then looked down to see that he was proudly guarding a animal of some description, OMG, I shrieked, almost giving Sue a heart attack! I shot into the kitchen and closed the door, leaving Sue wondering what on earth was going on!  She then saw what had caused my reaction, took a piece of kitchen roll and calming picked up the little Shrew and put it out in the hedge! 
Sue you are my Hero!! XXX

After such an exciting day I was ready for bed by about 9pm!

Hoping for a calmer day today,

I hope you all have a lovely calm day too,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Wee had a better day yesterday in the morning that is. We had a thunder and hailstone mid morning but by after lunch the sun was back and it was so humid neither of us did a thing.

    We also had a visitor yesterday morning. I went to go into the veranda to find a lizard sat at the bottom of the step. We do have a lot of them around but very rarely do they come indoors. Anyway as I stepped down her scampered behind a small set of drawers we have in there. We decided to leave him alone and not start pulling the set of drawers out so I suppose he had a little rest and then left us.

    LYNDA- a lovely card you sent to SANDRA.

    Once again I'm not sure what's happening today but something will turn up.

    Have a good day everyone and stay safe. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Seems to be catching this having visitors doesn’t it. I hope your visitor made it outside.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Lynda, it’s really beautiful.

    Sandra-your holiday sounds perfect, I’ll bet you can’t wait.

    Yesterday was crazy busy, I only went for my lunch at 13:45. I spent all my lunch break arranging for a Chair assessment-managed to secure a booking for today then my M in L said a different day would be better so I emailed the company & luckily they still had an appointment free on Thursday morning!
    Today is our annual Audit which is always stressful-there will be 2 Auditors arriving at 9:15 who will probably stay all day!! I think I’ll need a glass of wine tonight.


    1. Good luck with the audit Michele. Hope MIL was grateful for all the arranging you've been doing!!
      Enjoy that wine tonightx

    2. Hi Michele. I hope the audit goes well. Hope blogger lets me publish before.

  3. Morning everyone.
    Such a pretty card LYNDA and what a lovely sentiment.

    SANDRA bet you can't wait for your holiday to come around. All that sea air will do you such a lot of good x

    Well I'm pleased to report the Air Con man arrived yesterday and after an expensive 2 hours we're cool again. We need it - the thermometer on my porch topped 40 yesterday.

    My temperature certainly went up last night watching the England match. I must admit I was sceptical but so so pleased for them. Its a shame Spain went out but there have been a lot of surprises in this world cup.

    Off to play crib this afternoon but some ironing first then hopefully I can get my cc done in my 'back to normal' craft room.

    Have a good day everyone. Hugs are winging their way to those not feeling too good today.x
    Love Valx

  4. Hello ladies
    OMG SANDRA! First frogs now shrews! I’d have reacted the exact same way as you!
    LILLIAN I do hope you’re feeling better today
    Well the football was a bit exciting eventually wasn’t it I thought it was going to end in a massive brawl after watching the first half I looked after OSCAR so that daughter could go to pub with her fiancé and dad It was strange to watch because both daughter and I had Columbia in sweepstakes
    Went to Hobbycraft yesterday and bought a load of (boring) things ie card blanks mainly Today is going to be my favourite kind of day Just pottering about - crafting when I want to and catching up on a bit of tele OH will be “cooking” in the garden
    Take care all xxx

    1. Should have said (my brain is working quicker than my fingers!) I thought I’d said about LYND’s card and I hadn’t - very pretty and of course with a beautiful butterfly

  5. Morning everyone
    lovely card from Lynda, the background is great and of course a pretty butterfly :>)
    Lilian- hope you feeling a bit better today,many hugs.
    Sandra - think you have to have a word with your cats about bringing home these little animals, flowers or chocolate sure would be nicer Lol Will you be away for your Birthday in Spain ?
    Val- glad your air con man arrived so you now get some cooler place to be. Hope you ok.
    It feels a bit cooler here today so hope to get some cards made and finish my book sitting in the garden (920 pages)
    Wishing you all a lovely day whatever you do, hugs xxxx

  6. Margaret Palmer4 July 2018 at 10:35

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so glad Sue was there when Milo brought the shrew in, having been brought up in the country does have it's advantages. What a lovely card from Lynda it is
    Karen when I take my cakes out, I rarely make anything other than my fruit or lemon coconut cake, so plastic boxes suit. Hope you enjoy your time doing what you feel
    It is cooler this morning for which I am grateful.
    The café is open waiting for you all to call in & enjoy sitting in the shade.
    Lilian hope you can breathe easier
    Maria hope you got news of Mum &
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    So pleased Sue made it yesterday, you girls must have had a lot of chatting to catch up on. Please she was there to save your life from the Shrew!!! Milo really is a pickle though, he must be finding his new home really exciting, so many new gifts to bring home. Maybe you could suggest to him he leaves his gifts on the door step. Seriously - I hope you are alright after such a shock. xx

    LYNDA. what a beautiful card, the background is gorgeous and the ‘signature’ butterfly sits beautifully on top of it. xx

    VAL Great you have the Air Con sorted our. xx

    JANET Hope you have seen the last of your visitor! Well inside the house that is.xx

    MARGARET Hope all is well with you. xx

    MARIA Have you heard from your sister about Mum and Dad? xx

    MICHELE Best of luck with the audit. Hope the wine is in the chiller waiting for you to come home! xx

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. HelloAll, hurrah rain at last, not enough but it’s so much cooler, went to bed last night with all of velux windows open as no rain was forecast, have a slightly damp carpet this morning, that’s the only trouble with dorma bedroom.

    Lynda lovely card again, you have a great talent for your art.

    Sandra sorry you had an unexpected visitor again, the worst thing our cat bought in was a lizard, which promptly lost its tail, cat was quite confused.

    I don’t normally watch the football, but it was very exciting if a bit tense. Good luck England.

    Well it’s an afternoon watching the tennis, but might try and make my c card if it’s not too hot. Hope all have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry about yesterday blogger wouldn't let me publish I did manage a couple of lines late last night.
    BRENDA thank you for your lovely birthday card it came yesterday morning.
    SANDRA shock seeing my card I sent you on blog this morning sentiment is very true. Thank you for sharing.
    Thank you all for your kind comments on my card. Xx
    Went hospital this morning for visual fields they were running late as usual.Then just popped Tesco for post office The too the body shop but they had run out of
    SLIM YOUNG LADIES so used my £5 birthday voucher on some face cream.😂🤣😂🤣.
    MARIA have you here'd how your Mum & Dad are. Hope your feeling better today Hug's xx
    SUE glad you had good day at Sandra's & saved her from the "shrew" what next is Milo 😸going to bring you Sandra. Lol.
    MICHELE hope audit went ok. Enjoy your evening xx
    VAL Gad your air con is working now. Xx
    KAREN hope you Enjoyed having Oscar again.xx
    JANET hope it's not to hot for you.xx
    LILIAN hope your feeling better today xx
    Hug's for all
    Love Lyndaxx

  10. Hi Lynda
    A great thank you card. I’m quite cross that once again a birthday card I posted at the beg of last week didn’t arrive at your end.
    Sandra I hope the appointment that you went to with Becca was ok, and that you managed to get another appointment for Lucy.
    Unless hospital calls I’ll hopefully see you next week.
    You certainly had an eventful day with Sue yesterday. Hope you don’t get any presents today.
    Our new sofas are arriving on the 19th July. Seems an age since I ordered them. All I need now are new cushions ( which I’ve ordered ) and new curtains.
    Hopefully this will publish.
