
Tuesday 3 July 2018

Cheryl's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

A nice quiet day yesterday in our house, it was just me and the girls, they were mostly worshipping the sun in the garden, I was pottering about in doors, popping out to sit with them every few minutes. They had cleaned their rooms so needless to say there were several loads of washing that needed doing, I have no idea how they can accumulate so much laundry in such a short space of time! 
After lunch I had them hoovering, cleaning bathrooms etc. it only took a little bit of nagging!

Today's card is Cheryl's challenge card, I didn't get it in time to feature it on Sunday but that means it gets a post all to itself!  It deserves a post all to it's self though Cheryl as it is stunning!
I love how you have built up layers with the different die cuts and doillies, the tearing at the edges gives great texture to the card, a real rustic look that you have tones down by adding that delicate lace across the card.  
Your floral arrangement is so beautiful and your colour theme is is gorgeous, all those soft peach colours the darker bronze/browns work perfectly together.
An absolutely gorgeous card Cheryl thank you so much for taking part in the challenge.

 I am hoping to see Sue today, we have some catching up to do. I need some crafting time too!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning everyone.
    Very pretty challenge card Cheryl.
    Well after waiting until 5last night and having tried numerous times to contact him, the AC man phoned at 5 to say he was too busy and he'd come at 11 today. I said he could come by all means but I wouldn't be in so he's supposedly coming at 1 today. I won't hold my breath. Why are workmen so unreliable!!!!
    I'm having my nails done this morning and I really need to make some cards.
    Hope you had a lovely day yesterday Lyndaxx
    Enjoy your meet up Sandra and Sue. Glad your feeling better now Sue.XXX
    Love Valx

    1. Especially Spanish ones in my experience! I do hope he does turn up xx

    2. Actually Karen, he's British ha ha.x

    3. Hi Val
      I hope the air con man turns up today. Nothing worse than waiting in for workmen.
      To hot to work outside. But the man came yesterday morning to clear the brambles up behind and at the side of the greenhouse. He won’t be laying our old slabs as it needs a lot of digging out before then and it’s to hot for that.

    4. That made me smile VAL Reminded me of when my friend ordered us a taxi using her fluent Spanish The driver turned up and proceeded to talk to my friend in Spanish It then transpired that he was from U.K.! My friend practically snatched his business card out of his hand She was so pleased to find an English Taxi driver!

    5. Ha ha, I've done things like that myself Karen. There's a lot of us Brits about.x

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in to have a visit and a chat.

    It was a little better yesterday but not much so Im hoping for a cooler day today.

    CHERYL-Oh a beautiful card and just up my street as they say.I'm sure whoever receives this will be higher delighted.

    I managed to get a CC done yesterday much to my surprise having to cope with sweat running into my eyes and every piece of clothing stuck to me but hey crafting is always a joy.

    It may be a relaxing day for me but Jim has to dead head the roses this morning before it gets too warm. We have now run out of water in all our 7water butts and are having to rely on grey water to water the veggies. Flowers have to forgo watering now.

    PAT- You're safe as you haven't missed any of the 'Tour de France' as it starts on SATURDAY. We shall have the laptop tuned in every day. We don't have a tv here so have to rely on the internet and unfortunately it isn't coming anywhere near us this year. It did a few years ago and we spent the day being part of it. It was certainly a memory never to be forgotten.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Wow, it does sound hot where you are. Hope it’s a bit cooler today.
      Lucky you seeing some of the Tour de France. When they started in the UK I think it went through Woodstock. However, we were away that year.
      Looks like our postbox is playing up again as Lynda hasn’t received her birthday card yet. Mind you it could be stuck in Swindon. So frustrating,

  3. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a beautiful card, really lovely & so much detail on it.

    Busy day yesterday at work, spent my lunch hour trying to source a special chair for my F in L ready for his discharge into a Nursing Home.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you manage to find a chair for your FIL. Mind you it wasn’t a nice way to find out that he was going into one.
      I hope it’s not to busy and to warm at work.

  4. Morning ladies,

    Thank you Sandra for showing my card, I apologise again for forgetting to send it to you.
    The peach/gold flecked background paper is one I have been hoarding for years as peach cardstock/papers etc, do not seem to come along very often. I used to look at it and wondered what to do with it until my interest in shabby chic/vintage was stoked when I came across Maremi on YouTube, she makes it look so easy to do. The leaves were all gilded with Apricot gilding polish. I find this so much easier to use than the blending inks, which I have struggled with as my blending looks very heavy handed even with the extra smooth papers.

    Hope you all are keeping as cool as possible in this heat.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. It’s a gorgeous card CHERYL
      I’m the other way around I’m too heavy handed with gilding polish!

    2. Beautiful card Cheryl, gorgeous colour. I'm heavy handed with everything I do Lol xx

    3. A beautiful card Cheryl. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

    4. Fabulous card Cheryl, I also like Maremi, watch all her utube vieos

  5. Morning I’m pleased to hear that SUE is well enough to visit you today SANDRA and of course CHERYL deserves a post It is a little lovely card
    Dancing last night was a nightmare It was so damn hot When we walked into the venue it felt like they’d turned the heating on Once we’d put the fans on it did help
    I am enjoying this being at home lark although I do hope it begins to cool down a bit There does appear to be more of a breeze today
    I am hoping to get to Hobbycraft today to buy one of their cupcake container thingys now that I’ve got back into baking a bit A friend had one on aSinday and it looks to be just the job My tins aren’t big enough and I end up piling muffins on top of each other What do you use MARGARET to transport cakes around in Which means I will get a chance to look at the magazines- I can’t wait I can’t remember the last time I went to Hobbycraft I hope to persuade him to take me to The Range too
    Have a lovely day all I am thinking of you xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Great that you had a fan or fans to turn on when you were dancing. It would have been so hot without them. Enjoy your down time.

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A gorgeous card today Cheryl. Love the shabby chic look đź‘€. But unlike you and Lynda, my brain doesn’t think shabby chic. I always need some inspiration first before I can start anything and adapt.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Cheryl your card is beautiful. I love the pretty colour combination and the lace adds that bit of luxury. I hope you are ready for your first stall. Please share some pictures X
    Sandra I'm not surprised that the girls love sun worshipping in your lovely garden. See you in a while my lovely xx
    I hope you all have the wonderful breeze that we are enjoying today. I had better get on as it is going to take a while to get to Sandra's today as there are long queues on the A420 today due to the road having to be repaired after a nasty accident yesterday. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Glad you feeling better and can have a day with Sandra. Look after yourself xx

  8. Margaret Palmer3 July 2018 at 11:41

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra so pleased you & the girls are getting a chance
    to sit out in your lovely garden, will do you all good. Enjoy your time with Sue
    Cheryl a beautiful card from you today, it deserved a day to itself well
    Café open as normal, I think we will need to peg tablecloths down on outside tables today as it is quite breezy, a welcome change.
    Lynda sounds as if you had a lovely time with family, take
    Maria what is the news of your Mum & Dad hope they are ok. How is your
    Karen enjoy your shopping trip, hope it is not too
    Brenda sounds as if you are permanently busy, take
    Val hope the air conditioning man turns up today, nothing worse than waiting in for workmen that do not turn
    Janet hope it is cooler for you
    Pat hope Pete is still feeling better, take
    Sue pleased to see you back in the land of the living, enjoy your time with
    Michele hope you managed to find chair
    Lilian enjoy the
    I hope I haven't missed anybody, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Tried to get hold of my sister this morning to found out about M & D but she was too busy arranging a dog meeting so will try again tomorrow. Don't know why but have problem still with my left arm. I had an ECG and that was fine, waiting for the blood results next. Leg exercises, doing some but boy is it hot for anything much. hugs xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Yes, Pete is still feeling better. Not 100% but better than he was. We’re still waiting to hear when his scans will be. I’m hoping to go away for a few days when we know, so it’s good he’s feeling better as we wouldn’t be able to go otherwise.
      Hope your improving daily,

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Cheryl your card is really beautiful, as others have said it deserves a day on its own. I love the apricot colour you’ve used.
    Sandra it sounds as though you’ve got the girls motivated into doing a few chores, it’s good practice for them, Mum and Dad won’t be around when they go to University so they will have to do it then.xx
    Have a lovely day with Sue, I’m sure you have lots to catch up on. Sue I hope the roads are not to clogged up. Oh for the day we can be beamed up and dropped of at our chosen destination..... I can dream, can’t I? No more queuing traffic.

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      That sounds a wonderful way to travel. I’ll put it on my wish list. If only.
      Sunny here today with a nice bit of breeze.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies from a glorious sunny day with a nice breeze, hope you have the same wherever you live.
    Beautiful card from our Cheryl !
    Have thought about the CC and have some ideas but it is so warm in the kitchen even with the window open and tonight we will be watching the match so tomorrow is the day hopefully.
    Have a lovely day everyone, hugs xxx

  11. Hello All, very hot here but a bit of breeze.

    Not feeling too good today, think the hot weather makes it hard to breathe.

    Sandra hope you and Sue have a lovely day crafting,

    Have a good day all Lilian

    1. Oh poor you Take care and plenty of rest xx

    2. Take care Lilian. Enjoy the tennis.x I'm just about to watch England. Oh dear!!!

    3. Hi Lilian
      I’m sorry to hear your not feeling to good today. Take care in this warm weather.

  12. Hi Sandra I have been trying to publish comments all day without blogger letting me. Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Love Lynda hope this publishes xx

    1. I’m so pleased it arrived, sorry it was a day late, BUT THEN your birthday can last the whole year ...... keep celebrating xxx
