
Friday 20 July 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are well and looking forward to the weekend, we are going on a little road trip tomorrow!! Danielle has invited us up to visit her this weekend and I am very excited, there's only one thing better than crafting and that's crafting with friends!!

Today's card was made by our Lynda for a TicTacToe challenge I did over on the 'Stampin For all'
Facebook group.  Lynda chose categories : Metallic/Floral/Die cut.
Lynda has used a gold patterned background paper which she has matted onto gold mirri card, she has then stamped, coloured and die cut those beautiful poppies to embellish her card, they are 'Sheena Douglas In Full Bloom Precious Poppy'. I really love those poppies Lynda, I think its great that so many companies are making matching dies to their stamps, as it makes using them so much easier.
Lynda your card is stunning, thank you so much for supporting my challenge xxx

Margaret I have everything crossed that your appointment goes well today, I bet you can't wait to get in that shower, after my 2nd hip joint disaster I lived without access to a bedroom or bathroom for 3 years!  So I can fully appreciate how much you will enjoy that first shower, you just don't feel as clean when you just have a 'strip wash', oh just imagine a nice shower and fresh bedding, you will sleep well tonight! Fingers,toes & eyes crossed!! The other big excitement is that you have two stampin'up orders ready to be played with!

Maria I was sorry to hear about your Step Mum In Law, its heartbreaking to see them so helpless, made worse by the fact that there is not much you can do to help, sending you big hugs xxx

Janet, I feel like I am tempting fate by saying this but no, we haven't had a gift for a since the mouse on our bed.  Paul's parents had a cat that took a shine to them and visited them everyday, they ended up feeding it, I think it was probably visiting many different people that were doing the same.  I think your visitor will get the message if you just 'shoo' him out. Mind you are Black Cats good luck?? xx

I'm off to my craft room to play, I am also waiting for a new laptop to arrive today!

Have a lovely day ladies and a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Lynda, it’s really lovely.

    Busy day yesterday at work. I did manage a short time in my craft room but I don’t like what I made!

    Margaret-good luck today. Not sure if it’s because my Dad was on his own or they’re harsh in their patients “up north “ but he was going up and down stairs as soon as he was discharged and could have a shower about 6-8 weeks after the surgery-once he’d been back for his check up. That was the same for both hip replacements he had last year.


    1. Thank you Michele for your kind words on my card.
      Hope work goes ok without stress today.Take care.xx

    2. Hi Michele
      My hip replacements were the same Michele. Up and weight bearing straight away, and as soon as I could go up their stairs I was out of hospital quick smart.
      So I’ve been assuming that Margaret’s was more a more complicated operation.

  2. Beautiful card LYNDA
    I love how companies are now doing matching stamps and dies now - Perhaps that’s why I would like to get into stamping more ...
    I do hope you get along ok MARGARET- thinking of you
    I still haven’t attempted cc but hopefully later today I have an idea in my head now - whether it’ll work is another matter!
    Enjoy your trip to see DANNII
    I hope your trip home is smoother than the one going JANET
    Take care all xx

    1. Thank you Karen for your kind comments on my card.
      Have a good day. Xx

  3. Morning everyone.

    Lovely card LYNDA. Pretty colour flowers and beautiful background paper.x

    MARGARET hope everything goes well today and you can have that longed for shower later.x

    WOW I think we had some rain during the night!!! It feels a bit fresher this morning and that awful humidity has gone.

    Off to Craft Club later and for once I have my bad packed early. I'm hoping to put together my cc either whilst I'm there or when I get home.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. Thank you Val for your kind comments on my card.
      Enjoy craft club.xx

    2. Hi Cal
      Enjoy your C & C club today.

  4. morning Everyone
    LYNDA- a beautiful card and I love that image. I have those stamps and they are so beautiful to use.

    MARGARET- good luck for today dear Friend. I know just how you are feeling though as MICHELE has said re her Dad and stairs etc I had to climb stairs before leaving the hospital on all 3 occasions that I've had my knees replaced. I was out of bed the next day/walking with aids the following day and then everyday and had to climb the stairs 2 days before I came home. I was in hospital for 7days each time.

    Well it's got to that 'swear' word day already and the washer is churning away with towels. I have to send off my CC this morning and my hairdresser is coming at 13.00hrs so I have a supper busy morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  5. Margaret Palmer20 July 2018 at 08:25

    Hi Janet & Michele,
    Thank you for your best wishes. When I had both hips replaced 13 years ago I was able to go upstairs when I came home after 5 days, because this time they had to replace a replacement & it now wired in place that is the reason I have not been able to put weight on it & use a zimmer frame. Hope to be able at least progress to sticks today. Will update you when I get

    1. Thank you Janet for your kind words on my card.
      Good luck with the swear hope it doesn't take you long.xx

    2. Hi Margaret
      I thought your hip replacement might have been done differently this time. Thanks for letting us know how it was done.

  6. Margaret Palmer20 July 2018 at 08:34

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your thoughts, I am sat waiting to be picked up, will let you know how I get on. Enjoy your weekend with
    Lynda your card is beautiful,well
    Karen & Val thanks for best wishes…xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you so much Margaret for your lovely comment
      I hope your appointment goes well & everything is all ok with your hip & hope you can put some weight on your hip using sticks & most of all
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA thank you so much for showing my card & your kind words you commented ❤️ Have a lovely weekend visiting Dannii give her a Hug ๐Ÿค— from me xx.
    We have just got back went Doctor earlier Terry had to have a blood ๐Ÿ’‰ test the doctor phoned him earlier To see if he could go today instead of next week he's not good with blood test's๐Ÿ’‰He comes over all woozy.๐Ÿคข
    Very dull this morning still warm but we haven't any sun they have threatened thunder storms for kent. So we are going to take 8 ๐ŸพFor a walk now before it starts.
    Will pop back later Have a good day. Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Loved your card today. Great that you can stamp and then use a Die to cut it out.
      Pete also had to have bloods done today, as his appointment with the consultant has been brought forward to this coming Tuesday instead of the one after.

    2. Thank you Pat for your love comment on my card. Yes stamping is much better with matching die. I'm not good at cutting out by hand.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great card today Lynda. Love the cards you make.
    Hope the laptop turns up Sandra today. Our sofas arrived yesterday. They had to take the legs off to get them through our patio doors. Lovely and comfy but the cushions I bought are much to big and fat though. So looks like they need to go back. I bought 6 altogether but only have the bill for 4 so I hope they take them all back.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend with Danni Sandra.
    Was cloudy first thing but now the suns out and it’s hot.

  9. Margaret Palmer20 July 2018 at 14:04

    Hi Sandra & all ladies,
    Just got home,surgeon pleased with xrays so I can put weight on left leg & gradually build strength up. Go to see him again in 6 weeks. Can at last get upstairs & have a shower!!!
    Thank you all for best

    1. Hi Margaret, Have been thinking about you all morning, I’m so pleased all went well for you, now you can gradually get back some normality in your life, please don’t go pushing yourself to hard,
      Remember SMALL steps, xxx
      AND - A Shower at last. Your patience has been rewarded

    2. Hi Margaret so pleased all went well at hospital. Take care no marathons or gymnastics remember baby steps Hug's xxx

  10. Hello All, very hot and muggy here today.

    Lynda lovely card, love that poppy stamp.

    Margaret so pleased the surgeon was pleased with how your hip is healing.

    Started a card this morning, but can’t say I’m pleased with it, not much like the sketch, but it might be the only one I get done, seem to have lost the feeling for card making.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card.
      Hope your feeling better now xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    LYNDA love your card, you really are a dedicated crafter you seem to be able to put a card together so quickly. Now me - I spend ages dithering about trying to decide. If I complete one a day I’m pleased. Last week I managed two iin one day, I was really chuffed with myself. ... sad or what!
    Sandra have a great with Danielle, I know you will both really excited about your time together. XX
    Hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend, we haven’t any special plans. it’s always nice just to chill out and take life as it comes.
    Hugs for all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda thank you so much I must admit on our cc last week challenge two went in the bin. They don't always turn out the way they should. Hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      Pete’s taken chill out to a new level. He decided to go to a steam rally with his friend in Ducklington this morning. Didn’t really feel well enough to go but went anyway. So he came home at 12.30. The doorbell woke him up at 2.00 but he went straight back to sleep. I woke him up at 5.45 for his tea. He went to sleep again straight after that and is still asleep.

  12. A beautiful card created from the Tic Tac Toe grid Lynda. I have this on my "To Do" list for this weekend so watch this space. I will be adding it to the photo album on Stampin for All so Sandra you will be able to find it there. Say 'Hello' to Dannii for me, we are just around the corner from each other so if I had had more notice I may have been able to join you both for stamping. xx
