
Saturday 21 July 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Team Cotswold Crafter is growing!!!

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

We have lots of crafty goodness and shopping to look through today but before we get to that I have some AMAZING NEWS.....

Both Brenda and Cheryl have joined my Stampin'Up! Team, I couldn't be more excited and over the moon, thank you so much ladies, I hope you love it as much as Margaret and I do !!

Now lets get on with the show.......

First up today are those Stunning cards above, Danielle bought the 'Love You To Pieces' Bundle from Stampin'Up! and used it to make those three amazing cards, you could use this die set with photos for cards or scrap booking too, Danielle is using it to finish her album for Layla too.

Thanks so much Dannii, for allowing me to share your cards.


Karlie made a lovely Origami envelope to share with us this week, as with all of your Origami pieces Karlie your lines are so clean and crisp, another amazing project, can't wait to see your next one, maybe you could show me how to make one today?!
Thank you for making this envelope especially for us Karlie.


Margaret has managed to open her box of loveliness from Stampin'Up! I bet your fingers are itching to get stuck in!! I love the Hedgehugs stamp set its so cute. I would love a play with your Build a Blossom punch sometime, when you are up to travelling again. Happy Crafting my lovely!
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping!


Michele made this lovely card for her 'Crazy' Friend, I just love those cute cats Michele and those lovely embellishments that are with them, your friend will absolutely love this card.
Thank you for sharing it with us.


Val has been doing a bit of crafty shopping this week and this is what she has bought, John Lockwood's new stamps, they are so amazing, I love silhouette stamps, you can make some amazing backgrounds for them, you also have loads of sentiments and accent stamps too, I literally can't wait to see your Christmas cards Val, I'd quite like to play with these myself!
thanks for sharing Val.


Karen popped into John Lewis the other day and stumbled upon these amazing cute soft toy kits, they have everything included in the kits:  Alpaca Yarn, a Crochet Hook, Needle and stuffing. They were half price £15, which is an amazing price for Alpaca yarn.  
Karen I am so looking forward to seeing these made up, Oscar is a lucky little man!


 Lynda has shared some more pages of her journal with us today, Lynda it is beautiful, you have so many different textures on each page, so much interest, so many beautiful backgrounds and pockets that draw your attention, I would love to flick through this in real life, so please bring it to Ally Pally.

Lynda has bought all of these dies from the Wish app, they were all bargain prices, those background dies are lovely and so is that floral circle and that border.
I can see some amazing cards coming our way!! 
Thank you so much for sharing my lovely.

Woo! What a post, exciting news, lovely crafts, fantastic bargains and Super Shopping!
Thanks to all of you that took part xxx

As you are reading this we should be on the road to Danielle's, for a weekend of crafting with a lovely friend.  I am quite excited!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend too,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a wonderful selection of crafty bargains & amazing projects.

    It’s raining here which isn’t what the forecast shows & will alter my plans for this morning! Hubby out golfing this morning then we’re off to visit his Dad.

    Sandra-have a lovely weekend.


    1. Lovely card Michele. Bet your cat friend loved it.
      Hope you get on OK visiting FIL later.
      Just saw on the news that a newly refurbished Ainsdale Station is opening today. Looks lovely.x

    2. Perfect card for your mad cat friend
      I hope today’s visit goes well

    3. Love your card Michele your crazy friend will love it too.xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Wow what a super bundle of crafts and shopping for this week's 'Mixed' Saturday.

    We had a cooler day yesterday but it didn't seem to make much difference as everytime I moved a was drenched.

    Off on our usual Saturday shopping this morning and searching for an Anniversary present for Christina and Robert. It is their 10th so I'm looking for something in 'Tin'. Wish me luck.

    The CAFE doors are open for you all. Afternoon scones etc will be available later.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hope you manage to buy something 'tin' today Janet. Would love to know what you decide on, not the easiest thing to buy. Enjoy your day.x

  3. Hi everyone,

    Great selection of crafts and buys today ladies.

    Finally finished my cc so just got to take a photo and send it off to you Sandra. Hope you have a lovely weekend with Dannii.x

    Meeting my chatty friend later for a coffee but first I have to wash the outside porch. One of the cats has obviously killed some poor creature during the night (not that there's a body anywhere) and there are blood splatters everywhere.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Ooo yuck I'm glad my dogs don't bring me gifts like cats do.
      Enjoy meeting your chatty friend.
      Hug's xx

    2. One of the downsides of cats!
      Love your journal pages. Bet the whole book together is looking fantastic. Also love your dies. Haven't ordered from Wish for a while and they've obviously got lovely new stash in.x

    3. Yuk Val.
      I’m glad we don’t have animals. Karen ( Petes daughter ) has 23 animals, I kit you not. The biggest being 2 horses, then 3 goats. Plus cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and guinea pigs. She did have chickens but they one by one died.
      I must say I’ve never heard of wish. I must investigate.

  4. Some great items on show today Congratulations to BRENDA and CHERYL in joining the team
    Lovely cards from DANNII and MICHELE
    Your origami is so precise KARLIE
    Love your journal pages LYNDA I’d love to see it in real life too
    I am eagerly awaiting a set of dies from Wish!
    Still no rain here and it feels really hot already
    I need to photograph my cc which I finished late last night It’s totally different to what I had in my head! Other than that I don’t intend to do much

    1. Thank you Karen. Looking forward seeing your new makes xx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Congratulation BRENDA & CHERYL becoming team Sandra With SU
    DANNII lovely cards & KARLIE love your origami xx
    Thank you for liking my journal pages. All my shopping from Wish thr most expensive was £3 they all cut really well.
    We have sunshine again this morning after little rain spells yesterday but we didn't get the thunder storm that was expected.
    My 10 lb 2oz baby boy is 41 today 😂😂😂 ouch I member it well.
    Not upto much today Terry had a call from doctor yesterday saying after his blood test they want him to have kidney function test up hospital something else to worry about. Just popping in the shower now so will pop back later.
    Hug's for everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Sandra ment to say have a lovely weekend with Dannii
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Love your pages,so much details, lovely colours and butterflies . Nice new dies :)
      Happy birthday to your little boy xx

    3. My word Lynda
      Another thing for you both to worry about. I hope CU drinks 🥤 plenty. I’m having to make sure Pete has plenty to drink even if everything tastes awful.
      Happy Birthday to your little boy.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Great crafting and shopping on show today.
    Sandra- have a good day with Danielle
    Michele- hope all well with FIL, take care.
    Pat- what some people do come out with. Thinking of you both.
    Margaret- did you have a nice shower. Just take care, no slip ups as you go.
    Had a few raindrops in the night , not enough to even shut the windows for. Woke with a sore throat, not going to do much as another very warm day. Thinking of you all.

    Have a nice weekend ,xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      We had an absolute downpour yesterday. My fault as I’d put some more weed killer up the top of the garden. Mind you the flowers 💐 do need it.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Enjoy your weekend away. Hope the girls cope with cooking while yoyr away. Mind you they’ll have to get used to it when they go to Uni, after their years gap.
    My poor begonias have broken off in places after the downpour we had last
    night. Mind you I should probably have staked them before they got so big.
    I’d also like to see Lynda’s journal so I hope as well that she brings it to Ally Pally.

  8. Margaret Palmer21 July 2018 at 13:13

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for showing all the goodies, I hope to get & use mine in a few days, just have to get a little stronger first, at least I managed to get upstairs last night & had a lovely shower this morning. Well done to Brenda & Cheryl on joining your team, you will not regret
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      I’m glad you managed to get upstairs and able to have a shower. Hopefully you’ll get stronger day by day.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I hope you are having a lovely time with Danielle and family. Sandra so many doors have opened up for you since you joined SU. Especially meeting Danielle. You have certainly reached out and embraced life. Proud of you xxx

    Love all of today’s offerings, it’s lovely to see Karlie’s origami envelope, what a clever young lady you are.

    SORRY I haven’t finished my CC, daughter turned up late morning and has not long left. I have not got the energy to craft now or do anything for that matter. Not sure if we have a storm on the way - but my head is thumping, that used to happen when I was younger, we would have a storm and my head would clear.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your headache clears storm. Either by a storm ☔️ to clear the air or tablets if you take them.

  10. Hi All, very hot here, no rain yet.

    Love all the goodies on show today, especially Lynda’s pages, and all the shopping.

    Managed to get,one card done for Sandra, but too hot to do much more.

    Going to have fish and chips to dinner, R just gone to fetch them, hope they are not too busy, Loads of people down on holiday

    Will pop in again tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  11. What a great selection of crafty products and resources either purchased or used in projects. Have a great time with Dannii Sandra and I look forward to seeing what you both produce together. xx :O)
