
Thursday 19 July 2018

Christmas in July, using Pop Of Petals stamp and Punch

Good Morning Ladies,

As promised I have made my Christmas version of this weeks challenge card, apart from the Christmas label all of the elements are 'non' Christmas. The embossing folder I used is called 'Petal Burst', the stamp set I used to stamp the background and the flowers is called 'Pop Of Petals', I stamped the flowers in versamark on Poppy Parade card and added clear embossing powder, I then punched them out with the matching  punch, I did the same on 'Shaded Spruce' card and put them together to look like Poinsettia's.  I added my red topper at an angle to follow the sketch, I stamped the tag with 'Labels to love' Stamp set.  I added some narrow gold ribbon around the top of the topper and  a stamped and die cut small flower to embellish the bow. To finish the card I added a  few gold sequins. Finally I mounted it onto a white card base.
What do you think??.

Pat came over yesterday and YES she bought delicious Cream cakes, it won't sound as exotic as Janet's delightful desserts but I will describe as best I can, it was an eclair filled with fresh cream and some fresh raspberries, on top was Raspberry flavoured icing with pieces of freeze dried raspberry sprinkled over.  It was yummy, such a treat !! Thank you Pat xx
After lunch we went into the craft room, Pat got straight down to creating another beautiful 'Groovi' masterpiece, the piece that she made had the most delicate pattern, I can't wait to see it finished.
I started by tidying my craft space, I then sat and made today's card.

Lilian I would be training Roger in the ironing department, I was lucky as Paul was taught how to iron when he did his training,  my only frustration is that he is so meticulous it takes him forever!
I am with you as far as bedding goes though Lilian, I am like the 'Princess and the Pea' when I get in bed, I just can't sleep on wrinkled sheets, I have an 'OCD' habit, every night before I get into bed I have to pull the top sheet and duvet right back and smooth the bed down, pulling the bottom sheet tight and making sure there are no 'bits' of any kind in the bed.  I also have to have a top sheet, I hate the feel of just having the duvet on me, a little strange I know, but I think it might come from childhood as we always had a top sheet, probably because we had blankets and a bed spread rather that a Duvet.

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-perfect example of a Christmas variation for this weeks challenge.

    I seem to be back to having no spare time, perhaps tonight I’ll make it into my craft room. Hubby has his repeat health check tonight. I thought I could deliver my crazy friends birthday presents & Card on my way home but she’s going out so I’ll drop them off tomorrow.
    Still no update on my Father in Law-guess we’ll just have to wait until we can visit which will probably be Saturday afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    for the second time of asking.
    I've just lost all my post so here we go again.

    SANDRA- a lovely Seasonal card for the CC.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday as this week is just flying and leaving me well behind.

    My job for today is to try and get my CC done and sent and then I have to make a start on a couple of Tissue Box cover which I've been asked to do for a lady who wants to give them as gifts.

    SANDRA- are you still receiving gifts on a daily basis? For some reason a black cat has started visiting us. The back door is a stable door and so of course it's been wide open all week and for a couple of days now a black cat has taken to jumping over the bottom half and visiting. I was sat the other afternoon and looked up and there in the middle of the room was this cat sat looking at me. I don't know where it lives but it cannot stay here.

    The CAFE is OPEN with all summer drinks and ices so help yourselves when you pop in..

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care whatever you all have

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope the black cat 🐈 doesn’t start leaving you presents. Our old neighbours cats used to wander in and out of our house during the summer. Luckily they didn’t bring us any presents.

  3. Great card SANDRA I still have no idea what I’m going to do as a cc Maybe I’ll get a chance this afternoon
    Your cake sounded delicious too When I visited John Lewis earlier this week I took advantage of the free hot drink and cake with my My Card and the cake was as dry as whatsit I couldn’t be bothered to complain as I needed the carbs
    I get home from work these days and just want to catch up on sleep and then knit or crochet
    Take care all
    Hope your appointment tomorrow goes well MARGARET
    I hope you’re able to get PETE’s appointments sorted and hope he’s feeling better

    1. Hi Karen
      Pete’s appointment for the 31st has been brought forward to this coming Tuesday. Hopefully it’s because I said he feels very ill ( which he does ). He’s very fatigued and is unable to do much. Everything he eats and drinks tastes awful. Not that he wants to eat much anyway. It’s very worrying as he seems to be going downhill very fast.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Love the card you received from Annie Sandra, very nice. Today's card is another beauty made by you !
    Michele- hope your FIL is settled in well at the home and he is better.
    Visiting OH step-mum yesterday was very draining and seeing her crying was hard because she used to be such a strong woman. She refusing wanting to have any help unless it is from this woman she have staying 24/7 and is her "best friend" . We have told her company not to come but she managed to be back for another fortnight. Hoping she is well enough to look after herself after and only have 2 visits a day but what happened before is she doesn't get out of bed, eat anything and don't take her meds. Well we have to wait and see.
    I'm to the hospital today for check up. Going on the treadmill etc. Dr asked me if I could jog for 10 minutes, I be happy if I can do 1! hahahaha
    Take care and have a nice day, many hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope the treadmill went wel. I’d be happy to do 1 minute as well, let alone 10.

  5. Margaret Palmer19 July 2018 at 11:24

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what s lovely card, love the colours. Your cakes that Pat brought sound delicious, made my mouth water. I love clean freshly ironed sheets on the bed, would have fresh sheets every day if I had a maid!!!xxx
    Karen thank you for best wishes for tomorrow, all I hope is that I can get upstairs, it is surprising how you take having a shower for granted, fingers
    Maria feel sorry for you,we had same problem with MIL, hope all goes well with hospital today, hugs on
    Hope you all have a good day hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. A lovely Christmas card using the challenge sketch my lovely. And yesterdays card from Annie was so pretty and what a wonderful surprise to receive through the post. Random acts of kindness really make you day don't they making you smile every time you look at it/them. I'm sure your sweet peas do that to you each time Pat too. How lovely of the little girl that gave them to you at school.
    The last couple of days have just wizzed by, didn't realise I hadn't been in to the Café yesterday! It will be interesting what the Neurology appointment has to say about my dreadful memory. Chris will be coming withe as I probably won't remember what they say 😙
    It's still very hot and humid here, with no sign of rain. No doubt it will change next week as the children will all be off school then!
    We have little Chris here until Monday as eldest son and DIL(to be) are moving over the next few days to a bigger home which has a garden which they are all looking forward very much. My crafting mojo is definitely on its holidays at the moment but I hope it comes back very soon! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello All, absolutely sweltering here today, managed to do my ironing first thing.
    I agree with you Sandra, have to have a top sheet, ironed and top turned down over the duvet, must admit always pull the covers back to air the bed and really flatten the bottom sheet, think it helps with my restless legs.

    Lovely card today, must think up something for mine, have at least got my table clear now, so no excuses.

    Hoping you are all having a good day, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    LOVE your card Sandra, it really is a seasonal card, in this heat doesn’t seem right to be looking that far ahead, unfortunately the season will be on us before we know it, then we will be saying do you remember those long hot summer days!!!
    Like you l like a flat sheet under the duvet and will pull all the top covers off to get the bottom sheet smooth - and yes they have to be ironed. Like Margaret if I was rich and had a maid I would have fresh sheets every day.

    MARIA Hope the checkup went well and the treadmill was like a walk in the park. xx
    MARGARET Hope all goes well tomorrow, thinking of you xx

    My mind has gone blank (nothing new there) I’m sure I was going to say something else, hay ho if it is important it will come back to me.

    Have a lovely evening, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Great card today, love the poinsettias you’ve put on the card.
    The hospital rang first thing this morning to change his appointment to this coming Tuesday. No mention of a scan. Our new sofas were delivered this morning. Pete is flat out on it sleeping at the moment. Will need to record Emmerdale and Corrie if he doesn’t wake up.
    I need to wash and dry up as my washing up fairy ( Pete in disguise j hasn’t been first enough to do it for the last couple of months.
    The lady next door yesterday said that Pete’s symptoms were the same as her dads just before he dies. Not helpful.

  10. Hi everyone,
    So lovely to see such a pretty Christmas card Sandra. I love the poinsettias.

    Just got home after leaving at 8 this morning. Really tired but must go up and have a shower before I make myself a coffee.

    Margaret. Hope everything goes OK for you tomorrow.

    Have a good rest of the evening everyone.
    Love Valx
