
Wednesday 18 July 2018

A lovely Thank you card.

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was a lovely surprise that arrived in the post on Saturday, it was made by a lovely lady called Annie Chambers, she has a YouTube Channel called 'Rosieposy Crafts', she is an amazing crafter making many different things from gorgeous Tilda Dolls to her latest project a lovely 'Wishing Well. 
Annie recently had a 1000 subscriber give away where she gave away some lovely prizes, to take part you had to send Annie an 'Applique', I knew Danielle wanted to support Annie but didn't have any applique or lace, so I sent some to Danielle to share with Annie, (not expecting her to tell Annie that I had sent them to her)!  Danielle is such a sweetheart and couldn't keep it to herself, so Annie entered us both into her prize draw, although neither of us won! lol.
So Annie was kind enough to make and send me a lovely thank you card, such a lovely card too, with lots of lovely sparkle from that glitter paper, three beautiful flowers and a cute little dog charm, which I am guessing is Annie's signature, as her adorable dog 'Rosie' is where 'Rosieposy Crafts' name comes from.  Annie's YouTube channel is well worth a visit for inspiration, looking at Annie's Charity shop bargains and laughter!

Thank you Annie for sending me such a lovely thank you card. 

I had a lovely day yesterday, the morning was spent catching up with Dannii on the phone and the afternoon was spent catching up with Sue, in fact we chatted so much we didn't go anywhere near the craft room! It only seemed like we were chatting for half an hour and Paul was home!  (Which meant we were actually chatting for 3+ hours)!
This meant that I didn't actually get any tidying up done in my craft room, but never mind, there's always tomorrow!  
I can't do it today as Pat's coming over, oooh I wonder if she'll bring cream cakes, Pat chooses amazing cream cakes, some bigger than I have ever seen! 

Michele I hope that Keith's move went smoothly, I think these things are stressful for everyone involved, let's hope this new place works out and it won't be as stressful as hospital visiting for all of you. xxx

Right I had better go and tidy a place for Pat to 'Groovi' on!  Why do we let our crafty mess spread so far? I really wish I used the put one thing away before opening another rule!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card to receive, such a kind gesture.

    Yesterday was extremely busy so it was nice to go out last night. I met a friend for a meal (curry) and we had a long catch up.

    Thank you for all you well wishes about my F in L-I’d love to update you all but unfortunately I can’t as I haven’t heard how the move went.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you hear how the move went before you go and visit. You’d think they’d keep Phil in the loop wouldn’t you. Take care my friend.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Sandra, what a pretty card and very thoughtful.

    Off to play crib this afternoon. Only one more week then we stop for August. People are away or have family over so its not worth meeting up.
    I've got a pile of ironing to do this morning. Considering its just me I have to iron for I really don't know how I have so much. Lynn never irons hers or Paul's clothes and they always look wrinkle free but I think I must be old school. Do you ladies iron or not?

    Have a good day ladies.
    PAT what a frustrating position to be in. Hope your doctor is back from hold soon.x
    Love Valx

    1. So do I Val. I rang the Drs Secretary again today, explained again and asked her to ring Pete on his mobile, which she hadn’t. So if she doesn’t ring in the morning.p, I’ll ring again.
      Pete had Chronic fatigue, he’s not eating well ( and he usually eats like a horse ) and everything he drinks and eats tastes awful.

  3. That is kind of Annie and very pretty
    My craft room needs a good tidy too I’m sure it’s shrinking
    Yesterday was farcical New prescription received but the pharmacy didn’t have any All three of their suppliers had ran out - something to do with the manufacturers Why wasn’t I told this from the start
    I had an appointment with the nurse to learn how to use this new one On the way there I popped into Boots who did have a stock of a different kind So told nurse this who was going to message the doctor and so after 2pm I have to ring GP to see if script is ready and go back to Boots
    Total waste of an afternoon apart from a little trip to John Lewis You’ll see what I bought on Saturday
    Still no rain and it’s very muggy Out dancing tonight and have two birthday cards to make which I’m trying to turn into cc’s but it’s not happening!
    I’ll pop back later xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      What a farce re your new medication. I remember my Dr prescribing some tablets for me ( can’t remember what for now ). But when I went to the pharmacy with it the medication was no longer manufactured. So I had to go back to the Drs and wait until the Dr had finished with 4 patients before the receptionist could go in and get me a new prescription.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely surprise and very thoughtful of Annie to send you this beautiful card. It’s RAK (random acts of kindness) like this that make life special. What a thoughtful lady.xx
    Sandra hope both you and Pat have a good day. Enjoy the cakes, hope they are not virtual ones. ( bongo drums to PAT don’t forget the cakes !!) Enjoy your day xxx
    We are off out on a bus ride, John wants to visit a shop in Tooting and said would I go with him. I’ve got a million things I could do indoors, but while we have the good weather we may as well make the most of it. There is always tomorrow.... oh tomorrow is shopping day, oh well Friday...maybe!!
    Have a good day everyone, love Brenda xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer18 July 2018 at 11:37

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely thank you card, sounds as if Annie is a lovely lady, will have a look at her site. Have a lovely day with Pat, pleased to hear you & Sue had a good chat
    Janet I hope you are ok I notice café is not open so have done it for you, tea & coffee pots on & fridges restocked.
    Brenda thank you for your thoughts, I am counting days till Friday when I see surgeon & hopefully I can get upstairs to sleep in my own bed & have a shower what
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Good afternoon I did two comments this morning & neither would publish so hope the gremlins play nice now.
    Just finished a big pile of ironing & VAL yes I do iron wish I could get away with it
    SANDRA a lovely thank you card from Annie what a kind thought.
    Hope you & Pat have a nice day together. It still very warm & very muggy here.
    Just having 5 minutes with feet up after doing the ironing I'm so hot. Terry was supposed to be cleaning the car out its disgusting there is more grass on the floor than on the lawn where he did a garden rubbish run Monday they don't do bags up properly. But he's still on the computer so I've given up nagging him well for a bit anyway.
    Hope you all have a good day I'm hoping this will publish so Hug's for everyone .
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      My comments also won’t publish half the time. I also wish I could get away with not ironing. I don’t do a lot of things. But shirts 👕 trousers 👖 etc do need to be ironed. Mind you Karen never irons, if Keith or the girls want anything ironed, they have to do it themselves. Where did we go wrong.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a lovely card to send to you Sandra. As Brenda a random act of kindness.
    Talking of which. Reception class ( 4 year olds) , had a random act of kindness week. One of the children picked me a bunch of sweet peas out of the school garden which they’d planted. I was given them with a note saying. Random act of kindness which she’d written herself. Really cheered me up I must say.
    Cream cakes today were strawberry eclairs. I love meringue nests with cream and strawberries in the cream. But they didn’t have any.

  8. Lovely card from.Annie I got mine as well. She is a lovely lady. Loved our phone call time just flew lol. xxx

  9. Hello All, very hot here again.

    Did try to leave comment yesterday, but iPad said no, so I’m hoping this one will be ok.

    Sandra super card from Annie, sounds a lovely gal. Hope you had a lovely day with Pat, the cakes sound yummy.

    Saw the physio again today, she has decided I need to have an X-ray. Wish she decided that 4 weeks ago, as have to wait three weeks to get an appointment. Then she will phone me a week later when she has looked at them.

    Hoping to do my c card tomorrow but just maybe too hot.

    I have to do ironing also R wears lots of white shirts for his meetings, and also a clean coloured one every day. I also like my bedding ironed, daft I know as you just sleep and crumple it again.

    I’m off to bed to maybe get a few hours sleep, hugs to all Lilian

  10. A very pretty card and that Sandra is what crafters do, share with each other; help each other out and always thanking each other through a handmade card. The crafting community is the best community to be part of. :O)
