
Tuesday 17 July 2018

My Sketch Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies

Here is my card for this week's sketch challenge, I made it using only elements from a Stampin'Up! 'Tea Room' Memories & More Kit, these are kits that are perfect for Scrapbooks or Memory books, they have Journalling cards, little decorative elements, cards for mounting photos on, I will share a photo below....
Tea Room Memories & More Kit

They are perfect for card making too, as you can see from my card, every element matches with the Tea Room Designer Series Papers and of course there are matching inks and card stock.

That for me is the BIGGEST bonus, their card, paper, ink, ribbon and embellishments all match perfectly, it just takes the hard work out of crafting!

They have two amazing offers on at the moment too:

Firstly if you love Stampin' Up Designer series papers as much as I do you will love the first offer.....

Buy any 3 collections of papers and get 1 set absolutely free!

The second and most amazing offer is this one.........

If there is £99 worth of products in any of the catalogues that you have on your wish list now is the time to buy!!  If you were to join my Stampin'Up! Team before the end of July, not only would you get £130 worth of products for your £99 (products that you choose), you will also get a whole Stamp Pad Family, that is 10 ink pads worth £70, which means that for your £99 you get £200 worth of products in your starter kit, isn't that amazing.

I just want you all to know that joining up doesn't mean that you have to sell or demonstrate anything, you can be a 'Hobby Demo' like our Margaret, she will confirm that there is no pressure at all from either me or Stampin'Up!, you can take advantage of this incredible offer and the discount that comes with being a demo, you don't even have to spend anything else, your Demo status will stop after a quarter and that's it, no strings, you keep everything.  You could then do the same next time there is a fab offer. 
But please don't take my word for it, ask Margaret, I'm sure she won't mind telling you all about it.

If you do decide, you'll probably hear me squeal from where you are, just let me know.


Omg it was so lovely reading your nostalgic stories yesterday, we should have more of those topics, if any of you have any stories, please share them.

I have to tidy my craft room today, it's just got to that point where I have no room to actual craft, I made quite a few cards last week and left a bit of a trail of disaster!  So I am hoping that it is cool enough for me to do it.

I hope that you have a lovely day however you are spending,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I love the colours you have used. I hope today is cooler do you can tidy up in comfort.

    We had rain most of yesterday & a couple of heavy showers or so I was informed as we don’t have any windows in the Unit so except for lunchtime, I don’t see daylight!

    We didn’t get chance to visit my F in L last night as hubby didn’t finish work until 18:30. He’s being moved into the Nursing Home today so we’re going to try and visit on Friday evening as hubby is heading down to Welwyn Garden City this morning & probably not home until late on Thursday.


    1. I hope the move goes ok
      Yay! Welwyn Garden City He’s very welcome to pop in for a cuppa

    2. I hope everything goes well with FIL move.x

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope FILs move went according to plan and he’s comfortable.

    4. Hello Michele, I hope FILs move to the care home went smoothly and he will be comfortable and happy in his new home. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a much cooler morning here.
    We had some rain around 22.00hrs last night which hopefully has done the garden some good.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card and inspiration for this week's CC.

    For me today it's K&N so I'll be collecting things together this morning in readiness for my catch up of all happenings while I've been away.

    The CAFE is OPEN for anyone who wishes to pop in for a chat and a sit. The fridges are stocked so help yourselves.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your catch up at K& N. No rain here yet although it looks very cloudy in Oxfordshire.

    2. Hello Janet, hope K&N went well and you enjoyed meeting up with your group. xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Bright clear sunshine with a few wispy clouds floating past. The promised rain didn't last long thought but it has freshened up the air. For the first time in a few weeks I have not woken up drenched with sweat, a much more comfortable sleep.

    I love green products even though I don't use it as a 'go to' colour. Your Stampin'Up card and the elements are stunning together. Looking forward to my catalogue for the bargains.

    Tidying my craft room as well today, I take smaller things downstairs to make (flowers, toppers etc.) whilst watching TV then dump them on the work table until I have pile to add to their boxes.

    However you plan to spend your day, enjoy it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Still no rain for us The grass is decidedly brown especially the grass verges
    A beautiful card SANDRA That little pop of purple really makes it pop
    I hope to make a start today on a cc
    Had a visit to diabetic nurse yesterday who is now going to write to CCG to try and obtain funding for continuous glucose monitoring Another piece of kit I’ll have to wear 24/7
    Visit today to surgery for training on an anaphylaxis pen as my pharmacy cannot get hold of Epipens! At least today I can get my free drink and cake with my My card from John Lewis and have a mooch
    I wish you all well ladies Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen. I'm really not up on medical matters so pardon my ignorance but what is CCG, ANAPHYLAXIS AND EPIPENS? Hope you get on OK.x

    2. Me neither Val. Although I do know what an epicentre is as my SIL in Australia uses one.

    3. Hi Pat, just had a chuckle at your response to Val. I think you mean EpiPen. An epicentre is the middle of a catastrophe or disaster or operations. Lol

  5. Hi all, such a pretty card Sandra. Just love the colour. Meant to start my cc yesterday but didn't get around to it.

    Off shopping to Iceland shortly. I enjoy going there as its nice and cool with all the freezers.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. It’s an injection in case. I react badly to a bee sting etc Lots of people with nut allergies carry one Epipen is a brand name like Panadol is a brand name for paracetamol xx
      Enjoy Iceland!

    2. Thanks for that Karen. Carrying the injection round sounds a good idea. Hope it went OK.x

  6. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous colour on your card Sandra, if time is with me today I will try to make a cc this evening. Doctors soon and then going out for the day. Tomorrow we back to Stamford to check on OH step-mum.
    No rain yet and it was so warm last night even with all the windows open so hoping it will be a better night.
    Have a nice day whatever you get up to, hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies. Lovely card today Sandra. I think it’s the first one I’ve seen you make with a kit. Then again I may be wrong.
    Well today I’ve been in school. Pete was coming downstairs after his shower at 8.45 when I left. I came home at 11.55 and woke Pete up coming in the front door. Apparently he’d come down had his breakfast and promptly fell asleep again until I woke him up. Still waiting for the hospital to confirm whether Pete will be having his scan before he goes on the 31st July. At this rate I think not. Not to sure how the Dr forgot to arrange it before she went away. I’m not sure either that if they think he needs one, why another Dr can’t read his notes and arrange it.

  8. Margaret Palmer17 July 2018 at 17:52

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today. Hope you managed to tidy craft room before Sue arrived, sorry she was late she stopped of to wash my
    I endorse all Sandra says about joining SU, neither Sandra or SU put any pressure on you,I love all the products, they are good qualty so take the plunge & join.
    I wrote 2 long comments this morning & when I pressed publish it disappeared, so hopethis stays.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, How are you are you starting to move around yet?
      Thank you for the info. xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra, the colour is gorgeous and the little touch of purple really gives the wow factor.
    Hope you got your craft room sorted out before Sue arrived and the rest of your day has been enjoyable and productive. xx
    I hope everyone has had a good day, if you are feeling under the weather sending gently caring hugs.
    Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hello Sandra & ladies
    It's been a funny old day I was awake at 6am so I got up & hoovered washed up put washing on the line. Then post came with a ergent letter for me to have a Diabetic blood test before my opp on the 31st. So when Terry got home we went up the hospital I had to wait over an hour before seen. We had 8paws with us Terry stayed with them on the bench outside untill I came out. Then we took them up the park for a run well Bailey did Rea was her normal self walking round Terry's legs. We Can't understand why she's like it she will jump on my lap but won't let you pick her up of the floor so get her lead on untill she jumps onmy lap.something must have happened before the lady over the road had her.
    Anyway Sandra I love your card it's Butterflylisous ( you know me I love a butterfly )
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Sandra I love your entry for the sketch challenge, I recently purchased a Memories & More pack which I haven't done so before. I might try and use these to create my sketch for the challenge too; maybe I will see. xx
