
Monday 16 July 2018

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

After a very relaxed and chilled out weekend I thought I'd go for a nice simple Sketch to continue the relaxed vibe.
I feel that this sketch could be used for anything from Christmas to Christenings!!
Remember to think outside the box, those circles could be flowers, stars, snowflakes, absolutely anything you fancy, your card just represents your interpretation of the sketch.
Now if you want to Challenge yourselves a little bit more how about making a Christmas card and any other card you choose, that way you are filling your Christmas card box up too!
I wonder who'll be first past the post this week?!! 
I will send out a little something to who ever gets their card in first!!

Wow, what a lovely weekend we had, I like the idea of shopping Friday and then not leaving the house for the rest of the weekend, it's been so relaxed.  For me it's seeing Paul sat nodding off in the garden, shoes off, feet up, totally relaxed.  We barbeque'd on Sunday lunchtime, before Matt left for work, which really made the rest of Sunday super chilled, usually as it gets towards five o'clock we have to start thinking about cooking dinner and then it usually takes a good two hours to prepare, cook and serve, meaning we usually eat at about 7pm, by the time we are done and sorted it's time for shower and bed!  I liked having Sunday Lunch and then doing the old fashioned Sandwich, cake and Ice cream Sunday tea!
Did any of you do that on a Sunday?  I remember helping prepare Sunday lunch as a child, we used to always make a jelly or a Bird's Trifle in the morning too,maybe boil some eggs for sandwichs too.  My Mum has always had lunch at 12 and tea at around 4pm.
Our typical Sunday tea back then was a Sandwich, followed by either a piece of Angel cake (layered pink,white and yellow sponge), or Battenburg, we would then either have Birds Trifle (how that fed 6 of us is beyond me), or jelly and icecream, sometimes we had a fun of fruit cocktail and Carnation milk (yuk), I remember we all used to argue over who got the cherry!!
Again how my mum made I fun of fruit cocktail serve 6 was a miracle!! Maybe we expect bigger portions these days, I just don't know.  We bought a Bird's Trifle a year or two back as a nostalgic treat, I was quite excited, got my best Crystal trifle bowl out and started making up the different elements, my lot were baffled by the dehydrated sponge blocks,they thought they were stale!! I poured the jelly in the bowl and I barely covered the bottom, same with the blancmange, when it came to to whipped topping it barely covered the blancmange, they had fun adding the sprinkles though,  the verdict wasn't good, they said it didn't taste of anything nice, just chemicals!!
I wonder why they would think to Vesta Meals, they were another weekend treat back then!
Did you all have similar Sunday tea times?  I would love to hear your stories.

Have a lovely start to the week ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your weekend sounds perfect, very relaxed.
    Great sketch today & as you say-it could be used for absolutely any occasion. I immediately thought of snowflakes instead of circles.
    I doubt I’ll be first past the post as I’m back to work which will be over 50 hours with traveling. Hubby is away from tomorrow so he’s definitely getting thrown back into it.


  2. Great challenge and like you and MICHELE have already said. I was thinking snowflakes too
    I doubt I’ll be first past the post this week I have an appointment with diabetic nurse this afternoon and then out dancing tonight
    Your Sunday sounded idyllic
    Our Sundays have been similar unti the kids started doing their own thing As a child me and my sister used to argue about the cherry in the fruit cocktail! We had batternburg cake too
    As a child I hated it when “Song Something Simple” came on the radio because it meant the weekend was truly over and school next day Even now if I heard the signature tune it would send shivers down my spine
    Birds Eye trifle was a real treat for my children or Splodge as we used to call it which was banana mixed in with Angel Delight which they helped make
    Anyway have a good day all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop into the CAFE today for a chat and a cuppa.
    There's all the usual cold drinks and ice creams ready and waiting.

    First I have to remember to say A BIG WELL DONE TO VAL for reaching her target weight.

    I loved all of Saturday Mix some very interesting pieces.

    Sunday's CCs were fantastic each and everyone of them. Some beautiful creations.

    We had the most horrendous journey on Saturday from start to finish (Ferry to home)the ferry was jam packed and very very noisy. The journey up from Dover was the worst ever. There had been a big accident on the M25 and junctions 28 to 29 was completely closed all day. We had to find a way round to get to the M11 but so did everyone so you can imagine. We came through Dartford tunnel and turned off onto the A12 but again so did everyone. It took us 3hrs to get from the turnoff to the M11. I have never seen so much traffic and of course it was carrying it's normal traffic as well. How on A12 I really don't know. I've never lived in or close to a town/city. Any way we arrived home 19.00hrs after arriving in Dover at 12.00noon. To say that we're both absolutely exhausted is well......

    We have a busy week as well as Jim starts his Duty today for the rest of the week and I have K&N tomorrow and hairdresser on Thursday.

    Enough of my ramblings I hope that all Dear Friends who haven't been too well recently are feeling better and that PAT that PETE is coming round a little.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care whatever you're all up to today xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, what an horrendous journey. After such a lovely holiday you just want to be home as quickly as possible. Probably being a Sunday wouldn't help. Anyway, glad you're both home safe and sound. I think you need a few early nights to catch up.
      Thank you for your congratulations.xx

  4. Morning everyone,

    It's official...the end of my tennis hoo

    Fantastic Men's Final match yesterday rooting for Djokovic and pleased he won. To be fair, I don't think Anderson had enough oomph left in him after his marathon, thrilling, nail-biting, knicker gripping semi with Isner. I am so glad I watched that from end to end, they both deserved to win...two gentle giants with immense power in their serves.

    Back to basics now, boring housework with crafting in-between.

    It's a bit cloudy this morning so I'll wait to see how the weather improves or gives us that much needed drenching rain.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

  5. Hi everyone,
    Great sketch Sandra. I'm making cards today so I may make my cc.
    You brought back lots of memories Sandra. I well remember Birds Trifle. Such a treat. It was usually made once a month on a Sunday when my Aunt and Uncle came for tea. As for Vesta Beef Curry Karen, well that was my first introduction to spicy food. I bought a packet when I was in UK last year, brought it home and cooked it and oh dear it tasted like cardboard yuk.
    Nothing much doing today. Just watched the kitchen floor so should be dry now and I can make my coffee.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  6. Hi Sandra and all.
    Looks like another scorching day and not much wind so will be inside today and not doing too much as moving around makes it hard. Don't knew how you do it Karen going dancing in this heat. For the ones working, do take care.
    Janet - poor you what a horrendous journey back, glad you home safe tho. hugs
    Don't remember any special Sunday's in my home, both my parents were working all week and dad was on call outs as being a electrician at the time. He made some amazing cinnamon rolls tho and my favorite ice cream was Snow white, vanilla with strawberry sauce running through it. Mum always made the biscuits for 11-ish, they were either oaty, nutty or buttery ones.
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Great challenge card today.
    Good to hear you had a chilled weekend. We always have lunch and lunchtime on a Sunday. Well that was before we started taking Doreen out for Sunday lunch. Just took to long having it in the evening. We still have it in the evening during the week and Sat ( habit I suppose ).
    We also had sandwiches and cake for Sunday tea. Also had bread and dripping for tea. Yuk, wouldn’t touch it now though.

  8. Hello All, we have had a shower, over in minutes, but still it’s cooler.

    Good challenge Sandra, as you have guessed, I’ll not be the first in.

    You bought back many happy memories, we always had evening meal week days, but Saturday we had pasties for lunch home made of course, butcher came on Saturday so lovely fresh meat and joint for Sunday. Mum always made to plate fruit tarts and a date turn over for tea. Sunday’s were roast at lunch time and always followed by rice pudding. Tea was fresh baked splits with jam and cream, a sandwich and to follow the fruit tart, which was turned out with pastry on the bottom and fruit spread on top sweetened with dark brown sugar topped with home made clotted cream, yum makes my mouth water just remembering.

    No more tennis now so I might get some crafting done, hope you are all ok as can be, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Yesterday's challenge cards are wonderful, covering so many celebrations. And it is great to see some new ladies talents. I hope you all join in with the challenges each week and also pop in to this amazing cafe where you can enjoy calorie free treats every day of the week 😊
    Its good time hear you had a lovely relaxing weekend Sandra. Like you we always had a roast dinner on a Sunday with a traditional dessert ie. apple pie and custard. Sunday tea was sandwiches then tinned fruit, and yes me and my brother had to take turns having the cherry if it was fruit cocktail, followed by home made cakes that Mum had baked. We always had a dessert after every evening meal during the week too, again pies etc with custard or my favourite rice pudding that was extra good when it was my turn to eat the yummy bits around the edge of the dish 😊 Sandra, Mum and I have talked about how just one tin, packet etc. managed to feed 2 adults and 2 children? Mum has a feeling that tins of baked beans etc were a bit bigger then but we clearly didn't eat such big portions did we. And it showed as there weren't any where near the amount of overweight people that there are today. Occasionally Mum would buy the Vespa prawn curry and I remember us all counting how many prawns we each had 😊
    Times really have changed as we only occasionally have a roast dinner or proper dessert now just having fruit or yoghurt instead. We were lucky that Mum is a good cook and most of our food was home made. The only thing I could never eat was liver. To this day I can't bear even the smell of it cooking.
    Janet, I'm sorry to hear you had such an awful trip home yesterday x
    I'm hoping to get a chance card done today, I have a male card to make for a young man who will be 20 next week.
    It is cooler here at the moment, about 24c with lots of light grey cloud's so maybe we will get some rain. I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Margaret Palmer16 July 2018 at 11:52

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra it sounds as if you had a lovely relaxing weekend, well done. The challenge looks good this week, not sure I will be able to join in. When we were children my Dad was a farm worker so we always had roast dinner & fresh vegetables & fruit pie, then for tea we had sandwiches, tinned fruit & cream then homemade cakes which it was my job to make on the Saturday, so learnt cake making at an early
    Janet you had nightmare of a journey on Sat you must be
    It is cloudy here & abit cooler thank goodnessSending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hi it’s me again, can I ask a question, when was the last time you had a double Yolker egg? We had eggs for lunch, 2 for R and one for me ALL doublers, they were Asda free range large eggs, never had that before.

    1. Hi Lilian,
      I haven't had a double yoker since we bought our eggs from a local farm, years ago. Definitely not had one from a Supermarket.
      Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket!

  12. Hello Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA glad you had a relaxing weekend we didn't do much just took 8🐾 Out for a walk only up the cemetery it's opposite the Co op & quite cool in there as lots of trees. quite a few people that take their dogs for walks in there. Bailey has a good run takes himself off its good with out traffic but Rea she is funny we take her lead off but she never runs off she stays by Terry's feet all the time going from one side to the other. She is still a nightmare trying to get her lead back on. We shouldn't take it off really.
    My mum always cooked a roast dinner lunch time on Sundays with veg & roast potatoes. She did rice pudding for afters then just a sandwich & cake for tea.
    I remember one Sunday mum always cooked the rice pudding in the pressure cooker.we were all in the front room & there was a Big Bang running into the kitchen the pressure cooker had blown up & rice was everywhere all up the walls & on the floor some even reached the ceiling. In them days they had weights on the top. Not like my one now they are so much safer.
    My hairdresser came this morning hair had a cut & hi lights done Terry had his cut as well.I am all blond again I won't say I look beautiful 😂😂🤣🤣
    CU is out doing a garden & rubbish dump so I'm going in craft room now.
    JANET what a nightmare journey you had. But pleased your home safe.enjoy K&N.
    Good challenge this week Sandra.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Back again ladies, to the gentle patter of rain, great big ground soaking drops. The sky is so grey that I hope it sheds it's load on my garden in one fell swoop. The temperature has certainly dropped from the humid stickiness of this morning.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  14. Still very hot here with no sign of rain
    Sort to hear you had an horrendous journey home JANET and in this heat too
    Talking about Sunday meals do you remember Dream Topping That was a really expensive treat We usually had evaporated milk

  15. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    So pleased you had a relaxing weekend, it really sets you up for the week ahead when you can really chill out at the weekend.
    Interesting challenge card this week. I don’t think I will be the first to get my card to you Sandra, I would be worried the shock would be to much for you!!! My order was delivered by Mr Brown early this morning. So had some lovely distractions to play with.
    JANET your return journey sounds horrendous, I hope you are able to rest and recover this week. xx
    Have a good week everyone, love Brenda xxx

  16. Thank you Sandra for the new sketch for this week, I don't know when I am going to get chance to do this but I certainly will get it to you as possible. I am at the Hospice on Monday, Clinic Tuesday, Grandson Wednesday, Rest Day Thursday and Chemo Friday. I thought I was busy when I was working; now I am not working the days are filled just as much. But at least I do get some time to craft which I would have found really difficult to do when I was working. Can't wait to try out the new sketch challenge Sandra lots of ideas swimming around but not decided on one yet.
