
Sunday 24 June 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Please join me in welcoming Nicki (Karen's friend) to our lovely Blog family, Nicki has been looking in for a while and has finally taken the plunge and taken part in our weekly challenge, I was so excited when Karen told me, Nicki has made 4 amazing cards for this weeks challenge.
Welcome Nicki, I am so happy that you took the plunge and joined us, I am truly blessed to have the most amazing, kind & caring group of friends that check in daily to catch up with each other, it's unique as far as blogs go and I love it, I also love sharing everyone's work, whatever it is, so please keep the photo's coming.  I will let the ladies introduce themselves, that goes for you too Victoria.

So let's see what you have all been making for this week's TicTacToe Challenge.......


Nicki absolutely blew me away by sharing 4 cards for her first ever challenge, they are amazing cards too..
1. Nicki's first card features categories Metallic/Stripes /Die cut
What a fantastic Party Invitation Nicki, adding the little gems for the Champagne Bubbles was a touch of genius.
2. Features categories: Die cut/Yellow/Floral
Such a pretty card, perfect for an Anniversary or Get well soon, such a pretty card.
3. Features categories: Stripes/Die Cut/Free
What an amazing 30th Birthday card Nicki. 
4. Features categories: Floral (embossing)/Die Cut/Stripes 
Another gorgeous card, as before its great for Anniversary, Valentine or Romantic Birthday.
Four absolutely amazing cards Nicki, thank you so much for taking part.  If you have any ideas for a challenge just let me know!!


How bright and cheerful is Victoria's challenge card this week, a fabulous Birthday card, using categories: Yellow/Floral/metallic.
Victoria has  created a pretty floral  background by randomly stamping with a little flower stamp, then adding Gold Embossing powder, that  beautiful yellow flower is made with Pineapple Punch card and the Daisy Punch, I love the yellow & Green combo Victoria, is the Green 'call me clover'? 
Thank you so much for taking a
Part again this week, i look forward to seeing what you make next week , if there is a particular challenge you would like to see let me know.


Karen has designed 3 fantastic cards, all completely different, great to see a Christmas card appearing on the line up.
Here is Karen's description....

"Here’s two cc The man one I’ve done before but have changed bits and decoupaged it differently this time All from Serif and a Tim Holtz die STRIPES:METALLIC:DIE CUT or BANNER 
The second was inspired by Lisa Horton on Hochanda The Flights of Fancy die has been cut from a PP background The other dies are SW too

Karen's third card description:

The sentiment is one of the new dies you showed today mounted on white which again is a die cut but I cut it into 2 and scored one part every 1/2 centimetre on my Hougie It’s a shame the photo doesn’t really pick it up and of course the metallic is silver mirri board and silver ribbon I had in my stash"
Thank you so much Karen for taking part and designing 3 amazing cards. 
Thank you also for introducing Nicki to our blog family.


Michele has made a really pretty 'thanks'  ard for this weeks challenge.  It uses categories: Yellow /Stripes/Thanks. 
Here is Michele's description:
"I use Done very old papers from Making Cards magazine, a Cuttlebug die for the sentiment & a few Peel off sparkly dots."
Thank you so much for taking part.


Janet managed to fit in making a beautiful challenge card before setting off for Marigny, it uses categories: Floral/Metallic/Free.
Such a pretty card Janet, those metallic butterflies are gorgeous.
Thank you so much for taking part, fingers crossed that your laptop functions ok this time, our line up just isn't complete without your cards.

Lilian has designed another beautiful floral Birthday card for this weeks challenge, Using categories: Floral/Metallic/Free
Thank you so much Lilian for another stunning challenge card.


Omg, how cute and adorable are Val's cards?? I love them both Val, trouble is I wouldn't want to send them to anyone!!
Here is Val's description....
"I had to make a box of cat cards this week so made two with the cc in mind.
No1 die cut , floral and free kitten photo.
No 2 yellow,  die cut and free kitten photo."
Thank you so much for taking part and bringing a huge smile to my face.


Lynda has designed a gorgeous 'especially for you' card using stamps those lovely Card Making Magic cards that were free on a magazine last month, i think a few if us bought them.
Here is Lynda's description......
"My Cc floral yellow & free
I went over base card with fossilised Amber & fired brick
I had a piece of  parchment in my stash I stamped the rose stamp a free card making magic set with a mag. Onto it. Coloured with a yellow Cc pen I then stamped the rose on some white card twice coloured in same yellow pen I mounted them together & glued it to the edge of my card.
Stamped sentiment cut out with SW fag die. Added a few sequins. Xx
I absolutely love your card Lynda,  thankyou so much for supporting the challenge.

Well Ladies, what can I say?! I think this display of cards is one of our best for variety of designs and occasions covered by the cards we have made.
Thank you all so very much, you all know by now how much I appreciate you taking part each week.
Any ideas for next weeks challenge?? 
Is it too early to start Christmas challenges? 

Matt is still in hospital, having bloods done this morning to check CRP, fingers crossed they have started to come down.

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday,
Love and Hugs,



  1. A beautiful variety of cards today I am so glad we don’t have to pick a winner I love to see everyone’s take on a challenge and it helps me realise that “oh yeah that still qualifies as part of the challenge”
    Well done NICKI that’s four beautiful cards I hope you enjoyed taking part and are up for joining in again
    We’re just about to leave Home up go and visit my dad So I’ll be back later
    Take care all xx

    1. Lovely cards Karen and great to see a Christmas one!
      Hope you find your dad more comfortable.x

    2. Hi Karen
      Great cards today. I especially like the one with the top hat and moustache. I hope that you Dad is more comfortable today and that it was the medication he was on that was making him sound awful on the phone.

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in for a look and a chat.

    Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but after food shopping and filling fridge/freezer and cupboards I was completely exhausted. I think it was the 2day travel as well.

    Anyway all the Mixed Crafts were superb and a big welcome to our newbies on this
    fab blog. I like all dear Friends on here am a little on the 'daft' .side (perhaps more than some)lol but I really enjoy taking part and seeing everyone's crafts. Perhaps I should add 'nosey' to my CV as well.

    Now on to today's bumper bundle of gorgeousness.
    What a different selection and all more than beautiful.

    We're hoping to get a little gardening done today (well I use the Royal WE of course. Though I shall be outside supervising. The garden is looking a little untidy but it will soon be back to its normal beauty.

    Have a good Sunday everyone whatever HUGS should be well over the channel on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, bet you're so tired after all that travelling.Enjoy supervising the gardening.
      Lovely card today as always.x

    2. Hi Janet
      No wonder you were flagging after all that travelling and then having to stock up.
      Great card today. I might have that die, unless I’ve seen it in Sandra’s stash.
      I think I need to get someone to supervise over for our garden.
      The playschool for some reason moved their fence nearer to then by about 4ft awhile back. ( Haven’t a clue why ) so we have the ditch and a bit more on our side. I’ve said to Pete why don’t we put up a fence then we won’t have to worry about the awful weeds, brambles that don’t belong to us. So hopefully I’ve talked him into that one. He can’t do 150ft of Garden that’s mostly put down to veg. So it needs a complete overhaul.
      Crikey I am rambling on today, ought to get up and do something. Have to put the washing out soon when the machine finishes.

  3. Morning everyone.
    I so love Sundays and the change to look at all the wonderful creations. I get so many ideas from you all.
    So lovely to see Nicki and Victoria's beautiful cards.
    Well one lot of washing is on the line and the machine is on its final spin for another load. Must do some housework today. I've been gadding around all week and the place is looking sadly neglected.
    I'm in two minds whether to watch the England match this afternoon, I don't know whether my blood pressure can take it. I may just sit calmly in my craft room instead.

    Sandra I hope Matt is sorted out soon and they allow him to go home.x

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
    Special hugs to those not feeling so good today or who have loved ones not so

    1. Hi Va
      Two lovely images on your cards today Pete’s daughter would love these cards. They have 4 dogs and at the last count 6 cats. Plus everything else.
      Just remembered the latest edition is 3 goats 🐐. I kid you not. The lady at the farm where Amber and Olivia help out ( granddaughters ) is giving up her farm. She has goats, pigs, llamas, chickens, and a couple of sheep. So she’s getting rid of her animals. They’re staying on the farm as where they stay has to be defra checked, and the field where they keep the horses hasn’t been. Think it costs a lot of money.

    2. My goodness Pat it sounds as though they're aiming for a smallholding. What a shame the lady is having to give up her farm. Perhaps you could borrow the sheep occasionally. I think they're really good for keeping the grass downx

  4. I meant to say Sandra that I'm quite happy doing a Christmas card for this weeks challengex

  5. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic selection of challenge cards today. All beautiful & so very different.

    I had great plans for my challenge card but I just seem to find any inspiration at the moment.

    Hospital visiting yesterday afternoon was finer, the MDT meeting is in the ward so at least we know where to go on Monday.

    I’d love a Christmas challenge Sandra.


  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. So many beautiful Challenge cards,you are all so inspiring.
    And it's so good to see two more talented crafter's joining the best blog/Calorie free Cafe.
    I just want to say Hi to both Nicki and Victoria.
    Nicki what great challenge cards. In particular the 30 card idea will be perfect for the hard to craft for men in our lives. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely cards X
    Victoria, I love your Challenge card. So pretty and cheerful for whoever receives it. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful cards too x
    Karen, 3 completely different challenge cards but each one is lovely. And it's good to see you are making a start on the Christmas cards too. I hope you find your Dad is only sounding so bad on the phone because of the meds he is on x
    Michele, what a great way to use up those smaller bits of odd papers, what a pretty card X
    Janet, I love your colour scheme on your beautiful card. I'm glad to hear you are safely settled. Don't go doing too much gardening though please X
    Lilian, what a gorgeous card that any lady would be delighted to receive X
    Val, two such cute cards. How many did you make in the set, and do you sell them in the shop or just take orders? X
    Lynda, your challenge card is lovely. I have the magazine and stamp set so if it's ok I will make a similar version X
    I have caught up at last with the last few days cards and crafts and am always amazed at the level.of talent that is clear to see. And what about Karlie. Your origami heart looks like a professional origanmiist(?) has made it! You are a very talented young lady and I can't wait to see your next craft piece 😊 x
    Sandra, I do hope Matt does get home today and that his blood test comes back with a lower figure. Send him a hug from me please. It's awful that he has been put on so many wards isn't it. Do you get the results of your monitor today or is that a separate appointment? Thinking of you my lovely xx
    I hope you all have a good day. We are flying back home this afternoon from our niece's wedding in Guernsey. It has been an incredibly busy three days so will be glad to get home.
    Must go to breakfast now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Would love to see some photos of the lovely wedding. Have a safe flight.
      I made a box of cards for a small charity called 'Kittens In Distress' for Bridget to sell at an upcoming Craft Fayre. I made 20 so they just fit nicely in a shoe box.
      Hope you can have a few days rest (after the washing and ironing of course) and just take it easy.x

  7. Good morning ladies,

    Finally back on the internet, although the problem is still intermittent.

    A beautiful array of challenge cards today, love them all.

    I had a wonderful surprize from Jamie on Thursday, he bought something for the garden......a hot tub! One of the Lay Zee ones. He doesn't smoke or drink because of his work on the railways and has been doing an awful lot of overtime covering workmates time off with their children and thought we both needed a treat. Needless to say as soon as my daughter Fiona, Tiegan and Joseph heard about it they were round like a shot. It was still heating up to the set temperature but they all went in, 8.30pm and had a good relax. Today I shall probably pop in there just before lunch. Looking forward to it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Wow wow wow. What a stunning collection of cards today. Love them all and each one different from everyone else’s. Not sure how this is achieved every week.
    Welcome Nicki and Victoria. Great cards ladies.
    Well I thought I’d go up and do some Parchment crafting while Pete was watching one of his Banged Up Abroad programmes. He records them now as he just hasn’t the energy to sit up late and watch them. Most of them are smuggling drugs and I think they deserve everything they get. Not to glamourise it on the television. Needless to say I plugged in my Lightwave box and nothing. So I’ll need to ring Clarity as a lot of people have had this problem with the older type ones. So hopefully they’ll have a new lead for it. Just in case your wondering Clarity won’t be open tomorrow as Barbara and Dave are getting married today.
    Pete didn’t have to bad a day yesterday, he seems to lose more and more energy and feels unwell as the day goes along. He went to a steam fair at Bloxham with his mate Pat. They go every year. Walked around very slowly he said to conserve his energy levels. Mind you he did else for the rest of the day.
    Looks like it’s going to be warm here in Oxfordshire today as we seem to have lost the chilly wind we’ve been having.

  9. Sorry Sandra. Meant to say I hope Matts blood results are starting to come down today and he’s allowed to come home soonish.

    1. How annoying about your light box Pat. Hope Clarity can sort it for you.
      I think Pete's really great. He goes out and about even with his health problems. A lot of men would sit around feeling sorry for themselves. You must be proud of him Pat.
      Enjoy your Sundayx

  10. Margaret Palmer24 June 2018 at 09:43

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely selection of CC's this week, & a big welcome to Nikki & her 4 cards, look forward to seeing more of your work. I really hope Matt's bloods are back to normal today so he can come home. Take care hugs on
    Victoria love your card good to see you taking
    All the cards are so nice cannot choose between them, well done to you
    I look forward to taking part but at moment very difficult as I am restricted with what I can do, cannot bend or carry anything so card making is too difficult, cannot keep asking Alan to fetch different things, so frustrating, I am doing well with my cross stitch though, doing a Golden Wedding picture for good friend & neighbour, will send picture when it is finished.
    Café open & coffee & tea pots waiting for you all to join me in the lovely sunshine.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hi everyone and thank you for making me feel so welcome. I love seeing so many different takes on the challenge with some really beautiful cards. And it's never too early for Christmas!!!!!

    I hope everyone has a fab Sunday; Karen I hope your dad's ok, Sandra I hope Matt's bloods come down, and Cheryl...nice work on the hot tub! Sounds amazing!


  12. Thank you Ladies for such nice comments and such a warm welcome to the group. I love the variety of cards in todays post... there's a lot of talented ladies here :) xx

  13. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wow lovely challenge cards today.
    Welcome NICKI love your cards look forward to seeing more of your cards
    VICTORIA great to see your cards too.look forward to seeing more of your work.
    SANDRA I hope Matt is feeling better & his bloods have come down enough for him to come home. Sending him big Hug. Have you got to have your heart monitor off today good luck.
    Have a good Sunday afternoon Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Good afternoon ladies or should it be “evening”
    My dad ws Ok He didn’t recognise me at first and thought I was a doctor! But then I barely recognised him as he was asleep and wasn’t wearing his glasses We chatted for a bit He’s still in a lot of pain No physio around today hence he was still in bed A nurse overheard us talk about football and said if he felt up to it they’d take him to the tele room to watch England I will ring him tomorrow
    I do hope MATT’s CRP is coming down and is able to go home
    We looked after Oscar this afternoon AND GUESS WHAT HE’S WALKING at long last At 26 months he is a little late He’s still seeing physio but it’s such a relief
    I’m shattered So I’ll see you all tomorrow xx

    1. Glad you were able to chat to your dad on your own Karen but sorry he's in pain.
      How great that Oscar has taken his first steps. There'll be no stopping him now.
      Hope you can have a quiet evening and an early night x

  15. I forgot to say thank you ladies for your lovely comments and for welcoming Nicki
    I’m up for Christmas cards as a challenge SANDRA

  16. DHello All, really hot here, my excuse to stay in and watch the tennis final, also watched the football, something I never do.

    Lovely cards today, Christmas challenge sounds great.

    Welcome Nicki and Victoria, lovely cards.

    Sandra do hope Matt will be well enough to come home.

    Well time to water the plants, it’s cooler now, hugs to all Lilian

  17. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    So many great challenge cards today, each one really inspiring.

    Think it would be a good idea to start our Christmas cards early. When I went to see my friend Brenda last week, she and her friend Brenda have made 70 Christmas cards already, ever year they make over 100. not bad for a lady who has just celebrated her 89th birthday!

    I hope Matt is feeling better and well enough to come home today. Poor Harley will be pleased to see him.

    This last week has been manic. I hope the coming week will be a bit calmer, and I can catch up with everyone 🤞

    Good night ladies, sweet dreams. Love Brenda xxx
