
Monday 25 June 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I have chosen another TicTacToe for this week's Challenge because some of you wanted to have a Christmas themed challenge but not all, so this particular TicTacToe works for everyone. I think it has a great selection of categories, something for most occasions. I hope that you all enjoy it, I am very much looking to seeing some festive cards in my inbox!
If you want some inspiration type in Paper Players 368 into Pinterest or Google.

I was out most of day yesterday with hospital visiting, food shopping and a special trip back to Debenhams because I bought a pair of knee length denim shorts the other day and when I got them out to show Paul I noticed that they still had the huge security tag on them, I had a look to see if I could remove it but gave up as I didn't want to damage the shorts, together fair they were very apologetic and the guy explained that the magnetic tags were old now and had been replaced with a more effective device.

We were hoping for a low key kind of day as we had a late night, the girls were invited to go ''Clubbing" on Saturday night with their friends as one of them is leaving the area, of voucou with us living out in the sticks they needed a Dad's Taxi, so we dropped them in our old town at 8 where they were meeting friends, they then all got bus into Oxford.  To save driving an extra 30 miles we decided to go to the cinema, the movie started at 10pm, there were only 6 if us in the theatre!  The movie ended about 12:30am, we then went to drop off my heart monitor, then back to Carterton to wait for them, we got back there at about 2am, they arrived 20 mins later.  So we all got in at about 3:10am!  They enjoyed their first Nightclub experience, they said they spent the evening on the 'Cheese Floor" where they played anything from Abba to UB40 and everything in between from the 70's, 80's and 90's, they both have a very broad music taste, liking the oldies most.

Matt is finally home, thank goodness, he has another 10 days of antibiotics to take, but he feels fine, I am so pleased that that ordeal is over, I am a little frustrated that they haven't answered why it keeps happening though. 

Well I am off into my craft room for some craft therapy!  Tomorrow is Lucy's long awaited appointment, I will be glad to get some answers and hopefully set our minds to rest.

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    from another very sunny and warm Marigny.
    We had another glorious day yesterday and we went out into the garden quite early so that we could get some of the jobs done before it got too hot. I managed to get some weeding done in the long border down to the front gates (I can only manage to pull tall weeds as I just cannot get down on the floor and of course bending from the waist it terrible.) We had a very peaceful afternoon reading for me and puzzles for Jim. He want to get a bit more tidying done this morning and I shall be staying indoors as my limbs are complaining this morning.

    SANDRA- a lovely Challenge for this week. I'm sorry I cannot do a C card as I don't have any of my dies here but I'll do a card.

    I'm so pleased that Matt is home and you now have a full compliment.

    I hope all Dear Friends who are not well have a better day. HUGS are winging their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Apart from the weeding it sounds like you’ll be having a lovely rest.

  2. Morning ladies,

    First of all, welcome to our new ladies, it is lovely to read your comments and see your projects in our café.

    I love the tic tac toe challenges even if I don't get mine sent lol

    Glad to hear Matt is now home from his sojourn. His recovery will be even more stronger now he is away from the confines of hospital.

    Rosie has decided it is too hot for our Monday walks at the moment, she is getting to be not very steady on her feet these days and falls over quite often resulting in some very colourful 'black' eyes. So we are just going out for lunch.

    Our hot tub dip yesterday morning was glorious, with the jets on my lower back and hips I was suitable massaged and the effects lasted nearly all day.

    Healing prayers and gentle hugs to all in need of them today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch today instead of a walk.
      Sounds like you hot tub is going to be a real boost if it’s worked it’s magic on your back so soon. Enjoy while we have the weather for it.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant Tic Tac Toe challenge for us this week Sandra-I love the fact it includes Christmas!
    You sound like you had a very busy day yesterday-Crafting today will be perfect. Perhaps Matt could have a phone consultation with his Rheumatology Nurse to chat about his recent hospital stay.

    Yesterday was fairly busy-we were in the garden weeding by 9am, before it got too hot to work. Hubby was weeding & I was taking the red currants off the bush which too me ages. I did the housework in between sorting out the fruit. Ironing was done after lunch then I actually got a chance to sit outside in the shade. I made some mini muffins with some of the Red currants-not bad. Phoned my Dad who was very chatty then it was almost time for bed!

    Hubby is picking me up from work this morning so I can go with him to the MDT meeting although it was clear on Saturday my M in L is not expecting me to be there.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope the meeting goes well. You have every right to be there to support OH x

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope the meeting went well this morning. Phil is absolutely right in wanting to be there to see what’s going to happen to his Dad. Hope it was an amicable meeting.

  4. I love TicTacToe challenges and on first glance I always try and see if anything comes to mind and do a straight line
    Ooh CHERYL I could do with a dip in your hot tub to ease my aching bones
    I am so pleased MATT is home I wonder why they can’t say what causes these infections Like MICHELE has said he needs to chat with his Rheumatology nurse for ideas
    I hope the MDT meeting goes Ok MICHELE
    After an over 2 hour drive to visit my dad he didn’t recognise me / but then I struggled to recognise him He wasn’t wearing his glasses and was sparko! Once he realised I wasn’t a doctor we had a nice chat We didn’t stay long I was so fearful of “bumping into” his wife and her son Plus with the long journey home on London’s permanent car park we wanted to try and miss the traffic
    OH wanted to watch the football anyway - which was only fair WE also had the prospect of looking after OSCAR which I certainly didn’t want to miss
    HE’S WALKING! Such a huge relief We had great fun listening to his babble and him wanting to explore everywhere and everything
    Take care all
    Thank you again for welcoming NICKI xx

    1. Hi Karen. Its good to hear that you got to see your Dad. I'm sure he enjoyed watching the football if the nurses took him to the TV room. Sorry you weren't able to stay too long but what a wonderful reason to need to get home for. Congratulations on the fantastic news about little Oscar finding his feet. It doesn't matter if he is "later than usual" the important thing is that he is doing it. I am so happy for you all, I bet he is so pleased with himself and doesn't stop toddling around 😊 x

    2. Hi Karen
      Great that you managed to see your Dad.
      Wow, great news that Oscar is walking. They’ll be no stopping him now once he’s got going.

  5. Margaret Palmer25 June 2018 at 10:03

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great challenge this week, lovely choices. Pleased Matt is home. Have an easy day today if you can take
    Karen pleased you saw Dad & got to look after Oscar, well done on walking no wobder you were tired, they don't stop do
    Sue coming down so alot of catching up to
    Cafe open waiting for you to come & join me.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I will be thinking of Lucy today and hoping her appointment goes well. I hope you're not too tired after a very busy week with one thing and another. How long before you get the monitor results my lovely? Its good to hear that Matt is home and feeling much better. As Karen and Michele have said he does need to have a chat with his R nurse to see what they have to say about the infections. Sending big hugs my lovely xx
    Val, your box of kitten cards sounds great. I will send a photo to Sandra of Chris and I in our glad rags. Take care x
    Brenda, I hope you and John are ok. Goodness me your friend Brenda certainly puts my feeble effort of Christmas cards to shame! Good on her for keeping herself so busy X
    Cheryl, it's good that the hot tub is already helping your back x
    Mum, see you in a while. Love you xx
    Ladies, I hope you all had a nice weekend. The wedding went very well and it was great to spend time with all of Chris's brothers and sisters. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Ladies.
    I know I did comment yesterday morning but can't see it so not sure what happened so let me say again how I loved all the cards, well done everyone. Mine,well it is still in the camera and there it will stay Lol
    Like the cc for this week but have no energy for cardmaking or anything right now and with doctors app. and SIL coming up to us Wednesday I doubt it will be anything done but you never know at the end of the week.
    Wonderful news Karen that Oscar have taken to walking himself. No stopping him now you see. Hope your dad is doing alright. Thinking of you and Michele, hope the meeting goes well today, you have every right to sit in.
    Cheryl- a hot tub, how wonderful. Nice and cooling in the heatwave we are to get.
    Brenda- your friend put me to shame as I have not made one x-mas card yet, good on her. Confusing with so many Brenda's.
    Sue and Margaret- have a nice day together. Hugs to you all.
    Wish you all have a nice day xxx

  8. Hello All, very hot , but a little sea breeze this morning.

    Got up early to do some things in the garden, before it was too hot.
    Sandra thought of you this morning, I always plant my little plants in trays of compost, so they grow together and I use my hands to separate them, I was just pulling a plant and out jumped a FROG nearly gave me a heart attack, I like them but it did startle me.

    Watching the tennis this afternoon, as usual, can’t watch the ladies they make so noise with loud screams.

    Have a lovely rest of the day, Sandra glad Matt is home.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I thought I’d commented first thing this morning.
    Great to hear that Matts now home. I hope he takes notice and rings his nurse to see if she can shed some light on the subject. Might just be heredity as my SIL in Australia seems to have a permanent infection. Once she’s finished a 3 week course she’ll go on a low dose permanently. Apparently her sister has the same problem and Gill’s ( my SIL Dr ) says it’s hereditary. So who knows.
    Went out to lunch with 2csets of friends out at Radley nr Abingdon. Poor Pete’s totally wiped out now and has been asleep for the last hour and a half.
    Hope Lucy’s appointment goes ok tomorrow Sandra.

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I'm sure I commented this morning but can't see it.
    SANDRA good challenge for this week lots to choose from.
    Hope Matt's home & feeling better.
    Good luck for Lucy'S hospital appointment.tomorrow.
    CHERYL hope your enjoying the hot tub must be like heaven.
    KAREN glad you got to see your dad today. Congratulations Osca mastering walking well done no stopping you now. Hope Nannie can run HaHa xx
    MICHELE Hope the meeting went well.xx
    SUE & MARGARET hope you enjoyed your day together.xx
    MARIA hope your ok pain wise have you had a good day. How's mum & dad doing.
    We took 12paw's 🐾🐕 up the park they enjoyed it.
    Well better go & dish dinner up
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just lost my third comment today, they were all quite long.
    Great CC this week, lots of lovely choices,
    Great news Matt is home, that’s the best medicine he could have.
    All the best for Lucy’s appointment.
    Sorry I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.
    Hugs Brenda xxx
