
Tuesday 26 June 2018

My Challenge card

an alternative view to show 'shine'

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the Sunshine, they said that yesterday was the warmest day this year so far, I think that the good weather is supposed to last all week. 
Sitting out in the garden here is such a pleasure, particularly in the sunshine. 

My craft room has two windows and I realised today that despite having them open it gets very warm in there, so I managed to make a quick challenge card later yesterday afternoon.
I went diagonal across the grid using categories: Tree/Die Cut/Birthday

I masked off a strip of Whisper White card and used 'Grapefruit Grove, Highland Heather and Blackberry Bliss ink, blending them together to give an Ombre effect, I tried to pick rich colours that would feature in a sunset.  I then used the Blackberry Bliss ink to stamp one of the trees from the new 
'Rooted in Nature' Stamp set from Stampin'Up!, luckily I was using my Stamparatus as I needed to ink up my stamp twice to get solid coverage of ink, I then wiped the stamp clean and inked up the stamp with Versamark and stamped over the Blackberry Bliss, this enabled me to add clear embossing powder and heat set, this gave me the 'Shine' element of the TicTacToe. 
I popped the card back into the Stamparatus and placed my 'Happy Birthday' stamp where I wanted it, I then stamped the sentiment twice as before and added Clear Embossing Powder as before.  
I was going for a simple card style so finished the card with a bit of Blackberry Bliss Twine simply knotted.
Rooted In Nature 

My next card for this challenge will be a Christmas card, to show how versatile this challenge is.

Its Lucy's long awaited appointment is today, to say that I am sick with worry is an understatement, please keep everything crossed for a positive outcome.

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Stunning card Sandra, the Ombre effect is brilliant.

    Following Dannielle's video for the tall and short gift bags, I used the odd coloured/dark/bright/weird patterned cardstock that comes in 12"x12" pads that I rarely of think of using as they are not my cup of tea and I am pleased at the results.
    I filled them with bottles or tubes of toiletries and also an eyeshadow palette and a set of make up brushes. I got in a bit of a tizzy when I forgot to turn the paper round and ended up with one bag too small for anything but a bottle of nail varnish. They are to go in my lucky dip bags on my stall 7th July.
    Off for a soak in the tub shortly to set me up for the rest of the day.

    Look after yourselves in this heat, heatstroke can happen when you least expect it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Fantastic that you managed to use the papers you didn’t like making bags for your lucky dip.
      Enjoy your dip in the Hot Tub.

    2. Hi Cheryl, hope you are feeling relaxed after the soak in your hot tub. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop into the CAFE today. I'm sure cold drinks will be available as well as the usual.

    We had another glorious day yesterday sunshine from getting up until well after teatime.
    We sat outside on the swing at the top of the drive looking out across the water meadow for out morning coffee and lunched on the patio too. Jim is having to water the veggies as the earth is so dry and some begin to look very droopy if not watered.

    We're popping out to see Daniel and Sylvie this morning and then I want to try and get something done on my CC for this week. I haven't touched my crafting things since we arrived as I've been catching up on jobs around the house and a little weeding where I can.

    HUGS are winging their way across the Channel to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need today.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sounds idilic your little piece of heaven. Enjoy your meet up with your friends.

    2. Hello Janet. I agree with Pat your French home sounds like heaven. xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it’s brilliant. Looking forward to seeing your Christmas card.

    Meeting yesterday was interesting-F in L is classed as Medically stable so they’re looking ahead to discharge him. Options are a Nursing home or go home but that’s not that simple as he needs 24 hour care with specialist equipment eg hospital bed, hoist plus 2 people to move him. M in L & daughter weren’t too pleased to see me but I stood my ground. The Occupational Therapist team will go out to the house to see if it’s even possible to fit all the equipment in a downstairs room -if not, decision is made. I think things will get heated then, let’s hope I’m wrong.

    Work looks to be crazy busy today & tomorrow. My boss is on holiday & her deputy had a phone call to say her Mum was extremely poorly (she’s end of life) so she went dashing off to the nursing home so this could be a very long day!

    Sandra-will keep my fingers crossed for you (& Lucy) at her appointment today.


    1. I’m glad you stood your groyNot easy. I know It’s so sad that he may have to go into a nursing home but needs Must and all that I hope today isn’t too busy for you

    2. Hi Michele
      Good for you standing your ground. Sad he may have to go into a nursing home but It seems impossible for him to go home with 24 hour care needed ext.
      Hope work hasn't been too busy.
      Hug's on the way xx

    3. Hi Michele, Good for you standing your ground. If FIL has to go into a nursing home you can only reassure MIL and daughter that any time spent with him will be quality time. I had similar with my MIL I had been looking after her for years gradually taking on more and more. She developed an infection and had to be admitted to hospital. It was the ward sister who said I couldn’t have her home as she needed 24 hour care. It wasn’t easy, but I always told myself a least I had time to talk to her and sit and hold her hand.
      Thinking of you xx

    4. Hi Michele
      Good to hear you stood yoyr ground with your MIL.
      It can take ages for any equipment and care packages to be put in place. However, of the 2 options going into care does seem the best.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Think I join you in the hot tub Cheryl if you don't mind, it's already so hot here and not looking forward to have to get dressed for going out but seeing physio this morning and then Waitrose for a coffee and small shopping.
    Everything crossed for Lucy that her appointment goes well. Sending you a extra hug Sandra.
    The card is lovely and I like the ombre effect. It's fun to see how they coming out in different shades.
    Lilian- hoping you start feeling better with the new meds.
    Sending hugs to you all and wish you a nice day xxx

    1. Hello Maria, Hope the physio went well and you are feeling some relief. xxx

    2. Hi Nadia
      I hope the physio went well today. It is nightly hot. Cheryl will have to set up a rota for her hot tub.

    3. Didn’t know you’d changed your name Maria. Looks like predictive text thinks so.

  5. All fingers and toes crossed for you today SANDRA I hope LUCY gets on OK
    We’re having a little awards ceremony for work this evening We’ve booked the whole restaurant It’s just our team and for a fit of fun We’ve got awards lie “Best Tea Maker” “Best Dressed” and “Cookie Monster” It should be a laugh There’s about 15 of us going
    Off to work now See you later
    PS I love the card I am a huge fan of CAS cards
    Take care x

    1. Hello Karen, The awards sounds fun, wonder what you have been nominated for. You might just need a special category with all your creative talents !!!

    2. Hi Karen
      Sounds like your all going to have a fun evening. I wonder if they have an award 🥇 for the best allroubd craft maker.

  6. Margaret Palmer26 June 2018 at 09:17

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope all goes well for Lucy today, everything crossed for you. I love your card today,
    It is too hot for me good job we have air conditioning would be unbearable without it. Cheryl your hot-tub sounds lovely.
    Cafe is open plenty of cold drinks, ice cream & lollies are in freezer so please help yourself.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you are coping in this heat. The air conditioning must be a great blessing. xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Nice card today for the challenge.
    Hope Lucy’s check up goes well and it’s nothing to worry about.
    Actually went to school this morning. I actually though I wouldn’t be going and taking Pete to the Drs this morning instead.
    He had terrible pains in his head during the night. It was so bad he was crying with it. He said this morning it was a bit better, and added what can the dr do anyway. I managed to get him to take some Naproxen with his Paracetamol. Perhaps that helped a bit.

    1. Hello Pat, hope Pete’s. head pain has eased, it. must have been very painful to reduce him to tears. Sending hugs to you both xx

    2. Hello Pat -I'm hoping that PETE is feeling somewhat better as the day has progressed. Sending loads of soft but huge hugs to you bothxxxx

    3. Thanks ladies
      He says he is feeling better this early evening but I’m not that convinced. I’ll see how he is in the morning. Still taking the Naproxon and Paracetamol. Hopefully the Dr will be ringing re the vitamin D the hospital want him to start taking.

  8. H hello Sandra and ladies,
    I love your CAS card Sandra and the beautiful ombré effect you created, ring me and inspiration.
    Thinking of you and the family today and all of our friends who are not feeling . there best xx
    You going to say bye for now ladies hope you are haveing a good day.
    For some reason this iPad doesn’t want me to leave to longer message. (Think it must be something terminal) so I’m going to add comments In above.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Silly iPad I put THANK YOU FOR THE INSPIRATION,! xx

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA everything crossed for You & Lucy have been thinking of you all day.
    BIG HUGS xx
    Well I have been up Hospital I had a follow up appointment for the root block injection I had six weeks ago. The doctor asked if the pain in my leg had gone
    I said I felt I was walking better but I said I still had pain in the top of my leg& lower back.because the pain wasn't still going down to my knee.the injection has worked. & my pain isn't coming from my spine & it's probably Arthritis. He said he can give me an injection but it's only temporary.
    As I had a blood test booked for tomorrow I said t CU will pop down pathlab to see if it was busy to save a trip. There was only three people so I waited & had it done. We left home at 9am & got home at 3.30pm shattered.
    I could really like a dip in your hot tub CHERYL move OVER MARIA lol.
    PAT sorry to hear Pete was feeling so unwell last night, hope he's feeling better now. Big Hug's on the way.xx
    Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, what a exhausting day you have had. Hope you are both taking things easy now. xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Sounds an exhausting day for you both. At least you saved yourself an extra trip by having the blood test done today.

    3. Oh poor you what a day you had, at least you don't have to go back tomorrow. Of course as long it's fine with Cheryl you can join me in the hot hihihi
      What a pair we are, I'm going to have injections too in my right knee soon as. HUgs to you and CU, hope you manage to get some sleep tonight,xxx
      Pat- so sorry to hear Pete are struggling, hope you both have a better day tomorrow, hugs xxx
