
Saturday 23 June 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday



Good Saturday morning Ladies,

I am so excited to share some amazing crafts with you this week, from some of our newest ladies too, Victoria who joined in with our Challenge last week has shared two amazing craft projects, Danielle's daughter Karlie was so delighted to read the lovely comments on her box last week that she made another origami project for this week, how amazing is that, positivity encouraging a youngster to craft fills my heart with joy! 
So without further ado let's get on to the exciting part of the blog........

Lynda heads up the list this week with that absolutely stunning Framed piece of art, it is stunning, I love the Hummingbird background and that beautiful spray of flowers, you have highlighted all of the detail of that lovely frame with Gilding Wax.  Another amazing 'Lynda work of art', you are such an incredibly talented crafter Lynda, you inspire me so much because you will have a go at just about any craft technique and make it work.  I can't wait to see the frame in my hands! 
Thank you so much Lynda for sharing your amazing frame with us.

Cheryl has allowed me to share with all of you the absolutely stunning Pearl Statue that she bought to Celebrate their Pearl Wedding Anniversary, Cheryl chose this statue as it depicts Pete with his arm around Cheryl shoulder, his hand on hers, it couldn't be more perfect, the lovely sculptor at Midnight Orange agreed to Pearlize it for Cheryl too, what an amazing gesture. 
I don't think you could have found a more perfect piece Cheryl, I am so incredibly grateful that you allowed me to share it with all of our friends here on the blog, 


Victoria has shared two of her recent craft projects, the first is a stunning wreath made with the Stampin'Up! Daisy Punch and stamp set, it must have taken ages to create, I was lucky enough to actually hold it in my hand and the colours were a lot brighter that they appear in a photo. It's also so neatly put together.
Victoria's second project is a gorgeous Floral Frame, using Stampin'Up! Beautiful Bouquet stamps and dies to build a stunning arrangement. it shows that the stamps and dies we all have can be used for so much more than making cards.
Thank you so much Victoria for sharing your craft projects with all of us, I am so thrilled that you found us and decided to join in with our challenges.


Danielle has been busy making Teacher gifts this week, she made the backing paper with the Very Vintage stamp set, the first set stamped in Lovely Lipstick (new In Colour) and the second set in Blackberry Bliss, the smaller bag is made with Natures Poem Dsp. Any teacher would be delighted to receive these Danielle, it wouldn't matter what was inside them! If you would like to have a go at these fantastic Gift Bags just pop over to Dannii's YouTube channel.
Thanks so much Danielle for sharing your lovely bags.


Karlie was so happy to read all of the lovely comments on her Origami Box last week that she couldn't wait to share another Origami Project with us, she has made an absolutely gorgeous Origami heart, in such a beautiful paper with a delicate floral design, every single one of those folds is perfect, being able to obtain perfect lines and symmetry takes great skill, Karlie you are an amazing crafter, I am so excited to see your next project.  
Thank you so much sweetheart for sharing another fantastic project with us.


Karen has finished another one of her gorgeous Crocheted animals, this one is called Penelope the Bear, one of Kerry Lords patterns, Karen has made him with Aran Yarn from Aldi, I love how rich that brown yarn is Karen and the other thing that sets these animals apart is their adorable faces, you seem to capture a perfect expression Karen, I am almost 51 and I would love Penelope sat on my pillow!
Karen has treated herself to some craft goodies this week, John Lockwoods Butterfly Dies and an fantastic collection of Sentiment dies and stamps from Creative Expressions, you have most occasions covered with that collection Karen.
Thank you so much for sharing Penelope and your shopping with us.

See I told you it was going to be a great Mixed Craft post, I hope that you are all inspired to go and have a play in your craft room!
Thanks again to all of you that took part in today's blog post xxx

Sadly Matt didn't get to come home yesterday as we were all hoping, they removed his cannula and got his Antibiotics from the Pharmacy ready for him to leave but at the last minute his blood test results came back, they had the Doctors very concerned because his CRP had risen dramatically, it was 17 when he was admitted on early hours of Tuesday morning, (normal is less than 1), they put the 17 down to a combination of the infection and his Arthritis, the blood test that they took Friday morning saw his white cell count drop but his CRP rise to way over 200, they think it may be his infection but I don't understand why it was 17 when he was admitted and in full throws of the infection but rose massively to over 200 after 3 day course of intravenous antibiotics!!! Nobody could answer that question either.  He was so desperate to come home too, because his 6th bed move since Tuesday was to a Dementia Ward, he was in a room with 3 other extremely poorly elderly gentleman, that even I found distressing after being sat there for 2 hours, one is shouting and using the 'F' word constantly, another must be in agony as he just groans constantly, Matt was in tears as he felt so sorry for the man, the man in the bed next to him was up all hours and started beating another patient with his slipper as he thought he was intruding in his home, Matt said he nodded off at one point and woke up to a man sat in the chair next to his bed, enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone! Even the nursing staff said that Matt had no place being on that ward, they are geared up for people almost four times Matt's age, we took him a McDonalds to cheer him up, just as we walked into the ward the man opposite had messed his bed and had his hands in it, we decided to take a walk outside and had a picnic!
When we got back they had given Matt his 7th bed in a side room of his own, I can't help to think that the poor chap opposite would have been better in the privacy of a private room though.  We got him moved and settled in and as we were getting ready to leave the night staff were coming on and a few popped their head in to say hi to Matt, he said that he ended up sitting with the Nurses all night as he couldn't sleep, he said they had a great laugh, which gave me a huge sense of relief.  Fingers crossed that his bloods come back better today so that he can maybe be discharged this afternoon or tomorrow.
I can't wait to have him home and poor Harley is missing him so much. 

I hope that you are all having a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Good Morning Everyone,

    What an Awesome post today, everyone projects are beautiful.

    SANDRA - Poor Matt, sound's like he's having a right time of it - I hope he get to come home real soon.

    DANIELLE - Great gift idea for teachers. I love the colours and the very vintage stamp set is beautiful. I'll be heading over to youtube to check out your video.

    KARLIE - Such a beautiful Origami Heart. We made an origami dress at a team retreat recently and I really enjoyed it, although my lines were a bit wonky, so I can see how much work you have put into this and it looks perfect x

    KAREN - How beautiful is Penelope? Such a cute little bear she is... I would love to be able to create something like this xx

    LYNDA - You're frame is absolutely stunning, I love it all, from the very ornate frame, to the beautiful hummingbirds, to the cluster of flowers. It's so so beautiful.

    CHERYL - I love the statue, what a beautiful and thoughtful piece to celebrate your Pearl Anniversary.

    1. Thank you Vickie I am self taught and that was before YouTube!

  2. Morning Everyone
    from sunny and an already warm Marigny.

    Just quickly to let you all know that we arrived safe and sound late afternoon. I'll pop back in when we've been shopping and stocked everything up. HUGs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Glad to hear you arrived safely. Enjoy your time in your little piece oh heaven.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic display of crafts & purchases today. Some really beautiful projects on show.

    I haven’t felt like crafting these last few weeks -between being busy at work then the added stress of hospital visiting has left me feeling permanently exhausted.

    Sandra-I really hope Matt is able to come home today. That’s not the correct ward for him to be on & that’s not going to help him rest.


  4. Morning everyone.
    What a wonderful selection of projects today ladies. Each and every one is special.
    Sandra so hope Matt is able to go home today. I'm sure he'd get better quicker in his own home.x
    My friend has just rung to say they're off to the beach and would I like to go so just off to pack my bag.
    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Good morning all It is still very sunny here in WHC but a little breezy
    Poor poor MATT That must be so distressing for him I hope he is able to come home today At least then he can sleep in his own bed Uou should get in touch with PALS and say how a young man should never be on a geriatric ward and how distressing it is

    A real mixed craft selection today!

    A great frame LYNDA Do you keep all these glorious projects

    Oh CHERYL your beautiful sculpture brought a tear to my eye It is stunning and so apt for your 30th PETE will be very proud of you young lady

    That’s a very pretty wreath VICTORIA

    Love the boxes DANNII and KARLIE another lovey piece of origami Your patience and engineering is brilliant

    As I’ve been phoning the hospital all week, out of politeness I will ring his wife this morning to find out how my dad is He’s not too good at the moment He’s still in a massive amount of pain but the painkillers are making him very sleepy the laxative has caused diarrhoea (so they say) He’s in a side room and being barrier nursed at the moment I hope to visit him tomorrow as we’re not on MIL duty
    I need to make a couple of cards today - Oh the chore!

    Thank you for showing Penelope I really enjoy making these animals because they are so easy (for a non-crocheter like me) and are fairly quick to make In a way I shall be sorry to see them go in September
    BTW glad you arrived safely JANET xx
    Take care all xx

  6. Margaret Palmer23 June 2018 at 09:08

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra how distressing for Matt hope his bloods are better today & he can come home. Hugs to you
    Lynda what a lovely piece of art, well
    Cheryl a stunning piece Pete would love
    Danni lovely bags teachers will love
    Karlie a lovely origami heart, you have made it perfectly, well
    Victoria lovely to see you & your wreath must have taken ages to make & your frame is perfect, thank you for
    Karen for a " non crocheter "your toys are gorgeous, look forward to seeing what you make with goodies. Hope you get to see Dad tomorrow. xxx
    Janet glad you arrived safely
    Hope you all enjoy the lovely sunshine, cafe is open I have put a couple of tables outside for you hope you will join me, may even find a lemon coconut cake hidden away.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you MARGARET Just finished a bunny similar to PENELOPE’s Different yarn completely

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Can someone please let me know what CRP is please. I can work out relationships ie MIL. SIL but not medical abbreviations.
    Hope that Matts whatever it is goes down soon and he’s able to come home. Did they find any stones or was it just an infection he had ?, you never did say.
    Lovely craft on show today ladies. Love the heart Karlie. My granddaughter Amy used to doing love Origami. Lovely statue depicting you and Pete Cheryl. I saw it the other day on Facebook.

    1. Hi Pat,
      They didn't find any stones, at the moment they don't know why he gets such serious Kidney infections.
      C-reactive protein (CRP) is a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver and its level is measured by testing the blood.
      Crp is one of the things that matt and becca have checked regularly as part of their Arthritis screening, it indicates inflammation in their bodies. I think its something they keep on because of the harsh drugs they both take.
      They will be looking to see if the drugs have caused his Kidney damage too.
      It would have been easier if he had stones to be honest, at least we would have known the cause and treatment.
      I hope that makes things clearer x

    2. Hi Sandra
      Yes, thanks for the update. Let’s hope they find out what’s causing the infection and can rectify it as soon as possible. Not great to be stuck in where he was. Hopefully being in a side ward will be better. Although I’d rather be in a ward with other people who you can chat with.

    3. Thats what he said, he's like me and prefers company

  8. Hi everyone.
    Oh what lovely crafts on display today.
    Lynda - gorgeous frame and I love the birds and flowers you have used for it, lovely !
    Cheryl - love the statue you bought for your and Pete's anniversary. I love it and so would he.
    Victoria - Beautiful wreath and the frame is so pretty, well done.
    Danielle - love the items you made for the teachers.
    Karlie - Love the Origami heart you made, the lines are so crisp. Well done.
    Karen - Love seeing your crocheted animals, they are all so cute. Pretty butterflies and the whole collection of dies will keep you busy for hours. Very nice.
    Sandra - feel so sorry for Matt to be shifted around to all different wards. Hope his blood coming back alright today so he can go home. Wishing him better.
    For you who not know Stamford, it is a small town in Linconshire, you also got Burghley House there were they at times holding the Horse Trials you see on Tv. It is a nice house to visit.
    Colemans is a stationery shop with papers and pens etc and they also have a small section for crafting and painting, sorry no mustard there Karen Lol
    A bit overcast here but hoping to be able to sit outside for lunch today. It was midsummer Thursday but being busy with other things we having our lunch today. Matjes fillet New pot. Herring, Salmon & smoked Salmon, Mackerel fillets. Pudding is Strawberries with meringues. Best get a move on to cook it up. will look in later what you been up to. Have a nice Saturday all xxx

    1. Thanks MARIA I hope to play with the butterflies in a bit

  9. amazing projects thank you for sharing mine and Karlies. Karlie asked me to thank you all for her lovely comments she is really enjoying herself. After our holiday im taking her on a crafting shopping trip to get her some things of her own. All your projects are amazing this week as always. Have a lovely day all. xxx

  10. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    Wow Sandra I didn't expect to see my frame on the blog.Thank you for showing.
    I will post it for you on Monday
    VICTORIA I love your wreath & frame both gorgeous.
    KAREN I'm in love with your crotched Penelope animal & love the butterfly's they are on my wish list.
    KARLIE Your origami heart is amazing well done.
    CHERYL your statue is lovely
    Dannii love your gift bags wish I was one of the teachers who will receive them.x
    SANDRA I hope Matt's bloods are better today & they find out what has caused the infection. . So pleased they moved him to a side ward. Not at all nice for him in a ward with elderly men especially messing themselves. Yuck. Hope he can come home soon give him a big Hug from me xx
    Well I must go & finish my CC not sure but this week just flue by.
    Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thanks LYNDA I bought them from MRS DUCK - Ducks-Doodah

  11. Hello All, sorry to be late again, really hot here today, which means less traffic as they all go to the beach.

    Lovely assortment of crafts today, you are all so clever.

    Hugs to all Lilian
