
Friday 22 June 2018

Something Floral to

Good Morning Ladies,

Another week has whizzed by, in my head its only Tuesday!

Matt is still in hospital, he is currently in his 5th bed, such a waste of money as they strip the bed every time someone uses it, even if they didn't get in the bed, he had 4 beds just yesterday, the poor guy oppisite matt had been in 6 days and in 5 differemt wards, how do you get continuity in care, Matt's between two teams, surgical and medical, who have both made a care plan, both totally different! He wanted to come home last night as he is missing his own bed and this ward he's in now is Geriatric, so nobody his age  and he says they are all making funny noises!!! 

Todays card was made using Balmy Blue and Very vanilla card stock. I die cut the edges of the Balmy Blue card using the New Delicate Lace Edgelits, then i added a narrow mat of Copper Foil card followed by Very vanilla which i embossed with the new Tufted embossing folder. I then die cut a Froral Frame Framelit and some of the foliage that comes with the set to create my focal point, i also cut some elements in the copper foil card to tie the colours together. 
I stamped my sentimnt onto Very vanilla card and embossed wirh Copper Embossing Powder and heat set, i added some die cut Copper Embossed flowers onti my sentiment.  I mounted my finished piece onto a Balmy Blue card base then finished the card with pearls that i had pressed into Versamark and covered with Copper Embossing powder and heated leaving me with copper pearls, i placed these into the dots on the quilted, embossed background.

More hospital visiting today, we were late getting there as we were all at Sophie's Art Exhibition at school.  So many people people attended, we were certainly exhausted by the evening!
I am hoping today will be less  stressed and more relaxed.

I hope you all have a lovely day 

Love ang hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Not sure what was up with Blogger (or google mail ) but I’ve spent ages trying to sign in!

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, I absolutely love it, especially the colour . Hospital visiting is so tiring so try not to do too much beforehand.

    Yesterday’s meeting was good, got back to work to utter chaos! Hadn’t sorted everything out by 5pm so I just left & went to Tesco.we were planning on visiting Father in Law last night but it turns out he’d been to Theatre to have a RIG feeding tube fitted (the one we’d been told he wasn’t suitable for) so we decided to visit on Saturday afternoon. Theres an MDT (Multi Disciplinary Team) meeting about him on Monday morning which hubby would like to go to but we haven’t been told where it is so we’ll make enquiries on Saturday but we’ll ask the ward staff rather than relatives!
    I’m off to see someone at 9am this morning from the Health & Well-being Team (used to be called a Occupational Health) about Work place stress-this should be interesting! Only problem is it’s on the other hospital site so I’m off on my travels again today! Roll on 5pm tonight.


    1. Hope the meeting goes OK As you’ve said it’ll be interesting!
      Let’s hope the feeding tube helps I didn’t know that relatives/Carer’s could go to MDT God luck with finding out the information on Saturday

    2. Hope FIL gets on OK today Michele and good luck with your meeting.x

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope the meeting goes ok. Odd that they said he wasn’t suitable for a RIG feeding tube and have now fitted one. Hope that Phil finds out where the meeting is on Monday and is able to go.

    4. Hi Michelle, hope today went ok and you now can sit with your feet up tonight. Hope Phil will be able to go to the meeting x

  2. Pretty card SANDRA I really like that blue - but then blue is a favourite colour of mine

    1. I pressed publish too soon!
      I made a couple of cc last night It was late So I need to inspect them in daylight to see if there are any glaring errors like blobs of glue etc
      Off to work in a mo Daughter teaching Salsa tonight So we’ll be out dancing
      Take care all xx

    2. Hi Karen. Hope your dad is getting on ok.
      Enjoy your salsa tonight.x

    3. Hi Karen
      I hope your Dad is going on ok. Enjoy your Salsa dancing this evening.

    4. Have fun dancing tonight. Hope your dad is doing alright. xx

  3. Margaret Palmer22 June 2018 at 09:22

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra beautiful card once again, I so wish I had your vision, you make it sound so easy. Hope they sort Matt out soon & he can come
    Cafe open just waiting for you to join us.
    Sending hugs to akl who need them love

    1. Hoping you and Pop are alright and you both had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather today. xx

  4. Hi everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the colour. Hope you find Matt feeling better today.x
    Off out to craft Club soon. Bag all packed and looking forward to seeing the girls.
    Hugs to all Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoy your craft club today. How is the new venue working out. I know you said before it wasn’t ideal.

    2. Hi Pat, no the room isn't idea. We have a steep flight of stairs to climb up and when you're carrying heave bags of craft tools its a real pain. However, Wendy's tried to find somewhere else but no luck so far.
      Hope you and Pete are OK and the hospital appointments for Pete are finding him OK.x

    3. Hi Val. Loved hearing about your trip out yesterday, hope you had a nice day. Hope you soon get hold of a new venue for crafting xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card today, especially like the blue card.
    Hope you find Matt ok today.

  6. Wow Sandra that card is stunning!! I love it. I hope you have a better day today.

    1. Hello Nicki
      Lovely to see you on the blog

    2. Hi Nicki
      Lovely to see you in again. Hope the sun is shining wherever you are. It can’t make up its mind in Oxfordshire what it wants to do.

    3. Hi Nicki, nice to see you back. Hope you have had a good day x

    4. Hi Nicki
      lovely to see you on the blog again xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card, that blue is gorgeous and it works so well with the copper, They really compliment each other.
    I hope Matt has had a good night and hasn’t been moved again. Well if he has, that he has a room with people closer to his own age.
    Take care dear friend.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra a bit rushed on my first post as Rich came to take my cupboard out and take it to his workshop to reduce the width of it, so I can get my new freezer in.
    You’d think if Matt had to be moved they’d move him in the bed he was in. Makes more sense that changing beds and having to keep washing the bed linen. The NHS need to save money wherever they can. Did they say what exactly was wrong with him?.

    1. If I remember rightly Harefield Hospital does this I always used to wonder how they kept track of where beds ended up It makes complete sense to me to do it this way

    2. Hi Karen
      The porters or whoever moves the patients could always bring the empty bed back with them once the bed with the patient in it is in situ. I wonder why they don’t have sensible people in charge.

  9. Hello All, very sunny but rather windy, supposed to be a really hot weekend so every where here will be very busy.

    Sandra very pretty card, love that colour blue.

    Have been in the garden this morning, doing some planting, so a bit stiff now.
    Saw the physio yesterday, they says it’s an arthritis flare up. She has given me some exercises to do, did them with her yesterday, could not sleep last night as the pain was so bad. I’ll have to do them gradually.

    Have a good day ,hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sorry to hear Mr Arthritis is playing up. Go careful with the exercises, I wonder why they make them so difficult.
      Pete’s mate Pat went to the Dr with a bad back. The Dr got down on the floor to show him how to do them. The only problem once he’d got down and done them, he couldn’t get back up again he was so stiff. His wife was out so he had to stay on the floor until she came back.

  10. Hi Ladies.
    Hope you all have had the nice sunny day as us here in Bucks.
    Love the card and the colours goes so well together Sandra. Hope you had a good day and Matt is soon better.
    We had a nice time in Stamford, I do love that little town. They also got a Colemans so just had to have a look in, came out with some water colour pencils so will play over the weekend with them. The visit otherwise was hard because OH stepmom have gone so bad very quickly and her dementia is so bad but she refusing to go in to a care home. Don't think it will be long tho that she can stay at home with just carers coming in three times a day.
    Have a nice evening everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

    1. I have never heard of Stamford or Coleman’s (except the mustard) and that you enjoyed your trip
      It is sad to hear about your MIL I think dementia is such a cruel condition I think my MIL needs to go to a nursing home BUT OH and SIL don’t feel the same way

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Gorgeous card Sandra love the colour's you have used. I hope you find Matt feeling better when you visit him also if he has to stay in they put him in a better ward.
    MARIA glad you enjoyed your visit like Karen I haven't here'd of Stamford or colmans but good you found some water colour pencils. Sorry your MIL has dementia horrible condition. Take care enjoy your colouring.
    BRENDA I loved your card yesterday your very clever. Must look on you tube to see how it's done.xx
    Hug's for everyone.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. what a beautiful card! I love the colour combo, the balmy blue looks gorgeous... It works so well with the copper. I cant wait to get my hands on some more of the new colours!!!
