
Thursday 21 June 2018

Brenda's Anniversary card

Good Morning Ladies, 

Not sure what has happened to the weather this past couple of days, its been a lot cooler and quite breezy here, so frustrating when you want to sit outside and relax.

I had my heart monitor fitted on what turned out to be stressful day/night.  We got home after a very long 11 hour day and i felt completely washed out, i had felt odd all day as in feeling under the weather. Anyway Paul did dinner and Matt came home said he had a really sore back and felt rough but had to go straight out after dinner as he had had a lamb born that didn't seem right, he left at about 7:30 with bottles of formula for lamb, sadly despite him trying for hours it wouldn't feed and its mother had rejected it (I think that maybe the ewe can sense that lamb has problems thats why they reject them). He couldn't have done more, its the only one he has lost and thats all part of farming.  Anyway he wasn't home by 3am so i called him, he said he was in so much pain be couldn't drive, he eventually got home, i gave him painkillers and told him to get to A & E, which he did, they have admitted him as he has kidney infection again and they were going to scan him for stones. So as you can imagine i got no sleep and had atleast 3 episodes of palpitations! 
Up super early for another long day of appointments at Eye hospital with Lucy then off to check on Matt. 

I was so thankful that Brenda had sent me the card that she made for John for  their Anniversary, as there wasn't much chance of me getting one made yesterday.
Brenda made an 'Eclipse' technique card, using Stampin'Up! Large Letter dies, I  love this technique as its so effective. The stamp 
Brenda used is 'Lovely as a Tree', the 'You' is a Honey Doo stamp that Brenda mounted onto Wild Wasabi card and fussy cut.
Cascading Hearts Embossing folder  creates the background to this amazing Anniversary card.  You must be so pleased with how it turned out Brenda, it is truly amazing, I bet John loved it.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card Brenda xxx

Today is going to be a very relaxed day (hopefully), as I need to recharge my batteries.

I hope you have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all 

xxx xxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Brenda, it’s beautiful.

    Sandra-goodness, what a day you had?! I hope Matt is ok and that it’s not kidney stones. You’ll certainly need a quiet day today.
    Yesterday was really busy then I went out for a meal last night with a group of work friends-really lovely pub meal then stayed chatting to one friend until 10:30!! As soon as I got home I put the hedgehog food out then set off upstairs for a shower but hubby shouted to say the hedgehog was already at the food dish! I stayed. & watched him for a while then eventually got my shower which meant a late night after a long day.

    I’m at the other hospital site this morning for a meeting all morning then drive back to my usual place if work. Tesco shopping tonight.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you enjoyed your meet up with friends. Great that you can watch your hedgehogs feeding. Hope you don’t have to busy a day today.

  2. Your card is amazing BRENDA I would like be to know how you’ve done it I’ve seen SW and JL do something similar (can’t remember the name of technique) whete they make backgrounds but always mat it because of the slight white edge that occurs- hope you know what I mean I’d like to have a go at this

    Oh SANDRA I hope you have a more restful day today and that MATT is OK The only upside of this is at least the palpitations will have been recorded!
    Oi! SUE what have I missed - fascinator? Weekend? Whatever it is Enjoy
    I’m a little bit annoyed re Debbie Shore I see she’s back with C&C Is that her doing or Buttericks?
    A friend of mine may pop in later NICKI I know you’ll make her feel very welcome
    Nothing much planned today I will ring Hospital later to see how my dad is I do hope it’s the painkillers making him sound so rough
    Have a good day all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope your Dad sounds better today, and that your able to speak to someone you can understand.

  3. Morning everyone.
    BRENDA what a beautiful card. That is such a lovely stamp set. Bet you're so pleased with the result.x
    JANET Your cards yesterday were so lovely. Real works of art. Hope you have a safe journey today. X
    SANDRA what a day! Poor Matt. Hope he's sorted out soon. Do try and have a rest today.x

    Sorry I was missing yesterday. Pippa and I went on a coach trip and it was a 7am departure. We went to a village south of here called Mojaca. Such a pretty village built on the side of a hill. All the houses were painted bright white with borganvillpm everywhere. It was voted the prettiest village in Spain a couple of years. Lots of winding streets with artisan shops, bars and restaurants everywhere. Also a beautiful church to look around. They even supplied a lift from the bottom of the village to half way up. Of course Pippa and I were late back to the coach as we couldn't find the lift again. Then we went to the beach area. Had a meal overlooking the sea then had a paddle. Such a lovely day but didn't get home until 8pm and after a shower to get the sand out from between my toes it was almost time for bed.

    LYNDA hope your guest has settled in. Wow you now have 12 paws!!!x
    MARIA Hope it was good news from your parents.x
    KAREN AND MICHELE, I feel for you both having family problems at what should be a time when everyone pulls together. So sad.x
    Right off to Slimming class shortly then hairdresser then lunch. Hope to get in my craft room later on today.
    Hugs to all.Valx

  4. Good morning ladies from a sunnier but very windy MK
    Lovely card Brenda, I'm sure John loved it too. Like to know more about this technique , maybe a tutorial you can do for us Sandra ?
    Hope Matt is alright and you today can have a more peaceful day after the doctors app.
    Janet- your cards yesterday are both lovely. Have a good journey and looking forward to hear more from Marigny.
    Karen and Michele- thinking of you both and hope your Dad /Father-in-Law will get better. My Dad has to go to Gothenburg to one of the big hospitals and he might need to have another big operations, not sure what yet. Mum had to be taken to their hospital the other day because of her pain in back and legs, got sent home with new pills and hopefully they will do something.
    Lilian- I hope your pills you now got will help to make you feel better than before.
    Sending hugs to you all and extras for you who need some. OH is waiting so we can go over to Dunelm this morning so must get a wiggle on but I'll be back later. Love xxx

    1. Sorry to hear that your dad needs another big operation

  5. Margaret Palmer21 June 2018 at 10:33

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a stressful couple of days you have had, hope Matt is more comfortable, at least your monitor will have recorded your attacks, take
    Janet 2 lovely cards yesterday, hope you have a good journey &
    Brenda what a beautiful card for John I love it. Hope you had a good catchup with friends
    Michele & Karen sorry you still have problems with finding out how you FIL/F
    Maria sorry your Dad has to have another op, hope Mum's new tablets
    Val sounds as if you had a lovely day, hope slimming club is kind to
    Lilian pleased to hear you have positive help at
    Lynda hope all dogs get on well together, good
    Sue hope you feel better for wedding at weekend, love
    Hope I haven't forgotten anybody, the café is open later than normal, coffee & teapots ready just waiting for you to join me.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card from you today Brenda. An anniversary card to be proud off.
    Wow Sandra how long did you have to wait in the hospital, as it only took 15 mins to fit the monitor. Or was some of that hanging around waiting for Paul to pick you up in between work?. Hopefully he will get around to asking about holiday entitlement so he would be able to take hospital appointments as holidays. Seeing as your living quite away from where he works. Hope Matt is feeling much better now and it’s been sorted whether he has stones or not. Shame about his lamb, but as you say that’s farm life. Pete’s friend Pete has sheep 🐑 in Crawley. Another friend lent him a Ram and he would take the females from him as he is nit well enough to look after a lot of sheep. The only problem is they were mostly males that were born.
    Hopefully we’ll here soon when Pete’s scans will be. Then hopefully we can book a few days away before his next appointment at the end of July. He’s still feeling unwell and very fatigued.

  7. Hello All, better day here , a bit windy, but warmer.

    Brenda lovely card, have seen these on Pinterest but have no idea how they are done.

    Sandra hope you have a better day today and that Matt soon feels better.

    Off to see the physio shortly, luckily it’s at our local hospital, so saves the long journey.

    Will pop in later, hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    This is my fourth attempt to leave a message, each time the messages have been quite long , the screen on the iPad goes black and I have to sign in again.

    Sandra I hope the news about Matt has been better today, what a day you had yesterday you must have been totally exhausted. You are certainly testing the heart monitor!!! Take care dear friend.

    Ladies thank you for liking my/John’s card. If you look on Pinterest - type in Eclipse cards lots of examples also videos explaining how it done. My explanation is floating around cyberspace!

    Sleep well everyone. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Oh my you are really being put through the mill at the moment Sandra, lets hope that things start to slow down and give you time to enjoy what you enjoy most crafting. Thank you to Brenda for sharing her beautiful eclipse card too. I am hoping to get one of my designs into this month's challenge. :O)
