
Wednesday 20 June 2018

A couple of Janet's amazing cards

Good Morning Ladies,

As Janet starts to get her craft box together for packing into the car, ready to head of to Marigny, I thought it would be nice to look at a couple of the cards that she made recently that I had to gotten around to sharing with you yet.

The first is a lovely shade of blue and cream with a delicate butterfly pattern paper behind, I love the shape of this die Janet, It's a Tonic die called "Perfect Posie Layering Die", Janet has used this die a couple of times for challenge cards and it looks do different every time, I guess you can choose which layers you want to add. So it can be as intricate or simple as you like. A beautiful card Janet, thank you for sharing.

Janet's second card looks very luxurious with the intricate detailed die cutting and foiling. I live the unusual fold too, you get to see all the detail of the front of the card and the inside as well, usually the inside of a card can be a little plain but not this style, the inside us as beautiful as the out.
Thank you so much for sharing Janet.
I hope that you and Jim have a smooth crossing and trouble free journey. You deserve a long and relaxing break at Marigny, don't forget your medication!!!
I look forward to reading your daily updates and it seems like forever since we had a Friday cake description. I put on a pound just reading it!!

Yesterday was a very long day, we left home at 7:10am and didn't return until after 6pm, the hospital appointment was straight forward and only lasted 15mins. I have to wear the monitor until Saturday and return it Sunday.  I bet i don't get one episode of palpitations!
We do it all again today but for Lucy at the Eye Hospital, the Eye department usually has huge delays so fingers crossed we won't be there too long, it's just for a sight test, so fingers crossed!

I Hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love & Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-two very beautiful cards this morning, I live the first one -think it’s the colours you have used.

    Sandra-glad there was no problems yesterday even though it was a long day. Hope today goes ok.

    We’re having similar problems to Karen trying to get updates about my Father in Law from his wife + her daughter . We were informed by her daughter that as her mum was so upset we should only contact her (the daughter) about Keith. He deteriorated on Sunday evening but they’re treathim gir a chest infection (intravenous antibiotics as he’s Nil by Mouth) and he’s now stable. The consultant should have seen him yesterday but didn’t turn up so they’re expecting him today. This information came from the ward staff as I’ve told hubby just to keep phoning the ward so I don’t have to keep sending messages (and getting abrupt/snotty reply’s). Hubby only home late tonight so we’re planning on visiting tomorrow teatime-I’m goibg to try to finish work early.

    Sorry for the long rant!!

    1. Oh MICHELE I do feel for you I decided to ring the hospital yesterday afternoon as I’m sick of hearing her “woe is me” comments when I ring her and not being told info
      I actually got to speak to him and he sounded terrible Will ring again later and hopefully it’ll be a change of staff and I can speak to a nurse that I can understand!

    2. Hi Michele you rant away as much as you like. It’s good to get it off your chest so to speak. I’d be ranting as well. Like Karen I need someone who speaks good English so as to be able to understand what their saying over the phone.

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in today to visit and have a chat.

    All the dies used on both my cards are Tonic dies. (I seem to have fallen really in love with their dies lately as they're so versatile and always look lovely). The second card has two fronts (if you can understand me lol. The shaped front piece is a 'wrap round to the back' and then the card has a normal front. I hope that makes sense. In fact I have made this card to be my 'Take and Make' when it's my next turn at K&N.

    Well it's car packing day so I'll be keeping out of the way as much as possible. I have to send my CC to SANDRA and then have one or two jobs to do. It will be early to bed as we have a 06.00 start in the morning.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care everyone and have a good day. I'll be absent for a couple of days. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Enjoy your time away. You’ll enjoy your time away in your little retreat.
      I hope to get for a few days once we have the date for Pete’s scans.

  3. Two pretty cards JANET I hope all is well and your journey is smooth sailing
    I spoke to my dad yesterday afternoon and he sounded terrible I’m hoping it’s just the strong painkillers he’s on I hope to speak to somebody this morning that I can understand I’m terrible with accents at the best of time let alone over the phone!
    Hope to have a bit of “me” time this afternoon (we’all see) and I can make some cards I much rather do paper crafting in the afternoon and knit in the evening
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’m so pleased to read yesterday went well, I hope today goes equally well, but suspect you will have a lot of hanging around. A least you have each other to for company.xx

    Janet two beautiful cards from you today. Love these dies. I hope the packing goes well today and you have a good crossing tomorrow. Thinking of you xx

    I’m off today to visit the two Brenda’s. Brenda No 1 was our girls Primary Head Teacher. And later my boss who became a family friend No 2 B was a nurse / Matron. There are 6 of us going, all exwork friends and whose children also had B No1 as headteacher. It should be a lovely day.

    Better get a Wiggle on as my first port of call is Warlingham Surrey. From there three of us are going on to Sussex.

    Have a good day everyone, hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope you have a lovely meet up with your friends.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the cards you’ve made with your tonic Dies Janet
    Thanks for sharing Sandra.
    Hope Lucy’s appointment is ok and you don’t have to wait to long. I know that the eye hospital seems to have long waiting times. The problem is you have a wait for each department if you need to see multiple people.

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I've been up hospital most of the day I had blood's Don then Terry had to go heart Centre f ECG they just want to compare with last one waited over an hour to get seen then had to go Tesco to pick my tablets up got home at 6pm
    We have a little dog Tickles a Chahwahwa coming soon we are looking after her for two weeks so hope my two get on OK. We have had her before with Annie & Bambie 😭
    Janet both your cards are gorgeous have a safe journey xx
    Sandra hope Lucy's appointment went well. & your heart monitor is OK.
    Well better go as our visitor has just pulled up
    Hug's to everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello All, grey day here again, back to using drier again.

    Janet your cards are very lovely, wish I could make cards like that.

    My visit to see the pharmacist went very well, had many ideas to help me. At the moment have 3 different strength of tablets , which I can take as I need. So keep fingers crossed it goes well.

    Glad to your hospital visit went ok yesterday Sandra, hope todays was equally successful.

    Will wait to see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sounds like you had a very productive meet up with the pharmacist. Fingers crossed the tablets help.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, you have a long day didn't you! Lets hope today is an easier one today and that Lucys eye test went well for her. I hope you're not too tired now xx
    Janet what a pair of beautiful cards. I must admit the first one has to be my favourite as blue and cream or white are my "go to" colours 😊 It's good to see you have got your next K&N card sorted too, I'm sure the ladies will love it. I will be thinking of you and Jim over the next couple of days, wishing you a trouble free journey X
    Karen, sorry to hear that your Dad didn't sound so good but very glad that you got to speak to him. I'm like you with accents, especially over the phone!!! X
    Lilian it's good to hear you have some meds to play with. I do hope you find an improvement soon x
    Lynda, I hope both you and Terry got on on on the hospital. Enjoy your evening with the visitors x
    Brenda, I hope you have had a wonderful time with your friends. I'm sure you didn't run out of conversation 😊 x
    Michele, at least you get the correct information when hubby rings the ward. Why are people so nasty, it's a sad world sometimes isn't it X
    Maria, I hope you are having a better day x
    I have finally got a fascinator so all set for the weekend, just need to alter my dress a little bit so that it sits properly. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. WOW Janet, these cards are beautiful. I love the detail from the dies and the pretty colour combos xx
