
Tuesday 19 June 2018

My Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I was sat playing with some of the New Stampin'Up catalogue and my challenge card kind of just 'happened'!
I used some of the gorgeous Delightfully Detailed Laser cut Speciality paper, snippinga piece out of the 12 x 12 square, I then pressed my Versamark pad onto it and then added copper Embossing powder and heat set, so now I had a Metallic detailed die cut. I thought this would look nice on the Grapefruit Grove colour paper and I just happened to have the Nature's Poem Dsp, which has both of the colours I was thinking of featured in it, I picked the background i wanted and glued my laser cut piece into place, I stamped my sentiment the top right area, the flower i made was stamped with the new Pop Of Petals flower onto the same DSP and punched with matching punch, I also embossed these with Copper Embossing powder to tie in with background. 
I finished off my card with a few faceted gems in BlackBerry Bliss and Grapefruit Grove to match the card I used to matt and layer my card.
I hope you like how it turned out and it inspires you a little. 
Delightfully Detailed Laser Cut Dsp 

Nature's Poem Dsp
If you would like any of the products I have used you will find the link in the contact page at the top of the blog.

A long day ahead for me as Paul doesn't want to drive all the way back to home to pick me up and drive 30 miles back in the 
Opposite direction, so Lucy and I are having breakfast out close by to Paul's work, he will then pop out pick us up and take us to appointment, depending on how long it takes he will then drop us off in Witney town centre where we can shop for a couple of hours until he picks up, we get to do it all again tomorrow too for Lucy's appointment! 
We can get some holiday shopping done hopefully.

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing,

Love and Hugs 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, it’s really lovely. Hope your hospital appointment goes ok & they’re not running late. Holiday shopping sounds like a good plan.
    We haven’t even thought about our holiday-bad start having cancelled our trip to Dublin twice! We have a week off in July & will probably have a couple of days out then we have 2 weeks off at the beginning of October which is when we’re hoping to go away.


    1. Hi Michele
      Same as us Michele.
      We can’t make any arrangements until we hear when Pete’s scans will be done. He sees the consultant on the 31st July so we might be able to get away for a few days in between those dates. If not afterwards.
      Take care.

  2. Morning Everyone
    and all who pop in today for a look and a chat.

    SANDRA- a very pretty card and I love your colour choice.

    Well I got my craft box sorted and ready and even managed to get the ferry and overnight booked so I think I've made a good start.
    It's K&N this afternoon so I have the washer churning away at the moment and I'm hoping the sun stays with us all day so that I can get them outside.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends in need. Take care all of you.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I’m glad you managed to get your craft box packed, Ferry and hotel booked as well. I hope you enjoyed K & N.

  3. A pretty card Sandra I have not heard of laser cut paper Something else for me to investigate
    Saying that I’d never heard of s fuel brick maker either Agreat way to recycle paper
    I hope your day isn’t too tiring SANDRA
    Made a boob yesterday and tried to deliver the Pearl card I’d made for a work colleague’s mum for her son to realise I’d addressed it Son and Daughter! What a numbskull (see Vickie we are daft!)
    I was hoping to craft later today but OH is on an early and I’ve got some running around to do for MIL But as the football is on I may escape to my craft room
    Take care all - hope your mum and dad’s results were OK MARIA

    1. Hope you managed to escape to your craftroom Karen.

  4. Hi everyone,
    Pretty card Sandra. Hope everything goes OK at the hospital today.x

    Enjoyed the England game last night. My blood pressure soared as I suppose half the countries did but they got the precious 3 points.

    Off to the GP shortly to get the results of my blood test then the Air Con man is coming later to maybe change the units around.

    Have a good day everyone.
    MARIA hope mum and dad got good resulted
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope the results of your blood test was good, and that the air con man turned up.

  5. Margaret Palmer19 June 2018 at 10:17

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card, I wish I had your talent, & you say you were playing!!!It is beautiful. Hope all goes well with fitting monitor & you manage some holiday
    Maria hope Mum & Dad got on ok at Doctors, must be so worrying for you, hugs on
    Janet pleased you have got things sorted, I will sort café out for you as long as you
    Karen how frustrating for you, but not surprising with what you are going through at moment, hugs on
    My mind has gone blank now so will send hugs to all who are in need love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I’m not getting off to a good start today, I started to write my comment at 10.20 and had almost finished, must have dozed off (silly expression - I did dose off) only to come to with iPad still on my lap, but a completely different website - YES another comment floating around in cyberspace, I will try to remember what I was waffling on about ..... that’s if I don’t doze off again!!

    Sandra what a lovely and inspiring card you managed to create while you were playing around. Now my playing around usually ends up in the bin!
    I hope you get your heart monitor fitted without any problems, usually they do not keep you waiting very long. Then you have the fun of holiday shopping with your lovely Lucy. I’m sure she will be a great help. Enjoy your day out, you will be feeling very tired tonight after such a busy day. I hope the monitor doesn’t keep you awake.

    MARIA, Hope Mum and Dad are both ok and their doctors are pleased with there progress.
    MARGARET Keep up the good work, you wil soon be running around again.
    JANET, glad you got your booking sorted. Enjoy your K&N.

    Hugs a plenty for everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies from a rather grey and humid MK so all windows are open to get some air in.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, not sure about the Grapefruit colour but the card itself is lovely.
    Hope the hospital visit goes fine and shopping for the summer holiday is fun with your daughter. When are you traveling this year down to Spain ? Thought we are due a meet up soon-ish, getting missing withdraws here and need a cuddle Lol So anyone free in middle of July ??
    Hi Vickie, so glad I'm not the only one with "dunce moment" , know Pat have them from time to time so the more the merrier hihi I'm also the nosy one so wonder where do you live ? and what kind of crafting do you like to make ?
    Sorry if you think I'm a bit pushy.
    Oh Pat- liked to seen you playing Hockey or was it Hokey-Pokey ? Lol Hope your visits to hospital aren't too long this week. hugs to you both. Booked for Zell am See, :>) already looking forward to the food hihi in the meantime we can help ourself in the cafe', No calories yay !
    Karen- hope your Dad is alright and you have been able to speak to him. I'm a bit like you, a follower but after meeting my OH ex and his Sister I have had to come out and say my peace sometimes and do my own thing. It's only taken 40 years or so... Speak soon.
    Janet- hope your ferry over will be a calm one and you soon is in your little heaven on earth. Have fun at K&N this afternoon.
    Michele- thinking of you. Real shame you had to cancel the trip to Ireland. No chance you can get away for a long weekend somewhere before October ?
    Val- funny enough so was I quite busy yesterday so no nap but sure it will come later sometime. Hope you get some rest today and make your cards finished for the box. How is your DIL doing ? Have not heard anything from my parents, haven't get hold of them yet today so will try later.
    Brenda- you right, the body will tell you when you need more rest. I even had to go to bed a beautiful day in Majorca but it was nothing I could do :-( Hope you and John had a nice anniversary. hugs
    Margaret- loved to see you going in the dumper truck Lol
    They are so funny sometimes. Molly was going to put me in the dumpster when she was little and her Nanna in the Wheelbarrow, luckily we didn't Lol. Hope your pain easies and you can give the Morphin to me instead. The Doc refuses to give me anything stronger but someday I could pull my hair out, if you know what I mean hmmmm hugs to you and Pop x
    Lilian- hope the Tennis goes well. Have not watched myself, it is just football here at the moment. So glad I got other things to do Lol Can't believe you have to sit with the fleecy on, here it is sooo muggy, don't like it. Hope you got my email. Take care
    Lynda- never been good at doing Cartwheels either hihi Hated gym in school, we had a very bossy/nasty teacher for it but liked walks and map reading and still do. Hope you feeling better soon and the pain goes. hugs for you and CUx
    Cheryl- thinking of you . Lovely statue , hugs
    Sue- hope you ok. hugs winging your way.
    Sorry if I missed anyone out . Sending hugs to you all and wish you have a nice day. Time for lunch,might pop in later xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Lucky you booking for Zell um Zee again. Not to sure I could go every year though. Not to sure if we can make abroad again. We can get insurance but not to cover for Pete’s problems. But it’s very bothered us before. He’s no longer having any treatment and we don’t know haw long it will be before he starts chemo. Fingers crossed it’s not for a good while yet.
      I hope you manage to get in touch with your parents soon to find out what’s going on.
      Gentle hugs coming your way.

    2. Hi Maria, I'm a little crazy and have many dunce moments, which I'm sure you will see in time!! hahaha. I am a Stampin Up Demo from Huddersfield and am in the same team as Sandra. I mainly make cards, but I'm slowly gaining confidence to make 3D and other projects. I'm supr nosey too - so it's all good :) xx

  8. Hello All, another grey day, where has summer gone.

    Sandra very pretty card, hope your day went ok, I found when I had my monitor the sticky pads really irritated my skin, hope you don’t have the same problem.

    Karen, Michele and Maria hope your parents and in laws will soon improve.

    Not else going on here, have to see the practice pharmacist tomorrow to see if the new drugs are working, must admit still not feeling great, but must be patient. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope the stronger drugs don’t take to long to get into your system.
      Gentle hugs coming your way as well.

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Like Brenda I did my comment about 10.30just before Terry took me round to see Margaret it's possible I didn't press publish. Silly old woman or those pesky cyber 👶comment snatchers.
    Any way I had a nice time with Margaret didn't do any crafting but she showed me the things she bought last Friday at the Clarity weekend she said Barbara Grey & David are getting married this coming weekend. They had 10% off everything at the show & she has a 15% discount card so she got 25% off not bad she also said Barbara had a raffle but every one had a winning ticket with a prize she won a set of blending brushes..Margaret bought a light box with free bag & other thing including in it.also bought a set of colouring pencils & a few other bits. So she is still spending money she hasn't got.
    SANDRA hope your hospital went ok &a you had a nice time shopping. Your card is gorgeous love it.
    Must dash Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I’m glad it’s not only me who forgets to either press publish or cyber space comes a calling. Not to sure which. I also put things away and can’t find them again. Perhaps I ought to start a notepad saying where I put things for furores reference.
      As soon as you said Margaret went to the Clarity day I thought. My word how can she afford that.
      I remember her telling me she wasn’t spending much at Ally Pally last year. But when I saw her at lunchtime looking for you she told me she’d spent £250 at the Clarity stall and that was just inside the door,

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sandra I love today's card, I love watching you "play" you have so much talent and you always choose such pretty colours too. I hope the monitor isn't too bad my lovely. Did you or Lucy get any holiday clothes today? Please wish her well for her eye appointment tomorrow. My week is all out as I saw Mum and Pop on Saturday instead of Friday and with not seeing you today has put me in even more of a muddle than usual! I can just imagine Paul's face when he got to make his first log. What a fantastic way to use up the waste paper. I can start saving ours for you too if you want as I'm all for any recycling, and savings on the heating bills xx
    Brenda, it sounds like you all had a lovely time on Sunday. Not surprised that you are still tired though but listening to you body is important x
    Maria, I hope you have managed to speak to your Mum and Dad after their hospital appointments. I also hope you aren't feeling too tired. I'm sorry to hear your doc won't give you any stronger pain meds though X
    Lilian, I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. Its easy to say be patient when it's not you being affected X
    Lynda, what a shame you can't cartwheel, the space between the stalls and where we sit for lunch at Ally Pally would be perfect to do them. It would certainly make everyone stop and look wouldn't it 😊 but seriously I am sorry that you are still in pain though X
    Karen, you keep on phoning the ward direct, and as Mum said they usually have a phone to pass to patients so please ask them when you ring tomorrow as I bet your Dad will be glad to chat to you. What did little Oscar think of his last swimming lesson? I hope he enjoyed it more this time X
    Janet I hope you and Jim have a safe and trouble free journey. I bet you can't wait to get to your little peaceful haven can you X
    Michele, I hope FIL is improving day by day. Maybe if you book your Dublin break again it will be third time lucky X
    Val, I hope your doctor's appointment went well today and the air con is all sorted. You really need it unlike us most of the time! X
    Mum, I hope you haven't had to unlock your cross stitch a third time. Love you xx
    I have been trying to find a fascinator for a family wedding in Guernsey at the weekend. I have got a dress and shoes so getting there! I am hoping I can get a challenge card done before Friday. I am off to take a picture with Chriss phone of the last two weeks challenge card pictures which I took on my phone. I still can't send them from my phone at the moment, it's so frustrating but I hope this plan works.
    Sending love and big hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today.
    Sounds like your going to have a long day today. Such a shame you have to go all the way to Banbury to have a monitor fitted for a week.
    Had another long wait at the hospital as Pete didn’t get seen until about 5.20.
    Scans are being ordered, as he has this pain in his Lower Back. His iron levels are fine, but is low on vitamin D so they’ll ask our dr to start him on supplements. Plus his white blood cell count is low so he’ll have to be careful that he doesn’t catch anything.
    No more treatment until he’s bad enough to have chemo. We go back in 6 weeks.
