
Monday 18 June 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend, fingers crossed that this will be a good one for all of you.
We have a busy one, hospital tomorrow for me to have my heart mobitor fitted, then Eye hospital for Lucy on Wednesday, it's not great having appointments on consecutive days as it's not easy for Paul to get time off now that had job has changed but you have to take appointments when you get them, I wish it was Lucy's diagnostic appointment we were going to, but we have to wait until the 26th of June for that, hardly a 14 day referral!!

I think Paul enjoyed his Father's Day, we spent most of the day in the Garden, potting on Strawberries that we rescued from the allotment, as the patch had been over taken by buttercups, we had some veg plants to log on too, quite a productive afternoon.  It was lovely to have all four of our children home for the afternoon/evening.  Paul chose steak for tea, which was a huge hit with everyone, followed by Eton mess or Millionaire Cheesecake.  I think the highlight of Paul's day was opening his 'Log Maker', it's a press thing that you put paper that has been soaked in water in, press it to extract water and leave to dry, you then have paper logs that burn for about an hour, so all of our old, unwanted mail will be chucked in a bucket and turned into fuel!! He was delighted, he had anticipated getting one and had a bucket of soaked paper ready, the look on his face when he came to show me his first paper log was priceless! He also got socks, pants, cider and Toblerone which is a ritual, every birthday, Father's Day and Christmas, he has to have a Toblerone and asks for nothing else.

On to today's Challenge, I went for a TicTacToe grid this time, its quite a simple one, floral is always a simple selection, Metallic can be anything from Mirri card to a metal looking charm, Die cut or Punch is something we all have, Stripes can be embossed or striped paper, in the centre you have a FREE Square, this gives you a free category, so if you only want to use say Striped and yellow from the grid you could put Stripes/yellow/free as your choices and as long as the other two are featured on your card it's perfect.
The most important thing is to have fun, I look forward to seeing your cards.
By the way if you need any inspiration type ''' then search for .challenge 045.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for us this week-lots to choose from on this Tic Tac Toe.

    We had a pleasant day-housework in the morning, met my Dad, brother & wife for Sunday lunch (the service was a bit slow) and we chatted for quite a while. We left my brother & wife to go back to Dads as they don’t see him that often & we came home. Hubby had a snooze & I played in my craft room.

    Lynda-I think your card was a good luck charm as I’ve just seen a Red Squirrel at the peanut feeder which is the first one I’ve seen in months!!!!!


    1. Glad you had a good catch up with the family yesterday. Hope this week is a quiet one for you.x

    2. Hi Michele how lovely seeing a red squirrel in your garden did you manage to get a picture. We have never seen one in the park we go to their are loads of grey ones. They are still sweet though & feed the peanuts.
      Have a good day.xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you had a good catch up with your family. How lucky you are to see red squirrels.

  2. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in today for a visit and a chat.

    We had a reasonably quiet day yesterday at home just ttering around as we know that this week is just going to be manic.

    It's a good CC SANDRA and I'll try my best to get a card done.

    It's Mr Tesco morning first thing and then I have to make a start on sorting my travelling craft box out ready for it to go into the car on Wednesday. I still have the ferry and overnight hotel to book so I'm hoping to get that done this evening when Jim gets back.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day everyone.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I bet you're getting excited over your holiday this week. Hope you get your craft box organised and manage to book the ferry and hotel.
      Enjoy your day x

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you managed to get everything booked and your craft box packed today.

  3. Your day sounded lovely SANDRA
    Ours was fairly quiet but we did get to see daughter and Oscar at Salsa
    It was lovely to see VICKIE pop in Hope to see you in again soon
    I thought yesterday’s cards were terrific A lot of people are using their game in using unusual/different card layouts
    Today’s cc looks great fun I’m glad you explained that we we can use a die or a punch I mis-read it at first and took it to mean a punch only as they sort of die/cut .... Yes you’re right ladies I am losing the plot
    After eventually finding which ward my dad was moved to I rang them to hear he was coming off oxygen (didn’t know he was on it for chest infection) and seemed ok Sounds like I’m a bit like my dad in that I do as I’m told and don’t stand up for myself enough but now I will just ring the ward
    I hope the symptoms are calming down on your change of meds LILIAN
    Are you back to doing cartwheels LYNDA after your op
    Did you manage to do your box of cards VAL I don’t know how you do it I’ve been asked to do 2 different Pearl Wedding cards and I struggled to do something different I had an idea in my head and couldn’t think of a second!
    Hope you’re feeling a bit brighter CHERYL
    MARAI - hope you and parents are OK
    Big hug MARGARET and hope you’re not in too much pain
    And of course hugs to all of you You honestly mean so much to me xx

    1. Good to hear your dads off oxygen. Hope he's getting on well after his op. Karen I can sympathise with you. I'm too easy going and often go along with other peoples ideas rather than do what I want to do. I think I'm too old to change now!!!
      I did half the cards I need yesterday and will hopefully make the rest today.
      Take carex

    2. Hi Karen
      HA HA I couldn't do cartwheels before the op & still can't do them now. It's not a 100% better yet still getting lower back pain & some down leg still. I have a follow up appointment on the 26th so will find out more hopefully.
      Glad your dad is off the oxygen. I'm also like Val I follow rather than do what I want.
      Take care Hug's xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I’m glad to hear your dads off the oxygen now. Good also that you found out what ward he’s on and can ring direct. I used to be like you and going with the flow. I have learnt to stick up for myself a bit more. Your fathers wife sounds like she was awful to you and your sister.

  4. Good morning Sandra and all.
    Always like the Tic,Tac,Toe so hope to make a card up.
    It was a very lazy day here yesterday. Had a Austrian meal with Znitsels,potato salad, red cabbage and Apple strudel and custard. Today it's shopping, only waiting for OH to get up.I have been up most of the night, can see a nap in the afternoon Lol My parents have hospital appointments so I just waiting to hear. Never been in so much contact before.
    Have a nice day everyone, hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hi Maria. Your meal yesterday sounds delicious and my mouth is watering especially over the Apple Strudel. Yum.
      Hope you get good news today from your parents re their appointments. Also hope you can have a nap this afternoon. If you've not slept so well, you must need it.x

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope it’s goid news re yoyr parents hospital appointments.
      I remember when we were in Zell em Zee we had Apple Strudel with cream every day. Yum Yum.
      Hope you managed to get a nap in this afternoon.

  5. Hi everyone,
    Great tic tac toe this week Sandra. Love the free space.

    A bit of ironing to do first thing, then Wendy is calling as she's back from her weekend away. Then I'm in my craft room making the rest of the 'cat' cards hopefully.

    Hugs to everyone with special ones for poorly and sad friends.
    Love Valx

  6. Margaret Palmer18 June 2018 at 10:54

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great challenge this week I may get round to having a go. Pleased to hear you had a lovely family day yesterday. Hope all goes well wwant thospital visits this
    Karen pleased to hear you were able to find out about Dad you want to ask if you can speak to him most wards have a mobile phone. Thanks for hugs pain not too bad, mind I am still taking
    Janet hope you get all the jobs done so you can
    Maria hope you soon have better news of Mum & Dad, take
    Lilian pleased you feel a little
    Sue little Chris was full of questions wasn't he, the best was when I said that I cannot get upstairs to shower & he came back with, "We could use a dumper truck"!!! Love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely day suns out again we've been for a walk & yesterday we went down Broadstairs as it's Dickens week & all the ladies are dressed in the big hooped dresses & the men in their long black jackets & tight trousers. Also the children dressed up. They had lots of stalls too.
    SANDRA hope both Hospital appointment go ok this week.
    Pleased You enjoyed your family day yesterday. How many bricks has Paul made so far you should have a good stock for the winter months. Such a good idea if you have a open fire. Tic Tac Toe looks good today might go in craft room after this & have a go.
    MARIA hope you get some good news from your mum & dad.& you take care.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I can just see you doing cartwheels. Can’t you ?. Mind you I hated PE at school. Mostly because I was useless at it. Mind you I did play a mean game of hockey.
      Glad you had a great day in Briadstairs. I bet it was great seeing everyone dressed up.

  8. Hi Ladies,

    Please excuse my ignorance, But I'm not sure what TicTacToe is? Can someone enlighten me? #duncemoment!!!

    SANDRA.. I would be more than happy for you to share my wreath - Do you need me to send a pic??

    KAREN - That's so lovely to say.... I think I'm hooked now, so no getting rid of me... you Ladies are awesome!


    1. We’re a little bit mad too

    2. Tic Tac Toe is like Noughts and Crosses On most challenges you pick a straight line Up down or side to side or diagonal SANDRA is kind and lets us choose any 3 squares So you just take your pick If I know SANDRA she’ll have a card to show tomorrow xx

    3. Great to see you in again Vickie. Would love to see your wreath.
      We’re all a little mad on here as well. A few of us have dunce moments. Me especially.

    4. KAREN thanks for the explanation ... i will definitely have a go!!! Well, if you are all a little mad.. im sure I'll fit in well.

      PAT, thank you i will send a pic to Sandra before the weekend :) x

  9. Hi Everyone, really cold and damp here again today, had to take out some of my winter fleeces.
    Good challenge this week , nice to have a free square.

    Had a really lazy day, as didn’t get much sleep, so have sat and watched the tennis all afternoon. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sorry to hear that you’ve had to fish out your fleeces. We were promised a heatwave during the month of ajune. Not to sure what happened there. Our next door neighbour told Pete what a fantastic summer we were having after Pete said it was quite cold for the time of year. He reckoned it’s the best summer we’ve had in 10 yrs. Pete told him that 4 yrs ago when his brother visited in April. It was hot right through until late Sept. Pete was in his shorts right through that year. He’s not this year. He has to keep fishing his jeans out to wear some days.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Not to sure what happened to my comment. Mind you the Internet was a bit intermittant yesterday.
    First of all can I wish Brenda and John a very Happy Anniversary.
    We went as usual to Yarnton for lunch. However, it was much dull and windy to sit by the canal. So we came back home and went up to Karen’s for a barbaque for Fathers Day. Craig and family came to. So we had a lovely day. Doreen cane as well. The family now include her in everything we do ( which is nice for her as well ).
    I’m glad that Paul had a nice day as well Sandra, and hope that everyone else also had a lovely day.

  11. Crikey ladies what am I like. I completely to say I loved all the cards yesterday. The internet was playing up yesterday.
    Hospital again tomorrow. It’s in the afternoon so at least I can go to school in the morning.

  12. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Lots of lovely choices for this week challenge, hope some of the ideas in my head actually come to life.

    Sandra it sounds like Paul had a lovely Father’s Day. He is certainly going to be busy making his own fuel blocks. My dad used to make fuel bricks using small pieces of coal and slack. Most of our neighbors were coal miners, the neighbors had a fuel allowance, so when a delivery was due he was asked would he like to clear their coal shed. Those bricks were great, certainly helping the family budget. As a railway engine driver he wasn’t on a wage.

    I’ve had a very lazy day. In fact I got up feeling tired ..... to much celebrating at the weekend! After lunch I needed a nap. It’s so frustrating, but you have to listen to your body don’t you.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal... whatever that is!

    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Oops .... As a railway engine driver he wasn’t on a very HIGH wage!!

      Night Night everyone xxx

  13. what is the closing date for a card entry for the Tic Tac Toe challenge please Sandra, thank you?
