
Sunday 17 June 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all wellband enjoying the weekend, ours didn't have the super relaxed theme I was hoping for, we had to drop the girls at work and collect them so Paul decided it would make sense to spend the day at the allotment as it's not too far from the girls work, so that's what we did, we weeded on and off for 5 hours, when I say 'we' I really mean Paul, he did most of it but I did my share, I went prepared, all bare flesh covered by a decent thickness of clothing as we had to tackle some rather large nettles, we were making great progress, can you guess what happened next???
A 🐸 yes another bloody frog lept out of border across my foot!! This caused me to kind of jump back and the nettles made contact with the only bit of exposed flesh on my body...the bit that hangs over the top of my trousers 😭, ouch!!!! 
We did manage to get loads done, we also dug up a load of our strawberry plants and bought them home, they had been taken over by buttercups and weren't doing anywhere near as well they should have been, Paul will pot them into larger pots, so hopefully we will get a good crop next year, we seem to get an excellent crop of Raspberries twice a year, which pleases me as I prefer raspberries to strawberries.
I am hoping for a slightly more relaxed Sunday but as it's Father's Day I will do my best to go along with whatever Paul chooses, nothing gives me greater pleasure than making that man happy 😍!!

Now let's get on with the main event, here are your AMAZING cards.......


Brenda went for Tim Holtz Crazy Birds in some super bright and cheerful colours, which are Stampin'Up! 'Pineapple Punch' and 'Call Me Clover' (two of the new In-colours), they certainly work with the 'crazy' theme!! That 'Happy Birthday' is fab too!
Thanks so much for taking part Brenda despite having a really busy week and weekend. 


Janet made two fantadfan cards for this week's challenge, the first card is a lovely decoupaged card featuring a Horse and it's owner and a cute little dog, your decoupage is perfect Janet, such a lovely scene.
Janet's second card is a modern take on a bear, a clever idea, I haven't seen anything like that before Janet, it's fun, the paper you have used is really pretty too.
Thank you so much for taking part this week my lovely.


Lilian your cards always look like a piece of artwork, your blending is seamless and using that Linen card gives the effect of painting on canvas, I really love everything about your card, what make is the linen card you use please? 
Thank you so much for taking part in this week's challenge.


Maria it was such a lovely surprise to open up your email and find three amazing challenge cards, all three cards have been coloured beautifully and the images are so cute.
Thank you for coming straight back from holiday and taking part in the challenge, I am so grateful my lovely.


Two fantastic challenge cards from Michele this week, the first is an image I always associate with Michele..Scotty Dogs! I am not sure why, you must have told me at some point that you like them and it's stuck, hedgehogs are the other thing.
I think the idea of using the banner die to create cats was a genius idea, such a fun set of cards!
Thank you Michele for choosing this week's challenge and for making two cards from it! 

Karen has made two cards for this week's challenge, the first is one of Karen's speciality Serif cards, I keep saying that I will sit and play with it so I can make personalized cards, or funny cards, particularly as Paul always ends up buying a card for his dad and brothers as he prefers funny ones to ones with the sloppy messages in them! 
Karen's second card is made with a Spellbinders Butterfly on topof a topper created in Serif (including the faux stitching), the Banner was cut on Scan & Cut. Such a fantastic card Karen, keeping it monochrome really makes it !
Thank you so much for taking part, you too have had stressful week.


You can tell Our Val likes an animal card! Three fabulous cards for this week's challenge, omg that Otter is adorable, such a cute card, when Paul used to go away on detachment I used to write or send a card every day to wherever he was In the world,
That Otter card would have been perfect for sending him, it's really hard to find cards that aren't for a specific occasion.
The way you have designed the Dog card I really clever, I love the footprints up the fence behind! 
The third card is brilliant, but then I am a crazy cat lady!! 
Thank you so much for three fantastic cards Val.


Lynda has used a beautiful image from a Pollyanna Pickering CD-ROM, that lady is an incredible artist, her Paintings of animals look like photographs, so sad that she passed away earlier this year.  Lynda has made a stunning card with that gorgeous red squirrel, such a rare sight these days, sadly.  We have grey squirrels in the garden and one was making the worst screeching noise I have ever heard on Thursday morning, it was because Milo was curious and got on top of the wheelie bin that has our weeds in, he was stood stretched out like a Meercat trying to get a closer look at the squirrel, the squirrel got quite aggresive and started smacking it's tail really hard against the tree, I ended up going out and getting Milo in as I thought it was going to attack him, it stayed in the same place for about an hour after I had removed Milo from the situation! There is too much wildlife for me to cope with at this house!!
Anyway thank you Lynda for such a lovely challenge card, adding that black mat really makes the image stand out. 


Victoria is one of my Stampin'Up! Team mates, such a lovely lady who I was lucky enough to meet at our recent Team meet up in Birmingham, she is an amzamaz crafter, she made a beautiful wreath for our display table, I will ask her if I can share it next Saturday.  I love the cute little dog you have used Victoria, the stitched squares look fantastic too, the Thank you is from the new Stampin'Up! , 'So Detailed' stamp set.
Such a lovely card Victoria, I hope that it's the first of many challenge cards from you.
Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for taking part in our Challenge.

WOW Ladies, what can I say, apart from my usual HUGE, heartfelt thanks?!
You are all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you! 

I hope that you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, we have double celebrations today as it was Becca's birthday on Friday but she went away with friends so we are celebrating today with Father's Day too!

We have another Celebration today too........

Happy Anniversary
💕 Brenda & John 💕

Happy Anniversary to a very special couple, have a lovely day celebrating with your family xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Everyone
    and to all who cares to pop in for a look and a chat.

    What a fantastic set of CCs this week. Everyone has dug deep and don't think there is a repetition of any animal either.

    We had a busy day yesterday doing our normal Saturday morning shopping and then sorting out the roses on the front of the house. I'm hoping for a quieter day today to recover before madness starts tomorrow.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with many extras today for all DADs on your special day.Many congratulations to BRENDA and JOHN on your special day. Double celebrations in your house today.xxxx

  2. My favourite day of the week! Today’s cards are brilliant
    I keep looking at buying that SW Happy Birthday die that Brenda has used I think I’ve only seen it grunged up which made me uncertain Now I’ve seen it in that lovely bright green I am very tempted Many congratulations on your special day too

    You definitely seem to be having “fun” with wild life SANDRA I hope you didn’t hurt yourself (other than the stinging nettles)

    I agree VAL If my dad’s wife spoke to him yesterday- which number was it?

    We’re going dancing this afternoon as it’s close The where MIL has been staying and then we’ll bring her home I think my daughter will be there too depending on what kind of mood Oscar will be in after his swimming lesson Apparently he didn’t enjoy it last week

    Have a great day everyone I hope you’re feeling better LILIAN and your heart rate is calming down

    I hope your parents are getting better MARIA and that you’re feeling perkier too

    How did your crafty afternoon go MICHELE I hope the weather was kind or that there was a plan B

    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Everyone.

    Another beautiful display of fantasmagorical cards today ladies. I love Sundays to see all the wonderful designs you've come up with and to get new ideas. All the cards are lovely as usual.x

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BRENDA AND JOHN. Hope you have a lovely day.x
    Also hope all dads out there enjoy a day of being spoilt. You deserve it.x

    I'm having a day in my craft room today. I have a few orders and then I promised to make a box of cards for a lady who single handed runs a charity called Kittens In Distress. She's having a stall at a Fayre next weekend and I need to give them to her before then.

    Hugs to all especially poorly and sad friends.XXX
    Love Valx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic selection of challenge cards today.
    Sandra-I love Scottie digs & collect “things” with them on. I also love Hedgehogs & Squirrels-Red ones! We are lucky enough to have Red squirrels visiting our garden occasionally.

    Lynda-I just LOVE tote card as it features a Red squirrel.

    The Summer Fun Dy was a bit of a washout-cold, wet & windy so everything was indoors. I was in the small hall which a lot of people didn’t even come into. I had about 10 children come and make a Father’s Day Card so at least it was worth me going. It was a long afternoon though & then hubby decided we’d go straight to the hospital to see his Dad which meant we didn’t get home until after 7pm. Father in law was was quite bright but no NG tube in again & he’s lost quite a bit of weight.
    Today we’re out for lunch with my brother & wife plus my Dad(& Casper the dog) then I think we might collapse! Sometime today I’ve got to do the ironing, strip the bed etc so I’d better get started soon.


  5. Morning ladies,

    Stunning array of challenge cards again.


    Off to do a spot of shopping, mainly for flowers for Pete's floral arrangement for tomorrow. It is our Pearl (30th) Anniversary, I so wish he was still here to enjoy it.
    With all the snow, ice and rain we had earlier, his calla lilies are still showing spears not flowers so I cannot raid them as usual for our anniversary though.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hugs winging its way to you right now xx

  6. Morning ladies and to any man looking in, have a happy day :>)
    Oh look at all the fabulous cards and so many different animals we managed to find. It's brilliant and I Love
    them !!
    Happy Anniversary Brenda and John ! Have a lovely day together.
    Michele- glad your day went ok yesterday. Wish your FIL gets better. Take care.
    Karen- have a nice day, hope you get hold of your dad to speak to him soon. Cuddles for Oscar, hope he is ok.
    Janet- hopefully your plan goes ahead to have a quiet and relaxing day.
    Val- enjoy your day crafting. Love to see the box cards you making for the lady.
    My day will be cleaning the kitchen a bit, not an easy job with all my crafting boxes and holders everywhere so a lot to move before I can start. Raining outside so Tv,crosswords and checking blogs this afternoon so nothing to energetic today. Did some digging in the borders yesterday so feeling it today Lol
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

    Enjoy your celebrations

    Take care CHERYL These occasions are always emotional

  8. Good Sunday morning Sandra & Ladies
    Congratulations BRENDA & JOHN on your special day.
    Love all the challenge card today again not too alike.well done everyone a lovely display for the new cafe board
    MICHELE hope FIL is ok when you visit him later.
    KAREN also hope you get to see your dad soon. His wife seems a horrible lady.
    You should be able to see him as often as you please too. Take care Hug's for Oscar xx
    MARIA hope your mum & dad are feeling better. You take care doing all that gardening yesterday take it easy today. Xx
    SANDRA HOPE BECCA had a lovely birthday & Paul has a good Father's Day.
    I hope you Have a 🐸 Free day Sandra.
    CHERYL thinking of you Hug's on the way xx
    Not sure what's happening today CU is waiting for Mr Twiddle the computer man
    To come back as had updates coming through & taking so long.So he's coming back later. So can't go out till he's been.


  9. Aww what an awesome group you guys are. I feel honoured to have met up with Sandra recently, and have been meaning to join in, so this week I took the plunge and loved it!! Everyone's work is fantastic... I will definitely be back next week :) xxx

  10. Hi All, wet, windy and cold here.

    Super lot of cards today, you are all so good, mine was very simple, seems all I can do these days.
    Sandra you asked about my card, I use some from American crafts, also A4 from craft creations, both nice quality.

    I’ll see you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family on this special day xx
    Sandra, I bet Sophie and Lucy heard your scream when you saw the frog!!!! Let's hope that is the third and last time for you my lovely. I wonder if today turned out to be a restful one for you both, I hope so xx
    I love each and every challenge card. Such a lovely range. I did actually send challenge cards both last week and yesterday but I have found all emails sent since a week last Friday have not been sent but are in a "queue". I have no idea why this is and can't work out how to get them to send!!! It does answer my wondering why I haven't heard from a few people. It seems it has happened to a few other people over the last few years and there is no easy solution so I will have to get Gem to have a look for me. I also noticed that my comments here in the Café yesterday and Friday have vanished. I think I will try to get the laptop working.
    Karen, sending you big supporting hugs. The last thing you need while your Dad is in hospital is to have trouble from his second wife. Don't forget you have every right to contact him as and when you want. Thinking of you xx
    Michele, sorry your having problems too. I hope FIL starts to improve x
    Maria, sending you big hugs. I hope you aren't too sore after gardening yesterday and I hope both your Mum and Dad start to feel better. Its always a worry when they are I'll isn't it X
    Lilian, your cards are always stunning and today's challenge card is no different. You have a real artists eye, I wish I did. I hope the new meds are continuing to help you. The damp weather at the moment doesn't help those achey joints though does it! X
    Mum it was good to see you and Pop yesterday. Chris jnr did keep us laughing didn't he. The things he comes out with do make us stop and think don't they. He asked me earlier "What is a hormone" is after watching an animal programme that was about different ones having young!!! Love you xxxx
    I hope everyone has had a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Margaret Palmer17 June 2018 at 20:42

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what s lovely lot of CC they are all beautiful. Oh dear not another frog, hope the stings weren't too
    Brenda & John many congratulations on your anniversary, hope you have had a lovely
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  13. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    THANK YOU everyone for your lovely anniversary wishes. Sorry I didn’t get in earlier today we were up and out early to go to our younger daughters, it’s also son in laws birthday today, his 50th. so we had a joint family gathering, it really has been a lovely day.

    What a lovely lot of challenge cards today, each and everyone very special.

    Sleep well my lovely friends. Love and Hugs. Brenda xxx
