
Sunday 10 June 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

We had a lovely time at our Village Summer Fete yesterday afternoon, the sun shone the whole afternoon, we bought some plants from the Plant stall, some gardening books so that we can try and identify weeds from annuals !! I may just share some of the photos on here and see if you experienced gardeners can help.  We have one Tree/shrub that has creamy white flowers, it is absolutely covered in Need, I thought we had a nest somewhere but on closer inspection the tree is alive with Bumble bees, amazing sight! 
Anyway back to the Fete, there was a Brass band playing and tea and cakes, we didn't win on the raffle but out of over 150 ducks we came ...............................

We couldn't believe it, how funny, what where the chances, it was great fun! 

Now onto your cards......

Two stunning, completely different cards from Janet this week, one for the ladies and one for the most men!
The first card was one Janet made at Knit and Natter, I think it's the centre of one of Sue Wilson's dies, Janet has topped them with some beautiful flowers and foliage, a pretty feminine card.
Janet's second card has fantastic embossed background, the stamps that create the focal points of the card are both from Bee Crafty.
Thank you so much Janet for two fantastic cards.


Lilian has used the Stampin'Up! stamp set called 'High Tide' to create her challenge card, I love the composition of your card Lilian, using irredescent glitter to create the effect of the sun on the water is genius Lilian, I have this set and you have inspired me to have a go with it.
Thank you so much for taking part. 


Karen created three lovely cards for this week's Challenge, 
The first is super cute, a perfect New Baby card....
Karen's description:
" Here’s a cc for you It’s using squares I’ve made wonky frames before and this time instead of going two sizes down I went one size down So it’s made the frame very narrow in places I used CE mounting cushion and boy! It’s brilliant Admittedly I have only ever used cheap shaker tape before to add dimension It’s expensive and will keep for special items You can cut very thin strips (needed!) It doesn’t gum up your scissors Easy to peel backing paper off and you can gently ease off base if you need to reposition it 
Decoupaged TL Teddy Pink Lidl card Hunky Dory Moonstone sentiment dies and a bit of pearly bling The EF is CE Swirly Hearts (I think)

Karen's second card is for an occasion that's new to me, Karen as always had found the perfect image.......

"The second card is for the guy whose party we’re going to Never heard of a pre-retirement party! All totally designed on Serif"

Karen's third card is so beautiful, perfect for a Pearl Wedding Anniversary. I have invlincl Karen's description below, I think it looks perfect just as it it is Karen.

"Now I’ve photographed the Pearl Wedding card I’m not 100% sure I might add pearls on the outside corner It’s made with Centura Pearl card and SW’s Noble Adorned squares"

Three amazing challenge cards Karen, thank you so much for supporting the Challenge.



Val has gone for an 'African' theme for this week's challenge, I love the background/frame that you have stamped Val.
Val got these stamps free on a magazine, you have done an amazing job with them Val, they aren't always the best quality to stamp with, your stamped images are perfect.  A great Father's Day card.
Thank you so much for taking part.


Michele has gone for geometric pattern building with the square theme for this week's challenge, placing the squares that were cut from Paint colour charts, on top of different embossed backgrounds. 
A very different look for Michele, I love that you are trying new techniques.
Thanks so much my lovely for taking part.


Lynda has designed two cards for this week's Challenge, both absolutely stunning, I will add Lynda's description below......

This First one I cut the rose frame out the matted onto black card & matted the frame back  under the black.
The rose stamp is a magazine freebee.
The papers are from  my stash

The second card is stamped onto my card base then made the black  square  & matted over the beautiful you stamp then made a blue mat .
I stamped  the lady again onto the blue card & cut the dress & hat & out then stuck on the white stamp lady.made some JL flowers & a "in style" sentiment from same stamp set.

I absolutely love both of your cards Lynda, thank you so much for taking part, despite feeling so poorly.


Danielle designed her challenge card around the patterned paper, it was made using the 'Baby Wipe' technique, Danielle made this one at our Team retreat day last week.
Dannii mounted the stamped decorative paper onto matching card, that's the beauty of using Stampin'Up! Products, you can match everything perfectly.  To give extra interest to her card Dannii had embossed the centre panel with the Dynamic Floral Embossing Folder.
I absolutely love what you have done with that one piece of stamped paper, genius!!! 
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely.


Lorraine designed this gorgeous Congratulations card for this week's Challenge. Layering those Scribbled Heart die cuts up has really given them dimension and made them pop of the background.  I will add Lorraine's Description below...

"This is my card with a square on it, in fact it is a square based card.  I water coloured washed the background.  The dies were die cut (x5) each and adhered together with wet glue to give them dimension before they were adhered to the background.  Sandra it may go on your blog if you wish."

Thanks so much Lorraine for taking part in this week's Challenge.

Another amazing display of cards Ladies, you really pulled out all the stops on this one, so many incredibly amazing cards.
Thank you all so very much for taking part, I am so grateful.

Yesterday's blog was late uploading yesterday because I didn't finish writing the post until 01:20am, I had no idea of the time, when I went to schedule it I did it for the next day as usual, not realising that it was after midnight, so next day was Sunday and not Saturday as I thought.
Saturday morning is manic in our house, the girls are rushing around getting ready for work, they like their hair Dutch Braided, so when I eventually sat down and opened the blog I realised my error!! 

We are going over to my Mum's today, my sister is organising a barbecue, it will be nice to see mum and catch up with the rest of my family.

Have a lovely Sunday my lovelies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Hi everyone, such lovely cards being shown today. Who knew squares were so versatile?
    SANDRA your Summer Fayre sounds really good fun and well done on your ducks being first and second. Have a safe journey and hope you find your mum feeling better.x

    MICHELE. Hope FIL was OK and awake when you saw him yesterday.x

    KAREN So hope Dads op went well.x

    MARGARETA How are you getting on? Hope every day shows an improvement. X

    Don't know what I'm doing today. I'll just see what turns up.

    PAT hope you enjoyed your break in London and you're home safe and soundx

    Hugs to all and special ones to Lynda and Lilian.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you enjoyed the Village Fete. Our was 2 weeks ago and it turned into a damp, drizzly day. Hope your journey to your Mums isn’t too bad & she’s ok.

    Fantastic selection of challenge cards today. My purple card was a nightmare-I’ve stuck the squares on 3 times trying to get them straight. Don’t think an embossed background was the best idea!

    Father in law was awake yesterday when we visited. He was pleased to see us, he was trying to talk-some words come out ok but most of it doesn’t. M in “ invited us back to theirs for a cuppa (she was at home) but we couldn’t get her to answer the door and I’d sent a text ssyiwe we’re leaving the hospital. We gave up and came home. Walked into the village and had a meal at the Indian restaurant. We then get a message from our American relatives saying F in L can only be in the Rehab unit for 4 weeks. Well that was news to us so I’ve suggested that hubby speaks to his brother today so we all know that same things.

    Housework & Gardening for me today.


  3. Morning Everyone
    and all who pop in to see us for a cuppa.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. When I called in it was still Friday's post and I was on the last push as Jim had to go to hospital to have a head scan at 07.40 (not an emergency just another test the Dr wanted him to have) and then we had to go on to our usual Saturday morning shopping and it was also the week-end to meet Jim's Niece and her two children. The Unicorn picture is part of her little girl's 10th birthday present which is this coming week so we couldn't cancel. Anyway when we got back we found Nicky and her partner (my younger Daughter) had come to relay the front path flags so all in all it was a full on day and a very exhausting one.

    Sorry about the rambling. I've taken a deep breath and all's back to normal (well whatever normal is lol).

    The CCs are all beautiful and the display boards look gorgeous.

    SANDRA- have a good journey and I hope you find Mum a lot better.

    We're having an easy day today.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever you all have planned. xxxx

  4. Some great combinations of square cards They inspire me so much
    Dad had his op yesterday and so far so good After being told off for contacting the hospital myself by his wife I will ring her later to see how he is Thank you SUE for the advice re his recovery His wife is mortified that Physio will visit to assess but there’s no telling her - she doesn’t listen
    The fete sounded lovely SANDRA and to get first AND second in the duck race too
    MIL is coming for dinner today So I’d better get a wriggle on
    The party last night was lovely The guy has been made redundant and as he’s 65 later in the year his partner called it a pre-retirement party Take care all xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer10 June 2018 at 09:57

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra well done on picking not only the 1st but 2nd in the duck race, sounds as if it was a lovely afternoon. The CC's are all lovely, the first one of yours I am lucky to have, such a lovely blue. Hope you find Mum
    I am slowly getting abit more mobile, trying to do more each day, still need liquid morphine for pain.
    Karen they will have Dad sat out in chair today & walking on zimmer tomorrow they do not let you lie
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

    1. Thanks Margaret I know they get you mobile pretty quickly and that’s to ensure you don’t get a thrombus as well as mobilising the new joint

  6. I forgot to say earlier I hope your journey to visit your mum goes ok SANDRA
    OH has just said MIL didn’t want to go shopping with him So we’ll see how she feels later I have to applaud OH at the mo He’s being so patient
    There’s was so much more I was going to say and not can’t remember a thing
    I have to go to craft room - Shame as OH needs a 50th birthday card for tomorrow! It’s a good job I know exactly what I’m going to do So it’s just cutting out all of the elements and piece together

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love youre cards, so pretty. It sounds like you had a wonderful time at your village fete and fancy winning both 1st AND 2nd place in the duck race. Where there prizes or was it just for fun. I forgot to show Mum and Pop the photos I took of a couple of your plants, no surprise there 😙 I hope you have a safe and trouble free journeys today and you find your Mum feeling much better than the beginning of the week. Xx
    A beautiful display of Cc'd to enjoy. I did finally get my card finished about10.30 pm and after getting a ink mark on the third attempt I'm afraid I just added a few butterflies to cover it up!
    Karen, I hope Dad manages to get on with the zimmer frame today. It is good that you are encouraged to get up and about so quickly now isn't it. I'm so sorry to hear that your Dad's partner doesn't sound like she is very happy. You have every right to speak to your own father whenever you want and also to your Aunty. Sending supportive hugs X
    I am hoping to get the weeding done at the front of the house and to get the front door washed as it gets so dusty because of the building work going on near by. I hope you are all enjoying the same lovely weather as we have again today
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks She wasn’t very nice to me and my sister (I was 16) when my mum and dad split up so I am very wary of her

  8. Hi All, very cloudy, but still very hot.

    Lovely selection of cards today, all so different.

    Sandra hope all goes well today, and the journey isn’t too bad.

    Sitting watching the tennis then hope to go out in the garden, not that I can do much, but give orders.

    Karen hope your Dad is soon on the mend.

    Have a good rest of the day, Lilian

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & Ladies
    We have a lovely sunny afternoon after a very dull & chilly morning crazy weather.
    Just got back from a walk down Broadstairs it's so nice getting air in my lungs.
    OH is now cutting the grass so I'm going in craft now for a while. Still got some bits to put on EBay. & try some projects.
    SANDRA hope you find your mum feeling better & putting your mind a rest Hope your journey there wasn't too bad & uncomfortable & a safe journey on the way home. Glad you enjoyed the village fate bet you were popular winning 1st & 2nd place in duck race.well done did you get a prize. Love all your cards.
    Wow fantastic line up of challenge cards displayed today ladies all gorgeous.
    Off to craft room now. Hug's for all.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Great cards today.
      Pete started cutting our lawn yesterday but I had to finish it off for him. I bought a large swing seat with gift tokens I received when I left work. Well, seeing as Pete no longer has the energy to lift it up to move it I think it needs to be got rid off.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I’m glad you enjoyed your day at the village fete. Did you all get to chat with your neighbours. As no one has really introduced themselves to you ( apart from the lady with the who was going to pick you up at 9.00am to go to the coffee morning ). Oh and the lady who bought Harley back when He went out of the garden.
    Hope you had a lovely day at your Mums as well. It was good to see what she was like for yourself first hand I expect. I gather that you haven’t shown the girls how to do each other’s hair as you did them yesterday before work. It would save you having to be woken up at silly o’clock seeing as you don’t get to sleep until very early in the mornings.
    Wonderful cards again today ladies today. Love them all and not one the same again.

  11. A bit late I am sorry, beautiful cards ladies love all the inspiration from your cards. Thank you Sandra for adding mine xxx
