
Monday 11 June 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

This week's Challenge was kindly chosen by Michele, who quite rightly predicted that I would be exhausted after our long journey. 
This week's challenge has a 'Theme', I would like you to make a card or project featuring an Animal, it can be any type, pets, insects, cartoon, cute, absolutely anything, the only rule I that you have fun making it !!!! 

The journey to mums was very warm and very long, I still can't get my head around the fact that we have moved 13 miles down the road but the journey to mums is 40 miles further, so it was 168 miles each way, needless to say that my ankles have disappeared and my feet are dangling off of the end of what looks like tree trunks, no shoes would fit on my feet either.
Mum didn't look as bad as I was imagining, the thing that concerns me the most is the fact that he feet are dark blue!! I have never seen that colour on anyone. I am guessing that it's lack of oxygen, I asked if they suggested that she has an oxygen bottle a home and she went MENTAL at me, proper shouting, (which impressed me that she had the lung capacity)! She said she would rather be in ''A box' than have an oxygen bottle!  She managed to have several cigarettes while we were there, she ate a huge lunch too, my sister did an absolutely amazing barbeque, which was a real treat.  For me the highlight was that my brother Mike bought my niece Kezia over for the afternoon and I got to spend time playing schools, washing her old bike, feeding the tortoise, she is such a sweetheart, I was so sad to say goodbye as I don't get to see nearly enough of her.  We left there at about 6pm and got home at about 9:50pm. 
A long day but worth it, today will be very low key! 

Oh, by the way winning the Duck race won't change our lives, I won first prize which was £5 !!!! Paul's second prize was £3 !!! They didn't offer us financial advice either!

Have a lovely day Ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra-I just love Hedgehogs!!
    I’m glad you have seen your Mum & that dhe looks better than you’d been imagining. Such a shame she is continuing to smoke and won’t consider having oxygen-I’m sure the hospital suggested both things too.

    My Cat cards were a Pinterest inspired idea & so easy to make.

    This week looks busy & my boss is off all week which will make it more difficult. No hospital visiting until next weekend as hubby’s work schedule means we can’t make it any evening. I really need to get into my craft room & start a few cards so maybe this week it might happen.


  2. Morning everyone,
    Love the animal theme Sandra and thank you to you and Michele for sorting it out this week.
    Glad you found your mum OK Sandra and you had a good day although the travelling sounds so long for a day trip. Hope you can sit with your feet up todayx

    Just waiting for Pip my window cleaner to arrive then I have quite a few of my own cards to make. Its another glorious day here and I'm tempted to sit out with my coffee but my GP has told me not to sit in the sun so I'll wait until this afternoon when the sun has moved around a bit and go and sit in the shade boo hoo.

    Have a good Monday everyone.x

  3. I’m glad you found mum better than expected It’s just ashame it’s suchapig of a journey
    If the hospital have said your mum needs to be on oxygen at home then you need to try and persuade her BUT it’s not easy My mum was on 24 hour oxygen and had a unit installed in her flat It is quite difficult to regulate and too much oxygen is as detrimental as too little and monitored carefully The unit was very noisy too Tanks have to be stored carefully No cooking for fear of an explosion Definitely no smoking and nobody else near by either The fire brigade have to be involved too However it certainly helped and she was able to get up and move freely around the flat Saying all that your mum might just need a “top up” and needn’t be on it 24/7
    I’ll pop back later The battery on my phone is about to die

  4. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in for a look and a chat.
    We have a glorious start to the day here so I'm hoping it stays that way.

    This week's Challenge is really going to be a challenge for me as I don't do 'animals' but I'll be digging through all my stuff to see what I've got.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and then Jim starts his chauffeur duties today so it's cooking at lunch time this week.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good Monday everyone.xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just a quickie before I go and mow the top lawn. Great challenge Michele.
    Lovely to hear that your Mum wasn’t to bad. I think her blue feet is due to old age Sandra. Bad circulation causes it and they certainly wouldn’t give her oxygen for it. Heather brother has it and he can hardly move without it. His lungs are very very bad all self inflicted I might add as he wouldn’t do or take what the Drs gave him. Well I tell a lie there. He took steroids and whatever else they gave him for 1 day. If he wasn’t better he stopped taking them. Everything that Karen has said really as well. Just read that Karen as I scrolled up.
    Will pop back later.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Sounds like you really suffer with the journey to your mums. Glad you found her better than expected but she sounds quite stubborn regarding the oxygen tank.
    Glad you had a good time playing with your niece.
    Hope your ankles have gone from a tree trunk too a twig now 🤣
    Today's challenge card is going to be a bit of a challenge for me this week hopefully after searching through my stamps I can find something suitable.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love those hedgehog I kept looking at that set in the SU cataloge yesterday.
    MICHELE your card is lovely Thank you for helping Sandra out this week.
    CU is out this morning so hopefully I can get in craft room. I have to make my brothers birthday card & Darrens both next for month.
    HARRY'S birthday tomorrow can't beleave he will be 4. Talking to Darren on the phone yesterday & he said daddy I want to talk to Nannie he said In a excitied voice Nannie I'm the birthday boy only have two more sleeps & I will be 4 then he ran off shouting birthday boy. We are going to go down tomorrow afternoon as Darren has a half day. Harry has a little party as well with most of his school friends so will be a bit noisy with housefull of 3 - 4 year olds.
    Hope you all have a good day Hug's all round.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda enjoy Harry’s party tomorrow. I bet you will make lots of new friends. They will all want you to be there Grandma/Nanny xx

    2. Have a fabulous time and give Harry a big birthday hug xx

  7. Hello All, dry now but storms are forecast for later.

    Not too sure about this weeks challenge, will have to search through my stamps, love yours and Michele’s cards.

    Must get on at last have an appointment with my GP, also letter from Cardiologist, which a 5 yr old could have written better!!!

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Sounds like the Drs and hospital really need a good sort out. I always thought there was a body of people that oversee hospital standards.

  8. Morning all, Beautiful cad Sandra love the animal theme. Love the cat card what a great idea. Glad to here your mum is doing better. Have a lovely day all. xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra I hope you’re taking things easy today and giving your body time to recover after that very long journey yesterday XX I’m sure you’re relieved mum wasn’t as bad as you expected, it’s so difficult when you can’t be there, our mind goes into override. My dad had purple legs and feet it was due to his heart and poor circulation. Although he gave up smoking some years before the damage was already done. He lived with us for the last three months of his life in that time he was admitted into hospital on three occasions, after the second stay he was discharged with oxygen to help his breathing. My poor mum had Parkinson’s and couldn’t do anything for herself (dad up to this point had been her career) she went into respite care, bless her she stayed there as she needed twenty four care. To this day I still feel guilty about that, I visited her every day and have to tell myself that any time spent with her was quality time. It really is so difficult when we became our parents carers. SORRY for rambling on there.

    Love both yours and Michele’s cards, I was going to say I haven’t any animal stamps, but looking at Michele’s cards she has been really clever and turned flags into animals, that’s what I call inspiring. Thank you Michele xx Thinking cap on!!

    Yesterday I had a day out with younger daughter and her two daughters, we went to Gun Wharf Quay in Portsmouth. It’s a shopping outlet the girls really enjoy going to, it next to the marina and you can the ships coming in from the Isle of Wight. We had lunch looking out onto the Solent, it was a lovely day. When I returned home John informed me that the freezer was playing up, we got onto the insurance company and were informed somebody would ring us back this morning before 11am. Needless to say they haven’t so have rung again had conversations with three people and are now waiting for somebody to ring us back within the next two hours.

    Ladies I loved all of yesterday‘s cards, I apologise for not contributing, I did start one on Saturday but didn’t get it finished. Hopefully this week I will get there.

    Enjoy your day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Don’t feel guilty BRENDA You we’re able to visit every day and have quality time with her xx

    2. I think we all feel guilty when our loved ones go into care. Bet really needs to be in care now as she can’t fend for herself. We feel guilty that we don’t go over so often. But Pete really can’t cope at the moment. Jill her daughter runs herself ragged going backwards and forwards. About a 32 mile round trip most days, but she does have carers. But she’s so nasty to everyone. Dementia is an awful thing.

  10. Margaret Palmer11 June 2018 at 13:23

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you are resting today, pleased to hear Mum was better than expected. I love the challenge this week, perhaps I will feel up to having a go later in week, thank you Michele for suggesting this
    Lilian fingers crossed the Dr. sorts your medication
    Beautiful day today, may get Pop to get me outside when it is cooler.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Yay! Phone has a bit more juice
    Great challenge SANDRA and thank you MICHELE I love the cat card especially
    I’ll get my thinking cap on a bit later in the week
    Just about to get ready to take MIL to her weekly chair exercise class
    Hope you get your meds out LILIAN
    Is that cough still troubling you LYNDA
    Take care all xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Hope you taken it easy today Sandra, such a long time to get there and back. Glad you had a nice Saturday, nice way to get to know the neighbours. Wishing the girls all the luck with the A levels.
    Michele- take care. Hope your friend be alright and your FIL gets better. Thanks for the CC option this week. Cute kittens.
    Cheryl- sweet conversation from Milly-May. Hope you get all things sorted for the market/fair.
    Lynda- did the seagull poo sort out the coughing ? Uuuh my mum got the same on holiday once and it wasn't a little sprinkle either hihi
    Margaret- good to hear you getting better, hopefully you managed to sit in the garden for a while. hugs for you and Pop.
    Janet- loved your tissue box and the unicorn one.
    Sue- hope you had fun with the little ones over the weekend.
    Danielle- liked the bags you made, very nice .
    Val- loved the paper piecing card you made. Good news about DIL. Enjoy the warmer days.
    Karen- loved the bunny, so cute. Wish your dad better asap and you look after your blood sugar please.
    Pat- glad you enjoyed London. Sorry though to see that Pate is not too well. Sending you both hugs.
    Brenda- hope you ok and how lovely to go down to Portsmouth. What is a Tomorrow plant ?
    Lilian- sending you hugs and hope after you seen the doctors,the meds will help you.
    Have had fun seeing all the cards over the week , you have made some amazing ones ! and all the things for mixed Saturday are all great.
    Had a wonderful holiday even if pain was bad at times, unusual with nice sunshine. Now back to washing and watering the plants. Went shopping at Tesco and bought in lots of salads for have had a real blowout, the hotel makes some fantastic food and deserts. Around 7pm last night I got shaky and not feeling well at all, problems with tummy and bucket was needed. OH got the same around 11pm so today we have not done very much then tried to keep water and some dried toast in.
    Have a nice evening as possible everyone. Hugs Maria xxx

    1. Good to see you back
      Take care and hope the tummy troubles have eased

    2. Great to see you back Maria. Sorry to hear about your upset stomachs.
