
Tuesday 12 June 2018

A new fun tutorial....

My YouTube Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

The Baby Wipe technique I did at our Team retreat was so popular that I thought I would do a YouTube video so that everyone could share in the fun.                                     The card above was made using the technique, the spotty background with the Sheltering tree foliage stamp and the balloons were made using the 'Swipe' part of the technique, watching  the video will make it clearer.                                                      If any of you have Brusho's I used those in this technique too, I haven't seen them used this way before, it's great to find new uses for products we already own.               If you enjoy the video I would be really grateful if you have it a Thumbs up!                  I am trying to grow my YouTube channel so every little helps.

Ladies, I had the most frightening experience of my life yesterday, I heard Milo yowing just after lunch, I called him but didn't see him, about half an hour later I went into the lounge to check the progress of my video uploading and noticed Milo in the corner, I thought he had had an 'Accident' on the carpet, so I went towards him to see if he was ok, I thought that this was why he was crying esrlier, as I put my hand out to stroke him the 'Pile' JUMPED!!!   Bloody cat must have either bought it in or chased it in through the patio doors!! I am absolutely terrified of frogs, so my first insticint was to call Paul and tell him to come home!! After a few seconds I began to compose myself and went and got a box to put over it, a clear one from my craft room (so I could see exactly where it was), Paul told me to put a piece of card underneath but there was no way I was risking it hopping out on me, so I carefully pushed my Hougie Board underneath, I then grapped the handles on the side of the craft storage box to hold it down securely, all this time Milo and Bella were going crazy trying to get at the frog.  I managed to pick up the box with the board clamped tightly to it, made my way slowly to the patio door, out onto the patio and then I just 'Tossed' the box, board and frog into the border, Mr Frog hopped happily away,  I needed to have a lie down!! I am so grateful that it was this week and not next when I will have my Heart Monitor on!!                                                                                                  There is never a dull moment in our house!!                                         

I hope that you enjoy the tutorial ladies, it's great fun! 

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone,
    Lovely card Sandra. I'm looking forward to watching the video when I'm back home later.
    You did make me laugh over your frog present. How many times have I had the box and piece of cardboard out to trap the many live gifts that are brought in. Must admit I've never had a frog but there's not many around our area. Its usually locusts birds or mice. Hope you're feeling a lot more rested today.
    Off out with Lynn to clean an apartment now. Didn't have a good night so feeling shattered before I start.
    Have a good day everyone. Will catch up later.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you and Lynn managed to get the apartment cleaned between you both.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra-will watch your video later.
    The story of the Frog did make me laugh. As you say, it’s a good job it wasn’t Heart monitor week!!

    Pat/Lilian-it’s the CQC that inspect Hospitals. Anyone can contact them if they have an issue or concern they’d like them to look into.


    1. Thanks for the info re hospitals. I think Lilian could contact them re the wait she’s had from her Consultant. Her hospital seem very slapdash to me.
      The Churchill were Pete goes are great. They seem to have patients from all over the country. Especially for the trials they do.

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pops in for a look and a chat.

    Lovely card SANDRA and I'll try and look at the video later.

    Well it's going to be a super busy week in this house. After Jim got back yesterday he said we can get 2/3 weeks at Marigny after he finishes his duties next Tuesday!! This means that I have to change a telephone appointment with the Dr for a week on Friday (as we want to travel Thursday), ask for a repeat prescription which is going to be fun as I only collected one this weekend and there's always questions because of the controlled drugs I take and get all the other jobs done. I predict I shall meet myself coming back lol.

    Anyway I'm off now to start ringing the surgery as I know I shall be hanging on for anything up to 45mins to get through and then the fun will start.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you all have planned. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, how lovely you and Jim are able to get a few weeks away in your beloved Marigny, I’m sure you have got most of your appointments and bookings sorted out or almost - by now.
      Enjoy this unexpected trip to your beautiful retreat. xx

    2. Oh Janet. How fantastic that you can have this unexpected holiday in Marigny. I expect you managed to change appointments at the Drs and we’re able to get another prescription.
      Have a wonderful time and enjoy your little piece of heaven.

  4. I’ll Have to watch the video later Not knowing what to expect and not owning Brushos But Pixie Powders instead I wonder if it’ Work with these
    Your story about the frog made me laugh
    About 20 years ago I bent down to pick up what I thought was a discarded teabag that had missed the bin and it jumped!
    I have another busy day It’s Leading Lights - a big do at work where we have stalls showcasing our work in nhs There’ll be community physio, speech and language etc There’s also the long service awards “champion” type awards etc
    At least the venue is within walking distance from my house So I can come home when I feel like it as all of this takes place after I’ve finished work
    Take care all PAT and LILIAN- MICHELE’s right CQC is for anyone to contact over concerns
    Take care all xxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    Just in from my hour's gardening, totally pleased I have cleared a large area of weeds, bindweed and an enormous, prickly as hell thistle, to reclaim my rose bushes and Pete's Calla lilies which can now grow happily. There is a lovely refreshing gentle wind and the sun is bright in a clear sky with temperature rising. I could have quite happily done a bit more but Mr Arthur Ritis has declared otherwise so time now to catch up with message & emails etc. and to cool down. I don't think it is as hot as yesterday but we still have midday to go yet, perhaps it will hotten up later.

    Love the card Sandra, and the video, would this technique work with alcohol inks? I must say there was a lovely shot of the top of your head with not grey hair in sight lol

    Still recovering from last weekend's Bilious attack which left me so exhausted and weak and very fatigued. Gentle exercising and plenty of fluids seemed to be the order of the day and I did enjoy eating our tea last night, first time for two days.

    Gentle healing hugs for our ladies still under the weather, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      My word you have been busy in your garden. I always get bitten when I’m on grass. So yesterday when I mowed the top lawn I forgot to put on some insect repellant. And guess what , I got bitten. So I have a very itchy and red leg.
      Hope your feeling a bit better now.

  6. Margaret Palmer12 June 2018 at 12:21

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & great video, cannot wait to have a go,mind I think I had better wait till I am more mobile as I would be sure to get in a mess & it is a struggle to get to sink. You did give me a laugh with the frog story, not funny at the time though. Have a good day with
    Thank you Lilian & Val for cards I received this morning they are
    Our son is coming today just overnight which is a nice surprise, he is Inspector for Soil Association & should have been in Scotland today & tomorrow, they both cancelled & office couldn't find any to replace them so he decided to come & see us. Will be nice for Pop as well because Mark is going to cook for us.
    I find the hardest part is having to ask for everything, goes very much against the grain as I am sure you can all understand, oh well only another 5 or so weeks to go before I see surgeon. Soapbox put away.
    Maria pleased to hear you had a lovely holiday, shame you were both ill on your return sending
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What an inspiring video. A big thank you Sandra for sharing this lovely technique with us, your card is beautiful, and obviously it all the colours married together because they all came from the same palette. Definitely a 👍 xx

    Sorry I had to laugh about the frog, I can imagine your horror, well done for coping with it on your own. On of our cats once brought a frog home, fortunately it remained in the garden, we were aware the cat had something and could hear a squealing noise. I grew up in the country, across from our house was a stream, where we would collect frog and toad spawn, so obviously I have grown up with frogs, but never in my life did I ever realise they could squeal as this one did when the cat decided to bring it home!!

    Maria Pleased you are back with us, but sorry to read how are you and 0H have both had a sickness bug, I hope by now you’re both feeling better. Take it easy XX

    We were up and out early today, I had to go for my blood test and stayed in Croydon to do some shopping, had a meal out then back home quite early afternoon , I was exhausted, John made a cup of tea after which I had a lovely sleep !!!

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, gosh it’s so hot here it’s taken me ages to water all the plants that I have grown for the pots, should have done by now but haven’t felt up to it.

    Sandra loved the video, great technique, I’m trying to not use baby wipes as they contain plastic we is polluting the sea, thought I might try some foam that I bought for blending ink many years ago, all I need now is to find it.

    Your story about the from made me laugh, I don’t mind them we used to collect them when we were young. I remember our cat bought in a lizard which promptly lost its tale. We frogs toads and slow worms in the garden, they do make me jump they are so quick.

    The cardiologist has decided he wants me to go back on the old tablets to see if a larger does will work better, the only good thing is they are not beta blockers.
    We will see.
    Maria hope you will soon feel better.
    Val thanks for my card, hugs to all,Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Not to sure what planet your Consultant is working from. Seeing as it’s taken him so long to come to that conclusion. Has he said, or given you a date to go back and see him. Or indeed any instructions who to contact if it doesn’t.

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card & great video today
    Haha the frog story made me laugh.
    A similar thing happens a very big frog jumped through the patio a few week ago &jumped behind the sofa Terry tried to pick it up but it was so slimy took him ages to get him out.
    We are over Darrens as it's Harry's birthday he's 4 today just having 5 minutes from all the kids screaming on the bouncy castle He's having a good day love him
    The balloon man has just turned up so gone quite for a bit.
    Better go having pictures done
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx
    Ps MARIA hope your both feeling better xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Sounds like Harry was having a whale of a time today. My but doesn’t the time fly by. Didn’t seem that long ago when he was born.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Will be looking at the video later.
    Wow, what a fright the frog must have given you. We have them in our garden but luckily we don’t have a cat to bring one in.
    Pete and I tried to move my large swing seat yesterday so the lawns could be mowed. No much luck doing that as Pete has no strength to move it. So we decided to see if we could sell it. I sent Sophie a photo of it and she’s put it up on a selling site. Not very good at doing that sort of thing.
