
Wednesday 13 June 2018

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I have made another Challenge card to inspire you all.  I think that when we see animals as a theme we think 'cats, Dogs etc' but i did say that you could use any form of God's Creatures, Birds (i think we all have some kind of bird), Bees, Butterflies, fish absolutely anything.  I hope that helps those of you that were still unsure of what to use.

The butterfly die I used is from a new set in the Stampin'Up! Catalogue, it comes with a stunning corner die too! Its called 'Springtime Impressions Thinlits' 
I die cut the Butterfly out of a piece of Whisper White paper and then i took the piece of paper I die cut it from and embossed it with a Butterfly embossing folder. I then took a piece of white paper a fraction smaller and swiped all five of the New In Colours: Lovely Lipstick, Grapefruit Grove, Pineapple punch, Call Me Clover and Blueberry Bushel across the paper to form a stripe. I mounted the embossed piece on top of the inked card and placed the die cut back in to the place i die cut it from, i popped a couple of dimensionals on the body of the butterfly to raise him off the page slightly do that  the rainbow stripes shining brightly behind the Butterfly.
I added three different sized Glitter Enamel Dots to the body of the Butterfly and covered all of the butterflies with Wink of Stella Glitter pen, i couldn't capture the glitter effect on camera  though Sorry. 
I hope you like my card and that you are slightly clearer about the challenge.

We had another Frog incident on Monday night/Tuesday morning!  We had gone to bed and Paul  was pretty much asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, I am still suffering from our long journey, so I was still awake at 1.45am, for some reason Milo had just jumped off of our bed  and i could hear him playing in the corner of our bedroom. I turned my tablet around and shone it on him to see what he was  doing, at first  all i saw was a clothes label tag, so I let him play, he then  made a funny noise that i remembered from earler in the day, so i shone the light on him again to see what he was getting frustrated about, that's when i lost my composure, i watched him teasing another bloody Frog, in our bedroom, how the heck did it get there?!!
I woke Paul who remained calm apart from one point when it jumped really high, he jumped on the end of the bed because I screamed!!!!
Looking back it was funny, althougjh I was terrified at the time.

I had  a lovely day with Sue yesterday and i get to do it all again today with Pat!!!

I hope you have a lovely day today too, 

Love and Hugs 



  1. Morning everyone.,
    This mornings card is beautiful Sandra. Just love the colours in the butterfly. Milo certainly enjoys playing with frogs ha ha. I would NOT like one hopping around the bedroom. Glad Paul was there to sort it out.

    Off for a blood test first thing and then crib this afternoon.

    Will call in later.

    SANDRA so enjoyed your video. I'm sure it would work with pixie powders, will give it a go.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card today Sandra, perfect idea for this weeks challenge.

    Didn’t make it into my craft room yesterday, spent done time watering the plants etc then I read a book.
    Tonight I’m giving blood -my appointment is 17:25 so I’ll be going straight from work, it’s a new venue so this could be interesting. Hope it’s air conditioned!


  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pop in today for a look and a chat.

    We had a lovely warm day yesterday and though it looked like rain at times it stayed fine. We have sunshine at the moment so fingers crossed it stays for the day as I have the washer already churning around.

    I managed to get my telephone appointment with my Dr re-organised yesterday morning and managed to get a prescription sorted at the same time.

    Today I want to get my CC sorted (hopefully) and then have a quiet afternoon with my feet up.

    HUGS are winging their way to you all and I hope all plans go smoothly.xxxx

  4. So pretty SANDRA I finished a butterfly card yesterday So I will send that one in later
    Yesterday was tiring and annoying Shall I Just day that some big wig’s loyalties are hugely misplaced!
    I think my dad is OK I’m saying that because every day when I speak to his wife it’s always “woe is me” and appears surprised that he’s still in hospital Eventually I found out it appears that he has a chest infection So Iwill definitely ring the ward myself I don’t need to know about her problems.
    Struggling to get through to my MIL’s carers too
    I’m really pee’d off today
    Anyway I’ll get on with some crafting later that’ll cheer me up
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen, why shouldn’t you phone your dads ward yourself, if his wife makes any comment you could always say she gave you the impression that she has enough on her plate! does she pass on messages from you? Hopefully the ward staff will.
      Sounds as if some YOU time is needed, hope the crafting helps xx

    2. Thanks BRENDA I will bear that in mind when I next speak to her It was hugely embarrassing that when I did phone the ward the doctor said that he’d already spoken to my brother and mother I was so taken aback I told him that she is not my mother and not my brother- faffing actually instead of just saying I am his daughter from his first marriage!

  5. Morning everyone.
    Very pretty card Sandra and so was yesterday's and I enjoyed watching the video. Not sure if I can make it but will try to do something with animals for this week cc.
    Oh you did make me laugh about the frogs brought in, hopefully it won't be an daily thing.Lol
    Janet, so happy for you to be able to get away for a while to your Marigny. Good you managed to rearrange the doc appointments and have enough meds with you this time.
    Karen, what a day you had. Hope your dad is alright and he get better soon.
    Lilian, hope you ok and will have a good day today.hugs
    Pat, take care and have a nice day at Sandra's. Would still be nice to have a day/s together crafting if possible one day.
    Wishing you a happy day for crafting and sunshine xxx

  6. Margaret Palmer13 June 2018 at 10:39

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card today. I really miss doing my cards but cannot sit at table long enough yet, patience needed. Oh not another frog, do you think Milo is bringing them in, not the sort of thing you want at anytime certainly not in the middle of the
    Karen sounds as if you are going through it, sending lots of love &
    My mind has gone blank so will send hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello All, very hot and humid here today, rain to morrow, so that will say watering.

    Sandra love your card, I have that embossing folder, glad to hear it’s not just animals. Sure I can do something, using up some of older “ stuff “.

    Karen hope things get sorted for your family members, and that your Dad is soon on the mend.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a pretty CAS card Sandra, it would be brilliant for almost any occasion, I really love it xx oh dear! Milo does seem to have something about frogs, maybe he thinks they would make a nice present for you. Ha ha I hope you and Pat are having a lovely day. It’s lovely that she and Sue are able to come over to you, I’m sure it helps to break up your week. Mind you - you’re so busy these days with everything, your time must fly bye, well I hope so anyway.

    MARIA , I hope you’re feeling better xx
    JANET, So pleased you got your prescription and all your appointment sorted out now you can relax until you have to start packing up Yvette again. xx
    MARGARET I know it must be frustrating for you but don’t try rushing back into doing things, take care xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day I’ve had a sort of what Janet would call ‘swearword day’ I keep finding nooks and crannies that I don’t sort out every week, to be truthful nobody ever notices if they are left, but I would and feel better for giving these areas that extra attention.

    Time for a cuppa and put the feet up for half an hour, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA your card is Gorgeous you know me & butterfly's.😀
    We had a lovely day at Harry's birthday yesterday Sam & Darren had a bouncy castle & a balloon man in the garden. Luckily it didn't rain. He had all his school friends to his party. We left at 8.30 but we didn't get home till 11.45 just coming up to our normal turn off for m20 they had major road works & diverted us to the M2 which took us via Folkestone /Dover over a hour & half diversion. Couldn't believe it.The longest diversion I know. Been home alone so I've been in craft room most of the day managed cc & started a project.
    Must go & dish up dinner
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx
