
Thursday 14 June 2018

Pat's Stunning Groovi card

Good Morning Ladies,

How stunning is Pat's gorgeous card, she made it for her Granddaughter Sophie, the Irises look almost 3D, the frame that you have Embossed into the design is stunning, it looks like exquisite lace. I am sure Sophie absolutely loved it.
Thank you for allowing me to share it. XXX

You will all be relieved to hear that we had a Frog free day and night, mostly becausei was paranoid and checking everywhere just to be sure.
The funniest part of the whole situation was watching Sue roll about the sofa, crying with laughter as she listened to the message i had sent to Dannii just as i found the frog (as Dannii and i were in mid conversation on messenger when it happened), I was crying with laughter watching Sue cry with laughter! It really is the best medicine!!

I finally got Lucy's appointment booked, I am really frustrated though as the earliest they  can see her is 26 June!! That is not within 14 days.  I called themback yesterday to ask if they can move ig forward but apparently they can't, i triede every reason i could think of.  I just want her mind put at ease really.

Ladies i am absolutely loving our garden ar the moment, i was struggling to identify some plants but Sue and I discovered an App where you photograph your plants and it tells you what they could be, in our herb border beside patio there are two large areas of dense foliage that looks a bit like cannabis, we have it in front garden too, its already at about  4 1/2 foot tall! Anyway ut turns out to be 'Golden Rod' and we can cut it down by half to reduce its height and encourage better growth. (Listen to me)!
We have the  most beautiful Peony that i have ever seen and all of our roses are scented! There is also a waxy white flowering tree thats just opening its flowers and its sweet fragrance is lovely.
It makes you want to be outside!
I may share some photos with you.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Absolutely stunning Groovi card Pat, you have perfectly mastered the art of Pergamano.

    With this storm approaching us soon, I think my hour's gardening this morning will be taking a back seat,so crafting it is then.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Pat, it’s beautiful.

    Glad to hear you frog free day yesterday Sandra.

    I had a productive day at work yesterday, hoping to get more things ticked off my “To do” list today.

    Frustrating evening as my M in L took offence at me asking what had happened yesterday. Father in law has pulled out his NG tube (it’s actually his 11th tube) and is now refusing to let them fit another one. Hubby was quite upset by this but we’re not able to visit until Sunday.

    Storm Hector has certainly hit Southport-it’s horrendous outside, hope everyone stays safe today.


    1. So sorry to read your'e having more problems regarding your FIL. It must be so upsetting for you and Phil.
      Take care Michele and stay safe in that nasty storm.x

    2. Oh MICHELE How sad You were only asking after his well being I don’t know what else to say except sending a hug

    3. Hi Michele
      So sorry to hear your having more problems with your MIL. Big hugs coming your way.
      Glad you liked my card.

  3. Morning Everyone
    and to all who pops in today for a look and a chat.

    PAT- WOW WOW what a STUNNING piece of art. It must have taken you hours and hours to create. I love your colour scheme too.

    Well what a different day we have here. We had another glorious day yesterday but it's completely different this morning. We high very high winds and the temps have dropped well down. It's a stay indoors for me today and any washing will be dried in the dryer.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Stay safe wherever you all are. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We had a windy and dull start to the day here. However, the afternoon and evening are glorious.

  4. Morning Ladies.
    Stunning card PAT. Pergamano produce wonderful templates to make such beautiful cards. A lot of time and effect but well worth it.x

    I had two very tiny dead baby birds outside my front door this morning. Kit has been lying in front of a planter all morning, even missed his breakfast, I think some poor little animal is hiding behind it. I don't think its a frog Sandra!!!

    Off to Slimming club this morning. I could kick myself actually as I had got to my target weight then didn't go to classes for a month and put half a stone on. Stupid eh. Anyway its slowly going again. I think I've said before, my problem is chocolate. I think I'm addicted to Maltesers!

    Is anyone going to be watching the World Cup? I'll watch some matches but not all. I hope England do better than last time but if not I'll have to support Spain.

    Hope all poorly friends are feeling a bit better today and are in less pain.x
    KAREN hope your dad is doing OK after his op.x
    Bye Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you don’t have any more little presents.
      I’ll be watching like you some of the World Cup. I hope England get a bit further this time as well.

  5. That card is lovely PAT I was watching a Clarity show on Hochanda yesterday and I was nearly tempted I csn’t afford to take up another craft

    My dad appears to be getting along fine His wife actually rang me last night! Sorry ladies I can’t call her step mum as she never has and certainly won’t be a mother to me

    I’m glad you had a frog free day It does make you feel bit paranoid though doesn’t it

    I’m taking Carer’s leave today because MIL is having some WF foods delivered which is all paid for etc but she has forgotten how to work the security system to let people in So it’s purely to do that I will do some homework whilst I’m there

    It’s our little craft club tonight Hopefully MIL will come and do her colouring in

    Take care all

    PS Have you tried getting the GP to add his weight to the situation re Lucy’s appt Like you say it’s not within their 14 day criteria

  6. Hi all.
    Wonderful work Pat, your Groovi card is Stunning !
    Take care up north with the storms, very windy and raining here too.
    I'm going back to bed.
    Take care everyone and hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    PAT what an absolutely stunning card you made for Sophie’s birthday, I am sure this masterpiece took many hours to create, definitely one that will be cherished forever. xx Happy Birthday Sophie.

    Sandra it sounds as if you are enjoying you new garden and all the new treasures that are coming to life. I didn’t know about the flower recognition app. Sounds like a very useful addition to our tablets. Definitely will be looking into that one. Thank you for the info.xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day. For us it’s a trip to the cemetery, then into Asda . Almost forgot the most exciting and first stop ..... the local tip to drop off some garden rubbish and OH had a sort out in his man cave so that’s also being dumped. What an exciting life we lead !!!

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Glad you liked the card. Now Pete’s man cave ( his shed )would take forever to clear out. Likewise my craftroom. Now in the little bedroom that’s now called my craftroom. I had all the bibs and bobs to go with my swing seat in a bag. So I put them away safe and guess what I can’t find them. Typical.

  8. Margaret Palmer14 June 2018 at 12:32

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I can just imagine Sue's laughter when you were telling her about the frog, we hsve the same sense of humoutr. Pleased you had a fog free
    Pat what a beautiful card, you realky have mastered Groovi, I am sure Sophia loves
    Maria hope you feel better soon hugs on
    Brenda thanks for your wise words yesterday, I am being good just gets abit tideous at
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

    1. Sophie did love her card Margaret. They always keep the cards I’ve made for them.

  9. Hello All, had some rain, but not enough for the garden.

    Pat your card is superb. I do admire your patience. I bought the basic groovi set, but after one initial try, have put it to one side.

    Sandra sounds as though your garden is very lovely, is it your responsibility to keep it done. Our tenets would never do anything other than cut the grass. So glad we sold the house.

    Hope those of you in the storm area keep save,

    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I bought the lightwave for mine. The old type though. It makes it much better to see. Mind you if I’d have known then what I know now I’d have bought the cheaper version from Amazon.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thanks for showing my card for Sophie Sandra. She was really pleased with it. Yes, your garden does look lovely now and I’d never have thought that those flowers were Gokden Rod. Clever little ap. Pete had a flower that he nurtured for years out our front. Until our next door neighbour told him it was a weed. Well that came straight out. That app would have been a godsend. Mind you we didn’t have iPads then and it probably wouldn’t have been about then.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    A late visit for me before I go to bed.
    Pat your card is gorgeous, it's no surprise that Sophie loved it X
    Sandra, I'm very happy to hear that you had frog free day and night yesterday. I do wish the ladies could listen to the call you made to Danielle, my stomach was hurting for ages after you making me laugh so much. I did feel a bit guilty though as I know you really hate frogs. I agree with Karen, you should give your GP a ring and see if they can hurry up Lucy's appointment, poor girl having to wait so long. Your garden is gorgeous and as you walk around you get the most wonderful scents from the different plants don't you xx
    Maria, sorry your still not too well, hugs are on their way to you X
    Karen, you ring the hospital as much as you want,just ignore your Dad's second wife. You have every right to know about your Dad. Maybe you should mention to the hospital the fact that news about him isn't passed on to your always so they understand why you have to ring them. Hope you had a good time at craft club and that MIL did come with you. Sending hugs to you and remember we are thinking of you x
    Michele, sorry to hear that FIL doesn't want another tube fitting. My lovely MIL used to pull her catheter out every time they put one in. It makes me wince just thinking of how painful it must be to do it while the balloon is still inflated! X
    Lilian, I hope your meds help you, you must be so fed up with it all taking so long! X
    Mum, see you in the morning. Love you xxxx
    I hope everyone has had a good day. Love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
