
Saturday 9 June 2018

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying your weekend, we are going to our first Village Event today, it's the Village Fete and Duck Race, we have picked our Ducks already (Canapé and Cribbage Jan came around with a clipboard)!!  
It's taking place in the Garden of the local pub (Red Lion), it's a pretty garden that goes right down to the River Thames, the usual stalls and a dog show, I'm sure it will be a fun afternoon.  
Now on to the lovely mixed crafts!........

The picture above is of one of the Gift Bags that I made for our Team event last Saturday, this one was Danielle's, made using Blackberry Bliss Card and Nature's Poem Designer Series .

This was the bag I made for Amanda and the rest of the ladies, I love how they turned out, they are a mini version of the one I made for Danielle for our swap in April.
This one is made using Mint Macaron' and Share What you Love DSP.

I have done a tutorial on this bag and I will share it with you all WHEN it is uploaded!

We had to make a Box for a display table last weekend, I couldn't resist using Blackberry Bliss Card once again, (Can you tell I love it)?!! 
I decorated my box with Nature's Poem Designer Series Paper, I fussy cut a couple of leaves and used some flower dies to make the flowers, I coated the whole thing in Wink of Stella (Glitter pen) and added some Gold Thread around the flowers.


Danni's box really was a 'WOW' project, Danni used the "Share What you Love" suite to decorate her box stack, with the addition of that Beautiful Butterfly.  
Stunning Dannii thank you so much for allowing me to share your project.


Janet has made an absolutely stunning Tissue Box Cover, using some beautiful lace and pearl trim to create something so pretty, It will certainly make you smile when you feel miserable with a cold.
Thank you so much Janet for sharing your Tissue Box.

Janet's second craft project is this gorgeous framed Unicorn, Janet you have coloured his Mane perfectly and I love the addition of the Butterflies, I think will have lots of requests to take this one home.
Thank you so much for sharing him with us.


Michele shared her latest craft shopping,  Sue's fantastic Die set,  a lovely Embossing Folder, perfect for Christmas, that Script mask is one of my favourites, it's perfect for background techniques. I hadn't seen Nuvo glitter pens, I'd love to hear what they are like.  The Hunkydory Magazine was a Free gift, how fab is that!!
Thanks Michele for sharing your shopping.

Karen, I hope your Dad's op was straight forward and he'll be back on his feet in no time XXX

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Good morning. I was beginning to get a little worried when I didn't see today's post when I first logged on
    I managed to actually speak to my dad (eventually!) after trying all day to try and get through to the ward.I was getting a little desperate and so eventually I asked to be put through to PALS explaining that all I was trying to do was ask after him (thinking he was having his op yesterday) and to say I was thinking of him (that's another long story as he divorced my mum over 40 years ago. Anyway they managed to get a doctor from the ward phone me and then said I could speak to him. He's supposed to be having his op today. They ran out of theatre time yesterday

    I hope your mum is getting along OK SANDRA. Enjoy your fete and duck race later on. I hope the weather stays fine and dry.

    I was so pleased to hear the good news about your DIL VAL

    Everyone's right MICHELE As this is going to be a long job you can't afford to keep visiting as often as you was

    Good to see that you're able to "hop" a bit more now MARGARET (I daren't tell my dad!)

    LYNDA - that cough needs sorting young lady

    The gift bags and boxes are lovely. I love the handles idea.

    Out to a pre-retirement party tonight So I've just finished baking some blueberry muffins to take - everyone takes a plate of food to share
    Tomorrow we'll be looking after MIL so I won't be able to visit my dad - too far to travel to Worthing from here after sorting MIL - we have her here all day long
    Enjoy your week end ladies whatever you're up to

    1. I meant to say that I love the other goodies on offer today Great purchased MICHELE

      I loved be your tissue box and frame JANET My MIL would love that box

      Great boxes DANNI I try making plain boxes but they’re OK not brilliant Then I get a little disheartened to carry on embellishing them

    2. Hi Karen
      Sounds like you had a real nightmare trying to either speak to your Dad or a Dr. Not to sure what’s wrong with his wife though Sounds like she has real problems with her attitude to sort out.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Fantastic selection of crafty projects today.

    I’ve been up & out early as we’re thinking of visiting Father in Law this afternoon and we can let my Mothet in Law know we’l just be visiting some Saturday afternoons.


    1. I think you’re right MICHELE You’d obviously rush over if he deteriorated but whilst he’s stable and in for the long haul you better off not rushing around

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I was a little worried about you when I opened your blog today to find Floral Friday still there, hopefully it was just a technical hitch. I’m sure you are all looking forward to the village fete this afternoon, that’s what makes rural communities special, everyone works together and makes an effort. Enjoy the duck race, I hope Canapé and Cribbage have been training and raring to go. Have a lovely afternoon xx
    Love your bags what a great idea to put names on them, it gives them that extra special and individual touch.
    Danni fantastic boxes. xx
    Janet love the beautiful tissue box and Unicorn picture what a talented lady you are. xx
    Michele lovely shopping, what a fab free gift. Hope the visit hospital goes well and MIL appreciates that it is just not possible to visit almost every days,. Take care. xx

    KAREN, Hope dads operation goes well.
    How is your mother-in-law getting on with her colouring, Is she still enjoying it?

    Have a lovely day everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. She is really enjoying it OK All of a bird may be coloured in blue and all the flower heads are green but that doesn’t matter

    2. I’m so pleased she is enjoying her new pastime and NO it doesn’t matter what colours she uses. It’s all about keeping her occupied and fulfilled. When my MIL was in a nursing home I made a photo album of old photos which I had scanned and enlarged ( her eyesight was not very good by then) she would love looking at the old photos - especially ones of herself! It was a great conversation piece, she would really brighten up as we talked about the people and places.xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love the pretty bags and your box. I completely understand why you are using the Blackberry Bliss card, it is a gorgeous shade isn't it 😊 It great to see your tutorial on those lovely bags, the know you said they are really easy to make but they look like you have spent ages making them. How frustrating that the videos take so long to load, my fingers are tightly crossed that it doesn't play up like the last one! Have a lovely time at the Village Fete and good luck with the duck race my lovely xx
    Danielle, your trio of boxes are fabulous, they really make a great statement X
    Janet, what a pretty tissue box, so much nicer than the boring old cardboard ones. Your unicorn picture is lovely, I wish I could colour as well as you 😕 X
    Michele, you have bought some great goodies. Like Sandra I haven't seen the Nuvo glitter pens. It will be interesting to see what you think of them, and what you create with the other goodies too X
    Karen, you poor thing you must have been getting really frustrated yesterday, Pals are very helpful aren't they
    Wishing your Dad a speedy recovery. Mum didn't have to "hop" when she had her first two replacements, it's different this time as it is a replacement of a replacement so hopefully your Dad will soon be managing his crutches X
    I still have the sympathy card to make so will get on with that when I have commented. It will be made from a square so will actually get a challenge card done this week!!!
    I hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need
    Take care

    1. Thanks for the advice SUE Yeah maybe my dad will be on crutches soonHis wife is mortified that Physio will be visiting the flat to assess I tried to explain why but she doesn’t listen tome She practically told me off for contacting the hospital myself But from past experience I wanted to ensure that my dad was told I was thinking about him I suppose I’ll have to ask permission to let his sister know what’s happening

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Not to sure what happened yesterday. We came home from London on Thursday night. But somehow Friday disappeared. Great bags and buys today though.
    We went to see Kinky Boots while in London. But Pete was right out of it for the first half hour. Had been feeling ill all day. Had our evening meal and a drink. But Pete was sick before bedtime. Starts when he cleans his teeth, he usually gags but isn’t usually sick.
    Glad to hear your Mum will be coming out of hospital, but will probably need help to stop smoking. That’s if she wants to. I know you’ve said before she says she doesn’t smoke, so giving up will be very hard for her.
    Enjoy your village fete today and your visit to your Mum.
    Lynda doesn’t sound as if your cough is improving.
    Fantastic news Val regarding your DIL tests. A great weight off of all of your minds.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  6. Hi.Sandra & Ladies
    Sorry Sandra I'm late after messaging you this morning. I started ironing took me a couple of hours. Then having to do some housework to do. I lost my comment as just before finishing my I pad died so by the time it charged up my comment wasn't there any more Grrr.
    So went for my shower & then made a cupper. I was awake at 3am as was worried about Bailey as last night Terry was eating some Toblerone & dropped a piece on the floor & Bailey grabbed it he tried to get it out of his mouth without luck. I know chocolate is dangerous for dogs so was thinking about him. I Googled it & it did say not to panic if only a small amount of milk chocolate was eaten just to keep eye on him.
    SANDRA your Bags are gorgeous love the papers you have used.
    DANNII your boxes are also really lovely & pretty colour's.
    JANET I love your tissue box really pretty. Your Unicorne is coloured beautifully.
    MICHELE love your shopping enjoy playing with them. Hug's for your FIL.
    SANDRA hope you enjoyed your village fete & did you win the duck race.
    Well better get dinner won't take long as we have spag bowl. Meat already cooked ( I do a Bulk batch & Freeze them ) so only got spaghetti to cook.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's challenge cards.
    Hug's for everyone xx
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Margaret Palmer9 June 2018 at 20:04

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you enjoyed this afternoon. Your bags are lovely. Look forward to seeing video, not sure when I shall feel up to crafting cannot get comfortable at table for long yet. Hope you find Mum slot better tomorrow, safe
    Danni, Janet & Michele lovely bags, tissue box, picture & goodies, thanks for
    Karen hope Dad's op went ok, sorry it is difficult for
    Val great news for DIL you must all be relieved to have good news for a
    I have felt tired today my body still adjusting probably. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi All, very close here today.

    Crafts today are all lovely, especially love Janet’s tissue box cover.

    Hope you had a good day Sandra and it was fun.

    Hugs to all Lilian
